The 1997 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Father’s Day – Dad’s Day: Did Dodd Do It?


Well, yes, but not entirely. The first recorded celebration of a day to honor fathers was held at the request of Mrs. John Dodd in the year 1910.

 Sonora Smart Dodd had good reason to honor her dad. He raised six children (Sonora had five brothers) all by himself on the western frontier. Sonora had hoped for the first Sunday of June for Father’s Day, her father’s birthday, but the ministers were unable to prepare their special sermons in time. The date has remained the third Sunday of June ever since.

 While Mrs. Dodd is credited with the first specified day to honor fathers, interest was beginning at about the same time across North America. William Jennings Bryan was the first national leader to recognize Father’s Day as an event that warranted support. Later, Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Calvin Coolidge gave their endorsement to the idea of Father’s Day, and the Father’s Day Council was formed. By the late 1930’s Father’s Day was widely celebrated in the U.S. and Canada. In the U.S., it became a national observance in 1972 under the signature of President Richard Nixon.

 Sunday, June 15th , will be a time for cook-outs, family and community events. From greeting cards to gifts to dinners out, people everywhere will be saying "I love you, Dad," in ways that surpass all the years that have gone before.

 If you have a Dad still living, be sure to honor him on that date. It doesn’t take a fancy, expensive gift to do it. Sometimes a simple "I love you, Dad" is the greatest gift of all.

 Welcome to the TWENTIETH Annual Mitterando Father’s Day Reunion.

 The Committee is finally in the computer world. "The Pick A Pop" was done manually but the mailing of the invitations was done by computer (and ably assisted by 4 ½ year old Gianna Pelliccia, a second year official committee member). We can always be reached by e-mail. Our e-mail address is

 We will be passing around the "official" Mitterando Family Mailing List. Two of the invitations were returned due to incorrect addresses, and there are many family members that unfortunately are not on the list. Please take a look at the list, give us any address changes but MOST IMPORTANTLY give us names and addresses of the Mitterando kin that are omitted.

 Make sure everyone signs the registration book. We have kept attendance records since 1983. All family and guests are requested to sign in.

 Special thanks to Denise Mitterando, Editor of "The Mitterando Newsletter." The newsletter is something we all look forward to and truly enjoy reading. It involves a lot of time and work. Let’s try to give Denise a break and get those articles in earlier. The newsletter is indeed worthy of The Mitterando Pulitzer Prize for Publishing.

 There are ONLY 364 days until the 1998 Mitterando Reunion (June 13, 1998) but still plenty of time to make those vacation or long weekend plans to attend. We would love to see new faces and those that have not been able to attend for awhile. It’s a great opportunity to " get into" family and meet or get reacquainted with aunts, uncles and cousins.

 Everybody enjoy the Reunion. Happy twentieth.

 1996 Picnic Update:

Weather: Sunny, 80 degrees, no humidity.

Head count: 140

Most mileage: Dolly’s Kids (Maryland)

Oldest Family Member: Bill Mitterando, Sr

Youngest Family Member: Melanie Cervone (Jodee and Maureen)

Missing links: Dr. Jim Mitterando (Africa)

Irene Berg Family (Florida)

Janice Behrbom Family (Florida)

Robin Ingenito (Maryland)

Laurie Monteforte (Florida)

Richard Cervone Family (Daughters dance performance)

Randy Mitterando Family (Working)

All Ralph Mitterando Offsprings

Philip Vingara

Stanley Vingara Family (Illness)

Dolores Mitterando (Illness)

Rick & Denise Mitterando

Kenneth and Gale Mitterando Families

Offsprings of Julie Mitterando

Ernie & Marissa Monaco (Business)

Dr. Robert Monaco (On call)

Dr. Joan & Dennis Crotty (On call)

Keith & Scott Borowski (Working)

Activities: Posted signs en route to park, arranged tables, hung decorations, then had traditional breakfast (eggs Ala Pep and Al), softball, volleyball, horse racing, poker, 50/50 raffle, kids obstacle races, sand art, treasure hunt & pinata

Entertainment: Carolann’s All Male Revue: Macaroni song & dance starring Louie, Ronnie, Kevin, Larry, Jodee and Jimmy Middleton

Father of the Year: Tie between Michael Cervone & Craig Monteforte




They’re back! Carole and Randy Perrin and Grandma too !!! They moved from Louisiana to Maryland. We are happy to have ya’ll back!

Ron Cervone went to his senior prom.

Ask Al LaRocca about the 26 foot submarine he and his buddies are building, to trailer up to the Sub Base in Conn. in July, and down to Mobile, Alabama for the Submarine Convention in August.

Irene Berg and Janice Behrbom are very fortunate to have rekindled an old relationship with Johnny and Thomas Restivo. We even Pow Wow with Angelo!!

Richie Mitterando is finally out in cyberspace. He was doing some searches on the Mitterandos, and he wants to know who Santa Mitterando is over in the Bronx!

Once again Aunt Dale gave me the honor of hanging with Jaclyn while she drank… I mean attended a conference in Seattle. Jaclyn has to get up for school at 6:00 am. Wow is that early for Laura. But I rose (no pun intended) to the occasion. I even made breakfast all three days. While I was there, I attended Jac’s award ceremony. She received an award for being an outstanding citizen. That’s because she is awesome just like me. I also got to go to Kristina Monteforte’s concert. She played the flute and sang great. Ask her to meow for you. If you need a sitter and have plenty of nachos call me --- Laura Vingara

Melanie Rose Cervone enjoyed her 1st birthday. She liked wearing her birthday hat and party dress. She enjoyed all the company. We gathered the family together. Aunt Bridget made the cake. Grandma made spaghetti with clam sauce. Aunt Carolann made humus. It was a beautiful early spring day (April 5th). We enjoyed sitting and playing outside. The children had an egg hunt. Melanie loved the clam sauce and cake. Thank you everyone for making it so very special. I missed sharing our birthday Aunt Kim, but I mostly missed you. I know you wanted to be there. I love my doll and stroller. Thanks!

Joyce and Glenn have had enough of the cold winters in New Hampshire and Vermont and are thinking about moving South to Virginia or ?

September 1996; Davie, FLLaura, John and Nicole "Starbright" Vingara arrived in Davie, Florida to spend time with Laurie. It was also time to celebrate Laura’s 10 year high school reunion. The happy travelers drove down from New Jersey, and stopped to spend some time in Disney World. They watched as Cinderella’s Castle was being turned into a beautiful birthday cake display. Laura and John had spent part of their honeymoon at this wonderful theme park and wanted Nicole to share this experience with them.

Laura was able to spend time with her classmates, visit her old neighborhood and South Broward High School. She went to several of her favorite eating establishments (Rustic Inns -–delicious garlic crabs). John also prepared a lovely fish dinner. The evening before, they went deep-sea fishing and caught several large fish that were delectable. I was very fortunate as I was able to play with "Starbright" as her parents did adult things. We all went to our local pool and Nicole had hours of fun splashing and swimming. She does not have any fear of water. She has been taking showers since she was several months old.

Since Laura was never known for traveling lightly, there was a swimming pool packed in the Vingara van. Nicole spent time in her pool and washing Grandma’s patio doors. The night of the reunion Nicole and I stayed home, played games and stayed up way past our bedtime. It was a wonderful week and I enjoyed every moment of their visit.

Christian Blauvelt and cousin Gianna Pelliccia made their debut on T.V. Channel 11, building sand castles at Jones Beach.

I can’t believe Adrienne Cervone is 20 !! I still remember her in her turtle costume. I wonder if it still fits. Laura Vingara

Don’t look at Dee Mitterando’s feet today… She has no shoes, thanks to niece Laura Vingara who won’t go shopping with her.

Michael and Danielle LaRocca have had a couple of experiences with the police recently. On the way to the park, their grandmother stopped off for gas. She had just left the station when a police officer pulled her over. At that moment she knew why. When she was told to "get out of the car", he said "I see the 2 children are wearing their seatbelts, and if they hadn’t, you would get a ticket". I said, "Officer, I never drive without my seatbelt, it was only because I took it off to reach for my wallet to pay the attendant." It turned out to be a good experience for the children. They promised one another they would always sit in the BACK with their seatbelts on.

Shortly after that Cathy took them to Friendly’s. While waiting for their order, she told them they could get some crayons. Just as they were getting them, 3 police officers walked in and took them aside. Danielle thought they were going to take them to jail for stealing crayons. Someone had called the police because 3 men were sitting in a booth and a gun was showing. It turned out they were undercover policemen having dinner. When Skip came home he said to Michael, "I thought I was going to see you on TV tonight on COPS".

Boat (n.) a whole in the water – Cousin Richie figured this meaning out with five trips out to sea: two times he was towed in and one time he drifted into shore! It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper to go to the fish market and buy the fish than to try and catch them!!

On a warm Saturday in July we (Pep, Margie, Judy, Wendy, Gianna, Anthony, Kimberly and Briana) invited ourselves to The Kingsland Avenue Country Club owned by Adam and Carolann Elias. We had called and told Carolann not to worry about anything -- that we would bring all the food. We arrived at 1:00 PM. In between dips in the pool Carolann and Adam served hummis, tabuli, lamb patties, chicken, more lamb patties, coffee and dessert. We left at 8:00 PM with everything we came with. A few days later we served the food to them when Adam made a house call to give the haircuts we never got the Saturday before. What a great deal.

This past Memorial Day Weekend a crowd invaded Sandy Cove Campsites in Delaware. (The group keeps on growing – there were 18 this time!) Some things never change… a Sea Doo broke down, and we were yelled out by another camper for being too loud. Mitterandos loud? The nerve! The best part of camping is sitting around the fire – talking, laughing, singing and drinking! May the tradition continue and the group grow larger and larger!

Samantha Cervone started gymnastics and is having a blast.

What Tupperware demonstrator can you call at 11:30 p.m. and ask to do a party for you the following night? Laura Vinaga!!!! Thanks Cuz!

On May 31st, Gianna Pelliccia performed in her very 1st dance recital. She danced to the fun song "Shout". It was a great success. In the audience were both her Grandmas, Aunt Judy, her Godfather and even Aunt Carolann. Gianna had a lot of fun and made her Mother very proud.

We are now looking forward to seeing Melissa and Adrienne strut their stuff!

Beware of guests bearing roasts: Craig Monteforte graciously offered to bring the roast beef for dinner at his Aunt Dale’s house. His BEEF turned out to be BAMBI…… Only quick thinking by honest Carol Perrins (wife of Randy "Road Kill" Perrins) saved the unsuspecting dinner guests. V-e-r-y f-u-n-n-y, Craig.

Robert Monaco became the head Sports Physician at Rutgers University.

The annual Cervone Apple Picking was held September 6. 1996. The attendees were: Carolann, Adam, Nart, Norris (Adam’s nephews), Dick, Bridget, Adrienne, John, Melissa, Katie Melli, Aunt Madeline (Bridget's mother and aunt), Judy, Ronnie, Lynn, Ronald, Erika, Samantha, Jill, Kevin, Kimberly, Briana, Matthew, Kelly and Keith (Kevin's niece and nephew), Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie, Tyler, Wendy, Gianna, Anthony, Maureen, Joseph, Melanie, Cheryl, Charlie, Nicholas, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Al, Danielle and Michael. We met at Wilkes Farm for a tailgate breakfast, hopped or were lifted on to the tractor to the orchid, filled our baskets and went back to the "Original Mahopac" Cervone house for the birthday celebrations for Samantha, Briana and Gianna. Jodee was sidelined joining the growing list of back problem Cervones. Special thanks to Bridget and Dick for their hospitality.

Laura Vingara has finally moved into the 21st century. While staying at Aunt Dale’s, she surfed the Internet and enjoyed "chatting" with her cousins. Look out Cyberspace!

Melanie Rose Cervone was christened on July 14, 1996 at St. John’s Church in Mahopac, New York. Kim Blauvelt is her Godmother. Most of the family was there to witness the joyous event. Followed by a celebration at our house. Jodee built tarps over the decks in case of rain. But the rain held out until the party was just about over. The company was good, the food was delicious, and fun was had by all. Thank you to Grandma for the lollipops and Aunt Bridget for the cake. Thanks to everyone for being part of my special day.

Veterinarian/DJ Larry embarked on yet another career as an actor. He made his stage debut in December when he appeared in "Oliver" and "A Christmas Carol" at The Cultural Arts Playhouse in Old Bethpage. Break a leg!! (Good thing your not a horse!)

Even though we (Berg family) are so far away in miles, we have been getting closer to many family members via the Internet. We keep in touch with the Editor Denise, who keeps us informed on all the latest on the X-Files!

The Bronx Zoo was sure to have made a profit on April 25th. On that day, 23 members of the Cervone family and 4 members of the La Rocca family were there taking in as many sites as a crowd that size can. We all had a great time monkeying around. I guess you can say that it certainly was a ZOO that day!

We always knew how Dr. Larry could raise the roof, but not the whole house. Their Levitt house is now a mansion.

Dick Cervone (alias Richard Hollywood) is working on Jimmy Valvano’s house (lead guitar player on Conan O’Brien T.V. Show).

Patrick, now 9, received the Superintendents Award for getting straight A's all year and also the Citizenship Award. Great job guys!

Now Judy Cervone has been added to our growing family (Pow Wow Member). So we finally have a Long Island connection!!!

The family (Monaco) has purchased property in western New Jersey (Hunterdon County) and plan to subdivide and build.

Jacqueline Behrbom turned 13!!!! She's very involved in her gymnastics and tumbling it out on her new trampoline. Cheerleading starts in the Fall and drama classes over the summer. (I'll be her manager when Hollywood calls) She received the Citizenship Award and Honor Roll Certificate from West Hernando Middle School. She is doing just great, and we are proud of her.

Yes, it’s true, Tony Pelliccia has gone from selling meatballs to mortgages. Wendy and the kids are happy to have him home nights and weekends. Hopefully now we will be seeing him at more family functions. "Make a lot of money, Tony!"

Irene and I have decided to mimic Lucy and Ethel, getting into trouble and coming up with newer and better hair brained ideas! But we are having a lot of fun doing it! We'll keep you posted on our latest ventures!

Pep Cervone is becoming a computer nerd. At least twice a day he’s on the Internet. Of course, its only sports for now, but a good start.

Erika Cervone had a great softball season. Ronnie coached -- he was great and the best of the coaches.

Bill James has just launched a boat detailing business. Good Luck !

THE "CERVONE" NAME TRAVELS TO THE HALL OF FAME. When the Rascals were inducted to the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio on May 6,1997 the tambourines used by Eddie and Dave Brigati were filled with "Good Luck" and "Congratulations" wishes from celebrities and friends associated with the Rascals. The tambourines were signed at a private rehearsal in NYC attended by Michael Cervone.

Crazy…? That certainly is what some people called it when they found out that Denise Mitterando was going to Burbank, California to travel for a week with people that she had only met over the Internet. It turned out to be a terrific trip without any of the folks being mass murderers. Denise went to an "Official X-Files Convention" (Talk about addictions…) On her flight from San Francisco to Burbank, she was on the same flight with Mitch Pileggi (Assistant Director Walter Skinner from the X-Files), and she didn’t even know it! He was sitting two rows in front of her! When her friends that met her told her that he was on the plane, she wouldn’t believe it until he confirmed the fact himself that he was on the flight. (I was too panicked to notice – I was having those second thoughts about actually meeting people that I didn’t know to notice!)

Samantha Cervone is leaving elementary school and will be entering junior high next fall.

Denise Mitterando almost, that’s ALMOST, got away with NOT coming to Laura’s baby sitting rescue in the middle of the night. But leave it to the Vingara’sJohn went sea dooing by himself at 10 am and never came home. So after Laura waited and waited she finally called cousin Denise to come over. We called the police to say he was missing. Only for them to ask us if he could have run away!!! ( I said not my John) At 5:00 am fearing the worst I called his mom and dad. By 6 am Bridgewater’s finest came by to notify me that they had found John’s car in the parking lot and our brand new sea doo was off the trailer. What a nightmare. The phone patrol took off notifying Craig who called Dale and then he called Randy Perrin who called the Coast Guard…and so on … while Laura , Valerie and Ishmeel zoomed down to the Delaware. Here’s where Denise comes in, she manned the phones and watched Nicole, while we went to find John. Jimmy Vingara was already down by the river looking for John. But where was JOHN!!! He spent the night on an island after our brand new sea doo broke down. He sang 99 bottles of beer on the wall lots of times… At the sight of dawn he began to float down river. He yelled for a jogger who went for help. While Laura, Val and Ishmeel waited for the police by the river. John walked into the ranger station and said "Hi , I am John and I think you all are looking for me." A few minutes later the family was happily reunited. Laura was actually so HAPPY and THANKFUL to see John she hasn’t even YELLED at him YET!!! Thanks to the whole rescue crew. Oh and by the way John went sea dooing the following weekend by HIMSELF… and yes, you CAN yell at him.

Erika Cervone made it through her first year of high school.

Katie, Kimberly, Brianna and Melissa spent a few days at Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ronnie's house. We hope to do it this summer too.

On July 8,1996, Kevin was transferred from the 44th Precinct Robbery Unit to the Computer Investigation and Technologies Unit in Headquarters. He has two offices now one located on the 11th Floor and the other is located on the 13th floor where the Chief Of Detectives office is located. With the combination of Kevin working on the 13th floor and his current lucky streak, it’s a wonder that NYPD headquarters building is still standing.

Jaclyn Shafer is taking clarinet lessons, gymnastic lessons, and tennis lessons. She is doing very well, but her mother is VERY tired after driving her to all of these places.

Anthony Pelliccia, who’s not quite 2 years old keeps us busy , but well-entertained. He’s quite an athlete already. He goes to sleep and wakes up bouncing a basketball, and can pitch a ball that would even make Uncle Nappy proud! "Take a bow, Anthony."


Welcome to Jamestown: Nanci James and company have just launched a new business venture: a string of hospitality hotels. Good luck, Nanci!

Chuck, after one year in college, has decided to take a break and enter the work force. He is tossing around some programming ideas and might just start his own business.

The Maryland/Jersey Side has anxiously been awaiting Laurie Monteforte’s permanent arrival from Florida. Her grandchildren and nieces have much to show and do with her.

Erika Cervone has a job! She started working at a swim suit outlet store near by.

While staying with Jaclyn when Dale went out of town, Laura was supposed to video Jaclyn receiving awards at her school’s ceremony so her mother could see it. She forgot to charge the battery - so she did the next best thing to make any mother proud: Laura staged a video showing Jaclyn with a lampshade on her head swigging from a bottle of "wine". Thanks, Laura…for those wonderful memories!

Kimberly just celebrated her 12th birthday and is going into the Seventh Grade in September

March 1997; Davie, FL -- The two gay divorcees spent several wild and crazy days having lost of fun, enjoying each others company. We tried to behave, as we didn’t want to disgrace the family by being arrested for unlady-like behavior.

Robin flew to Florida for a long weekend, and to help move Laurie’s dining room and living furniture to make the house more sellable. The Mayland side is waiting for her to move up north so that the three Golden Girls (reminiscence of Aunt Marie, Aunt Dolly, and Inez) can join forces. I have asked brother Bill to build us a singles housing development, so we can all live close together but still be apart. "Lord Help the Mister, who comes between me and my sister. But Lord help the Sister, who comes between me and my man."

The weather was glorious and Robin spent a day boating, stopping for lunch, sipped wine, and also slipped into a hot tub at a local Ft. Lauderdale hot spot. It was a warm evening and we went to Tugboat Annie’s for dinner. She sipped more wine as we dined outside at this favorite restaurant and marina. I didn’t want her to drink alone so I kept her company. (I thought that was the polite thing do, since I am the big sister and supposed to take care of her.) We spent the evening talking about growing up, and how differently we remember incidents and stories. It was a lot of fun and too quickly Robin was on her way back to Maryland. -- Laurie

Both Chris and Patrick Berg received honors for their academic achievements this year. Chris will be taking several Honor Classes next year and since he turns 15 on June 20th he can take drivers ed in the Fall!! During the summer Chris will be pumping up at Central High School.... and getting credits for it! We'll have to put a warning label on him when he starts his sophomore year!

Briana is 8 ½ years old and is going into the Fourth Grade in September.


Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer for a GREAT school year: straight A’s the first marking period, B+ average for rest of the year, member of the honor roll, and received a Citizenship Award. Way to GO, Jac!

Joseph P. Cervone, Jr. has been promoted to Property Manager of IRES Mgt. and Vice President of P.M.I. Construction and Management as of January 1, 1997. He got a new company Pathfinder, stock options, voice mail, cell phone, "the works." He is adjusting well. He puts in long hours and looks great in a suit. We are really proud of him! Best of everything! Keep up the good work.


Kristina Monteforte is graduating elementary school this month, and will be attending middle school in the fall. Congratulations, Kristina!

Congratulations to Dr. Jeanne Mitterando on graduating Medical School.

Congratulations to Corey Monteforte on his completing his first year of nursery school. He has been building and putting together anything that he can get his hands on.

Ron Cervone is graduating the day of the picnic.

Gianna Pelliccia at the young age of 4 ½ has been a winner in 2 contests this past year. She took the Pre-K 2nd place award in the "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest at school and then the Grand Prize Winner of a 3' stuffed rabbit from CVS Easter coloring contest. Congratulations Gianna!!

Ron Cervone got accepted to Penn State.

Congratulations to Dani James on her invitation to apply for entry into a gifted and talented school next year. Among her other high test results, Dani scored "off the charts" for creativity, but we have ALWAYS known that. GO, Dani!

Congratulations to Adam who was sworn in as an U.S. Citizen March 4, 1997. Took Uncle Sam just 2 months to call him for Jury Duty.



John Vingara and Craig Monteforte got to sea doo up the Hudson in August of 96. Their butts are probably still SORE !!! While Laura and Nicole followed behind in the car with the trailer. By the way thanks to MBNA for the trip!

The now annual Erika Birthday Trip from Aunt Judy took us in November to Florida. We Flew to Orlando on a Thursday night and visited Disney World, Epcot (boring), Universal and Sea World all packed into 3 days. These trips are getting better and better (but not cheaper and cheaper). Previously, we went to Washington, D.C. and a dude ranch. Any suggestions for November 1997???

Denise Mitterando spent six out of eight weeks traveling around the country on business last summer – Atlanta, Greensboro, Chicago, Washington DC, San Francisco. She can’t complain because she was able to stick in an extra week in California for vacation and not have to pay for the airfare!!!


Denise Cervone turns the big 4-0. Happy Birthday.

Lynn Cervone turned the big 40!

Robin "Rupie" Ingenito hit the big "4-0" in October. A surprise party was thrown for her at That’s Amore in Maryland.

Nanci James turns 40 in July. A birthday sail to St. Michael’s Island in Maryland is planned.

Jaclyn Shafer will become a teenager in August. Where did the time go???

Billie James turned three in January and had a "beach party". Congratulations!


Congratulations to B.J. Mitterando and Donna on their engagement.

Karl Monaco will be getting married to Tara Groh,(new daughter-in-law) this coming July. Tara is a teacher, working in the Clifton school system in NJ.


Congratulations to Ellen and Frankie for taking the plunge.

Congratulations to Drs. Jim and Julie Mitterando on their black and white marriage ceremony. Sorry we missed the Boston reception.


Joan and Ernie will celebrate 37 years of marriage this June.

Happy 20th Anniversary to Michael and Denise Cervone.

Ronnie and Lynn Cervone celebrated their 19th Anniversary!

James and Gina Paterno celebrated their 2nd Wedding Anniversary May 20th, they gave birth to a new Pentium computer, and they’re on line and waiting to hear from y'all.



Once again John and Laura can be found unpacking… (most of it was done in just 2 days). We made a BIG move… we moved from 35 Tunison Lane to 89 Tunison Lane. We now live in a three bedroom apartment with a garage for John’s new toy. After all, it doesn’t run in the water!!

Erika Cervone got her own phone line (contact the web master for this information)


No new babies on the way? Why do I find that hard to believe with a family this size! - The Editor


Cheryl and Charlie Hydo became proud parents on July 23, 1996. Nicholas John weighed in at 8 lb. 11 oz. Nicholas is the 17th grandchild for Margie and Pep.

Congratulations to Ernie and Joan Monaco for the birth of two more grandchildren, Tina (4/8/97) 2nd daughter of Dr. Joan and Dennis; and John, Jr.(4/11/97), son of John and Noreen and brother of Cara.

Congratulations to Jimmy and Ellyn Middleton on the birth of their second daughter Jessica.

Kimberly & Briana are the proud sisters of their new baby brother Mathew Kevin, born on July 8 1996.

Ernie and Marisa added a new German Shepherd to their household, they have two shepherds Heidi and Tonka.


Gianna also told Cousin Richie to "ask his Mother " (Dee) if he could color with her.

With Jodee’s new job, he works very late and arrives home after the children go to bed. The other morning Joseph said "bye dad, see you in the morning!"

When Danielle came home from school and happily announced to her parents that for the second marking period she had straight A’s, her brother Michael looked at her report card and said "Danielle, they’re not all straight A’s, a couple of them are crooked."

On most weekends you can find little Gianna packing her Dalmatian backpack (mostly with her Beanie Baby collection) to sleep at Aunt Judy’s. She only sleeps there because "she knows her".

On the ride home from Pennsylvania after celebrating Uncle Michael’s 40th birthday at Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Lynn’s, Gianna asked, "How come we didn’t get goody bags?"


Dear Johnny,

Saddened by Jessie’s sudden death, our hearts all ache for you and your family. We had no time to say "good bye" or to thank her for the faithful years of love and care for you; especially during and after your illness.

I recall her happiness as a new mother and how protective she was of Randy as a child. When he went into the service, you both were so proud. Years later, Mary came into your lives; she filled the role of a daughter that Jessie never had. She and Randy presented you with a grandson, making her life complete. Steven was the joy of her life.

I remember how she loved camping at the beach with Bobby and Judy and how devoted she was to their children. She would frolic with them in the ocean like a big kid. Our Fallsview weekend was filled with fond memories and she had hopes of doing it again. Every year she looked forward to the family picnic, joining in the fun and bragging about the mussels you made and Pop’s scungilli salad that she made. I know your life is lonely without her and today we are so aware of her absence But we’re so proud of the dignity and composure you’ve exhibited through it all. Thank God for sparing her a long and painful ending. She will always be remembered and loved by all of us.

Affectionately, your sister



The Coco’’s made another move and hopefully the last move. By July we should own the house.

Cheryl and Charlie -- Congratulations on Baby Nicholas !! I hope you two are enjoying parenthood as much as John and I. Just wait till his favorite words are NO and MINE!!-- Laura

May is a thing of the past and it’s almost September

Jill -- Thanks for all you have done for me, putting up with my moody behaviours and my short temper. I do love you very much. -- Love Always Kevin

To Chef Bordee -- Thanks for all the great meals and fun at your house. We love you the Coram girls and boy.

Thanks to MARMA and POPPY for all the sleepovers I get. What service too!!! Aunt Val makes me cookies. Uncle Ish plays with me. Marma (Connie Vingara) cooks me pancakes. But Poppy lets me sleep in his bed!!!! He even makes me home fries and takes me to Burger King. I can’t wait to sleepover again—Love Nicole

Laura – A BIG thanks for coming to stay with Jaclyn so I could attend a conference in Seattle…Also, thanks to Nicole for all of her interior decorating services while I was gone – Aunt Dale

You should not have to be present to win father of the year!!

Laura -- Long time no hear, I miss your calls! Mother Damn It

Dad You are much more than a father-in-law --- You are more like a dad!!! You are my father of the year!! -- Love Laura

CA -- thanks for always being there, you’re the best nurse I ever had. Love ya lots Jill

"Little Sister" thanks for all you do for me. You are more than a sister, you’re my best friend. Lots of Love, "Your Big Sister"

Craig and John --- Thanks for the Trailer Fiasco of ‘97. I just love being in a borrowed truck, hauling a trailer for 10 hours—Laura

To my pickle -- The years have gone by so quickly with so many surprises and great achievements. We should have starred in "Rippleys Believe It Or Not" -- Love Ya Coke

To my New Jersey cousin -- Thanks for coming to LI to help me get my little angels room painted and set up for him. We had fun. Thanks love ya your LI Cousin.

Rich & Dee -- We miss you guys! Come and visit or we will have to come to you! Love Brucie & the Girls

John—next time I have a reunion… let’s go CAMPING!--Laura

To My Favorite Wife -- Thank you for being so patient while I spend so many hours on my Sub project. Love Your Favorite Husband

"LA" thanks for being my friend! -- Love ya your Combat Partner

Anyone interested in camping with a great bunch of campers, who just love to pack up in the rain… contact Laura Vingara.

Grandma & Grandpa -- We love you so much! Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

To my GodDamn GodMother -- All is great. We hope to see you soon. Love Jill

To my Godmother Lynn -- Thank you for all you do for me. I had a great time on Easter I love you Matthew

Hey Jill you moved and didn’t need me to paint!! -- Laura

Hi Bean !!!!

Jode – Thanks for being an usher for Tom’s wedding. You’re the greatest. Endless Love

Ty-Man -- I love you lots -- just the way you are! Love your Aunt? (Tie your Mother down)

Coke -- I’m so glad you’re back in my life. And thank you for the precious gift you gave me. I Love You! Happy Fathers Day! Love Pickle

Dear Mom and Dad -- We love you. We would do anything for you both. We hope our prayers are being answered. God Bless us all. Love John, Laura and Nicole

Jill -- You have stuck by me through the good times and the bad times. Mother and dad should be proud of you the way you have grown and how you have become a responsible, family oriented person. It’s true "The Fruit does not fall far from the tree" -- Love Your Husband

Denise Cervone -- We extend our condolence for the loss of your brother Jay.

If you should ever leave a teapot boiling on the stove, and forget its on, then leave the house, make sure you call CA-ELLA to remove the soot and cob webs. She can really clean. Thanks so much!

Maria Mitterando (Belle) -- Our sympathy and prayers that God will comfort you and memories of your Mother will make you smile again.

Denise -- Great job on the Mitt News keep up the good work. Love Kevin & Jill

Hey Mother--- Glad you haven’t made any emergency trips for a while. Glad you will be with us for the picnic. Hope that house sells soon. We could all use a few more snuggles… Now I know how special being a mother is. You are one of the best. I love you 10, 10, 10 Laura

Irene and Janice of Spring Hill, FL -- Keep that e-mail going, it’s great hearing from you. Love Aunt Margie

To my pickle – You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will never let you stray far from me. I do admire you for your determination and family strength. Keep up the good work. -- Love Coke

Cousins Rich & Dee -- Still waiting for you to set up a date.

Denise -- The Mitt News gets better every year, Thanx. M.C.

Dear Aunt Kim -- Thank you for being a wonderful Godmother! Love Melanie

Dear Mother and Dad – Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary. We love you Jodee, Maureen, Joseph and Melanie

Kim, Wendy and Cheryl – No other Tupperware party has been the same. None ever end with a Disco at MIDNIGHT!! Let’s dance and sing again soon—Laura

Jode – Thanks for all the little and big things you do! Endless Love

Mother & Daddy, I Love You! JILL

Congratulations to Aunt Margie and Uncle Pep for celebrating 50 years together. You both have always had a special place in my heart. Love Laura.

Daddy – I love to meet you at the door. You make me laugh! Happy Father’s Day. Love your little Sweetheart

To my Godchild Samantha -- You are the best and very special to me. I love you, Jill

Aunt Dale Did you get your pump dispenser yet? Laura

Dear Aunt Cheryl – Thank you for being a wonderful Godmother! Love Joseph

Jode – Congratulations on your promotion. We are so proud of you! You’re doing great! All our love MJM

To mommy -- We love you very much, even when we don’t listen to you. -- Love Kimberly & Briana

We love to see you all dressed up for work. You look really good! We miss you. You’re the greatest! MJM

Dear Tony — It was a long year, but we made it. I thank God you’ve been well, and I’ll stand by you while you make this challenging career change. I’m really enjoying you enjoying our children.

Dear Judy — Thank you for making this job opportunity possible. Love T, W, G, A

Dear Aunt Carolann -- Happy Birthday! The best ½ is yet to come! Love Jodee, Maureen, Joseph and Melanie

Congratulations Citizen Adam!!! Sissy

Dear Michael and Denise – Happy Anniversary – Love Jodee and Maureen

Dear Aunt Bridget – I loved my pumpkin costume. It was great. Sorry I was sick on Halloween and you didn’t get to see me. I even wore it to the Dr.’s office. Anyway thanks again! Love Joseph

Bridget – You make wonderful cakes! Thank you for all your help! Love Maureen

Adrienne – Gook luck at Hofstra. Congratulations on your graduation too! Love Uncle Jodee, Aunt Maureen, Joseph and Melanie

To my mommy -- Even though I look a lot like my daddy, I have all of your good Cervone stock qualities. I’m still "Your Little Boy". -- Love Matthew

Dear Ronald – Congratulations on your graduation! Way to go! Love Uncle Jodee, Aunt Maureen, Joseph and Melanie

Mommy – you are the best! Love Joseph and Melanie

Dear La -- The house we have talked about for so long is finally almost ours!! We could never have done it without your hard work and without the sacrifices you made. I know there were so many times that you didn’t want to take the extra D.J. job or the late night emergencies, but you did it anyway. Thank you for giving us this wonderful house. The only thing I would like to know is, "why April"????

Janice, Irene, and Dale – Thank you for taking on the duties of typists! We will have the Mitterando web page looking great in no time at all! -- Denise

Maureen – Thank you for taking good care of us! Love Jodee, Joseph, Melanie

Craig – Isn’t the ceiling crooked??

"Good Luck" Ronald and Adrienne on your new college venture! And Adrienne, a good meal is close by. Love, W, T, G, A

Cheryl & Charlie -- Be on the look out for that tan Caravan who evaded the toll at Jones Beach.

Jill -- Thanks for completing my life with Matthew. I know it took a lot out of you. I’m sure it is very hard for you to keep up with him these days. I do appreciate the hard work everyday you do, and the extreme patience you have with all of the children. -- Love Kevin

Let’s go play Gilligan’s Island……All you need is a jet ski with a bad motor, a deserted island, and a real cold river - and a worried family….WAY TO GO, JohnCraig

Irene – I’m still waiting for you to bring the chicken cutlets and potato/tomato salad to the picnic. Are you coming??? Dale

Wendy -- I’m looking forward to next February’s Limo ride. So who cares if we don’t have a place so long as we have the Limo!!!

Congratulations to the Coco’s for their TERRIFIC little boy Matthew Laura

JV lets go to lunch at Jersey Jims soon—JV

Katie -- Congratulations on your First Holy Communion. I’m glad I could be there. Godmother

Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Lynn -- I had such a great time at the sleep over. Can we do it again this summer? Love Katie.

C.H. Thanks for all your help getting us computerized and on line. J.C.

Uncle Al -- Thanks for bringing us online and for all those other things you do.

CA -- Happy "special" birthday-won't advertise which number and best Limo trip I ever had. Judy

To my Godson, Anthony -- I love you! Dee

It is truly amazing how small the world is! I do not remember Janice Behrbom and family, but I feel like I have known her for years! Janice, Jackie, Gina and I have been talking back and forth over Pow Wow for a couple of months! One night we had one heck of a Pow Wow session going on! Janice, Gina, Dale, Irene and Johnny were all on! Talk about the Mitterandos storming the Internet! -- Denise

Congratulations Ronald! I am very proud to be your Godmother.

Grandma - Thanks for making it such a wonderful world!!!

Ronald - Congratulations on your graduation! We know you'll do great next year! - Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Charlie, and Nicholas

John & Jackie -- Miss you. Love to Ben. M.C.

Daddy – Thank you for taking me to "work" with you. I want to be just like you when I grow up. You’re a great dad. Happy Father’s Day – Love, your little Buddy.

Cheryl -- Looking forward to watching our busy boys growing up together. Love ya Jill

Mom and Dad – I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all the things you have done and continue to do for me! I know when you tell me certain things, you are telling me for my own good because you have been there and done that already! As I grow older, I can look back and understand why you told me "this" or "that!" I just wanted to make sure that YOU KNEW that now I do understand! I love you!

Adrienne - We are looking forward to having you close by in September. Good luck at Hofstra! - Aunt Cheryl, Uncle Charlie, and your godson

James and Gina – We have to connect when you are back in the NY area around Thanksgiving! -- Deemitt

Congratulations to our Katie who made her First Holy Communion on May 24. May God bless you and always keep you safe. We love you. Mom and Dad.

Robin – Congratulations on your super-successful year in real estate. You deserve it! Dale

To My Favorite Cousin-So far in miles but always near in my thoughts...Love Your Favorite Cousin

Michael Cervone celebrated his 40th birthday. (He videotaped The Rascals rehearsing for their "Hall of Fame" show. It was the thrill of his lifetime.)

Daddy -- I Love You very much. HAPPY FATHERS DAY! Love Jill

Hi! to our 6 devoted daughters, our 4 special sons, our 5 super sons-in-law, our 4 divine daughters-in-law, our 10 gorgeous granddaughters and our 7 God gifted grandsons. We love you all.

To the best family in the world -- I’ll never forget my Big 50! Thanks for everything. I love you all.

Uncle Bill Mitterando – Where are the eels? My brother would like to try some this year. Dale

Denise and Rick – Congratulations on being "King (and Queen) of the Hill" The place looks great! When’s the party?!!! Denise

Congratulations to Valerie and Ishmeel --- We are glad to have you a part of the family. Love John, Laura and Nicole.

Happy 1st Birthday Melanie Rose. We love you! Mom, Dad and Joseph

Thanks for your help and Hi to my e-mail Cousins Irene, Janice and Denise. Be "talking" to you. Judy

Da: Remember the day we tried to get rid of all the cob webs and almost fell off the ladder? CA


Carol and Randy – We’ve really enjoyed having you in Maryland. Hope the time till your next move goes REAL S—L—O—W. Dale and Jaclyn

To my little monstor Godchild, Nicole – I love you!!! Aunt Niece

Adrienne: May the love of dance beat forever in your heart. Love Aunt CA

Charlie -- "Mamacita, donde’ esta’ Santa Claus?"

John —Thanks for the dancing lessons… Can you rumba or cha cha yet? -- Laura

Wendy -- "Just Because" the U.P.S. man knew about it and AT & T advertised for us, does that mean we’ve reached national proportions? If so, I think we should consider Shea Stadium for JB # 7!!!

Laurie – SO glad you made it. Dale

To My #1 Girl and #1 Boy – It’s been a couple of tough years, but I’m so happy I got you both to love and share life with. Thanks for being the greatest. Love, 1996 Father of the Year

Mom and Dad – Thanks for watching Butterscotch once again while I cruised the states (all in the name of business, of course) again! Love yas Denise

Congratulations to Christian who has received "Honorable Mention" on his last two report cards. We are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Mom and Dad.


To Dr. Jeannie Mitterando – You GO, girl!!! Dale

Kimbo. How were the squash seeds??

Kimberly & Briana -- Thanks for your help for the past few years making and hanging the signs for the picnic. Aunt Judy & The Committee

To "Marvelous Monica" -- We know you are out there somewhere and we will find you one day!!

To The Best Daddy in the Whole World -- HAPPY FATHERS DAY! We love you very much. LOVE Kimberly, Briana, and Matthew

J. C. Thanks for the best BD in AC. Love ya. C.E.

I LOVE MY VET! Love Fluffy and Shadow

Happy 12th anniversary! Endless Love

Briana -- We love you very much. Great job in school. We are very proud of you. Mommy and Daddy

Our love and best wishes to Ronald, graduating High School today. Good luck at University of Pennsylvania. G & G

Matthew -- This is your 1st picnic with us. We love you very much. You are our miracle. Mommy and Daddy

Hope more family and friends get online in this coming year, so no matter where we roam We will always share in each other's lives. Love Irene

To the Mastic Beach "Babies" – We really enjoyed our day at the beach with you on Labor Day Weekend. Thanks, we had fun. Love Jodee, Maureen, Joseph and Melanie

Uncle Johnny – Keep working on that dream of yours. It WILL come true. -- Dale

Dear Mother and Dad — Thank you for so many things, but most of all, thank you for teaching us what Family is all about. "We’re very good friends my family and I"

DeniseT-H-A-N-K-S for all of your hard work in bringing us the Mittnews. We look forward to it all year! Dale

Happy Birthday to Tyler who turns three on 6/6. Is it true that there is another "6" somewhere on that devilish body? You keep us going, Tyler, but we love you so much.

Randy – Did you bring any cornbread? Jaclyn

CA -- "Na Na Na Na Na"

Favorite Cuz to Favorite Cuz – Let’s not just say we’re getting together….let’s do it.

Kimberly -- We are so proud of you. You are becoming a young lady. Thanks for all your help with Matthew. We Love You. Mommy and Daddy

Laura – Thanks for all the help over the last few years. It didn’t go unnoticed. I really couldn’t have gotten this far without you.

Thanks, again, to the MD Crowd -- When life was at its worst, everyone was there.— CM

John – Hopefully someday if we wake up while camping and see that it is raining we will be able to just throw it all away and start from scratch next time! Ahhh… great minds think alike, huh?!! Love Denise

Anthony, you can call me "gooey" anytime. I like it better than Jooey

Michael -- We are all so proud of you, starting kindergarten in September. Your teachers will love you as they did in Pre K.

Kimberly -- We are so proud of you.

To my cousin, Craig – Thanks for hanging around with me during my little excursion to DC! I had a great time! Next time we do it, we will have to hang out at Planet Hollywood for a couple of hours! I need a shot and hurricane glass from there still! Love Denise

Kristina – Next time you plan on falling in the water, let me know so I don’t fall in to protect ya!!! Love Denise

Was it a tearful farewell, Dr. La La, when you had to clean out (or to put it in plain English -throw out all your years of junk) the garage for the construction on the house?? J.

Uncle Stanley – Did you talk to your friend about getting me an office with a window in Murray Hill yet?!!! Love ya Denise

Mother -- I often wonder how you kept it all together with 10 children and are still doing what you do. You are my inspiration. I admire and love you. Love your 6th child

J. C. . Are you whistling any teapots lately?

Winning the 1996 Father of the Year Award and being listed with my great mentors of life will always be one of my life’s best moments. Thanks, CM

It is difficult to explain, but it is wonderful to know that "the family" will be there for you during your time of need!

Definition of a Father








  • And He Knows How to Fly a Kite!
  • "Memories"


    No memory is ever lost,

    a favorite song, a quite place,

    or even a special picture.

    To dream of memories,

    think of good times with friends,

    happy moments of triumph,

    or anything special.

    People are the best memories,

    ones you loved,

    or ones you just talked to.

    Some memories will make you laugh,

    and some will make you cry,

    but no memory at all, will ever die...





    A year has gone by as fast as can be

    It’s time to share some news from M-D:


    The Maryland kids are growing like weeds

    Here is a sample of some of their deeds:

  • Billie James is as smart as can be,

    With a 3-yr old face and a brain of 33

    Dani’s an artist and is willing to share

    But won’t take those jeans off – whatever you dare

    Jaclyn’s time is spent with music and study

    And hanging around with her best bird, Buddy

    Kristina, works hard on her drawings and flute

    Lemons continue to be her most favorite fruit

    Corey is friendly, and though he loves to chat

    He’d rather have race cars and build this and that

  • Though our kids have it all, it would be so fantastic

    If they had our chance to experience Mastic

    The screen house, the Rebel, the crabs running around

    The parties, the people…. What great memories abound!

    Fire Island was ours alone - of that we had no doubt

    And the pool that Grandpa built, where lions ruled and spout

    Our kids should know "Grandpa"….all yelling and bluster

    Then he’d teach us to garden, and how to pass muster

    They should spend time with Grandma, to learn to be kind

    To know what great food is and that SHE was behind……

    ….all that was Mastic and the ties that were bound

    from New York to Jersey - to far places around

    We bring all of our kids to this park every year

    So they’ll know their family and the things we hold dear

    We come to give them what they can’t get on the phone

    We come to find Mastic, and bring a piece of it home



    Check us out online at:





    Any one wishing to buy a sea doo with very little running time see John Vingara today.


    TUPPERWARE can hold lots of things including enough food for this family—for a new catalog see Laura.


    As each year passes, we add and leave out new topics all the time. This year we didn’t have any additions to the following – but let’s not forget them!!!



    The Editor


    Another year, another newsletter! Amazing! I received all the submissions for the newsletter via e-mail except for two. It was a pleasure to be able to cut and paste everyone’s information into the newsletter without having to decipher handwriting – not to mention the hours or retyping!!


    A suggestion for next year… when you are putting your submissions together try to remember that everyone is a "I, me, we, us!" Try to write the items in the third person! Thanks!


    See ya all next year! – The EDITOR!!!

    The End


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