The 1998 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Welcome to the "TWENTY-FIRST" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion."

1997 Picnic Update:

Weather: Absolutely perfect. Sunny. 80+ degrees. No humidity.

Head Count: 146

Most Mileage: Laurie Monteforte (Florida)

Oldest Family Member: William Mitterando, Sr.

Youngest Family Member: John Joseph Monaco-8 weeks old. (Son of John & Noreen)

Missing Links: Irene Berg (Ceo) Family- Residing in Florida

Janice Behrbom (Ceo) Family- Residing in Florida

John & Jackie Napurano- Residing in Florida

Families of: Dick Cervone (Daughters dance performance)

Kenneth Mitterando

Gayle Mitterando

Julie & Chet Mitterando

Ronnie Cervone (Ronald’s High School Graduation)

Joyce (La Rocca) & Glen Corvino (of Vermont)

Stanley, Connie, Jimmy & Valerie Vingara

Philip Vingara

Adam Elias (Working)

Richard & Maria Mitterando

Michael, John & Mary Kay Ratigan

Louie & Grace Mitterando

Jean Mitterando, Antoinette & Family

Joe Borowski and son Scott

Denise Cervone (Caring for Invalid Mother)

Robert & Nancy Kujan (Working)

Dr. Joan & Dennis Crotty (Working)

Chap & Marie (Napurano)

Frank Dammeyer (Working)

Marie McCarthy

Activities included: Arrival at 7:00 AM by Al La Rocca, Skip La Rocca, Charlie Hydo, Tony Pelliccia and Pep Cervone to reserve area and arrange tables; Signs posted enroute by Judy Cervone, Cheryl Hydo and Kimberly and Briana Coco; Flag, banners and decorations hung, followed by a breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, rolls, coffee and crumb cake presented by Chefs Pep Cervone and Al La Rocca and their families. Cuz Katie Ratigan led the Flag Day Parade to the tune of a marching band. Each kid (and some grown one’s too) carried a flag and musical instrument. Carolann Elias’ All Male Review entertained the whole park, dressed in short skirts and balloon filled black T-shirts, singing and dancing with golden locks flying to a Beatle tune. Cheryl Hydo and Dr. Larry emceed a Jeopardy game won by Billy Mitterando, Sr.

Our Musical Entertainment: The Drummer Boys performed the Annual Percussion Concert, starring 3 year old Joseph Cervone III and accompanied by Kevin Coco, Michael Cervone and Jodee Cervone, making Cousin Jim’s day complete.

Games played: softball and kickball, horse racing, poker, water filled balloon sport, parachute-go-round and Frisbee. The younger children spent hours swinging and sliding in the sand filled playground. Two piñatas made by Laura Vingara were their favorite. One was filled with goodies and shaped like a slot machine for the older kids and the other was shaped like a big dice for the younger Rugrats. (Only three youngsters got to swat the dice, Mighty Muscle Michael La Rocca terminated it.)

Father of the Year: Kevin Coco

50/50 Raffle Winner: Judy Cervone

Mitterando Newsletters: Distributed by the Editor Denise Mitterando (Thanks and compliments from all for a wonderful job done).

At dusk, the last of the family reluctantly left the park. Everyone agreed that this was one of our best Reunions and look forward to another one in ‘98.


A few months ago, a family member asked the Committee if we had ever thought about entertainment for the kids. Our reply was, of course, we have. In fact a few years ago we did hire a group. They organized and supervised activities for the kids for 1 1/2 hours that included a children’s obstacle course. We thought it was quite good. It gave the adults time to mingle with other adults and it allowed the kids to get to know their cousins. The problem was that we were not able to collect enough from donations, horse races and raffles to cover the cost. In fact, The Committee has had a deficit for several years. We would love to do more each year but without enough support we are unable to do so. We thought it might be fitting to publish the picnic financials for the last three years. (We have only kept minimal records for the past three years.) We will keep it simple. You will know where your money goes and like everything else, all good things come with a big price tag.


1995 Cost ($)

1996 Cost ($)

1997 Cost ($)















Special Kids Entertainment  










Amount Collected








Total (229)      

Lets also remember all the "free or donated" items, like the paper for the newsletters, invitations, voting, reminders and misc. for games and especially the free "labor of love" that goes into all the entertainment of dance and play.

Please DIG DEEP this year so we can grow bigger and better.


For the past several years, the Blauvelt’s have vacationed at Woodloch Pines in Hawley, Pa. Larry has become a very popular and well-known guest there (that’s not hard to believe) and was given a special award last August. The award is the Chuck Russell Award and the plaque has the following words printed on it: " Mr. Chuck Russell embodied the true meaning and spirit of the Woodloch games. His warm personality and boundless enthusiasm inspired us all. This plaque is given in his memory and the following people have carried on his tradition. " Larry is one of those people. We are so proud of you!!!

Kacie and Emily were in their first dancing recital and did GREAT.

The Monaco family seems to be expanding at the rate of two grandchildren a year. Joanie and Dennis have two little girls – Gianna and Tina; and John and Noreen now have two also – Kara and John Jr.

Cheryl Hydo has been staying home with son Nicholas as well as babysitting for an infant. Both Cheryl and Nicholas have enjoyed this time together.

Nicole Vingara took up "gymnastics" and art lessons this year. She can now jump off her bed and write on the walls with perfection.

Julie Mitterando is planning a one-month trip to Costa Rica to learn Spanish.

Christian Blauvelt and four of his friends participated in the Middle School talent show. They did a dance routine to the music of a song entitled "Jamaican Rum". Strangely enough, this was a song that Larry had written and recorded almost 20 years ago!! Needless to say, Larry was thrilled to see his son perform using that song.

Rick Mitterando has joined the Glen Gardner Volunteer Fire Department. He just completed four months of training and passed the state test. Congratulations Nicky! Rick decided he wanted to join the Fire Department after meeting them. They responded to a 911 call that Denise had placed saying her husband was cutting down a small tree and that tree was now sitting and burning on a live wire. The chain saw was stuck in the tree and was on fire also. Since the incident they have also seen him in action on his tractor, falling off of it on a small cliff, going down the driveway with no brakes, and many other amusing events (which are on video). They have printed on Rick’s helmet "Rick the Tool Man."

Last Halloween, Dale Ingenito and Jaclyn Shafer hosted a Halloween dinner for friends and cousins (including Laura and Nicole Vingara, who drove to MD from NJ). Their "festive" menu included: Ants on a Log, Liver of Muskrat, Cat’s Guts, Finger Fries and Bucket of Bile. Guests went trick-or-treating after their delicious dinner, and a good time was had by all.

Briana Coco joined the fourth grade band this year. Her instrument is the clarinet. They had their first concert in May. It was great. She was terrific. Great job. Love mommy and daddy

Gianna Pelliccia, 5 1/2, graduated Kindergarten this past week and will be attending 1st grade at Our Lady of Mercy School in September. And our little Superstar Anthony, who will be 3, will start Nursery School at The Friendship School. We are very proud of both of them!

Tyler Blauvelt has been going to Variety Pre-School since September. Tyler had a speech delay and was recommended to this school by his speech teacher. The progress that he has made in these nine months has been terrific. We couldn’t wait for him to talk; now we wish he would shut up!!!!

Richie Mitterando has daily "chats" with all his out-of-state cousins through e-mail. He also was very happy to receive an early Father’s Day present from his kids, which was a color inkjet printer. Richie is becoming quite suave on the computer.

Brianna Mitterando received The Academic Achievement Award last June for her class.

During the Olympic games at Woodloch Pines, Larry Blauvelt was chosen to be captain of the team from Poland. Kim was captain of the team from Iceland. The Olympic Gold went to Iceland!!!! Poland came in second!!!

Julie Mitterando has one more year of residency in Emergency Medicine.

Katie Blauvlet wasn’t the only Baton twirler this year. Her mother, Kim, participated in the end –of-the-year recital along with other twirling moms. After a few laughs, Kim was able to concentrate on the dance routine and did a great job. (Note: Kim and Jill were twirlers in their early years at the Castle Hill Community Center. Dale, do you remember?)

Bill Mitterando is celebrating his first year as President of Silent Transportation, Inc.

The construction on Kim and Larry Blauvelt’s house was finally completed last August. The neighbors call it "The Mansion", but you can never have a mansion in Levittown (especially without a basement!). Anyone is welcome at anytime.

Charlie Hydo has a new job. He is now working at Wizcom and is very glad to be away from Computer Associates. His Email address is

John Vingara still works part time at the Warner Bros. Store. Does anyone need a discount? John just loves his discount. So far we are in the red and if he stopped working tomorrow he would only have to work for free until 2002 to pay for all our new merchandise.

The Blauvelts were very touched by the special tribute that Billy Joel gave to Larry’s brother, Howie. Billy Joel recently released a new-boxed set and on one of the disks he gives a little speech about Howie and then dedicates "You Didn’t Start the Fire" to him.

Daryl Locke joined ROTC and represented his school with a select few in drill competitions twice.

Joan Monaco is looking forward to retiring this year or the next to spend some time with her soon-to-be five grandchildren.

Jim Mitterando is in private practice doing Family Medicine (from babies to nursing homes), spending his free time bicycle racing and is planning a hiking or mountain biking trip to Bhutan (a small Himalayan country between China and India) this fall.

The Vingara’s are always up to something new. What is it this year? Glad you asked. We became consultants for the Pampered Chef. It’s the Kitchen Store that comes to your door. We are available for demonstrations and catalog shows. Give us a call to get your catalog or book a show.

On St. Patty’s Day, La Rocca’s, Cervone’s, Elias’, Coco’s, Pelliccia’s and Hydo’s dressed in green paraded over to Kim and Larry Blauvelt’s for a corned beef and cabbage dinner. It was elegant, beautifully decorated and all in good taste. Even the beer, wine and desserts were all in green. No expenses spared. Thanks, Guys. Us.

Karl and Tara Monaco have been married for a year (guesstimate by brother Robert). They are living in Carlstadt, New Jersey (by the Meadowlands). Karl is teaching in Garfield, and Tara is teaching elementary school in Clifton.

"Thanks to John, Laura, Uncle Bobby and the many donors of "K" dollars. Anastasia, a 4 year old that suffers from spinal muscular dystrophy, had a wish come true. In January, she visited Disney World and The Magic Kingdom. Her family thanks you, Make A Wish Foundation thanks you and "We" thank you.

All of Dolly’s kids, grandchildren and great grandchildren got together for our 7th annual gingerbread house decorating. Craig Monteforte is still scraping icing off the floor. We all had a terrific time. Except Dani James who was not able to make it due to a belly ache. Will someone please pass the M & M’s.

Richie Mitterando is a cyberspace junkie. Just the other day, Denise received a phone call to see if she knew a certain number that kept on popping up on Richie and Dee’s phone bill. It was there every day and the calls were always at least fifteen minutes in length. A light bulb went off in Denise’s head when she realized that it was Richie’s Internet service provider’s number. (Oops, I thought that was a local number when I set the account up.) Bell Atlantic is going to be sending special "thank yous" to Richie and Dee this month!

Kimberly Coco joined the seventh grade chorus this year. This is her third year. She has a terrific voice. They just had their spring concert, and it was wonderful. Great job! Love, mommy and daddy

Robbie and Dawn Mitterando are proud and excited to announce the newest addition to the family, an 18X30 pool. AND that will be the ONLY new addition!!!!!!!!!!

Aunt Dale Ingenito’s classic quote "but hers broke!" -- referring to the broken wine glass of her sister Laurie. Naturally Dale’s matching glass was safe and sound just where it should be in the wine glass rack.

Joseph Mitterando's name is now in its place of honor on Ellis Island.

Teachers, teachers, teachers…. Those Monacos all seem to be teachers – Joanie, Ernie (Sr.), John, Noreen, Ernie (Jr.), Marissa, Karl, Tara, and even Robert who teaches part-time at the medical school.

After Fifteen Years "Old Muc 'N Mire" will retire the shirt that he's worn to every picnic since 1983 in a ceremony today.


"Congratulations" -- Al and Ellen on 50 years of marriage; to Randy, Mary, Steven and Grandpa Johnny, awaiting the arrival of their baby boy; to Ronnie and Lynn renewing Wedding Vows after 20 years; to Dick, on credit received for photography on CD disk of Jazz great (Hubert) Sumlin.

The Cervone offspring have many drummers drumming. Christian Blauvelt has been playing the drums in the school band for three years. He recently participated in the NYSSMA festival and received scores of O (outstanding) and E (excellent). His fifth grade band also competed in the festival at Hofstra and the band received a gold medal. Congratulations Christian! We are so proud of your accomplishments and we enjoy the music that you make. (Could you please stop drumming on the table at dinner! Ask Uncle Jodee about that.)

Congrats to Karen Mitterando on her promotion at Amersham Pharmacia.

Congratulations to Katie Blauvelt on her baton career. In addition to several competition wins for her team, Katie has received individual medals for her solo and her marching. She is doing so well that her coach is giving her private lessons this summer so that she can advance to the higher class in September. Go Katie!!!

Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer for a super school year. She received straight A’s for the entire school year, had 100% attendance, and achieved first clarinet/first chair in her advanced band class. She recently played two solos in her school’s spring concert. All this while holding a part-time job teaching 3 & 4 year-olds gymnastics. You GO, Jac!!!

Congratulations to Danielle La Rocca. She took the NY State Science test and achieved 100%. We are all so proud of you.

Lots of luck to Joyce and Glenn Corvino in starting out in their new business, Alliance Distributing – "Deep-Discounted" Wholesale

Uncle Al La Rocca and his friend Frank received awards for the 26-foot submarine they had constructed, and an honorary letter from the county executive Tom Gulotta, at the submarine ball on May 23rd.

Congratulations to our K-K-K-Katie Blauvelt who was voted the Most Improved Player on her basketball team. We are so proud of you!!!


Robbie, Dawn, Ellen and Franky attempted an expensive ski weekend in PA and a visit to Ronnie and Lynn Cevone’s; but the weather took a turn for good and they had to cancel and go spend a weekend in Manhatten (with their Mobile perks because we lost our deposits). Just Kidding, we went all the way!!!!!

This past summer Danielle La Rocca spent a few days vacationing in Pennsylvania with Ronnie, Lynn Cervone and family. She had a great time, especially after finding a wallet and was rewarded $20.00 by the owner for returning it.

1997 Christmas gifts from Godmothers Carolann Cervone Elias, Judy Cervone, Kim Cervone Blauvelt and Cheryl Cervone Hydo to Godchildren Christian Blauvelt, Katie Blauvelt, Kimberly Coco and Briana Coco were tickets to the Broadway Show, Beauty and The Beast. On January 17th we took the LIRR to Penn Station and walked 13 blocks to The Palace Theater. We met Carolann there after her solo on Express Bus. Sitting in the center balcony, we all enjoyed the play. It was a first for the kids and a first in years for one grown up. After a not so quick dinner at Houlihan’s a few blocks from the theater, we walked the 17 blocks back to Penn Station. With coffee and donuts in hand, we boarded the train. We exchanged jokes with the ticket collector the entire trip back. What a great day to remember.

While attending a conference in Orlando, FL, Dale Ingenito got to see Irene, Howard and Patrick Berg. They did what they always do when they get together…..talked, ate, and drank all night long.

Robert Mitterando III visited Ronnie Cervone and family this winter and got attached to a snowboard!

The Annual Apple Picking/Birthday Bash was held on September 20, 1997. As tradition dictates, we started at Wilkes Farms in Westchester with a tailgate breakfast of coffee, tea, juice, bagels, rolls, cake and donuts. We piled on the hay ride tractor and went off singing into the orchards to fill our baskets. (Ronnie Cervone was not available for lifting, so, some of our group had to walk to the orchards or be left behind. After our picking was done we traveled a short distance to "The Original Mahopac Cervone’s" Mansion. Our food dishes were displayed and soon devoured. The traditional touch football game was played with no significant injuries. (Dr. Larry would not have to treat humans this year). We sang Happy Birthday to Samantha, Gianna and Briana and hundreds of birthday gifts were opened. The final head count was 50. There were Cervone’s, La Rocca’s, Elias’, Coco’s, Blauvelts, Pelliccia’s, Hydo’s and Lombardo’s among others. We had good weather, good company and a great time. Thank you "Original Mahopac Cervone’s".

In April Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Laurie Monteforte, Laura and Nicole Vingara, and Kristina Monteforte drove to Florida. Despite being jammed into the van with enough luggage to last two months, having to drive straight through because there were no hotel vacancies along 95, the rental car breaking down in the wee hours of the morning, the replacement car not being much better, and Disney World losing their hotel reservations, a good time was had by all! They all got to visit with Irene, Howard and Patrick Berg…and guess what they did? They talked, ate and drank all night long.

"John Mitterando takes Washington by storm!" Last summer, John Mitterando made two trips to Washington, D.C. He was wined and dined by Dale, Bill, Robin, Laurie and Craig. His first visit took him through SIX states (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia). Among other activities, he visited: Arlington National Cemetery, The Old Post Office Pavilion, had drinks at the top of (and played hop-scotch in front of) the Hotel Washington, drove by the Smithsonian, The White House, The Washington Monument and the entire Embassy Row. He had a Louisiana-style breakfast in Gaithersburg, lunch at the Harbor in Annapolis (with

Katie Ratigan and Jeannie Mitterando) and dinner in Potomac. He attended a variety of get-togethers and parties, including Jaclyn Shafer’s 13th birthday party (for which he made a special, surprise visit to Maryland). He also made friends with most of Dale’s neighbors as he sipped his nightly wine coolers on her front porch.

Despite his hectic schedule, Uncle Johnny still had time to complete many projects at Dale’s house: he built 16 feet of shelves in the basement, made flower boxes for the deck, landscaped the front of the house, helped build a new slate walkway and steps, and fixed and oiled various other things that weren’t working properly. All this was accomplished with plenty of coffee, wine coolers, spontaneous bursts of song and plenty of jokes.

All the Maryland kids were arguing about who was going to have a sleep over with Uncle Johnny. We all had a GREAT time with him and are anxiously waiting for his return (especially Dale, who has a new, long, list of chores waiting for him). COME ON DOWN, UNCLE JOHN!

In January Nancy, Robert, BJ, Donna, Robbie, Dawn, Mom, Dad and the kids went skiing in Vermont as you may have already read somewhere in this, BUT I just wanted to say it was so much fun and I thank you for the invite guys. Next year we want Ellen and Franky to make it too. Ask Robbie about all the black diamonds and the woods.

This year we will all go to Mexico to make sure BJ Mitterando and Donna McCarthy don’t drink too much in Cancun. Ellen Dammeyer and Dawn Mitterando will be the ones to watch. (Look out pools here we come!)

Last August, Al La Rocca, his friend Frank, and other submarine veterans towed the "Spadefish," down to Mobil Alabama for the submarine national convention. This September 9-13, the national convention will be held in Hagerstown, Maryland. We will be there with the 26-foot sub to be displayed in the lobby of the convention center of the Ramada Inn.

This past New Year’s Eve was one to remember. Twenty-one of us, friends and family got together and spent New Year’s on a Dude Ranch in Kerhonkson N.Y. at Pinegrove Dude Ranch. It was a great way to spend the holiday together and to ring in the New Year. The gathering was made up of Bob and Judy Mitterando, Rob, Dawn, Robert III, Daryl, Brianna and Kacie Mitterando, Frank, Ellen, Christine and Emily Dammeyer, Sheri and Rachel Kujan and some friends. Let’s do it again. They(WE) had a blast and look forward to it again this year. Mom got on ski’s for the first time along with Ellen. We did everything a kid would want to do. Ask any of us and we’ll tell you all the fine details. Ask Franky about the comedy show!!!!!!

Erika Cervone’s 1997 birthday trip from Godmother Aunt Judy was a trip to Disney World in November. Her mom and dad sent Samantha to keep an eye on us. We spent 4 nights at Disney’s All Star Music Resort and visited The Magic Kingdom, Universal, Epcot, Pleasure Island and MGM. I must be growing up because I thought Epcot was OK. The weather was so nice, we even went in the outdoor pool. It was such a great trip, we’re doing it again this November.

Richie and Dee Mitterando celebrated Richie's 58th Birthday in style down in Maryland for a four way birthday party. Dale Ingenito was the party host for the combination party in honor of Carol Perrin, Craig Monteforte, Scott De Matteo and Richie. The whole Maryland crowd was there. A grand time was had by all.

Over Easter vacation Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Laurie and Kristina Monteforte, Laura and Nicole Vingara all headed to south Florida for vacation in our Avis rental van. Ask Aunt Dale how her sleeping accommodations were? Hey the front seat was not too bad. After sleeping in the car all night we did make it to Florida only to have our rental car up and die on us. So we sat on the side of the road waiting for our new van to arrive. We then had the pleasure of being able to unload all our junk (lots of junk!) into the other van. We did not let that discourage us. Once we were loaded, we headed to our good friend Roseanne’s house. (Roseanne is making her picnic debut today) We had a great Easter. After Roseanne’s house could bear no more, the vacationers headed to Walt Disney World for a two night stay. When we got to Disney they could not find our reservations. What a surprise!!! The good Mouseketeers did find us a room at the Boardwalk Hotel. We had an awesome time at Disney enjoying all the rides. After a fun filled day we all headed to the Whispering Canyons Cafe for a down home dinner. Irene, Howard, and Patrick Berg joined us for coffee. Laurie and the girls headed back to Disney for the parade. Back at the hotel we got to go swimming. Nicole loved sliding on the "cheesy" -- that’s the hair on the clown who had the water slide coming out of his mouth. We did all pile in the van once again to spend way to many hours in the car. We decided to sleep over night in a hotel. But no rooms were available. At least we did not sleep in "El Cheapo!" Did someone say reservations? Hey but all I want to know is where are we going next year?


Katie Ratigan celebrated her 65th birthday in May.

Happy 5-0 to Irene Ceo Berg – June 8!

Larry Blauvelt turned 45 in March and Kim surprised him with a dinner party at his favorite Italian restaurant.

Jill Coco will be 40 on Aug. 17

Kevin Coco will be 39 on Oct. 6

Happy Birthday to Frank Dammeyer Jr. who celebrated the big 30 this year. Don’t worry Honey, it only gets better. Love ya, Ellie.

Briana Coco will be 10 on Oct. 19 She is becoming a very young lady

Kimberly Coco became a teenager (13) on May 8. We are so proud of her.

Matthew Coco will be 2 on July 8. He is a very busy boy.

Nicholas Hydo will be two in July and is a real character. His favorite pastime is eating. He certainly gets his appetite from his mother and aunts.


Kevin and Jill Coco celebrated their 14th anniversary.

Robbie and Dawn Mitterando are celebrating their 10-year Anniversary this month.

It took twelve years to make a 1 year Anniversary, but as long as we made it, what does it matter? You’re still the one that I love! Happy 1st Anniversary...Frank and Ellen Dammeyer

May 2nd, 1998.


Julie and Jim Mitterando bought a house in Weymouth, MA (just south of Boston) this past year.

Jim Vingara and Kim had a house built in Readington, NJ (down near the Flemington Outlets!)

Robert Monaco built a house in High Bridge, New Jersey. Mom and dad are living with him temporarily. Ernie and Marissa are about to break ground on their house just down the road. After 30 years, the Monacos’ pulled up stakes and moved to the country.



Ernie and Marissa Monaco are playing catch-up to Joanie and John. Marissa is due sometime during the month of June. They plan on being surprised as to whether it is a girl or a boy!


Jodee and Maureen Cervone had a new addition to their family on June 4, 1998. Veronica Cervone weighed in at 6 lbs 6 oz.


Corey Monteforte and his grandmother Laurie were discussing the picnic one day. Corey told his grandma "my favorite part of the picnic is the piñata." Of course his Aunt Laura always knew he was a genius.

On our way to Virginia, Michael La Rocca wanted to know if he could color the drawbridge?

After a weekend of Communion, Confirmation and Sunday mass, Nicholas Hydo (age 1 1/2) dipped his finger in his bath water, put it on his head and said "Amen".

When Michael LaRocca was told to say "he was sorry" to Uncle Glenn when his mother died. He wanted to know how come, he didn’t do it.

After Laura Vingara placed the order for this year’s piñata toys and candy, Nicole became excited about our U.S. Mail system. She now wants to check the mailbox everyday cause "the mailman brings gum!"

After spending some time in the bathroom with a stomachache, 5 year old Gianna Pelliccia said "I think I have a "Diary". Even funnier, she asked Grandma if she could buy her the Tweety "Diary-A" that she saw in Odd Lot!!


"Our Prayers" go out to all of you, and to Brother Johnny too for a clean bill of health. We’re also praying for Nancy, Robert, Bobby, Judy and the children and wish her a speedy recovery.


A toast to my brother Stanley Vingara, who has got to be up in heaven, even if that's not where he was headed. Wherever he was sent, he would have talked his way into heaven. He is the only one that missed his calling in life, that being the soul of a top salesman. Does anyone know of someone else who could sell ice cubes to Eskimos in the Arctic? Hey, he had some faults; but then is there any of us that don't have a few ourselves? Stanley was one generous, good hearted person. If you needed two dollars and that was all he had to his name, for sure; those two dollars were yours. I guess it was meant to be that he and I married two sisters. At least that way we stayed fairly close through the years. As a kid, he was always my big brother, and I looked up to him. Stanley, you’re still my big brother, and you always will be.

Love, your brother Richie

Last month we lost a very special person. Although we were not related, and never even met, we grew up hearing him each day. We all love his music, even the grandchildren. It is impossible to hear his voice and not think of Mother. The songs of Sinatra will fill the Cervone house forever! Thanks for the great music Frank!

"Condolences" -- The Vingara and Mitterando Famlies and to Kevin Coco for the loss of loved ones, cousin Stanley and mother Kitty Coco.


"Memories of Growing up in the Bronx" by Margie Cervone -- I was only seven when we moved from New Jersey to The Bronx, but I remember it like it was yesterday. The apartment at 2130 Fuller Street, with 6 rooms and a bath, that housed Mom, Pop, Grandma Navin and seven kids under 14. It was in a middle income neighborhood, with families of mixed nationalities, like The Stevensons, Bernsteins, Gallos, Palumbos, Sedens, Farrels, Ciancis, The Wederhorns, Barshs and Fratacangelos. I remember Izzy’s Jewish Grocery on the corner and smelling the pickle barrel. He stored loose pasta in long drawers with the glass fronts that revealed it’s contents, and the large milk cans where we filled our own milk pails. There was also Delayos Produce Market, Dilillo’s Italian Deli, The Daylight and Weigan Bakeries, Visconti’s Cleaners, Rocchio’s Drug Store and Minelli’s Fish Store. I also recall a poolroom and clubhouse, next to Izzy’s belonging to the Westchester Grey’s Baseball Team. On summer weekends, they played against rival teams like The Robins, Pattersons, Carltons and Shamrocks, in the Catholic Protectory Fields (which is now Parkchester). The Bronx Zoo was within a very long walking distance from home and when school was closed, we packed a lunch and spent the day there. Pelham Bay Park, equipped with a play area, a running track, ball fields and 100 steps to climb, could be reached by a very short train ride for five cents. Carpentieri’s Beach was a great weekend retreat.

When I was fourteen, we moved from Fuller Street to a two family house on Castle Hill Avenue. I remember parties and card games and Momma always in the kitchen cooking. Pop, President of a Social Club, entertained many friends. He now was a "big boss" with Con Ed and able to buy a two family house in Unionport with ample living quarters and a large finished basement. When Mom was not in her kitchen preparing meals for our family or relatives and friends, she was happy attending her small flower garden. Johnny, Ellen and I were delighted in our new surroundings and made many friends. I recall The Castle Hill Pool, The Riviera Dance Hall , The Midget Auto Races and ball fields on every empty lot. I remember sitting around a fire roasting mickies and drinking five-cent bottles of Pepsi. Sonny, Billy, Marie and Dolly now belonged to the working class. Marie was engaged to Charlie Ceo, and Billy and Sonny were dating the Tortorici Girls all from the old neighborhood. Our lives were slowly changing. The best being the birth of a baby brother, Bobby, like a brand new toy. He strengthened our family ties with love and joy.

Professional baseball, at this time was of great interest to all of us. We had three teams in New York, The Yankees, Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers. I being the only Dodger fan, was a victim of Bronx Cheers. One thing we all agreed on was Frank Sinatra, the "teenage idol". Playing hookey to see him and other big names at The Paramount was part of our growing up.

When Japan attacked The U.S. at Pearl Harbor our lives came crashing down. Sonny, Billie, and soon after, Johnny were called to Service. Our family, sad and filled with fear, carried on in hope and prayer. We tried filling in their jobs, doing their many chores and building their morale. In the warm weather, Pop created a victory garden in an empty lot, where the neighbors could gather for a card game, snacks, homemade wine and discuss war and politics. The worst recollection of those years, was the night I came home from work to find Mom and Pop in shock after receiving a wire from the War Department informing them of Sonny’s death. The anxiety of funeral arrangements and awaiting his body being flown back home for a Military Funeral. Mom, God Bless Her, endured the heartache but never recovered from Sonny’s tragedy. The day the war ended, I remember attending Holy Family Church. People were offering prayers of thanks. Celebrations and welcome home block parties followed for months after.

Marie married Charlie, Billy wed Sadie and Dolly presented Bobby with a playmate (Laurie). I don’t remember when it happened, but suddenly we were all grown up, married and starting a new generation. Pop, Mom and Bobby pulled up anchor and relocated to Eastern Long Island. Years later Johnny moved his family next to them. Ellen now resides on Long Island as well as me. Only Billy remained faithful to his roots, now living in the Country Club section, he’s not far from the homes where we grew up in. Dolly and Marie both have passed away, but their final resting-place is The Bronx. Like everything else in life, The Bronx has changed too. Most of our family and friends have moved for many reasons. For a better environment, or warmer weather, for crime protection or upgraded homes. To this day, I feel like a traitor. I’m sad for my grandchildren who can never experience our joy of "growing up in The beautiful Bronx".

What a great time we had at the August beach party. I often told my kids about the great times I had had at the beach and it was so wonderful for me to watch them experience the same family fun. I remember Uncle Bobby picking us up in his four-wheel drive. I thought it was the coolest thing to have us all squished together in the back of the truck as we drove along the sand. I remember thinking that there were no waves as big as the ones at Fire Island!! Ronnie, Michael and Judy used to help me get passed the point where the waves would break and then we would ride out the waves. There were many times when I got knocked down by a wave and thinking that I would never get up again. But, there would be plenty of hands to help pull me up and clean out the sand from my suit!! And now my own kids are riding out the waves and having fun with their siblings and cousins in the same way that I did. I’m looking forward to the next Mitterando beach party. Love Kim

Robin Ingenito spent some time living with Us Cervone’s! I can still hear some of the most hearty laughs while sitting in the kitchen telling old stories. -- Wendy

Who would have thought that you could have a Mitterando Memory for the Mitterando newsletter the day after it came out! John and Laura Vingara played host and hostess to the Maryland Crew... Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Craig, Kristina, and Corey Monteforte, Laurie Monteforte, Robin Ingenito and the one Long Islander Uncle Johnny Mitterando. The day of the picnic we had a sleep over. John says Uncle Johnny snores and Uncle Johnny says John snores. When we all got up we were treated to lots of songs from the world famous Johnny Guitar. He also led on to some great family history. Did you know Uncle Johnny never got into any trouble. It was also John Vingara’s birthday so we all had time to celebrate before the Marylander’s and the one Long Islander headed south. The Vingara house will never be the same especially the mash potatoes... open up guys!!!

The house on 2233 Norton Avenue seemed "SOOOO BIG?! -- Wendy

THE BEACHCOMBER – by Bobby Mitterando

Greetings from Mastic Beach - former residence of the Mitterando patriarch. Where do I begin?? With four children, eight grandchildren, a brother, a mother-in-law, a niece and nephew, a church, a job, a dog, a cat, a bird, a lighthouse, and of course Aunt Judy to fill each day, daily life here is one new adventure after another.

Mastic Beach now has its very own lighthouse. It will never make it to the national registry I’m sure, but still…there it stands in the heart of our town, lighting the way home for residents, and welcoming strangers. Funded by the local community, I was honored to be its Construction Supervisor and together with many of the Mitterando’s and neighbors, hopefully left a legacy for the future to look back on. I think Pop would be proud!

We spend a lot of time at Montauk Point. (I believe they have a lighthouse of their own) Just after Father’s day last year Uncle John, Rob, B-J, Frankie, Frank’s Dad, Robbie & Daryl and myself were presented with a Fluke fishing trip. B-J still gags baiting a hook.

Camping at Montauk took us to Shagwong Point for a family time of sun and fun. The "little" girls ride their "beach noodles" while the adults sit in the shade drinking "Mudslides". I only go along because they need my generator for the blender.

At Hither Hills State Park five families got together and I ran from camper to camper lighting heaters, filling tanks, fixing toilets—playing Daddy Landlord. Aunt Judy got real brave and went horseback riding with Ellen, Dawn and grandgirls. I stayed at camp and babysat (Daryl broke his collarbone and Lil’Rob his wrist) -- Not bad, hah?

Over the Labor Day Weekend, Robin joined us at Smith Point for a four-day camping experience. Who ever heard of cooking Portabella Mushrooms on the beach? She’s so much like her mother! The weather was great and Robin fit right in and went along with whatever we did. We drove her out onto the outer-beach for one of the nights and she sang for us under a star-filled sky.

We missed her when she left, but we did put her on the plane (..a small, small, small plane) with a BBQ goodie-bag that was smelling up the terminal. A few weeks later, Uncle John put himself on a bus and spent a week with her in Washington- a pleasant trip I heard about for weeks afterward.

Smith Pt. Beach as it was, is no more. Winter storms and Nor’Easters have taken its toll and taken the boardwalk with it! Suffolk County Dept. of Parks was forced to dismantle the boardwalk, but ironically, or perhaps as a memorial gesture, the very last piling pulled up was the one with a lone white cross in remembrance of the tragedy of Pan Am Flight 800. The cross was a gift to Aunt Jesse that she wanted placed there as a memorial!

One of the things that Aunt Judy and I do when we camp is rollerblading. You gotta get a look at two seniors afraid of getting their old bones broke!

On the hottest day known to mankind (I think it was 614 degrees) Aunt Judy comes up with the idea of taking the boys (Daryl and Robert III) over to Groton Conn. to see Uncle Al & Aunt Ellen who were there for an annual Submarine meet. We enjoyed a cool ferry ride across the sound, then found Uncle Al with his "second love" at the naval base – his submarine, Spacefish.

We never did get to see Aunt Ellen. She and the other widows had gone off shopping. Next we drove to the Aquarium in Mystic and while I was waiting in the parking lot—the air condition broke! Why not??

I remember Pop calling him Blackie! I don’t know why. I always knew him as Cousin Stan, and last fall Stan Vingara died. Another piece of our hearts are taken away.

Last year we also mourned the lovely Princess Diana and the saintly Mother Teresa. They are missed, yet each one an untimely accident, the other a gentle welcoming home, were not "our own". This year we said goodbye to the Chairman of the Board, Ol’ blue eyes, Frank Sinatra.

An early Thanksgiving dinner in Jersey gave us the opportunity to take Sheri-Lea to NYC and to venture to the top of The Empire State building, then down to 5th Ave shopping for neckerchiefs. Aunt Judy and Sheri agreed that my city driving is not very good.

Sheri became a teenager this winter and I was privileged as her "first date". We went to see Titanic and I let her cry on my shoulder when Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) drifts down, and down, and down….. We had a "roast" for her on her birthday and that’s when all of us cried!

Aunt Judy and I skied for the first time this winter in Vermont when we joined Nancy, Robert, BJ, Donna, Dawn and Rob on their annual ski get-away. Plenty of laughs, eats, movies, munchies, and farts!!!

With my fondness of lighthouses, I dragged Aunt Judy up to three new ones this past year. Henry Light, Cape May, and Cape Hatters!

Do you have any idea what it is like to sit among thirteen girls watching "The Wiz"? I do.

Brother John joins with us in just about everything we do, as long as he feels up to it. He has his periodic trip to the hospital for a few days, scares the $%^#@&* out of us, then comes back home! He joins us at church almost every Sunday morning, and I’m not the one to tell him he’s not Presbyterian. I think he goes for the coffee hour afterwards.

John didn’t join us for our annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Montauk this year, but only because it was a windy, cold day with some snow while we left. The day did get nicer for the parade and Nancy and my future daughter-in-law Donna "forced" me into O’Murphys Pub to have a pint of dark bitter!

In April we drove down to Virginia Beach with Gramma Flo to visit Aunt Judy’s cousin, Buddy (Buddy was from Parkchester). It was a very pleasant drive down and Flo wouldn’t sleep because she didn’t want to miss anything. Aunt Judy and I broke away for a day and went to Cape Hatters and fell asleep on the beach. We also stopped at Kitty Hawk to see the museum and the Wright Brothers first airplane. (It looked a lot like the one Robin took back to Washington on Labor Day)

I had the fun of going to three Middle school basketball games (guess whos??). The team lost every game they played, made more fouls, missed more free shots, and never got an award. They even had one girl (guess who??) score points for the visiting team. Wrong way Corrigan—that’s what we call her now. But I tell ya—those girls had such fun losing, were always smiling and so supportive of one another that we, the spectators were taught a lesson ourselves. Those young girls might not have won, but they certainly weren’t losers. I’ll be watching for you next year Sherb!!! By the way, she (guess who??) did fantastic in track this year as well.

This is about it for us beach hats, but I must mention the bands of marriage announced for our youngest son, William-John (BJ) and his fiancée’ Donna McCarthy on August 29. (guess I won’t be camping then). Also my brother-in-law Freddy will be getting married to Barbara Watchoski on July 17 (Damn summer weddings!).

So…let me leave you with a thought. Remember the greatest acts of love are done by those who are continually performing small acts of kindness.

Love you all,

The Youngest

My most memorable time is when everyone came out to Mastic at the Smith Point Beach camping area, and everyone cooked or brought a little something. A lot of friends and families showed. Let’s do that again – Donna McCarthy (William John’s fiancée)

I couldn’t have been more than five years old when we camped out on Fire Island with Bobby and Judy Mitterando. The memory haunts me every time my mom and dad pull out the old slide projector and there I am sitting in the little outhouse with my bathing suit bottom hanging around my ankles! – Denise Mitterando



To the tune of "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Hearts Club Band"

Lyrics by: Margie Cervone

Choreographed by: Carolann Cervone Elias

Performed by: Carolann’s All Male Review 6/97


It was twenty years ago today

We had a picnic in Oyster Bay.

And its been going on every year

Bringing families from far and near.

We love to welcome all of you.

And then to introduce you to

Mitt-er-an-do Family Dance Review.

We’re Mitt-er-an-do Family Dance Review.

We hope you will enjoy the show.

Mitt-er-an-do Family Dance Review.

Sit back and let the good times go.

Mitt-er-an-do Family

Mitt-er-an-do Family

Mitt-er-an-do Family Dance Review.

It’s wonderful to be here.

Where laughter fills the air.

You’re such a lovely audience,

We’d like to take you home with us, we’d love to take you home.

We don’t really want to stop the show,

But we thought you might like to know.

That the singers going to sing a song

And we want you all to sing along.

So clap your hands and sing out loud,

Raise your voices and join the crowd.

And Mitt-er-an-do Family Dance Review



4 Eggs

3/4 Cup Oil

1 Cup Sugar

3 1/4 Cups Flour

3 1/2 Tsp. Baking Powder

3/4 Tsp. Salt

1 1/2 Tsp. Vanilla (Anisette may be substituted)

(Optional: 1 Cup Nuts Toasted at 300 degrees, 15 minutes)


1 LB Butter

5 Cups Flour

4 Tbs. Sugar

1/2 Cup Almonds (Crushed)

1 Tsp. Almond Extract

1 Tsp. Vanilla




1 Doz. Lg. Clams (Steam until open)

3 or more Garlic Cloves (Chopped)

3/4 cups Olive Oil

1 cup Butter

1/2 cup Parsley (Chopped)

1 Tsp. Basil

1 Tsp. Oregano

Black pepper and dash of Crushed Red Pepper


1 cup Olive Oil

1/3 cup Wine Vinegar

2 Tsp. Oregano

2 Cloves Garlic (Minced)

1/2 Tsp. dry mustard


Salt and Pepper



Chick Peas (16 Oz)

Juice of 3 Lemons

Garlic Clove

1/2 Tsp. Salt

6 Tbs. Sesame Paste




4 Lb. Pizza Dough

6 Oz Can Tomatoes

Oregano, Parsley, Garlic Powder

Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper

(Bacon Fat)




1 Chicken (Cut Up)

Fresh Garlic and Parsley

Salt and Pepper



6 doz. large fresh Mussels





A note from our web mistresses….

The managing of the Mitterando Web Page has changed hands. Denise, after doing a wonderful job for the past year, has turned it over to us, Jan and Irene. We have been bugging everyone for new email addresses and it has paid off with lots of new ones.

Please send us anything you would like posted, pictures, announcements anything you would like to share with the rest of us through the year. I have a scanner so if you want to mail some of your old pictures, I will scan them and I will mail them RIGHT back. Also Denise has a scanner and Uncle Al has one too.

We like to think of the Mitterando web site as a "Mitt News" all year round.

156 Hallam Ct.

Spring Hill, Fl 34606

6288 Harcross Ct.

Spring Hill, Fl 34606

  • This is the place in space that the Mitterandos have taken over:

    Who is the proud grandfather? His grandaughter in 4th grade, wrote his biography for her assignment in school. (A.G.L.)

    Which couple spent hours at the beach at Bayville over looking the Long Island Sound reminiscing their 50 years of wonderful married life? (E.L. & A.G.L.)

    How good are you at Mitterando Trivia? These were part of the kids Scavenger Hunt at the 1997 Picnic. If you don’t know the answers, Cheryl Cervone Hydo probably does-she organized the event:

    1. Family member who is a landscaper? (Richie Mitterando)
    2. John and Nellie’s first grandchild? (Laurie Monteforte)
    3. Father of a family member who is a Doctor or Dentist? (Vincent Mitterando, Louis Mitterando, Ernie Monaco)
    4. Last years (1996) Father’s of the Year? (Michael Cervone, Craig Monteforte)
    5. Family member who was born in a country other than the USA? (John Mitterando, Molly Napurano, Joseph Mitterando, Julie Mitterando, Carmen Mitterando)
    6. The family member who collects lighthouses? (Bobby Mitterando)
    7. The family member whose maiden name is Tortorici? (Sadie Mitterando)
    8. The family member whose maiden name is Wilson? (Judy Mitterando)
    9. The choreographer of the Mitterando Dance Revue? (Carolann Elias)
    10. The family member who brings the piñata for each picnic? (Laura Vingara)
    11. The family member who made headlines when lost at sea on a jet ski? (John Vingara)
    12. Uncle Nap’s birthday? (1/16/1910)
    13. The family member who was married in Africa? (Jimmy & Julie Mitterando)
    14. Margie and Pep’s children-in age order? (Carolann Elias, Dick,Judy, Ronnie, Michael, Jill Coco,Kim Blauvelt,Jodee,Wendy Pelliccia,Cheryl Hydo)
    15. Year Margie and Pep were married? (1946)
    16. The family member who was on a submarine in WWII-what was the name of his submarine? (Al LaRocca/USS Spade Fish)
    17. Year Billy and Sadie were married? (1942???)
    18. The family member who helped to keep the Mastic firefighters full? (Johnny Mitterando)
    19. The oldest grandchild of Marie and Charlie Ceo? (James Paterno)
    20. The family member who often had clam bakes? (Dolly Ingenito)
    21. The family member who was a boxing manager? (Uncle Nap)
    22. Grandpa John Mitterando’s birthday? (1/2/1895)
    23. A family member who lives closest to this picnic area? (Ellen and Al LaRocca)
    24. Name 3 states other than NY where family members came from to attend 1996 picnic? (New Jersey, Vermont, Florida, Maryland)


    Tidbits from Spring Hill, Florida:

    Irene and I are having a ball still doing the Lucy and Ethel bit! I've been keeping busy trying to gather up all of the family who are online. I hope to be emailing with more of you and maybe even doing some live chatting soon. Creating new web sites for some business friends has been a welcome challenge and I love it.

    James is now back to bachelorhood and has a new job working for the local community college, he is helping people get off welfare and back to work and he loves it.

    Jackie will be starting High School in August. Her electives are Acting and French -- need I say more...ooooolala

    Hank is in love with his new 17.2"Cobia fishing boat (he sleeps with a picture of it under his pillow) so we are hoping to have a freezer full of grouper this season yum...come on down for a BBQ!

    Love, Good Health and a Sunny Great Picnic Day to All.......Janice

    Hi Every One,

    Here we are another year has gone by and we are still here!! We love our new home and don't plan on moving for a long long time. It is on the north part of Hunter Lake, in Spring Hill. This is the same lake that Janice and Hank live on. Now that we have a full lake, thanks to El Nino, they surprise us and boat over for visits.

    In February, Howard started a new job at Saint Leo College, in Pasco County. He is doing there what he is so good at, maintaining the computers, and doing upgrades, networking and instructing the staff on new software. Just about everything and anything they need when it comes to computers.

    Chuck who turned 20 in April is the System Administrator for a local Internet provider also in Pasco County. Last month he moved into his own apartment just about 5 minutes from work. He is sharing the apt with his cousin James. James works days and Chuck works nights so it is a perfect relationship! Thank god for email since that is the only communication we have with them now!

    Christopher will be a junior next year at Central High School. He turns 16 on the 20th of June and will be taking his driver's test soon. He has made friends with a kid from Long Island so he is happy again. A nice Italian family!!

    Patrick is 10 and will be entering the fifth grade next year, his last year in Elementary School. He is, as always, doing great in school. Right now his life revolves around trying to catch fish off our dock, begging me to take him to either McDonalds, or to his Aunt Janice's house so he can swim in their pool.

    That is about all the news we have this year, except I did have a rather significant birthday this year, a number I would rather not repeat. But in my heart I still feel like a kid, and still have trouble remembering that I am a grown up!!

    Have a wonderful picnic; sorry we could not join you again. Happy 50th Anniversary Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al. Hello Aunt Margie and Uncle Pep, Hi Aunt Sadie and Uncle Bill, Love emailing with your daughter Nancy, Uncle Bobby and Aunt Judy, and Uncle Johnny I love you!!

    Love Irene and Howard and Chuck and Chris and Patrick

    On September 2, 1997 Stanley Vingara lost his battle with lung cancer. Through out his illness, Dad remained strong and courageous. My husband lost a dad, Nicole lost her "Poppy" and I lost my father-in-law. Most of all we all lost our friend and hero. When I became a Vingara, I was somewhat intimated by dad’s rough exterior and often dad spoke his true feelings. I watched dad’s hard exterior melt away as we placed his first grandchild into his arms. My memories of the tender moments that he had with Nicole will live in my heart forever. I am thankful to God for letting me be a part of dad’s life. Each day I look up into the sky and know my guardian angel is never far away! Laura Vingara

    Nancy – You’d better start eating before mom and dad start yelling.

    DA – Whatever!!!! – Love CA

    Briana -- I love you and am so glad that you are my little sister. Love Kimberly

    Rob -- Wanted to wish you a Happy Fathers Day and let you know that I think that you are a very special kind of Father. Not many people would take on the type of situations you have had to deal with and because of you, it’s a better place for some. You have not only provided a roof for your family but a home. You’ve never turned anyone away and I’m very proud of you just the way you are. I think that you are the Father of the Year. I love the way you put you’re family first. Love your Sis...El

    Thank you to all whose thoughts, prayers, and cards got us through the passing of dad, Stanley Vingara. It means a lot to have such a loving family.

    Well Teeny, I mean Christine, you made it through 1st Grade. I never thought the day would come that you didn’t want me to call you Teeny in front of your friends. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of the way you adjusted to 1st grade. You are a wonderful student and a good friend to your classmates and we know 2nd grade will be a great experience for you also. Keep up the good work. Love Mom and Dad.

    A – Hang in there and remember absence makes the heart grow fonder – Aunt CA

    Thank you to all of my family. It seems I write this same message every year. One problem after another. Life is not easy for me these last few months, but having all of you there is always a comforting thought. I thank God each day for the family he gave me. You are always there. I can never really put into words how thankful I am for all you do for the kids and I. Just know that I thank you from the heart and love each of you very much. Love Jill P.S. Whatever Kevin, I know that these last couple of months I have not been the happiest and it isn't easy for you either. But I just wanted to say thank you for really trying and being there. It is good to have my best friend back. I Love You -- Love Jill

    Denise – Your newsletter has really become a #1 Best Seller – Carolann

    Sissy – I love those trips to AC (But when are we gonna win?)

    Happy Birthday to me!

    I turned 34...

    I got my new Trailer,

    Couldn’t ask for no more!!!!!! Thanks Babe...It was the best Birthday present yet. I’d like to see you top it next year...LOL...Love Ellie Dam

    Denise- I love to see all movies twice-- Laura

    Mother – Your love is overwhelming!!! -- Love C & A

    BJ Honey – We’ll fix your truck as soon as we can! (After Cancun, Mexico – PS I can’t wait till August)

    Ellen and Dawn – Keep up the good work at the gym!

    Uncle Johnny -- GET WELL SOON!!! Love Kevin, Jill and the Kids

    Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al – Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. May you have 50 more! Dale

    Mom and Dad -- Thank you for being who you are to me. I have been so blessed with your relationship and I can never explain fully how much you both mean to me. Dawn

    Uncle "J" – Get Better Soon! Love "C"

    Where’s Dorothy????

    Nart and Norris -- We can't wait until school is out and you can sleep over. Fun Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

    Oh that’s your nose!!!!

    Craig- How is the new Sea-Doo?

    Bob and Judy Mitterando – Did you sell your camper yet?

    Robbie – Can’t you ever smile!? #6

    Brianna, Casey, Christine, Emily and Rachael – would you please stay out of Grandma’s stuff and keep it down? Poppy’s ears are ringing.

    To Kujan – Near, far, wherever you are…

    Frank – If you don’t take a break from work… you’ll break!

    Sherri you’re a beautiful girl and your finally a teenager!!! Yeah, love Aunt Donna

    June 4th, 1998...To Rob and Dawn Mitterando Jr. -- Wishing you both a lifetime of Happiness and Love...Happy 10th Anniversary to two of our favorite people! Love Frank and Ellen

    To my godchild -- I love you. Love Aunt Jill

    To Aunt Kim -- I am so glad you are my godmother. I love you. Love Kimberly.

    Dear Mom and Dad on your 37th Anniversary - May 20th - It often seems that there is always some black cloud hanging over you two whenever it is time for you to celebrate this special day. So even though it came and went this year, I just want you both to know that I am so glad that you two still love each other. You are my foundation and I am proud to be built on it. I love you both with all my heart...Your loving daughter, Ellen.

    Mother- Next time you want to go away over night, I’ll pick the place. Thank God for graham crackers, chips, and bottled water. But I would do it all again just to be with you! You are the best! –Laura

    Doinky Doo – Pooh Pooh on you!!! #1 Doink

    Happy Father's Day Daddy -- We love you. Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

    Corey (Rainbow) -- Ready to leave kindergarten and enter 1st grade. Been a busy year for you. Learned to read, ride a two wheeler, practice roller blading with dad and Kristina. Watched as you played T Ball with the "Yankees"…You are always ready to help and I enjoy spending time with you. Always have a big smile on your face. Glad that you were in the canoe helping dad paddle across the lake.

    Happy 7th Birthday to our daughter Christine Lilli Dammeyer who celebrated on May 29th. It was the best party yet!!! Happy Birthday also on this day to our Aunt Lilli up in Heaven...We miss you.

    Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's -- Love the Coco's

    KB – Thank you – Just Because – C & A

    Dear Frank -- I want to wish you a Happy Fathers Day tomorrow. You are a great Father to our children and it reflects in the way they look up to you. They both love you back just as much as you love them. And I love you more because of the Father you are. Thank you for everything you do for all of us and the little special times you spend with them. They look forward to it. You are always so generous and find it hard to ever say "no" when we ask for something. We thank you for many reasons and love you for even more! Happy Fathers Day. El

    Lovemuffin -- I love you! Here’s to our upcoming number five! -- Honeybunch

    Nicholas -- I am looking forward to sharing many fun years riding the rides together and sleepovers. Helicopters Rule. Love Matthew

    Adrienne -- "It must be Tuesday!" We miss having you at our dinner table and are happy we spent so much time together while you were at Hofstra. (And we think you were the best helper Santa ever had...) Love Aunt Wendy, Uncle Tony, Gianna and Anthony

    Dear GJC Girl -- Just want to say "Hey" and that I love ya. I love our relationship and all the good times that we share together and look forward to the future ones. Have a great day o.k. .....sis

    Wilbur -- We’ll spend forever together, whatever the weather. Chin Up. Charlotte

    Brianna -- You are the little girl I prayed for and I couldn’t be any prouder of you. Please try to make some mistakes once in awhile.

    Randy P. — Where is Jaclyn’s cornbread???. Dale

    Ellie -- You are a sister to me in every sense of the word. We were destined the day we met. Now lets get that camper on the beach!

    Nern -- I have enjoyed your company this past year in a way we never had a chance to, and I await the coming years to grow some more together. Dern

    Denise -- As always, you did a WONDERFUL job on the Mittnews. Irene and Janice, the web page you created is AWESOME. Thanks to all of you for raising MITTCOMMUNICATION to new heights!!

    Robbie -- Thank you for every one of our 10 years for without any one of them we wouldn’t be what we are today.

    Aunt Margie --I have thought of you a million times since Frank Sinatra passed away. America lost a legend and I know you lost a friend. I will never hear his voice without thinking of you. He did it his way -- Laura

    Brianna -- You are growing up to be such a bright and beautiful young woman. I am so proud of you with all of your accomplishments and determination for the things that you want out of life. I will always be there for you when you need me even though I may be far away. Love Daddy

    Congratulations to our Little Emily (Scootchie) and Kacie (Squeakly) for completing their first year in Dancing and Pre-school. We are so proud of these achievements because it’s not easy being three year olds now-a-days. We love you two. Mommy/Aunt Ellen and Daddy/Uncle Frankie.

    To my friend Mary -- I am so happy for you. Love Jill

    Many thanks to CPO Judy for all those "behind the scene" extras that make the Mitt Picnic what it is today.

    To Uncle Dicky and Aunt Bridget -- Thank you for coming to my concert. I am so glad you are my godfather. Love Briana

    Christian -- When you’re "In the Mood" you dance so well!! We were so proud of your performance in the school concert. Love, Mom and Dad

    Nicole (Starbright) -- My little three year old dynamo. Glad that you enjoyed your birthday party and all of your toys. Especially the great play house with all of the people and furniture. You are very inquisitive and not afraid to experience new things. Saw the glee on your face as you climbed the water slide at Disney World and the sheer pleasure as you slid out of the clowns mouth into the water. We went to the beach and pool while we were in Florida. Hard to keep up with you as you are anxious to experience all of a little girl’s adventures.

    Coke -- 14 years together, and we still love each other. Let’s keep it going. I love you! -- love Pickle

    Dear Robert III: I remember the day you were born right down to the minute. I was so happy to see your precious little face and hear that little cry. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I thank God for you and I wish you a Happy upcoming 16th Birthday in July. Love from your Aunt El.

    Happy Father's Day to my daddy. I love you. Love Jill

    Grandpa -- Happy Father's Day. We love you lots. Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

    Irene – Still waiting for your cutlets and potato/tomato salad. Dale

    These last couple of months have been very difficult for me. Thanks for the support of my family. Love Jill

    I wish I could remember to write this stuff during the year on the computer, isn’t that one of the reasons we buy these things?

    Jill – Hang in there kid, it has to get better soon! Love CA

    Randy and Mary—Thanks for letting me pester you all the time for news about Uncle Johnny.

    Kimberly -- I love you and am glad you are my big sister. Love Briana

    Kristina (Sunshine) -- Hard to believe you will be in 7th grade in September. Glad that I get to spend time with you. Especially the Monday nights we went to "Youth Group" together. Thank you for making my birthday so very special by making my favorite cake. Helping dad cook and serve dinner for the family. Was happy to attend your concert and listen to you play flute with the band. Glad that I got to see you Jet Ski and swim across the Potomac River on your birthday. It was OK when we went canoeing (my first time) and you splashed me with water. Glad that you came on Easter vacation trip to Florida.. The way you never complain and I can always count on you. You are always ready to help and care about people. Glad that I am your Grandma and you think that I am "Cool".

    Happy SWEET SIXTEEN to the SWEETEST Godchild!! Love ya, Aunt Wendy XXX--OOO

    Daryl -- I really do love ya kid!!!!!

    To my special girl -- I'll always stand with you and be by your side in time of need even though you may think I am not there for you. The truth is I am with you even though it is not in person it is always in spirit and in our soul together.

    To Ronnie & Lynn -- We miss spending time with you guys and wish Matthew could have more quality time with you. We try to make the moments special when you visit, but unfortunately with all the family commotion this is impossible. We hope to make more quality time for all of us in the near future. Love Kevin.

    Uncle Johnny — Feel better soon! I have more places to take you and more jobs for you to do! Dale

    Robert -- Get off the phone!!!!!

    Ronnie – When I look at you I’m glad we’re not twins! -- CA

    Aunt Margie - Thank you for being the WOMAN you truly are. What a role model!!!!:):)

    Kacie -- Hold Me, Hold Me, never ever ever let me go Kacie. My angel. Now stop whining. XOHey

    To Aunt Cheryl -- I am so lucky to have you for a godmother. I love you. Love Briana


    Katie -- You are and always will be our "Terrific Kid".

    To Aunt Lynn -- Even though I don't easily go to you I am still glad you are my godmother. I love you. Love Matthew

    Little Sister -- Stay the way you are. You are so special. I love you and thanks for being there. Love your Big Sister

    Ca -- I love the cards. It always gives me a laugh. Recess Time. I love you Dah

    Just Because

    To the Sheps -- and Jackie keeps on running…..

    To my sisters -- Thanks for taking such good care of me. I love you. Love Matthew

    Thank you Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ronnie for our summer girls’ sleepover. We can't wait. Love Kimberly and Briana

    K.C. -- You are the best. I love you J.C.

    Larry -- Thanks for being there . Combat Rules!! Love ya, Guess Who

    Jill -- You’re the best thing that has happened in my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of it with you. Love Coke

    Do you love the Cubby more than me?

    Jill, my little Pickle from Heaven -- The days are too short to notice the things you do for me, the time taken for all my needs, and the moments you take for thinking of me. I Love you for this. Love Kevin

    Next year the "Girls" swear they are going to Jamaica.

    "Thank you" to everyone who organized the Mastic Beach party. We had a great time and are looking forward to the next one... -- Wendy, Tony, Gianna & Anthony

    Kimberly -- I am very proud of you. You are growing up so fast I can't keep up with you. I am sorry if I am not around as much as you may want me to be but all you need to do is ask for my attention and I will always be there for you. Love Daddy

    Kimberly -- Thank you for being such a great cousin!! Love Katie

    To Craig -- Just want to tell you how proud I am of you…Since moving to Maryland in August I have had the privilege of spending time with you, Kristina and Corey. I know that it is not easy being a single parent, but you are doing a remarkable job. The time, care, love and attention that you give to them are fabulous gifts that they will have for a lifetime. Christmas Eve we attended Mass together (My best Christmas present) and I slept at your home. We needed to get up very early and I overheard you speaking to Corey. It was the most loving exchange of words I have ever heard. Corey awoke with the most beautiful expression on his face…He truly knows that he is loved unconditionally... All of the wonderful things that you do with the children are loving gifts. Taking Corey to T Ball, (His first year season) being involved with his team. Marching in the parade on a rainy, miserable Saturday morning. Watched as you put on your roller-blades, safety equipment and skated with them. Making sure they learn to follow instructions and follow proper safety rules. Taking every one ( including Grandma) to Whites Ferry to Jet Ski as we celebrated Kristina’s 10th Birthday. I especially admire that you are instilling a love for nature

    and teaching them to respect and appreciate the environment. Taking them hiking and camping. Listened as you instructed Corey to pick up paper on the ground. Notice a sense of unity and cooperation that the three of you have when you are together. Kristina and Corey are both a pleasure to be with. They are loving, respectful, caring, helpful, fun and make me happy that I can spend time with all of you. Love, Love, Love, Mother

    To my special boy Matthew "Gooba" -- You’re my present from God and I cherish every day you spend with me. I know you cannot understand this yet, but in time you will look back at this and understand what this is all about. You are as special to me as the sun rising everyday and make me feel complete. Your little smile and laugh fills the void in my soul and strengthens my faith in life and the love of life. Love your father


    Ronald -- Our first reaction to the news of you joining the Navy was sadness. We will miss you terribly. You have always held a special place in our hearts. Success will be yours. Be careful and know that you will always be in our thoughts while you are away. Love always, A. Kim and U. Larry. ( P.S.: Us Buckeyes never did accept the idea of you going to our rival college!!!)

    To my Kimberly -- You were the first born to mommy and myself and have turned our lives around from the beginning. You taught me how to be patient and loving as a father. You showed me affection as only a child could show his/her parent. I will always love you for these qualities you have instilled in me and will always be there for you. Love Daddy.

    La -- I love getting "crabby" with you on Tuesday evenings.

    How’s my favorite Cousin?!

    Adrienne -- We miss not having you so close by. We know that your "heart" has been broken lately, but love and happiness will always surround you. Love The Blauvelt’s

    To Richie Mitterando from his son Rick….(and all the other fathers)

    4 Years: My Daddy can do Anything.

    7 Years: My Dad knows a lot, a whole lot.

    8 Years: My Father doesn’t quite know everything.

    12 Years: oh well, naturally Father doesn’t know everything.

    14 Years: Father? Hopelessly old fashioned.

    21 Years: Oh, That man is out of date. What did you expect?

    25 Years: He knows a little bit about it, but not much.

    30 Years: Must find out what Dad thinks about it.

    35 Years: A little patience, Let’s get Dad’s meaning first.

    50 Years: What would Dad have thought about it?

    60 Years: My Dad knew literally everything.

    65 Years: I wish I could talk it over with Dad once more.

    (author unknown)

    Happy Father’s Day!

    Daddy every year you are our Father of the Year. We are so happy you won. Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

    K.C. -- Sorry we missed your concert but we know you were great. Next time tell us 10 times each visit (like someone else) so we won’t miss it. -- Aunt J.

    To Mother & Dad Cervone -- Thanks for all the concern and prayers you have expressed for Jill and myself. The special cards and calls you have made do make a difference. I know there is no way to repay you and can only keep trying to make a positive move forward in my family's life. These things do take time and this may seem too long for you. All I can ask for is to be patient and understanding for I am trying my best and have to fall before I can walk in to the next arena of life's complexities. Love always Kevin

    "Apologies" to Pep, Judy, Tony and Wendy for almost wiping them out recently with Pina Coladas. Next time I’ll measure the rum.

    Craig – I love ya like a brother! -- Denise

    "Thanks" to Larry and Kim for the Billy Joel Concert and the rest; to Cheryl and Charlie for the Sinatra Memorabilia and for all you do; to Carolann and Adam, Dick and Bridget, Michael and Denise, Jill and Kevin and "all my children" for the countless calls, visits and gifts to light up my life; and last but not least, all my grandchildren, I saw 10 girls in pink, 8 boys in blue, held you as babies, watched as you grew and I thought to myself "What a Wonderful World". If I was unhappy, you made me glad. Time spent with you were the best that I had and I said to myself "What a Wonderful World". God Bless all of you, and good luck, Ronald. You will be missed. Love you.

    C.E. -- What time does the evening bus to A.C. leave? -- J.C.

    Uncle Johnny Mitterando, brother, father, grandfather has made it through a serious operation, and pulled through like a champ. That you for being so strong uncle… Love your niece to be Donna Marie

    To my little Brianna -- Even though sometimes you test the waters and pull the strings, I know you need more and more loving from your mother and me. Please try to be patient with mommy and myself and all will work out. I am very happy you have come into my life and have made me very proud to be a daddy when you perform and display your thoughts and ideas on life's complicated events. Love daddy

    Nothing beats Stroudsburg on July 4th! We’ve even witnessed Ronnie Cervone as "The Human Brillo"! Can’t wait for the next one!...--W, T, G & A

    T.P. -- You made it over a year and even with the dodo’s. Very "taxing", isn’t it? J.C.

    The boys may have a "moving coolie", but I most certainly have a "big one coolie"!!

    Jill -- We pray that as you turn forty you find the happiness and health that you so deserve. Love The B’s

    Jill try and remember all the good times back in HS and all the special times we have shared in our growing together. We have taught each other a lot and still have a lot to teach each other. Unfortunately these are the tough times together, but every thing that happens is for a reason. Our strength together in combating our problems can overpower any ordeal we face together. Remember we are strong together and make a great team. Love Kevin

    LHB -- You should be so proud of yourself and the accomplishments you have made this past year. Your endless devotion to your practice and the sacrifices you have made have often been difficult, but you have never given up. We appreciate all that you do for us and all you have given to us. We love you and thank you for being you. Love CKT and KMB

    Party Committee -- Just Because we want to thank you for helping make the party another success.

    To my family the Cervone's -- I grew up not knowing the meaning of family and love. You have taught me this and more. Over the past twenty years I have shared your good times, your sad times, your worries and your party times. I could never replace the warmth you have shown me. From the first day on you accepted me for what I was and had faith in me to survive. Even though now you are worried about the future for Jill & I, this tough time will pass and once again all will come together and be a happy family. A family that shares not only happy times but also tough times cannot be undermined and destroyed. We have a special bonding US CERVONES and this is not an easy task for any family to accomplish. I just want to say that I love all of you very much. Love always Kevin.

    Fill in the blanks: SWISS _ _ _ _

    Dear LHB -- With all that has been going on around us, it is wonderful to know how lucky we are. I love you and thank you for making me so very happy. KMB

    Wendy -- Just Because ……..

    We’ve gotten many strange phone calls in our life, but a collect call from Bermuda to find out about your bird????

    Hey Carm -- Those coffee mugs were the best wedding favor I ever received. I think of you every time I use them. Love Kim

    The web mistresses (Janice and Irene) -- I’m thrilled that the two of you have taken over the Mitterando Web page. The changes that you have made, already in such little time, have been great! Hopefully we will have thousands of hits a year on it! Love Denise

    Goo Goo- Eat?

    Aunt Kim -- When are we going to the Outback? - Nicholas

    I’ve been called a lot of things-lately it’s been Gudy and GooGoo.

    E.M. -- Hey, Ellyn. Welcome to The 40 Club and Jill’s the next inductee. -- J.C.

    CHydo@Wizcom. Thanks for all your help. Gadoink@AOL

    Goddaughter -- My own baton twirler and best improved basketball player. Love, Your Godmother.

    I remember so clearly, celebrating Aunt Ellen & Uncle Al’s 25th Wedding Anniversary with an exciting Surprise Parade. It was one of many fond memories of Mastic. Happy 50th Anniversary Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al!-- W,T,G&A

    To Carolyann & Adam –I want to say thanks for the special trips you guys have made out to the Island. The dinner visits were special and your concern for Jill & the Kids will not go unnoticed by me. Your constant phone calls and special cards lighten up the depressing moments in our lives. We love you guys so much. Love Kevin

    Special thanks from The Picnic Committee to Kimberly Coco , Katie Blauvelt , Briana Coco and Gianna Pelliccia for their help with the mailings.

    C.M. and K.R. -- The Picnic Committee thanks you for the "advance".

    B.C. -- Great concert-How about Hello Dolly next year? -- Aunt J.

    Apologies to Michael Cervone and Craig Monteforte, CO-winners of 1996 Father of the Year, for late delivery of their "keepsake" trophies. Also to Kevin Coco, 1997 Father of the Year, for lateness of the engraving on the "official" trophy. The Committee.

    A quick "Thank You" to everyone that attended my Big 4-OH.

    Jill -- Take an extra recess.

    Kim & Larry -- You sure do throw great kids birthday parties. Adults enjoy as much as the kids. Thanks. J.C.

    Laura – Catch that wave! -- Denise

    Just who’s blue jacket is that, Mother???

    To Kim & Larry -- I want to thank both you guys for being there for us in our time of need. We could have not done this without your constant phone calls and concern for the well being of our family. I hope that someday I can repay you for all you have done for my family. Love Kevin.

    Ronald -- I’ll miss you, but do what you have to do. Love, your Godmother.


    To ALL: Last years get together at Smith Point Beach was a great day to remember. There was plenty of sunshine, good food and fun. But most of all, it was another opportunity for some of the family to spend some extra time together. This years "Mitts Beach Day" will be on August 1st. And, if you really want to have an extra-special time, pitch a tent! Or, if you’re not that daring, all of the Eastender Campers houses are available for overnight guests and are within 5 minutes of the campground. Please consider coming this summer to the place ‘Pop’ called home for so long to make some new Mitt Memories. Call anytime for information or questions: Bob/Judy Mitterando 516-281-5574 or Frank/Ellen Dammeyer 516-399-8773.

    As each year passes, we add and leave out new topics all the time. This year we didn't have any additions to the following - but let's not forget them!!!



    The Editor

    I would like to thank everyone who typed their submissions and e-mailed them to me. You have no idea what a time saver that is! A couple of glitches with file formats, but nothing that we couldn’t work around. Of course I do not want to leave out the family members that snail mailed items to me also. I would rather type them in than not have anything at all.

    A special thanks goes out to Catherine Kitz (a co-worker) for taking the time to proof read the newsletter. This was her second year as official proof reader. Another big thank you goes out to Jim Vingara for sneaking me into work to make copies too. I’m working for IBM at Lucent Technologies, so they may not be as forgiving as they were when I was an employee!


    A suggestion for next year… when you are putting your submissions together try to remember that everyone is a "I, me, we, us!" Try to write the items in the third person! Thanks!

    See ya all next year! - The EDITOR!!!


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