The 2005 Newsletter
Welcome to the "28th" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.
2004 Picnic Update
Date: Saturday, June 19, 2004
Place: Christopher Morley Park, Roslyn, NY
Attendance: 143 signed register. (Lowest count in many years). The stormy weather of the previous reunion accounted for the shortage.
Weather: was perfect, 83 degrees, lots of sunshine for the elders with thinning blood, but cool and breezy in the shade.
On the eve of the picnic, Judy Cervone had the usual team of rugrats, teenie boppers and teenagers sleepover, making signs to post along the park route at the crack of dawn.
Breakfast organizers were Judy Cervone and family, Laura Vingara and Denise Mitterando. Prepared and served by Al La Rocca, Ellen La Rocca, Irene Berg, Laurie Monteforte, Dale Ingenito and Charlie Hydo. It consisted of bacon, eggs, rolls, bagels and cream cheese, juice, coffee or tea, doughnuts and cakes.
The clean up crew and decorators Al La Rocca, Tony Pelliccia, Charlie Hydo and Mr. Muscle had done a great job as always.
Irene and Patrick Berg traveled the furthest from Spring Hill, Florida; others from South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut and upstate New York.
The kid’s activities Olympic Games plus Tug Of War (adults and kids) was under the direction of "Twinkle Town". A scavenger hunt, games of volley and softball, piñata, and poker was enjoyed by young and old.
Hungry appetites were nourished with a catered buffet of chicken, sausage and peppers, hotdogs, corn on the cob, party hero, salads, desserts and liquid refreshments.
Entertainment was provided by Carolann’s "All Male Review" of Billy Mitterando, Lou Mitterando, Larry Blauvelt, Kevin Coco and Eric (Melissa Cervone’s fiancé); followed by the debut with youngsters Nicholas Hydo, Matthew Coco, Joseph Cervone and Murad Elias.
Copies of "The Mitterando News" was distributed by Editor Denise Mitterando. Each year she puts her heart, soul and precious time into this circulation. She’s the glue that is holding us together.
Frank Dammeyer was voted "Father of the Year". Ellen, Christina and Emily were so proud as he accepted the trophy from Tony Pelliccia, our F.O.Y. 2004. A wonderful time was had by all. At dusk we left the park, happy for the time we had together, but sad because it was over.
Mary Kay (Ratigan) and Mike Boccio still buzzing around in Connecticut. Mary Kay still commutes to New York every day and Mike runs the Bridgeport post office.
John and Noreen Monaco spent a busy year attending all the sporting events their children participated in.
If you were to ask the Pelliccia children what is their favorite thing that they do out of everything, their favorite pastime is definitely spending time with all of their cousins.
"Cervone’s"-The Year in Review 6/04-6/05 -- Another year of endless birthdays, anniversaries, concerts, recitals, sporting events, parties, get togethers, barbeques, and block parties but never a dull moment with this family. This is just to highlight some of the "biggies". Less than a week after the picnic Juliette Rose LeBlanc arrived and we all became "great". Just days later, Samantha graduated high school. July sparkled with graduation parties for Samantha and Melissa, our now annual weekend retreat to the cabins on "top of the Bass Mountains" and camping at Smith Point. August showered baby gifts for expecting Wendy Pelliccia. September hosted engagement of Melissa and Eric, Juliette’s Christening, the annual Apple Picking/"Original Mahopac" Cervone’s gathering and the beginning of Margie’s three weeks in Jupiter, Florida. (Carolann and Judy split time there). October thrilled us with the birth of Victoria Marie Pelliccia and a trip to Florida by Margie, Carolann and Judy, Jill, Briana and Matthew. November featured Briana Coco’s "sour 16" party and Victoria Pelliccia’s Baptism. Gingerbread house making at The Hydo’s and Christmas Eve with the Coco’s made December merry capped off by Christmas Day at Margie’s. January featured get out of the cold-Margie, Carolann, Judy and Michael alternated occupying our Jupiter home. We loved Christian’s modeling debut in February. March rocked with a concert by Joey Dee and The Starlighters. In April Kim fooled us into thinking it was her birthday celebration but it was a blast for all. May was especially busy. Jen said "yes" to Ronald. Margie, Judy, Briana and Katie did a road trip to Lancaster, PA for Katie’s twirling competition arriving home in time to view Memorial Day parade featuring Christian, Katie and Tyler in band. At the same time, The Hydo’s were marching in Bethpage parade. Since this is late getting to Denise Mitterando, I can also include a great celebration of Katie’s Sweet 16. Love to each and every one! Judy
Any handymen looking for an apprentice? Laura Vingara would love to get into the business. (Of course, you better have good insurance – she is starting to
become a liability with her clumsiness.) Either way, Cousin Denise Mitterando is willing to take the chance with her (since the labor is cheap – she usually
works for food). Last summer the two of them tackled a project of replacing boards on Denise’s deck, washing, bleaching and staining it as well. Laura is the brains of the operation; she knows to measure twice and cut once. (Laura loves working with them power tools!) It was a long day’s work, but they lived and learned as the day went on. It looked great in the end! Thanks cuz!
The Blauvelts had two wonderful things happening in their lives in June. Katie was getting ready for her Sweet Sixteen party and Christian was preparing for the Track and Field State Championships in Syracuse. As fate would have it, they both were scheduled for June 3rd! Larry called in some favors and was able to book a charter plane that would get Christian home in time to be there for some of Katie's party. It would be a surprise. After Christian arrived in Syracuse we find out that if Christian was to leave, a parent needed to be there to release him. Christian's event didn't take place until 5:30 p.m., which would have meant one of us flying to Syracuse and also missing Katie's special day. Through sobs we heard Christian say that he wanted to come home. The only reason he had agreed to go to the State Championships was because he thought he would be able to get home for some of Katie's party. Our hearts broke as we tried to reassure Christian that we would stand by whatever decision he made. It is now June 3 at 9:20 a.m. and Larry is on his way to pick up Christian. How proud we are of Christian and all he has accomplished this year. And how proud we are of our son who continues to prove that there is nothing in this world more important than his family.
Rich and Maria Mitterando were spotted in Las Vegas getting married by Elvis; but the photographer was too drunk to capture the moment.
John Ratigan is doing very well with the job, and Linda is still trying to decorate that big house in Virginia.
Camping for the Vingara’s will sure be a lot easier now that they’ve traded in their tent for a new camper. For those of you who have seen Laura pack for a camping trip, would be real surprised to know that everything, including the kitchen sink all fits in our new home on wheels – the car was so "empty" on its maiden voyage, Nicole’s bike was in it!!! When we hit the road for our maiden
Voyage, we were thrilled that Craig, Corey and Mother Laurie, joined us for the weekend. It was great to share our excitement with each of you. Thanks for helping us with the set up, cooking, waxing of the camper, the breakdown and thank for the help filling our grey and black tanks so John could do his job! Corey and Nicole got to take lots of rides on the quad bikes and played too many games of pool to count. Laurie and Laura spent the better part of the weekend staying warm, dry and doing craft work. Ahh, it was nice to relax all together.
Never in twenty seven years has our family reunion been postponed or canceled. In sunny or stormy weather, we strive to be together. All mothers are sisters, all fathers are brothers and all children are one. Margie Cervone
Mom and Dad Pellicca enjoy their children tremendously, and are very proud of all that they are and all that they do.
2005 was welcomed with a strike, spare and some gutter balls at Levittown Lanes. The Blauvelts, Pelliccias, Cocos, Hydos, Cervones and more bowled from 2004 into 2005. What a great night it was!
Chris Berg will be 23 on June 20th. Happy Birthday Chris, love Mom & Dad. He has a full time job this summer at Saint Leo University. Just a few more courses next year and he graduates! YEAAAAAA!!!!
Mike and Michele Ratigan are doing fine with Mike coaching the soccer team.
Joan and Dennis Crotty made a trip to Tennessee with the family and attended a Toby Keith concert, cowboy boots and hats were worn.
Katie Ratigan has become a big fan of Navy football. She was lucky enough to attend every Navy game and is an honorary member of the US Naval Academy Class of '73. Navy won the Commander 3 Trophy, won the Emerald Bowl and their coach was named "Coach of the Year". Every game is preceded by a flyover of four jets. Cuz Joan and Ernie Monaco come down when Navy plays Rutgers. Great season, with much enjoyment.
The Blauvelts, Cervones, Cocos, Hydos, Pelliccias, and assorted friends rolled in the 2005 New Year at the Levittown bowling lanes. While many of the adult drinkers spent time in the "gutter", the kids "spared" no mercy in proving they were the better bowlers. As the clock prepared to "strike" midnight, hugs, kisses, champagne and tears began to flow. What an awesome way to celebrate the New Year! Plans are already being made for 2006!
Katie Ratigan is now a Maryland State Delegate to the National Order of the Sons of Italy. She has hit the big time. Cuz Katie has also been asked by the City of Annapolis to serve on a committee to investigate the development of a "sister city" in Italy. Livorno, Italy looks like a winner as it is similar in size to Annapolis, it is a seaport city, and it is the home of the Italian Navy Academy and War College. Look for more as Katie continues to be our international member to Canada and Italy.
A flat tire in the Bronx, a broken-down car in Ardsley, heavy rains, too much food, little sleep – What a great time we had at Woodloch Pines! A large group of the Cervone offsprings celebrated Kim Blauvelt’s 45th (and Melanie Cervone’s 9th) at the Woodloch resort. It was Peter Cottontail Weekend so it was ideal for the kids. Mother brought along her popular Jell-O shots (Bill Cosby is out and
Jill Coco is in as the new spokesperson for Jell-O). Adrienne led off the evening with her karaoke rendition of "I will Survive" and the rest of the group finished off the night with "The Peppermint Twist". Wallyball became a fast favorite of the kids and adults. The teens and adults versed each other in a "fun" game of wallyball. The teens claimed victory, although Christian said that Aunt Cheryl was definitely MVP!! What a fun celebration it was!!
Jim and Julie Mitterando have started their remodeling of their "mountaintop villa." All will be welcome once the dust settles.
Chuck Berg, now 27, spent Christmas with his parents Howard, Irene, and brothers, Chris and Patrick in Spring Hill. He was joined by his girlfriend, Diana. They traveled to Miami for New Year’s Eve. Thanks for the wonderful visit, the great grilled steaks and the perfect Christmas gift, the Wine of the Month Club!
Cuz Katie Ratigan still traveling all over the country. She just returned from Toronto, Canada where she participated in the dedication of the Basilicata Cultural Society of Canada. Katie is their international member. Basilicata is the name of the region where Aunt Antonette Mitterando came from. She also provided a nice contribution to the Society in memory of her mother. Cuz Jimmy Mitterando (her brother) went up to Canada also for the festivities. They had a great time. The food was unbelievable.
Carolann Elias attributes Christian Blauvelt’s successes in the triple and long jumps to Pep’s rosary beads. She made him touch those beads before the division championships, believing that Pep and the angels lifted him higher and higher!! Who knows, maybe Pep has a "holy" lot of pull!!
The 13th annual "Dolly’s Kids" (and grandkids and GREAT grandkids) gingerbread house decorating was held, once again, at Craig Monteforte’s home. Tons of kids were packed into Craig’s living room and kitchen creating their masterpieces. Thanks, Laura and John and Craig!
After raising ten children, and helping in the growth of twenty-five grandchildren, a great granddaughter was presented to Margie Cervone by Adrienne and Joe LeBlanc.
The Monaco family has grown since the last picnic; they now have 12 grandchildren (8 girls and 4 boys). Congratulations to Robert and Carolyn with their first child "Antonio." Congratulations to son, Karl, and Tara with their 3rd child "Karl Joseph".
Jaclyn Shafer had a great junior year in college. She got mostly A’s in her classes and is currently participating in the school’s required summer Marine Field Project. She will spend two weeks at sea on board a research ship in Florida, working on specialized projects for her meteorology major – including investigations of physical, geological, chemical, and biological phenomena (and their relationship to weather and climate).
Kudos to our great Editor-in-Chief, Denise Mitterando!
All the Ratigan kids maintained honor roll status.
Congratulations to John Mitterando for being added to the National WWII Registry in recognition of his service to his country. He joins his brother, Louis (Sonny) Mitterando, who gave his life during WWII, on this list of heroes.
Ernie Monaco Junior turned 7 and is doing great in school. He won 3 gold metals in the Special Olympics this past year.
Isabella Mitterando, age 4, was the standout at her Nursery School concert -- she will sing " I've Been Working on the Railroad " to anyone who asks!
Olivia Pelliccia has just graduated from kindergarten this very morning, (that is why they arrived late). CONGRATULATIONS OLIVIA!! They are very proud of her and how she has grown. Keep up the good work. Olivia has also completed her 1st year in Daisy’s.
Christina Hydo (age 4) is ready to start Pre-K in September. She has been busy with gymnastics classes and ice skating lessons during the winter.
Tyler Blauvelt has had a very successful first year in the Island Trees Middle School. He worked very hard and was proud to receive Principal High Honors last quarter. Continuing the drumming tradition, Tyler was a member of both the concert and jazz bands.
Chloe Monaco has adjusted to American life and will soon turn 3 years old
Need a haircut? - Ask Christina Hydo- she has experience after cutting her own hair and the hair of her brother and friend.
Anthony Pelliccia is finishing the 4th grade and has done quite well. He played basketball, continues to play baseball, and is a 2nd year Webelo Cub Scout. He is also following the family footsteps of playing in a band. Sometimes even with his cousins Nicholas Hydo and Tyler Blauvelt!
Olivia Mitterando, age 5, is graduating from Kindergarten and moving onto first grade with her new reading skills.
Gianna Crotty (9) will enter the middle school in September.
Nicholas Hydo (age 8 1/2) is finishing up 3rd grade. He is also finishing up his baseball season (his team had an 8 game winning streak when this was written!) Go Braves!
Tina Crotty (8) goes into 3rd grade. She also made her Holy Communion this year.
Gianna Pelliccia is a sweet 12 year old who will be entering the 8th grade in September. She had a very good year in school, is a cheerleader, an altar server, dancer, and performed in the recital last weekend. She is a BIG help at home with her sisters.
Scott Ratigan (9 yrs old) takes up another sport, Lacrosse, in addition to football, soccer, basketball, etc etc.
As of this printing, Tyler Blauvelt has yet to miss a day of school (6 years).
Alanna Crotty (5) will start school in the fall.
Brendon Ratigan (9 yrs old) finishes his soccer season and was asked to try-out for the All Stars.
Nicholas Mitterando graduated from pre-school on June 10th. He will be off to Kindergarten in the Fall!
Kara Monaco (9) is a cheerleader, softball player and attends gymnastic classes.
Victoria Mitterando, age 2, is "holding her own" with her big sisters and mastering the potty.
Kristie Monaco (6) attended school this year and is doing great.
Renee Hydo (age 6) is finishing up Kindergarten. She is practicing for her gymnastics show next week and will be moving up to the junior team. She also just learned to ride a two wheeler.
Jaclyn Monaco (4) a blue eyed beauty is looking forward to turning 5 in Sept and attending school.
John Monaco (8) participated in football, wresting, and baseball. He also made is Holy Communion this year.
Zachary Hydo (age 2 1/2) will be starting pre-school in September. He is a real character- always making us laugh. Look for him- he is the one with the big smile!
Kelly Grace Monaco (2) is talking up a storm and is trying to stay up with the activities of her brother and sister.
There must be some black blood in the Mitterando family. Have you seen Tyler Blauvelt break dance?
Karl Joseph Monaco will have his baptism in June.
Colleen Ratigan (12) and Stephanie (15) perform in the Dance School recital. (Talented kids that they are). Colleen finishes softball season with a solid homerun.
As of this printing, Katie Blauvelt has yet to miss a day of school (11 years).
Patrick Berg, 17, had a great junior year in high school. He was on the honor roll all year; and received an award for participating in the Academic Club. Patrick and his girlfriend, Stephanie, attended the Junior-Senior prom in March, traveling in style in an extremely long, long limo. They looked adorable.
Congratulations to Christian Blauvelt on his acceptance to the Ohio State University. He is the recipient of The Buckeye Award and will begin his course of study in Biology in September.
Stephanie Ratigan (15), high school freshman, makes the girl’s varsity basketball team. Later a couple of seniors make the squad and Stephanie volunteers to drop down to the jayvee squad -- (I'll play more and be much better next year).
Oh no! There’s another woman driver on the road- Katie Blauvelt has her permit!!
Christian Blauvelt has had a very successful track season. In winter track, he was the Nassau County long jump champion and placed second in the high jump. In the spring season, he was the division three champion in the triple jump and long jump. But, Christian’s greatest moment was his first place finish in the long jump (22ft) at the state qualifiers. He will represent Section VIII in the New York State Track and Field Championships in Syracuse on June 3. What a wonderful way to cross the finish line of many successful years with the Island Trees High School track team.
Stephanie Ratigan (15) was elected Class President of the sophomore class in high school. She must take after her grandmother.
James Davison, son of Tom and Theresa Davison will be graduating high school on June 22. He will be heading to Geneva College, a small Christian college outside of Pittsburgh, PA. He plans to major in Engineering....we think radio announcer fits him better, but hey.....GO.O.O.O James!!!
Christian Blauvelt was the recipient of the McDonald’s Ray Kroc Youth Achievement Award. It is awarded to the student who demonstrates all around excellence in the areas of citizenship, leadership, scholarship, and extra-curricular activities. Congratulations!!
What an honor it was for Laurie Monteforte, Dale Ingenito and Joe Sawyer to take Uncle John Mitterando to the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC last June! It was a moving experience for Uncle Johnny and the other veterans he met there, and he even ran into another solider who was at the Battle of the Bulge. We also visited the Korean War and Roosevelt Memorials.
Mike, Michele and Brendon Ratigan are off to Disney World for a few days for rest and relaxation. They will return in time to attend the picnic.
A weekend in July found "The Cervone's" camping at the cabins in the sky. Margie, Carolann, Judy, Michael, Jill, Kim, Jodee, Wendy, Cheryl, their spouses and off springs. A hide-away, unknown to the rest of the world. We swam in the Delaware River, played rock music around a bon fire with fireworks for a chaser.
After a few months of bitter cold weather, "Us" Cervone’s flew to our winter retreat in Florida. (Margie and Carolann). Two days later Michael and Dee joined us. We hooked up with John and Jackie Napurano, and Bob Monteforte and cruised on their boat around Fort Lauderdale. The Coco’s (all 5 of them) arrived a few days later. At that point, there were eight of us bunking together. We hit the beaches, the pool, the night spots and had cocktail hour at 3:00 PM daily. Time passed too quickly.
Laurie, Dale, Joe, Robin, Craig, Corey, Laura, John and Nicole all spent a great day in Baltimore for Mother’s Day. It was nice to "survive" our Titanic experience. But it was nicer to be all together. Thanks for a wonderful time.
Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al Larocca’s visited Howard and Irene Berg at the end of January, and they had a great time as usual. Even if they did freeze eating lunch at Sam’s on the Beach! They love their visits and always look forward to them.
In July, the Hydo’s, Coco’s, Blauvelt’s Pellicia’s Elias’s and Cervone’s spent the weekend in the mountaintop cabins in Hancock. We swam in the river, hiked in the woods, sang karaoke and played drums till all hours of the night. We were even visited by the local fire chief when the fire got a little large!! Can’t wait for this year’s weekend!
Uncle John Mitterando hit the road again – this time to Miami, Florida to celebrate his 80th birthday with Laurie Monteforte, Dale and Robin Ingenito. He flew from Long Island to Baltimore, where he hooked up with Dale and Laurie and took another plane to Florida. He went on a boat ride around Miami Harbor, took a day trip to Key West, where he got to stand on the southern-most point of the U.S. and also went for a drive through South Beach. On the way to Key West, he even got to go by the site of the "Royal Palm Trailer Park" in Homestead, where Grandpa Mitterando lived for so many winters. He also traveled with Robin to Jupiter, where he spent the day with Aunt Marge Cervone and Carol Ann at the Cervone Florida condo. He and Aunt Marge spent a good part of the day listening to music and singing songs. He flew back to Baltimore with Robin, and then boarded another plane home, where he made friends with a fellow passenger.
On "Uncle Johnny’s" 80th Birthday – As a gift my nieces Dale, Laurie and Robin treated me to a trip to Miami for a week. I flew on a jet for the first time. I went from McArthur Airport to Baltimore, and Dale and Laurie were waiting for me when I arrived. Then we all flew to Miami – to meet Robin. We stayed at her condo for five days. One day we went on a cruise and one day we went to Key West. One day we went to my sister Margie’s condo in Jupiter for the day, Carolann was also in Florida too. It was the most beautiful birthday I could have. – Uncle Johnny
Cousin Richie Mitterando from the "Jersey Side" hit the big 65 on February 16th!
Jaclyn Shafer will turn 21 on August 18th.
Katie Blauvelt is Sweet Sixteen!!
Corey Monteforte will become a teenager this year (13 on July 2).
Ronnie Cervone engaged to Jennifer Wright on May 12, 2005.
James and Janelle Paterno (our God Son) were married March 13, 2005. The wedding at Sunken Gardens was perfect. The bride was gorgeous, groom handsome, ceremony touching and the reception fantastic. We wish them happiness always, Love Auntie Irene and Uncle Howard.
Richie and Dee Mitterando celebrated 40 years of bliss, on November 28th!
Howard and Irene Berg celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary at a Van Halen Concert. Free seats in a club box - it was great but they were deaf for two days!
Ernie and Marisa Monaco celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary.
Robin Ingenito has a new condo in Miami, Florida
Ronnie Cervone, 123 Ledgewood Road, Apt # 302, Groton, CT 06340
New Home # 860-449-1649
Ronnie and Lynn Cervone relocated to Shirley, L.I., a beautiful home only blocks from the water and Smith Point.
The Hydo’s are extending their house; each child will have a room of their own.
Valerie, Tim and Stephanie Bart are anxiously awaiting their addition of Natalie Bart to the family. She should be making her appearance in mid August.
Robert and Carolyn
Monaco became the proud parents of a new baby on March 24, 2005, "Antonio Robert" (7)lbs 4 ounces. A huggable, loveable baby boy.
Juliette Rose Leblanc (Adrienne Cervone)
Karl and Tara
Monaco also added a new baby boy to their family. "Karl Joseph" born on March 3, 2005. Another big boy at 8 lbs.The Pelliccia’s have been very busy, busy, busy! They have since added the newest member to their family, Victoria Marie, who is now 7 1/2 months old. She is an absolute angel and makes all of them smile. Along with her mom and dad, her sisters and brother are really having fun with her. She has made their family complete. Victoria’s birth date was October 25, 2004.
Speedy "complete" recovery to Rick Mitterando from his lung surgery.
In September, Joan Monaco (Sr.) had a complete hip replacement, and is doing fine.
In memory of Brother Bill, The Mitterando Patriarch. He survived many battles in World War 2, but not the most important one on November 10th. We lost our loving brother but heaven gained a wonderful soul. Margie Cervone
In a desperate way to entertain 18th month old, Stephanie Bart, Denise Mitterando squatted down and put her hands on the floor and started hopping around saying "Ra `bit, Ra `bit." Now when Stephanie sees Aunt Niec she hops and says "Ra `bit!"
Please email Irene at with any changes in your email address.
Mitterando Family Email Directory is located at:
Visit the Mitt web site at:
New email address:
Uncle Johnny – Happy 80th Birthday! What a milestone!! – Dale
Katie and Tyler Blauvelt had another year of perfect school attendance. What an accomplishment, six years for Tyler and 11 years for Katie. Love Grandma.
Aunt Dale and Joe – It was so nice to see you two follow your dreams to Italy. I loved waiting for and reading every e-mail we got while you were away. It was like being right there with you. I am thrilled you had such an awesome time. Can’t wait to see your wine glasses!! - Laura
Briana - Congratulations on your successful school year! I am looking forward to using my Christmas gift with you and going to the Outback! Aunt Cheryl
To Dad (Pep) - It’s been two years without you and I still hear your voice when everything is quiet. This Father’s day will be another reminder to me that I miss you so much. You have been a father figure to me for so many years, and have taught me so much about love, honor and family. This year, when I look over at the table with all the cousins playing cards, I will see you there laughing and grumbling when the cards go sour. You truly have shown me strength to carry on when the tough gets going. I will always have you in my heart. Love Kevin
Pickle - Lets go to the beach and find some shells together. Even better how about some Margaritas. Coke
Long Island Camping Crew – Thanks to each of you, who always make our "beach trip" great. Our trip is wonderful from the moment we arrive and this year was no exception. Donna and BJ – thanks for letting us camp as "Mitterando’s" in your site. Uncle Bobby and Aunt Judy, thanks for giving up your dry camper for a few nights so we didn’t have to sleep in the tent, even though you eventually made me set up my tent and didn’t want to let me share my tent with you two. Thank God its a big tent cause we were even joined one night by Cheryl Hydo and 3 out of 4 kids, Nicholas was sleeping in Cousins Matt, Brianna and Kimberly’s tent. Our kids have such a wonderful time at Smith Point and are really getting to know their cousins, and their first cousins, once removed or is that second cousins twice removed? Laurie "Gram" really enjoyed her Nature walk with Corey Monteforte, Nicole Vingara, Matthew Coco, Joseph Cervone, Melaine Cervone and Michael LaRocca. We look forward to our upcoming trip in July. We’ll come early and stay late! - Laura, Laurie, Nicole and Corey.
Matthew you’re going to be nine years old in July. We are so proud of you. Love Mommy & Daddy
To our drummer boys -- How wonderful it was to see you both marching in the parade - the first for Tyler and the last for Christian. Your music has brought us so much happiness and we know for sure that we’ll never march to the beat of any other drummers. We love you both.
To my lil sis, will love you always, Love, big sis.
To all you Jet fans - Pep obviously knew that Larry and the rest of the Blauvelts were huge Buckeye football fans. Being Pep, he liked to break chops about the Ohio State team. Could it be that he has connections?? How ironic that one of the best kickers in college football, Ohio State’s Mike Nugent, is now a New York Jet. Let’s hope it truly is a match made in heaven!!!!
Dear Dale, Laurie and Robin -- Sometimes simple words say it best… "THANK YOU" for what you did for Uncle John's 80th Birthday. His happy memories of that trip to Florida, will be with him forever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Aunt Ellen
To all my Sister-in-law’s -- Cinderfella strikes again!
Judy – Next trip I am NOT picking you up – Laura
Hey Mother – It’s 3:00. Where the heck are you? The drinks are melting!
Dear Katie -- You will always be my favorite daughter. Love your favorite dad
Laura and Laurie - Thanks for sharing your tent- who knew 8 could fit so comfortably - can’t wait to sleep in style in the new camper!- Cheryl, N,R,C&Z
My Cuzins’ Richie & Dee –Thinking of you. Hang in there!!!.—The Glamorous One
Judy and Dale, it was great fun working with you on the web site and email list. Did you ever get so many emails in such a short period of time!
Congratulations to Nicole Vingara – who just NEVER gave up and with the help of Aunt Robin and Uncle Craig learned how to water ski at this year’s Lake Anna vacation. Way to Go, Cole!!! You did it and we are VERY proud of you! – The Lake Anna Dock Cheer Section.
- Your special sleep-over was fun- let's do it again!
Christian -
I'm so proud of all your accomplishments. Finally, I got to see you jump so-o-o-o high! Aunt Ca
Cousin Eileen
- Thank you for letting me be part of your dad's mass. I felt so special! I'm glad we got to spend so much time together, even under sad circumstances.
LHB -- The things you do to make everything right for me and our children are amazing. You always seem to work everything out and I want to thank you for the endless sacrifices that you make in order to "make things happen". I am so proud of all the "important things" you have given to our children to make them as wonderful as they are today. They are kind and generous, willing to help others, and so true to their family- they have been blessed with a wonderful father. KMB
Howard – So glad to see you at the picnic! – Dale
Aunt Robin – You Rock – Love Nicole
Katie B. - I love it when "wee sing" together. On our next trip to Sillyville I think we should first stop and play with Grandpa’s magical toys that are in the attic of the Marvelous Musical Mansion!!
Nicholas Richard, congratulations on your graduation from nursery school. Love you Gammy and Pop-Pop.
Museum of Natural History last Father’s Day with Aunt Ellen, Uncle Al, Danielle and Michael, fun train ride and wonderful time at the museum thanks, Love Patrick and Irene.
Tony -- We shall forever heed your advice that it is best to travel together.
Cheryl and Charlie -- How many times do you have to cross the Tappan Zee Bridge to get to Pennsylvania?
Aunt Robin – Thanks for making our little girl cry on Christmas day… when you surprised her with her trip to Miami. She is still talking about how much you spoiled her! She has a strong LOVE of dolphins now and has even incorporated this love into several school projects. Her royal rides in the limo and her time shared with you, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Al and Grandpa will always be a gift she treasures. Thank you for adding to her list of firsts, since she now loves to have a pedicure, if the salon will take all her giggling. Thanks so much for your generous gift. Love Laura and John
To the Pelliccias, Cocos, Hydos, Mother, and Judy -- I guess it is true that we can turn just about anything into a party. What a blast it was at the pizza picnic we had in the parking lot in Ardsley. See why traveling together is important!!
To All - I am approaching seven years of service in the US NAVY. Like all else, with good times and bad times, easy and hard times. But none of these times would be possible without the love & support, thoughts and prayers of friends and family. So, thanks to all; with special thanks to my Mom & Dad. Love Ronald
Irene—Did you bring me anything to eat? – Dale
Mother Dear -
I'll always cherish or trips to Jupiter but are we going North or South?
– Even though our time together was short, it was sweet, just like you! Aunt Ca
Judy - Don’t worry, your gonna love Dave Mason and the old animals are the new Animals. Ask Mother she knows who they are.
Hey Mother -- Watch that curb. Love ya Jill
Carolann - Get the heck out of belles. Because of you, the store is empty by now.
J & K
– Thank you for helping us out during our time of need. We love you both. C & A
Melissa and Eric
- Congratulations on your engagement! Can't wait for the wedding! Aunt Ca and Uncle Adam
Billy and Karen - Congratulations on # 10. Great Party! I still can’t get Jobhn out of his tooth fairy costume. – Laura
Ron and Jen
- We are so happy for both of you! Congratulations- Aunt Ca and Uncle Adam
Dear Family – Thank you for a "WONDERFUL" birthday. My trip to Ford’s theater, in Washington, DC to see the Adventure’s of Huckleburry Finn was terrific. Our front row seats made me feel like a princess but it was the "Tiara" I got that made feel like a queen. You all spoil me and I appreciate you all more then you will know. Love Laurie, "Gram" Monteforte
- For all you do for all of us we are all grateful! Ca
- Thanks for finding a nice home for me -thanks for my shots etc. etc. etc. -Misty
- I can always count on you to help out with the "Ride for Life" even when you have so many other obligations! Thanks for always being there- Big Boopy
- Thanks for walking all those miles with me! How's your blisters? Ca
Cousin Denise
- Your time and dedication are so appreciated by the whole family. Keep up the good work! Cousin Ca
- Thanks for all you do for me no matter how confused or outrageous it seems! I can count on you for anything! Ca
To all my Boy-Girls
- It's show time!!! Love having you perform for the picnic! Your Choreographer
Cousin Billy and Louie
- Let me know when you'll be performing again for karaoke night. Maybe next time you won't clear out the bar! Ca
Rick - We wish you a full recovery from your operation. Love Mom and Dad
Corey – Congratulations on making the grade and being a part of the honor roll. We are all very proud of your accomplishments! Way to Go – Corey!
- I miss those mini vacations in the Bronx that we use to do. Ca
Ra`bin – Can you be my aunt and take me on a trip to swim with the dolphins?
Mr. Winn Dixie
- When's the next boat ride in Florida? Ca
- Thanks for my birthday luncheon- See you in BJ's.
R and L
- You opened your home and helped an unfortunate person get back on his feet! I know it wasn't an easy situation, but you did it! I'm proud of you both! Ca
Feet Treatment anyone????
Matthew - You’re everyone’s joy and so huggable. You are loved by everyone and never stop smiling. Just to look at you makes our heart warm. You have all the compassion and concerns that neither are nor easily found in today’s youth. It makes us proud to hear others praise you and thank us for having a wonderful little boy. We love you so much. Love Mommy and Daddy
Kristina – Congratulation on giving dad a few more gray hairs as you traveled off to College. It’s hard to believe you have completed your first year at the University of Maryland. Way to Go – Kristina!
Gianna, Renee, Christina, Olivia, Matthew, Tyler, Anthony
and Nicholas - Looking forward to our sleepovers. You are all so special to me even with your stinky feet!!!!! Aunt Ca
- The Ride thanks you for the Rides!!
Mother Dear
- Any new Dollar stores?
Bridget -
It's been a difficult year for you. You were so unselfish and did what most would never do. You are so special!! CA
Craig – I miss your summer weekend visits. They don’t happen as often with all your toys that you have to play with. I certainly appreciate the fact that you bought your new trailer with Nugget and I in mind!!! Best of luck with it! I can’t wait to fall (uhhhh see) it like Laura too!
Tony -
Looking forward to another great breakfast when I sleepover downstairs!! Your favorite guest
Briana - You continue to amaze us with your schooling. This year again you continued to strive and get high honors in your grades. This is the second year in a row that you have shown us your persistence and dedication to get good grades. We are so proud of you and know you will be very successful in life. Love Mommy & dad
Hi Boopy- Love Zachary
Aunt Ca - When are we going to have a sleepover and have the foot treatment? Dooee!
Craig, Corey and Kristina – Congratulations on your Vintage Argosy camper. We look forward to hitting the road with you on your many adventures in life. Love Mother, Laura, John and Nicole.
CH - Happy Father’s Day – We are so lucky to have you for our Dad! Love, N,R,C,&Z
Thanks to the editor, Denise Mitterando for all the hard work you do on the Mitt News every year.
NO More Hurricanes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole - I can’t believe you are 10! You are becoming a beautiful and helpful lady. I can see you having a lucrative babysitting career ahead of you. See, it is a good thing being the oldest!!! Love Aunt Niecie
Jill - We’ve known each other for 28 years and married for 21 years. We have shared so much joy, pain, laughs, and surprises. I know sometimes it has been an uphill battle for you, but I thank you for your persistence and energy in keeping our marriage healthy and together. There can never be another Jill in my life, and I am so grateful you stuck it out with me during our bad times. I am looking forward to growing old with you and celebrating many many more years of marriage with you. Love always Kevin
Nicolas – I can’t wait for our sleepover party! Love Aunt Niece
Kimberly - You’re 20 years old and no longer a teen. You have grown into a beautiful young woman. It has not been easy for your mother and me to watch you grow up so fast. You were our first, teaching us how to be good parents and how to be patient. You were a constant reminder, that there are no books written in raising children, but with your pleasant disposition and quick learning you made it easy for us to take care of you and prepare for your brothers and sister. Thanks Love Mommy and Daddy
To my falling apart cousin – I think 35 hit you much harder than me. I’m starting to wonder if you have a thing for someone at the hospital. You sure make a lot of visits there! Could you round me up a nice doc too!?
Cousin Robin
- enjoyed that day with you in Florida. Let's do it again!
Uncle J
- It was so nice to see you in Jupiter. You and Mother really enjoyed the music! C
Wendy --The next time we’re at a 24-hour tire station in the Bronx, we better listen to Matthew. He sure "nose" his donuts!!
Happy Easter in Florida!
Christian – When’s the next wallyball game? Aunt Cheryl
- Next time, just you and I!! (and of course Dorothy Doink from up above) Dinka Doinka
Nicole – You ready to start planning that next birthday party? I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with next. I bet it is getting tougher and tougher to beat each year! A sleepover in a hotel with 10 of your best friends, swimming, dancing, eating, great bags and towels! AND no stitches for anyone this year!!! Love Aunt Niecie
Hey Uncle Michael - Do you like it a little lot or a lot little. Love Matthew
Dee Dee -- It was great spending time with you in Florida. We had a blast. Thanks for being you and making us laugh. Love Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jill
Mother - I’ve finally got a chance to spend some quality time with you in Florida. The days and nights we spent together will always remain in my memory. You’re a very special woman to me. I call you Mother, since I have always considered you my Mother. We had some nice conversations while at the Florida house, and it was great seeing you relax and happy. AS you grow older, your heart grows younger. You always amaze me with your energy and enthusiasm for life. Wherever you are, the party is going on and that’s the way it should be. Love always Kevin
To All -- Does anyone know how or where I can get an autograph from Tom Petty? Signed Desperate but rockin in Coram NY
Jill -- Am I tan yet!!!!!! Put some more oil on me?
Hey Michael -- Leave me some Jell-O shots. You’re liking them a little lot.
Brianna - Can you say Drivers Permit? I think not.
Kimberly - When are you going to clean that bathroom? I lost Matthew in there two days ago, and he has not surfaced?
Kim - Happy 45th to ya! Woodlock Pines rocked. Thanks for the memories. Love always Jill
Doc -- As I begin the journey that will lead me to follow in your footsteps I just want to say thank you for giving me the best life. Even though we butt heads at times, I want you to know how proud I am of you and all you have done. As I begin my career as a buckeye, I’ll do my best to make you proud!!
- Victoria is an angel!! You can ship her to the Bronx anytime!
AA -
You are a great mother and your little Juliette is the cutest little boop around!
Cinderfella -
Do you wear your apron to work-out? How about those lucky shorts?
Who's a big doink?
Navy Ron
- I'll miss you when you're down under! Your Godmother
Dad – Thanks for always being there for me, mom and everyone else. You are always there to lend a helping hand, moral support or whatever is needed. I love you, and my offer will always stand! Love Denise
Mother - All we need is Jell-O shots, Margaritas and Sun preferably from Florida. Here’s to our three O’clock happy hour. Love Jill
LHB -- Can you believe we have a son leaving for college? Where did the years go! It must be your entire fault because the unconditional love, endless happiness, constant excitement and never-ending spontaneity that you have brought to my life have made our years together pass much too fast. I love the life we have made. How lucky I am to have you. All My Love, KMB
Doc -- As I begin the journey that will lead me to follow in your footsteps I just want to say thank you for giving me the best life. Even though we butt heads at times, I want you to know how proud I am of you and all you have done. As I begin my career as a buckeye, I’ll do my best to make you proud!!
- Victoria is an angel!! You can ship her to the Bronx anytime!
AA -
You are a great mother and your little Juliette is the cutest little boop around!
Cinderfella -
Do you wear your apron to work-out? How about those lucky shorts?
Who's a big doink?
Navy Ron
- I'll miss you when you're down under! Your Godmother
- Your amazing faith gets you through everything!!!
I miss Daddy more than ever but I sense his presence so often ! Let's always make him proud of his family!! One of the 10.
To Adrienne & Joe LeBlanc: "You done good".
To Melissa & Eric: For the sparkle in his eye and on her finger.
To Ronald & Jen on your engagement. Smooth sailing.
Thank you to the web gruru’s for setting up the Dick & Bridget are very scarce lately. He’s busy at work and with their first grandchild, babysitting is the # 1 priority for her.
Erika, your grandma’s proud of the new appearance, the boy named Ben, and Nathan "the hotdog". Stay happy.
Samantha, Hope your summer at Splish Splash is fun, after a successful semester at New Paltz.
Denise, thanks for letting Michael & Dee escort me in Florida. Wish you were there.
Michael & Dee, Let’s do it again. Margaritas with the elder Cocos, loafing with the girls or munching with Matthew is a life of leisure. Your presence at mass with me was appreciated.
Bravo to The Blauvelts -- To Larry for his devotion and dedication to Kim, Christian, Katie, Tyler, me and my family. We all share in his success. For Kim whose love for us is endless, treated the family to a weekend at a resort. And it was for her birthday. We had a blast!
Christian’s senior year of high school year was very rewarding in scholastics, athletics, and also as a member of the band. He’s heading to his father’s Alma Mater, Ohio State, on a substantial partial scholarship.
Congratulations, Katie on your Sweet Sixteenth, and your twirling competition. You are the pride of the pack.
Like "Tony the Tiger", Tyler is one great kid.
The Mahopac youngsters, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica & Nicole had a good school year in work and sports. Like their talented dad, Jodee, music is their best beat. Jodee and his new band is appearing in Yonkers following the picnic. Some of us diehards will be there to cheer him on.
Wendy & Tony, Gianna, Anthony & Olivia are delighted with Victoria, a new baby girl. They are a well behaved and lovable family. Gianna’s year consisted of dance, cheerleading, besides the usual school work and also as an altar server. Anthony does basketball, baseball, scouting and band. Also a very good scholar. Olivia, in kindergarten belongs to the Daisys. All are role models.
The Hydo kids keep Cheryl & Charlie on their toes. They are into everything, sports, gymnastics and all school activities. Nicholas, Renee, Christina & Zachary should compete at eating. I call them "the hungry Hydo’s".
Hello to our extended family in Connecticut. Joe, Gussie & Frank, Edie & Frank, John & Judy & Gloria we missed you at our last outing.
To brother Johnny, a happy & healthy summer.
Love to Skip, Danielle & Michael Larocca.
"Last but not least", thank you Judy. From, Mother
Did you know Uncles Johnnie Mitterando and Al Larocca both served in WWII?
Anyone need a 10 man tent cheap? – Laura, John and Nicole Vingara.
FROM THE PICNIC COMMITTEE: Special thanks to: Irene Berg and Dale Ingenito for all their work on "Pick A Pop" and updating the Mitterando Family Website; to Cheryl and Charlie Hydo for setting up catering and kids entertainment; to Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia for helping with the picnic mailings and preparations; to Denise Mitterando for all the time and effort to put together the family newsletter and of course to Laura and John Vingara for preparing the piñata and horseracing. And to Margie Cervone who is our inspiration to carry on this tradition!
Last years contributions were amazing. With that kind of support again this year we can continue to do more and more. Warning, Laura Vingara will be unleashed if we all do not contribute enough!
Please be sure to visit the Mitterando Family Website, update E mail addresses and let us know about any new addresses.
The End