The 1999 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Welcome to the "22nd" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion


We were glad there were a few more new faces last year. Let’s all try to bring some of the others around and resurface those who haven’t joined us in awhile.

Special thanks to Laura Vingara for the creation and copying of this year’s invitation and to Denise Mitterando for all the work involved in "The Mitterando Newsletter".

Thanks also to the youngest Committee member, Gianna Pelliccia. Gianna helped with the Pick-A-Pop mailing.

A great job by Kimberly Coco, Briana Coco, Katie Blauvelt and Gianna Pelliccia on the making and hanging of the signs. (Danielle and Michael La Rocca gathered some of the signs at the end of last year’s picnic and we’ve recycled them).

Just a note to clarify the "Pick-A-Pop" voting. We do our best to send a ballot to each Mitterando Family member, five (5) years of age and older. If we miss someone, of course they can send their vote in, but we do only want one vote per person. We realize that we are in a computer world and each and every person is busy but we do want the ballots returned by mail. We do strive to have this be a secret ballot. The votes are counted on the last possible day to assure that there is enough time for The Trophy to be engraved.

Please remember your contribution to defray the expenses and to expand next year’s activities.

Also, be sure to sign the registration book. It’s amazing how many forget.

Feel free to make any suggestions or to give any assistance.


The Picnic Committee

1998 Picnic Update:

Weather: Sunny 87 degrees but a glorious day..

Head Count: 140

Oldest Family Member: William Mitterando Sr.

Youngest Family Member: Veronica Cervone (16 days old), daughter of Jodee and Maureen

Most Mileage: Irene Berg and Janice Behrbon (Florida)

The following signed the register: Wendy, Tony, Gianna & Anthony Pelliccia, Pep, Margie, Judy Cervone, Dale Ingenito, Jacklyn Shafer, Craig, Kristina, Corey Monteforte, Denise Mitterando, Kevin, Jill, Kimberly, Briana Coco, Larry, Kim, Christian, Katie, Tyler Blauvelt, Adam & Carolann Elias, Nart, Nouras, Heba, Charlie, Cheryl, Nicholas Hydo, Joan, Kevin, & Katrina Hydo, Laurie Monteforte, Richard & Dolores Mitterando, John, Laura, Nicole Vingara, Katie Ratigan, Bill Jr, Karen Mitterando & Jason Pettie, Chris Bydel, Rosanne Himpele, Irene Berg, Janice Behrbon, James & Dolores Powers, Michael & Dee Cervone, Rick & Denise Mitterando, Lou & Norma Mitterando & 2 grandsons, Ronald Cervone (U.S. Navy) & Fiancee Cathy Rohrbaugh, Artie Bradford & Palma Sembroto, Carm Mitterando, Mary Alice Jaconetta, Al & Ellen La Rocca, Rich & Maria Mitterando, Tom, Theresa, Christina Jimmy & Andrea Davison, Vincent & Dr. Jeannie Mitterando, Bill Sr.& Sadie Mitterando, Frank, Ellen, Christina, Emily Dammeyer, Carrie Santos, John, Noreen, Kara, John, John Jr. Monaco, Ronnie , Lynn, Erika, Samantha Cervone, Gina Bradford, Jodee, Maureen, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica Cervone, Randy, Mary, Stephen Mitterando, John Mitterando, Joe & Eileen Borowski, Jim, Ellyn, Jennifer, Jessica Middleton, Bill, Dani & Billie James, Diane Powers, Meredith & Doug, Paul, Theresa and Joanie Bradford, Scott & Sunny Shepperd, John, Jack & Ronnie Lawlor, Drs. Jim & Julie Mitterando, Bobby & Judy Mitterando, Robbie, Dawn, Robert Jr., Daryl, Brianna & Kacie Mitterando, Nancy, Sherri & Rachel Kujan, Flo, Fred Saluto and Barbara Wikzewski, BJ Mitterando & Donna McCarthy, Randy & Carol Perrin, Ernie, Joan & Dr. Robert Monaco, Dr. Joan , Gianna and Tina Crotty, Keith Coco

The maintenance crew of Al and Skip La Rocca, Tony Pelliccia, Charlie Hydo, Pep and Jodee Cervone arrived early to clean up and rearrange tables. Judy, Kimberly, Briana, Cheryl and Nicholas followed, hanging banners and signs along the way, then decorating at the park.

A breakfast of bacon, eggs, rolls, coffee and cake was whipped up by Pep and Al.

A champagne toast to Ellen and Al for fifty years of wedded bless was shared by all.

Entertainment: Carolann`s "ALL MALE REVIEW" -- Dance of the Veils, starring Larry, Lou, Kevin, DR. Jim, Rich, Billy, and Ricky was a smash hit, attracting many other picnic families. The sound of the "Drummer Boys" and Italian music for Uncle Johnny’s benefit could be heard throughout the park. The "Gamblers" had their usual poker game and the "Kids" had a scavenger hunt, a pinada, a volley ball game, softball, horse shoes, and horse racing.

Mitterando tee shirts were worn by all (young and old) and looked great.

Food: hot dogs, burgers, sausage, cutlets, chicken, pork kabobs, egg plant, peppers & eggs, portabello mushrooms, salads, veggies, corn and facaccio.

Beverages: beer, soft drinks, wine, mud slides, juices, iced tea, lemonade and coffee

Desserts: cakes, brownies, cookies, watermelon, fruits, etc, etc.

Denise distributed THE MITT NEWS -- 28 pages of personals, memories, recipes, milestones, facts, and a financial update. Again, she did a TREMENDOUS job assisted by Jimmy Vingara. We congratulate them and THANK them.

Robbie Mitterando was voted "FATHER OF THE YEAR" The outgoing F.O.T.Y. presented him with the prized trophy.

We left the park after dark, feeling grateful for another wonderful day with family and friends.


Mother’s advice has always been helpful. -- I remember Mother telling the story about the time Ronnie got a crayon stuck up his nose. After many unsuccessful attempts, she finally used pepper to get him to sneeze and out came the crayon. One night Tyler stuck a popcorn kernel up his nose. It wouldn’t come out. Kim tried a few different things, but nothing helped. Then she remembered Mother’s story and tried the pepper trick. Tyler sneezed out the popcorn kernel. Thanks, Mother, for yet another tip on dealing with our children.

Cousin Richie Mitterando is proud to say that Uncle Joe has finally made it back to Ellis Island. His name is now on the wall, standing tall.

Chuck Berg has turned 21 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He is a systems administrator or network analyst, we don’t hear from him much! But we do know he works for Rockwell and makes lots of money.

Once again, Dale Ingenito and Jaclyn Shafer hosted a Halloween dinner for friends and cousins (including NJ Laura and Nicole). In addition to a smoking, black witch's brew, shrunken heads and worms, ants on a log and cat’s guts - a graveyard cake was served. Kids and adults went trick-or-treating too.

This past Christmas Al La Rocca's children had his name added to the Wall of Honor in Eisenhower Park to be dedicated on June 26th.

After four years of sailing the ocean blue, Richie & Dee Mitterando did find out the old story of a boat being nothing but a hole in the water. The fact that you keep pouring money into it is very true. The "Misty Miss Dee" has passed on to a new Captain somewhere upstate New York.

Uncle John Mitterando spent Thanksgiving with Dale, Jaclyn, Laurie, and Robin at Dale’s house. Uncle John even made the turkey, and it was delicious! Dale is anxiously waiting his next visit, as she has more projects for him to do around her house.

The 8th annual "Dolly’s Kids" (and grandkids and GREAT grandkids) gingerbread house decorating was held, once again, at Craig Monteforte’s home. As usual, Laura and John Vingara went all out to see that the kids had a great time. After a delicious chili-mac dinner, kids and grown-ups were herded into cars and vans for the ride through Seneca Park’s Christmas Light display. Thanks, Laura and John and Craig!

Joyce and Glenn Corvino are doing great in Virginia and now are online.

Close friends of Larry Blauvelt wanted to give him a surprise dinner party for his birthday. They decided to do it on Palm Sunday. To get Larry there, Kim told him that Ruthie and Walter were having an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. To make it more believable, Kim had Larry wear the big furry Easter Bunny costume. It was quite a sight to see Larry hopping in on his own birthday surprise.

Uncle Al La Rocca is still mountain biking five days a week. He is very involved with the Submarine Veterans and is now on the committee for the finance and building of the memorial at the 1st submarine base in New Suffolk, Long Island. It is to be dedicated on April 8th, 2000 for the 100th anniversary of the submarine service.

We had a howling Halloween at Kim and Larry Blauvelt’s this year. Larry decorated the front of the house to look like a graveyard. There were monsters, scary music and a smoke machine for extra effects. The number of trick-or-treaters was endless. The Pelliccias, Hydo's, Mahopac Cervones, Plainview Cervones, Coco’s ,Elias’ and Scott Sheppards haunted the Blauvelt home. Larry dressed as the grim reaper and greeted his guests outside in the graveyard.

It was a great day.

Veronica Cervone was baptized in July. Her Godparents Richard and Bridget Cervone have been truly a blessing.

JUST BECAUSE - Another wonderful party.

Hey did you guys hear about the recent side effects to Friendly’s new Cyclone desserts? Seems it causes hypothermia…as experienced by our one and only Scott Sheppard!! Ask him about it!

Late night with Judy Cervone is better than Late Night with David Letterman.

Larry Blauvelt is not only a legend in his own mind, but is a legend at Woodloch. The kids love him. On the last day of our vacation, one of his "fans" wanted to take a picture with Larry. The father of the boy said that before they left Woodloch his son had to have his picture taken with "the coolest guy in the world."

Spring Hill, Florida: Following is a list of critters we have seen in our back yard this year: otters, rabbits, sand hill cranes, Muscovey ducks, doves in a nest with a new born, snakes (yuck!), turtles (some bigger than frying pans), squirrels, raccoons, bluebirds, cardinals, robins, woodpeckers, more birds than an aviary, fish, frogs and toads. (Which one is which)?

Still looking for the gator!

Howard Berg still loves working at Saint Leo; he keeps all those professors and students online.

Janice and Irene joined Weight Watchers the day after Thanksgiving, Just in time!

Larry Blauvelt had a busy year with lifeguard saves. During our August vacation at Woodloch Pines, Larry rescued two girls from their capsized sunfish. The lake guard watched helplessly as Larry helped to get the girls and the boat back to the shore safely. OUR HERO!!

Carolann Elias & Judy Cervone took a ride down South and hit the jackpot playing Monopoly! They can’t wait to go again and win lots of slots!!

Cousin Billy Mitterando Jr. is organizing "The Apathy Club." Anyone wishing to join, please ignore this message.


Congratulations to Denise Mitterando for starting her own home-based business. She became a Creative Memories Consultant. Ask her how you can preserve your precious photos and family treasures. I have lots of fun each time we get together for our "scrapbooking" days or is that, nights? - Love ya- Laura

Norma Mitterando -- Congratulations on your January retirement. When you and Louie throw a party you really do it with class and style! We had fun dancing the night away. John really misses his dance partner, Larry Blauvelt. So when's the next party? - Laura Vingara

Congratulations to the Hydo's on the birth of Renee! I just loved her 90's birth announcement via the net. Give her a big hug for us. Maybe soon she can play Barbie's! - The Vingara's

Congratulations to Denise Mitterando on her promotion with IBM-GS. She doesn't even know what her new title is, but she knows she is getting more money and a higher level. We are very proud of you! Love ya, Mom & Dad

Congratulations James and Starr on your engagement. Wedding date March of 2000.

Jodee Cervone is now a NYS Real Estate Sales Person. Congratulations!

Congrats to Janice and Irene for their AWESOME work on the Mitterando Web Site and the upkeep of the genealogy (a full time job in itself!). We enjoy their work all year long!

December 25, 1998 Ronald Cervone and Cathy Rohrbaugh were engaged.


Dee Cervone graduated from Monticell High School in June 1998! Congratulations Dee!

Nicole Marie Vingara - Finished her 1st year in Pre-school. She loved every minute of it... and was able to make it there for 9 am class!

Christopher Berg, who turns 17 on Father's Day (he was born on Father's Day too), enters his senior year at Central High School.

Melanie Cervone starts Nursery School and can't wait either.

Steven Mitterando turned six years-old and started kindergarten in September of 1998. He loves his teacher, but says school is boring.

When Michael La Rocca's class was asked to write and draw something, he did over the weekend. He wrote about the wake of his 75 year old friend Dave Blues. He drew a picture of Dave in his casket with all the flowers.

Tyler Blauvelt has joined the PAL track team. He has already won several blue "tickets" for coming in first place.

Danielle La Rocca has been singing in special chorus. We are so proud of her. She spent five days at a camp in Hougonot, NY on an environmental class trip and loved every minute of it.

Joseph Cervone graduates Nursery School. Congratulations!

Kristina Monteforte - Had a great school year! She had a PERFECT attendance. Awesome job! She is also very active in the church youth group with Grandma Monteforte being one of the oldest kids in the group! Way to go! We are proud of you!

During our February vacation at Woodloch Pines, Christian Blauvelt was invited by the band to play drums with them on stage during one of their performances. Loni Gamble, who played guitar for the Stylistics years ago, headed the band. Christian played "Louie Louie". The "brothers" in the band were very impressed with Christian.

Jackie Behrbom, who turned 15 on June 4th, is an up and coming Broadway star. She has performed magnificently in several high school productions and community theaters.

Katie Blauvelt was honored by the Levittown Kiwanis Club as a "Terrific Kid". Only 10 kids in the fourth grade were chosen. Congratulations to our terrific kid.

Another great school year (9th grade) for Jaclyn Shafer! She made the honor roll all year, made first clarinet, first chair in the school Concert Band, was selected to play in the pit orchestra for her school play ("The Music Man") and to be a member of the band playing at the senior’s graduation ceremony in Washington, D.C. She also received a National Musician’s Award and has been selected to join the school’s elite Symphonic Band in the fall. Way to GO, Jac!

Joseph Cervone is enjoying PeeWee Soccer. He "likes when he gets close to the ball".

Congratulations to Katie Blauvelt on her perfect attendance award. She has never missed a day of school since beginning Kindergarten in the ‘94-’95 school year. Katie was the only student to achieve this goal. She moves up into the middle school in September. Way to go Katie!

Corey Monteforte is such a great T-Ball player. Ask him for tips on hitting homeruns. He does play on a great team, the Yankee's! He has a great coach too, dad-- Craig Monteforte.

Melanie Cervone loves to sing and dance. Ask her to sing you a song.

Steven Mitterando was in his first karate tournament April 17th. Out of 40 kids in his age group, he won 1st place for weapons and 2nd place for kata. We are so proud of him. He loves going to karate and it shows.

Gianna Pelliccia, age 61/2, has just about finished 1st grade at OLM. She is reading and spelling everything she sees. Great Job, Gianna, and keep up the good work!

Along with a drummer and guitarist, the Blauvelts have a new musician in the family.

Katie Blauvelt began playing the flute last July and has enjoyed jamming with her dad.

Patrick Berg, age 11, graduated from Westside Elementary School on June 4th. He has been on the Principal's list (straight A's) for the last 3 years! He begins middle school next year.

Tyler Blauvelt begins Kindergarten in September.

Those Monteforte kids are just like their dad! Kristina and Corey were both able to get up on the "knee board"! Yahoo and Thumbs Up!!!

Joseph Cervone starts Kindergarten in September and he can't wait.

Jason Peddie celebrates his Confirmation.

Anthony Pelliccia, almost 4 years old now, will be attending Pre-K at OLM in the fall. He is VERY active and keeps us all VERY busy. Anthony is a good sportsman and will try almost anything. He makes us all proud (and tired).

Jason Peddie is graduating eight-grade!

Congratulations to Katie Blauvelt and her baton team who will be traveling to Ocean City, Maryland in July. Their team won a silver medal, which entitled them to enter this competition in July. Good Luck!


It felt like old times when we (Laura Vingara, Merle Perrin, Denise Mitterando, Laura's friend Marion, and Craig Monteforte's friends Diane and Bernie - Craig didn't catch this boat!) crossed the Indian River Inlet in Merle's boat in search of a frozen cocktail fifteen miles away (by land) in Dewey Beach during our Memorial Day Camping trip! We will have to find a place on the river next year with a pull-up beach bar!

Denise Mitterando's stalking mission - was a success! Denise traveled out to Los Angeles to meet up with some fellow X-Philes (X-Files fans) that she has met online. She spent a week hoping that they would be filming on location somewhere and that they would be able to see some filming being done. It turned out the day she was leaving they were going to be filming! She extended an extra day and spent nine hours on a street corner waiting to see David Duchovny walk in and out of a building four times. (They were filming inside.) After nine hours and freezing, she decided that this man was not going to walk by her again without her asking to have a picture taken with him. (Well him and seven other Philes!) When he came out the door, he looked at her and looked like he was going to jay-walk across the street. Denise screamed "David!" and he stopped! When she asked if she could get a picture he agreed since we HAD been standing there all day! SO... Mission accomplished! And of course since I asked I stood next to him - you would be amazed with a little photo cropping can do! (I think I have THAT out of my system now - don't worry, I won't show up in his house and disgrace the Mitterando name!)

2nd (Annual?) Excursion to Rye Playland: A caravan in August, 1998 bringing a night of laughter and rides for Margie, Pep, Judy, Bridget, Melissa and Adrienne Cervone (with friends Jimmy and Erica), Carolann and Adam Elias (with nephews Nart and Nouras), Jill, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew Coco, Wendy, Tony, Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia and Cheryl, Charlie and Nicholas Hydo. Long after the kiddy area closed and after the fireworks most made their way home, six (Judy, Jill, Kimberly, Briana, Matthew and Gianna) had a sleepover at a nearby Marriott and enjoyed the pool the next day.

What a great canoe outing we had in Smithtown last August. Judy, Ca, Adam, Kim, Larry, Samantha, Christian, Katie, Tyler, Kimberly, Briana, Nart and Norris. The river was calm, but the fun was furious! We loved the rope swing at one of the rest spots along the river and the picnic grounds were perfect. Carolann had a "broken" canoe because she said it would only steer to the right but the canoe was miraculously "fixed" after the crew was replaced. We came back with everyone, although we had one minor mishap. Adam tried to save his glasses but ended up having to save Briana instead. The canoe tipped over with Briana in it. Then Briana and all the other things that were in the canoe began floating away. (After Larry made a courageous dive over several docked canoes and swam furiously to get Briana, we found out that the water was only waist deep)! We are planning another trip again this summer. But, I think we will be reassigning the captains and the mates.

Our 8th annual Gingerbread House Day... (Dolly's kids, grandkids and great grandkids) was just as marvelous as usual. This year our young artists really made some dynamic looking houses! They all looked good enough to eat. I am not quite sure if we had enough candy...especially with the little kids. Waiting for next year when we can sing through the light parade! "FIVE Golden Rings-OOWWWW!!!"

Adam Elias went to see his family in Syria during Easter break. His youngest daughter Rhonda got married.

This year our annual Memorial Day camping trip had an awesome new twist! We had fabulous weather and even packed up with the sun shining. What a refreshing change!! With all this luck...Laura Vingara just may play the lottery!

If you were not on Fire Island the weekend of August 1st--- You MISSED a fabulous weekend. The Mastic Beach Mitterando's set up a weekend for all the crew to head out to the Island! Craig Monteforte and Bill James rented an RV for the weekend. They started out early on the ride from Maryland with Kristina, Corey, Dani, Billie, Dale, Jaclyn and Robin all in tow. Not wanting to miss any of the fun ride, Laura, Nicole, and Denise added to the madness by having them pick us up on the Jersey side. We were able to ride all the way out with them! Eating lunch on Route 78 proved to be a challenge...but we were all up for it! Once there, we pulled into our site... and were able to spend the weekend with the rest of our "cousins". The number totaled 98 on the beach that Saturday afternoon. I am sure we missed counting a few. I am looking forward to dancing around the fire again. And by the way - "Honk if you think the driver is Sexy!"

Carolann Elias and Judy Cervone decided that their little sister, Jill, needed a break so they booked a room in A.C. They then arranged for Cheryl to babysit and informed Kevin of the plan. They lost but had a terrific time anyway!!

On that same trip to California, Denise Mitterando managed to stay at the Beverly Hill's Hilton the same night of the Golden Globe Awards. We sat on the bleachers and watched the celebrities walk down the red carpet. She also watched them walk back and forth to the different parties after the awards from the hotel bar. It was neat to do, but "been there, done that - never do it again" is her motto!

The joys of summer vacation. Last August the Vingara's and the Monteforte's all headed to Maine, for a week at Green Lake. We all drove up in one van, with two Sea-doo's in tow, 3 bikes, and a roof full of luggage. We had a terrific week of sunny weather. We even all went on a whale-watching trip. I would highly recommend it! Of course, the week ended with us packing up in the rain! But our spirits were not dampened at all!!!

On September, 26, 1998, 40 Cervone’s, their offspring and family friends met at Wilkens Farms for our annual Apple Picking/Birthday Celebration. After a tailgate breakfast we hopped on the tractor (some in wagons and carriages) to fill our baskets and bags with apples or just to hang with others in the orchards. Dick and Bridget were behind the scene at their Mahopac Mansion to prepare for the second phase, the birthday celebration for Briana Coco, Gianna Pelliccia and Samantha Cervone. Food, drink, desert and birthday presents were plentiful. Charlie Hydo seemed to be on kitchen duty. The weather was fabulous - 80 degrees + and sunny. Activities included: breaking two special pinadas created by Bridget, wiffleball, football, dancing and kareoke. We always have a great time! Thanks you "Original Mahopac Cervone’s"

When was the last time you went to the Bronx Zoo? Cheryl and Nicholas Hydo, Laura and Nicole Vingara, Kristina and Corey Monteforte, and Jaclyn Shafer all spent the day at the zoo. It brought back memories of being a kid! How amazing that new "generations" of Mitterando's are all still going to the same zoo our parents went to. We had a great time!

Erika Cervone’s 1998 birthday celebration from Aunt Judy in November was a trip with Samantha to Disney World. Universal, Wild Kingdom, Magic Kingdom and Epcot were some of the attractions we enjoyed. I’m running out of ideas - how about suggestions for this year??


Dale Ingenito will be celebrating the big 5-0 on July 8. Where did the time go?

Randy Mitterando turned 40 years-old on November 21, 1998.

Oh no the "BIG 30" for Cheryl Hydo, Laura Vingara, Denise Mitterando,

Valerie (Vingara) Abu Alneel. Time sure flies... when you look as good as we do!

Kristina Monteforte will become a teenager this year (13 on September 2).

Veronica Cervone -- Happy 1st Birthday -- June 4th.


Howard and Irene Berg will celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary on September 8.

Congratulations to Skip and Cathy La Rocca on their 15th anniversary coming up.

Randy and Mary Mitterando are celebrated 11 years of marriage on May 21st.

Tony and Wendy Pelliccia celebrated 10 happy years of marriage on May 28th.

Happy 5th anniversary to Laura and John Vingara. "Have I told you lately that I love you."


Charlie and Cheryl Hydo have been busy - new baby and a new house and are now the closest to the picnic grounds. Just about 1.5 miles from the park. Anyone need to use the bathroom?

257 North 5th Street

Bethpage, NY 11714

Drop by anytime.

Congratulations to Laurie Monteforte on the purchase of her new home:

10113 Maple Leaf Drive

Montgomery Village, MD 20886

301- 926- 2016

Congratulations to Robin Ingenito on the purchase of her new townhouse in Fairfax, VA October, 1998

How about dropping our family sailor a note (Ronald Cervone):

MM3 Cervone

101 NNPTC Circle

Goose Creek, SC 29445


Yes it's true, Maureen and Jodee Cervone are expecting again. (No, we are not trying to keep up with our parents.) Due date November 10, 1999.


Andrew Jesse Mitterando date of birth November 10, 1998; 2:06 PM 8 lbs, 6 oz. and 21 inches long!

Renee Michelle Hydo was born Feb. 1, 1999 - 8lbs. 90z. Big brother - Nicholas and Mom and Dad - Cheryl and Charlie are tickled pink with their happy little girl!

Tony, Wendy, Gianna and Anthony are very proud to announce the arrival of Olivia Margaret Pelliccia! Little Olivia was born on March 4, 1999 at 10:39 am. She weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz. She has brought us so much joy, and we are happy she is here! Olivia was baptized on April 25th with Melissa Cervone and Ronald Cervone as her loving and dedicated Godparents.


On a trip to Maryland last year, Nicole Vingara saw a car transporter filled with all the new

VW Bugs. She proudly said, "Look Mommy, do those cars talk?" The love bug rides again!

Tyler Blauvelt was so enchanted with Veronica that he said to Kim, "This baby is so cool, I gotta get me one of those for Christmas". (Kim is so happy that Christmas came and went without such a delivery).

At Olivia’s Christening, Tyler couldn’t get over all the babies that were there. This time he said to Kim, "Go up there and get a baby". When Kim asked where she would get a baby from, Tyler replied, "Get one of those babies from the white guy up there (the priest)!


This past winter Danielle La Rocca fractured her wrist while taking ice skating lessons.


We’re sorry to say that Tony Pelliccia's dad passed away this past November. We miss him and want to thank everyone who expressed their sympathy and prayers.

Goodbye to our beautiful dog Reenie (Berg), who passed away last August she was with us for 13 years.


To all you young cousins -- Michael and Danielle La Rocca have their own e-mail address. Michael --

Danielle --

Another family member is connected to the Internet! Randy and Mary Mitterando: e-mail address is

To all online members of the Mitterando family check the email directory we have many new entries. Send additions and changes to or


Uncle Bill - How are going to get out of our house through the coat closet? -- Laura

Aunt Wendy and Uncle Tony -- Thank you for choosing me to be the godfather of your latest child. I am ever grateful and privileged. -- Love Ronald

To the whole family -- No matter where I go or what I do I will always love and think of you. -- -- -- Love Ronald

Happy Father’s Day Dad! -- Love, Dee

Mother - Congratulations on your new home! It's great to see you settled in. I love our "salad bowl"! Now when are you making meatballs? -- Love Laura

Uncle Al - Thanks for all of your help in getting us into our new home. We appreciate all the time you gave us. -- Charlie, Cheryl, Nicholas and Renee.

Thanks to everyone for all your support during out loss -- Love Michael, Denise, Dee

Is someone bribing us for Father of the year votes? Who is the founder of the Larry Campaign? Or is it a conspiracy theory?

Karen and Bill - Thanks for being great cousins and hosting a Pampered Chef show. I knew I could count on you two! -- Laura

Hydo’s – Congratulations on your new house and baby -- Love Michael, Denise, Dee

Glamorous Aunt - When are you dancing naked??? My video camera is ready!

Larry - Can I have this next dance? -- John

Denise -- Your newsletter is really fabulous, but where did you get that picture of the whistlers? Keep up the wonderful work!! -- Carolann (Editor’s note: I had that picture in my collection!)


Kristina - When the going gets rough and you don't know where to turn... remember...

I am always a phone call away! -- Aunt Laura

Jaclyn - It was great to see you and Buddy after my eight hour drive! -- Laura

Jimmy -- We want to wish you the very best on your new conquest. May you have good weather with you at all times. Congratulations on your pilot's license. -- Uncle Richie & Aunt Dee

"Celebrating Mother" at Daniels was a wonderful time that we shall never forget.

We would love to do it again.

Aunt Ellen and Aunt Nanny -- Boy am I glad you where there on November 10, I may have never been born without you. While I was in the nursery I told all the other kids about you. They were really jealous. I had both my godmothers and Dad there. BOY I MUST BE REALLY SOME KID. Thank you again, I love you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynn, Ronnie, and the kids -- Thanks for standing by me this past year through everything. Your love and friendship means a lot to me. -- Thanks again, Love Ronald

To my mother (D.E.C.)

Your persona so strong, so unique and so kind.

Always helping your mom is what we would find.

A very strong, tender and warm heart you have,

To give up nine years without getting mad.

You spent all of your days giving care,

Along with your patience, time and loving stare.

You gave up your life without even one thought,

And with that came a devotion that could never be bought.

You have all the qualities of a saint,

To do so much without a complaint.

Although your job is over and done,

A special place with God is what you’ve won.

Your exceptional sacrifice will forever be known,

Our appreciation and thanks will always be shown.

-- Love Always D.M.C.

Jennifer -- Giddap!!!! -- Aunt Judy

Denise -- We want to wish you success with your new venture with Creative Memories.

-- Good luck, Mom & Dad

Ellen and Nancy, THANK YOU so much. I wish there was more Randy and I could do or say. You guys are the best, putting your families on hold for us . Ellen you are just too funny, I never laugh so much; even when I shouldn't have been. Nancy because of you, Randy was at ease. Your kindness, soft words, easy way of the two of you meant everything to us. Andrew doesn't know it yet but

he is a very lucky little boy.

Ronald and Cathy – Congratulations on your engagement! -- Love Dee

Thanks and good luck to Ernie, Joan and Dr. Robert for the great day and B.B.Q. at your new quarters. The house is awesome.

Athlete" Wendy won three straight toss games to win a prize at Adventureland in June, 1998. I’m still mad she beat me. -- Judy

Hey Rick -- Is the scuttlebutt going around true? Are we going to have a Mitterando running for town council in Glen Gardner, NJ?

Irene—What did you bring for me to eat? -- Dale

Carolann, Adam, Nart, Nouris, Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie, Tyler, Billy, Samantha, Kimberly, Briana -- How about another trip down the Nissequogue River? Any volunteers to retrieve the sunglasses? Who wants to row with Carolann? -- Judy

Congratulations on your engagement Cathy and Ronald!! Enjoy this time together.

-- We love you. T,W,G,A,O

KB & WP -- Just Because was better than ever!! -- CA

Adrienne and Melissa -- I really enjoyed the late night we spent together recently. I wish we could do it more often. You guys are terrific.... -- Love ya, Aunt Wendy

To all the Marylander's -- Just in case you are all still welcomed in New Jersey.

I don't think you all have hit the road since November. We would love to see you soon in NJ! - Guess who?

Johnny R.— Welcome! -- Dale

Tom and Keitham, thanks for the wonderful family reunion. We had a fantastic time, our place next time. Aunt Jean thanks for the great meatballs. -- Love Jan and Irene.

How's my "Favorite Cousin"?...

Mother - Thanks for all you do to make it a "wonderful world" for your children and grandchildren. We love you.

Doinky Doo- Poo – Let’s play Monopoly!! -- # 1 Doink

Babe - You never cease to amaze me. -- CH

Congratulations to my Godson Anthony and his sister Gianna Pelliccia on their new sister Olivia! -- Love Dee

Nancy I've fallen and I can't get up. (Can you guess who this is?)

Michael La Rocca e-mailed us this note -- I have some good news for you. I got my report card today, and got the highest marks in everything. The teacher said "It's a pleasure to have me as a student." Love you Michael xoxo -- That's our boy! -- Grandma and Grandpap.

Ronald -- We miss you very much and think of you very often. Although the calls and letters may be far and few in between, you know that the thoughts of you are always near. STAND TALL, because you have made your whole family very proud.

-- Love, love, love, W,T,G,A, and your Godchild.

Happy Anniversary! I love you . Always and Forever... -XXX000-

Happy 75th Birthday to our Dad, Grandpa and Friend. You are someone we can all count on.

-- We love you, W,T,G,A,O

Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al -- Jan and I are looking forward to next year's annual January visit.

KB and LaLa - JUST BECAUSE! No Problem! -- The Party Committee

Olivia - I know we'll "be very good friends" - just like our moms. -- Renee

Carol Ann -- I love our emails!

Dale -- I don't think a week has gone by in the last 10 years that we haven't emailed each other! Can't tell you how much that means to me. -- Guess Who?

Da -- Whatever!!!!! Take lots of recesses -- Love Ca

Uncle Ronnie - It's nice to have you for my Godfather! -- Love Renee

Congratulations to my NEVER BEEN ABSENT Katie. -- Love, Aunt Judy

Adrienne (Agean) - You are very special to me, come play baseball again real soon! -

-- Love Nicholas

Migalito -- I miss you and your jokes! -- Love Ca

Thank you Cheryl and Wendy for adding two more baby girls to our family tree.

Janice, my sister, I love you.

Happy Father’s Day Godfather! -- Love, Dee

Happy, Happy 50th Birthday Dale, -- Love Guess Who?

I love those trips to AC (But couldn’t you wait 'til he closed the door?)

Johnny welcome BACK!!!!!

Adrienne -- Another year of college is completed. Good going! Lots of luck student teaching next semester.

Ellen where are my BROWNIES!!!!!!???

My Cuzin’ Richie - Thanks for all those jokes you keep sending me from NJ. You keep me laughing. -- The Glamorous One

Thank you Jodee and Maureen, who are expecting our 22nd grandchild later this year.

Gianna -- I had fun on your school trip to the zoo. Thanks for inviting me.

Larry, Kim, Cheryl, Christian and Katie -- How about a game of "Mother's Balls"? -- Judy

Mahopac Cervones – We all miss you, but admire your dedication to dance. Good luck, Melissa. We know you’ll be a shining star. -- Love Dee

Melissa -- Bravo! Not only because of your success dancing, but also for graduating high school with honors. Your parents have done a wonderful job raising you and Adrienne.

Kudos to our great Editor-in-Chief, Denise Mitterando!

Happy Father’s Day Grandpa! -- Love, Dee

Mother – We’ll always cherish the memories of Daniel's Top of the Poconos - It was a once in a lifetime experience!!! We love you! -- Carolann & Adam

Thanks to the Blauvelts for yet another successful block party this past September. How do they get better and better? -- Judy

Congratulations Ronald on your engagement to Cathy. She’s a lovely girl. We miss you since you joined the Navy and anxiously await your homecomings. You’re in our hearts and in our prayers.

LHB -- We want you to know that we appreciate all the hard work and endless hours that you put in each week. You have given us so much and we thank you for making our lives so wonderful.

Welcome home Johnny, Julie and Katie. We’ve waited so long for this reunion with you.

God willing, maybe the rest of the family and Thomas too, can get together soon.

Gudy - When's the sleepover? -- Nicholas

For Kimberly, Briana, Christian and Katie -- I enjoyed your school concerts, band and baton twirling.

Rich and Dee -- We miss you both and look forward to being with you today.

Uncle Johnny – Congratulations on ALL the new additions to your family.

I’m so happy for you! -- Dale

Mother -- I just loved the ice cream cone holder. Could you come up with an idea for a place to keep my scissors? -- Love Kim

M & J -- Lots of luck with #4 -- C & A

Aunt Cheryl -- Thanks for taking us to the concert. It was cool and so were you!

We will always remember your rules:

Tie your shoes.

No fighting.

Stay together.

Don’t be a slow poke.

-- Love Christian, Katie , Kimberly and Briana

Aunt Margie and Uncle Pep -- It was so nice seeing you at Tom and Keitha's.

-- Love Jan and Irene

"Hello Gudy"

CH and CH -- How many innings does it take to get popcorn at Yankee Stadium? -- JC

"Anyone know how to get salt out of potato salad"?????

Welcome to Renee Hydo and Olivia Pelliccia. I’m sure it won’t be too long before they’re on the "Picnic Committee"!

Happy Birthday Mother. We enjoyed your birthday bash!

Jodee -- We’re proud of you for your latest achievement, going to class weekends and getting a license in Real Estate.

Ronald -- Miss you, but so proud. Keep up the good work. Congratulations to you and Cathy on your engagement. -- Love, Aunt Judy

Thanks for all those Friday nights at Popei’s!

LHB -- It’s unlucky 13 this year, but I’ve always been lucky to have you! -- Love KMB

Thanks Denise for putting the newsletter together. It's a great thing.

Happy Birthday Dad 75th!

Happy Father's Day to the most wonderful Dad in the universe. You are patient, generous, kind but most of all you play with us. -- Love, Joseph, Melanie and Veronica

Jill -- I know that I sound like a broken record but hang in there a little bit longer - it has to get better soon! -- Love Always CA

Dear Aunt Judy Ellen -- Thanks for getting us in to the beach, with our late-night arrival.

We really enjoyed camping with you, looking forward to next year, (but earlier).

Charlie -- Bloomingdale’s thanks you for your patronage.

La -- I really enjoyed sharing Uncle Floyd with you. I like having those dates with you. Love KMB


"75" Reasons For Saying "Thank You"

--- Margie


First and Foremost to the Lord above

for the Gift of Life and a Life of Love.


For my Parents, who set the wheels in motion

and taught me the value of Family Devotion.


For my Sisters and Brothers, 3 girls and 4 boys,

who lightened my burdens and shared all my joys.


To a Devoted Husband of Fifty Three Years

thru struggle, happiness, laughter and tears.


To Carol Ann, our Number One feature

who fulfilled her dream and Dancer and Teacher.


To my son Dick, a wiz with his hands,

an ear for all music and a love for rock bands.


For Judy, to whom we all owe so much

For her heart of gold and her tender touch.


To Ronnie, who truly was "The Brat of the Brew"

his faults were many, but his Virtues came through.


To Michael, so placid, quiet and mile as a child,

until he heard "Buddy Rich", a drummer so wild.


To Jill, with all her struggle, pain and strife

adds strength and reverence to our family life.


To Kim, I say "Thanx" with a round of applause

for all she does and "Just Because"!


To my youngest son Jodee, with his VP Position

is a race car fan and a rock musician.


To Wendy, gifted with talent, her work never stops

she cannot say "no", and shops till she drops!


To Cheryl, who was introduced to life as "he"

was a precious girl to Daddy and me!


To Bridget, so kind and patient, a perfect blend,

a friend to those who have no friend.


To Denise, with qualities for a living saint,

she accepts her misfortune without a complaint.


To Lynn, born on my birthday, she became Ronnie's wife,

adds spark to our family and lights up our life.


To Kevin, keep your chin up, Kev, you deserve such praise,

and with the help of God, you'll have much better days.




To Maureen, an Irish Lass, petite and sweet,

quicker than a beat, swept Jodee off his feet.


To Larry, an animal vet, with zest for life,

for his success and prosperity, he credits his wife.


To Adam, a "Jack of all Trades" with lost of appeal

no task is too small or any "big deal".


To Tony, living together without any dissent,

is to me, the greatest compliment.


To Charlie, took the place of my sons and volunteers,

runs all out errands and does the repairs.


To Adrienne, my most Precious Moment could be no other

than that very first time I became a Grandmother!


To Ronald, who was born among much jubilation

the first of the Bradford-Cervone creation.


To Dee, I'm very proud to play the Grand Parent role

you've stolen my heart and captured my soul.


To Melissa, excluding Adrienne, there's none to compete

with those body movements and her dancing feet.


To Erica, for the cabbage patch and teddy bear years,

the sacraments, recitals and softball cheers.


To Kimberly, following the foot steps of her cousins & aunts

a perfect example of rhythm and dance.


To Samantha, with a talent for dance and acrobats

wears bell bottom trousers and has a passion for cats.


For the seven months with baby Kevin

till the angels took him up to heaven.


To Christian, like Uncles Ronnie, Jodee, Michael and Dick

can swing with a bat and beat a drumstick.


To Briana, a miracle child with a beautiful face

a gift from God, who took baby Kevin's place.


To Katie who bubbles over with energy

has charm and beauty and personality.


To Gianna, I call her "Princess" this little tot,

she is the best birthday present I ever got!




To Joseph the 3rd, knew the beat of a drum from day number 1

loves race cars, trains and a cowboy gun.


To Tyler, a little typhoon that can tear things apart

yet, one little smile can melt anyone's heart.


Anthony, at the age of three is a ball of fire

could be the future Michael Jordan or another Mark McGuire.


Melanie, news of her birth made Aunt Kim say "Hooray"

they celebrate birthdays on the very same day.


To Matthew, pleasant and happy and ready for fun

he chases the clouds and brings out the sun.


To Nicholas, the Hydos and Cervones jumped up with joy

when asked "What's up, Doc?" - he said it's a boy.


Veronica, in the grandchildren's line, she holds eighteenth spot

last but not least, "she's the cream of the crop."


To all my children, with love and praise

their behavior and conduct made them easy to raise.


For the years filled with diapers and teething rings

bottles and buntings and baby things.


The memorable ages of toddlers and tykes

the girls with their strollers, the boys on their bikes.


For the years we attended Holy Family School

and the summers we spent at the Castle Hill Pool.


And thank you Lord for helping me through

the teen age years and adulthood too.


To my daughter-in-laws - genuine pearls

add to five swell guys who married my girls.


For eighteen grandchildren and two on the way

with one in the Navy, whom I miss more each day.


For tolerating the music of jazz and swing

and a lifetime of hearing Sinatra sing.


For the shows, the concerts and hockey games

meeting Billy Joel, the Rascals and other big names.


For the parties, picnics and apple picking time

and participating in my New York Kick Line!


To Kevin, Lynn and Larry, no mom can ever be replaced by another

so I am honored whenever you address me as "Mother".




To Carol Ann and Adam, a perfect pair

she makes up my wardrobe, he cuts my hair.


To Richard, his phone calls are always a pleasant surprise

the long conversations or just "hellos and good-byes".


To Ronnie and Lynn, made for each other

a striking example of father and mother.


To Charlie and Cheryl, for all that you do

it's a wonderful world with Nicholas and you.


To Ronald, I clearly remember him being very small.

When did he get so handsome? How did he get so tall?


For the number of grandsons who add up to seven

while the granddaughter count peaked to eleven.


For Bridget, the designated family baker,

costume, chocolate and lollipop maker.


For Xmas cactus that blooms on Thanksgiving

and things you all do to make life worth living.


For Michael, his problems are many since he moved to White Lake

but still full of humor in spite of the ache.


To all for the birthday cruise on the Great South Bay

and our 50th anniversary, a most memorable day.


For all the occasions and holidays

I'll remember forever and cherish always.


To Pep, the most frustrating difference between him and me

was my love for dancing and his for AC.


Judy, far or near, always there, she's been our life salvation

try as we may, there is no way to express appreciation.


To The Coco's, I'm thrilled you now have a LI address

we're never too far, in need of distress.


All the caring, sharing and good lovin' had increased our dividends

besides being family, we're all very good friends.


Those nights at Kim and Larry's, awaiting Santa Claus.

The block parties, Halloween, and my favorite, "Just Because"


For the many "K" dollars and all the participation

in memory of Baby Kevin and the "Make a Wish Foundation".


For the way you each extend yourselves just to be together

no costs too high, no roads to long, no matter what the weather.



For the chance to stand on the same ground as the Pope

was more inspiring than I could ever hope.


Of all the things we've ever done, nothing could compare

to my birthday bash at "Daniel's" with all my loved ones there.


So to all my children, by choice or by birth

I say "Thanx" from the luckiest Mother on Earth.


And to him who has guided me all my days

it is right to give him thanks and praise.

Michael -- We love the new "stool" you have behind your drums.

Jude -- Thanks for all those special things you do for me and the entire family!

We love you Sissy!! -- Ca

Uncle "J" – So glad that you are feeling better! -- Love "C"

Ronnie -- When are you moving back? I miss you! -- Ca

K & L -- You’re generosity is incredible!! We can never thank you enough for all that you do for the family! -- C & A

To all the Cervones and their extensions -- The weekend at Daniel’s was the best. We sure have been blessed with a great family. Let’s try to do it again soon. Love from a very proud family member.

Judy -- Years ago it was "Pony tail in the eye ball", this year it was "Tennis ball in the coolie".

I wonder if they have these rules in professional sports?

Melissa -- We are so happy that you chose dance as your passion and not tennis!

La -- The new theme song for you at Daniel’s is "I want to Rock with You". Now that’s really using your head!

Adrienne – Congratulations! -- Love Aunt Ca

Mother’s Balls – What a fun time we had with them!

Hey Pep! What'll you give me for an autographed Joe DiMaggio baseball from 1949?

Happy 75th, Dad. Celebration on June 11th included Limo trip to (where else?) Atlantic City.

Due to publication deadline, results not known, but besides a good time hopefully we all won! Milestone celebration also a backyard barbecue on June 13 with the family and some of the parish priests and friends. By the way, your birthday present also included cleaning the shed!! Love, Judy

Denise, I could never thank you enough for taking over writing this thing!! B.

Laura -- Thank you for being my "eyes" on AOL's message boards for all the latest breaking news in the world of scrapbooking! -- Denise

Trust No one.

There are 196 Days to the Millennium.



Silent Transportation is offering free trips to Atlantic City in the Limo Coach.

See President Bill Mitterando for details.

Anybody want a really cute 1997 Honda Del Sol? It has a targa top so you can let your hair blow in the wind! I love it, but it just isn't cutting it when you have to carry around an inventory to your home classes! This car can be yours for the right price! Talk to Denise Mitterando!

Mitterando Family Tree: A message from Jan and Irene:

Please take a sheet from the table by the tree and enter information about your life. We are trying to collect facts about your lives. Where you went to school, dates attended, military service, honors, jobs, former and current residences. Anything that you wish to share with us so we can enter it into the family tree. This information does not go online. It is just for us to gather so future generations can have more information about their ancestors than we have. Please return the sheet to Jan or Irene at the picnic or mail to address on the sheet.

Mitterando Family Scrapbook: A message from Denise:

I just started my own home-business. I am a Creative Memories Consultant. What the heck is that? Well I teach people how to organize their photos so that they can make safe, meaningful, and creative photo albums (scrapbooks). Laura Vingara and I have been working on our albums for the past 18 months.

I want to share this with the entire Mitterando Family. In doing so, I need everyone's help. I need pictures, pictures, pictures and any other family memorabilia. (Reunion invitations, copies of the original "Mitt News", etc.). I would like to include a section also of family members that are gone, but never forgotten.

I realize some photographs are old and not replaceable. If you have pictures which should be included, but not the negative; please have a color photo copy made! If you mail them to me, please make sure they do not get bent. Please make sure to include the first and last names of the people that are in the picture. If you have any additional information about when the picture was taken or where it was taken, that would add to the album too. (We need to preserve our past for the generations in the future!)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call or send me an e-mail! I think this would be an awesome item for our family to have!

3512 Holman Court

Bridgewater, NJ 08807


Can you believe this is "The Mitterando Newsletter’s" 10th anniversary!?

We added a new section this year called "Kid’s Corner." A special place in the newsletter to congratulate the younger crowd on their accomplishments.

A special thank you goes out to Christina Ricerca (a co-worker and fellow scrapbooker) for taking the time to proof-read the newsletter and make all the copies!.

(She claimed she enjoyed reading about the family!)


The End

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