New Charts Online (06-01-1998) Masters,
William Sr. - Elizabeth (m. Masters)
Catherine (m. Masters)
New Photos Added - A number of new photos were uploaded by Erma
Lee Masters today (05-30-1998) ajmaster.jpg,
ermadmas.jpg, glenemas.jpg,
maryjane.jpg, marypmst.jpg,
mastrfam.jpg, mjsmith2.jpg,
odells.jpg, sam-a-ms.jpg.
Family chart of Richard Masters and Mary
(?) is now online.
Let's Chat! - Introducing a new chat room
available exclusively to you and your relatives. You must be using
a Java compatible browser to use this chat room.
Ameri-Fam in Pre-Launch Phase. Well, if
your reading this it's because some one told you about this site. We aren't
officially online yet. Advertising for this site will only start when no
less than 85% of the family charts are online. Currently I've only completed
less than 5%. However, This site is fully operational. If you want to use
the Family Forum it's online and ready to go.
Build a Link to Ameri- Fam.
Use this graphic and link it to
The more people that know about this site the
bigger it will get. If you create a link to this site let me know and I'll
do the same for your site.
New Charts Added to the Surname Index.
All charts for the Maynard line are now online.
Now with Photos! I've
scanned a few photos of some ancestors. There are a lot more to do but
you can download what's online so far by visiting the Surname Index. If
you have any photos that you think should be online by all means please
E-Mail them to me and I will put them online. You can have photos scanned
at most of the larger print shops and photography studios or if you must
you can mail them to 215 Greenridge Drive #305, Lake Oswego, OR.
97035 and I'll scan them for free. WARNING:
Absolutely DO NOT mail your only copies of photos through the Post Office.
The purpose of this web site is to create a common
place for people all over the country and the world who are linked to this
tree to pool their resources. Your comments and questions are welcome and
as always any updates or corrections you may have for this tree are welcome
as well. |