The 2004 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando


     Welcome to the "27th" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.


2003 Picnic Update


Place: Christopher Morley Park

Date: June 14, 2003

Attendance: 173

Weather: Scattered showers all day


      Irene and Patrick Berg put on the most mileage, flying from Florida.  Others came from Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Upper New York.  The Saluto Family traveled from South Carolina.

      In spite of the intermittent rainfall, we were able to get most of the activities completed.

      The caterers arrived at noon carrying large trays of food, heroes and salads which were served under canopies and umbrellas.  Traditional games of volley and softball, poker, kid’s piñata and scavenger hunt were enjoyed by the young and the old.  "Twinkle Town" entertained the kids with Olympic Games, animal balloons and parachute.  Carolann’s "All Male Review" was the usual successful comedy. (Singing and dancing in the rain).  The "Pick A Pop" trophy was awarded to Tony Pelliccia who accepted with much gratitude.

      The rain gradually increased to a downpour.  Everyone huddled under the canopies and make shift tarps.  It was fun for a while but eventually many packed up and headed home.  The diehards opted to see it through.  The sun did come out but could not dry up the rain.  Needless to say, some of us drenched rats hung out until dusk.  We just couldn’t say "goodbye".  Everyone arrived home safely…a little disappointed but thankful for the time we could be together.




I (Katie Ratigan) am still working hard and running around the country on business. I did manage to visit Toronto, Canada with my cousin Vincent Primucci.  His mother and my mother were first cousins, and he is the person who takes me to Italy.  Anyway, I went up for the inaugural ceremonies for the Cultural Society of Basilicata (this is the region where my mother came from).  I was inducted as the first international member, and have this huge certificate for proof.  Once again, I will mention that these Italians in Canada really know how to put on a gala.  The dance floor was as large as the dining area.  Everyone dances (even though the music is from 1940).  The men dance very straight and proud, and they all have these beautiful heads of hair. The women are beautiful -- truly. The food was indescribable.  Probably 10 courses - each one more succulent than the previous.  All in all, a wonderful evening.


Grandma blows her whistle.  Kristina Monteforte spent the weekend at Grandma Monteforte's. She is working as a lifeguard at our local pool once again this summer.  (Nice to have a suntan and lots of male admirers!)  As Kristina was getting ready for work she asked if I (Grandma Monteforte) had a whistle.  I laughed and said.  "Kristina a lifeguard only needs a bathing suit, towel, T-shirt, sun block and a whistle."  Not a lot of items required to perform her job.  Kristina was wearing her red bathing suit and T-shirt, and was carrying a towel. I blew my whistle loudly and told her, "Grandma has everything."  Kristina went to work with a big smile and a whistle hanging around her neck. 


The company Karen Mitterando works for was purchased by GE (General Electric).  We can now get great discounts on appliances!

I (Katie Ratigan) also had several opportunities this year to visit some significant ships in Norfolk.  I visited the aircraft carrier USS Truman - what a magnificent ship which at the time was berthed next to the USS Reagan.  We also boarded a LDH - (a marine helicopter carrier), a nuclear submarine, a destroyer and the WWII battleship, USS Wisconsin.  All in one day.  Since we had senior naval admirals with us, they were piped aboard at each ship, and I received personalized baseball hats with my name embroidered on the back.  What a thrill. The average age of the sailors that man these ships is 18-19 years except for the submarine where the average age is 21 because the skill level is higher and more demanding.  You cannot help but come away feeling so proud of your country and these young men and women who are proud to serve, proud of their ship and love their country.  I will be going back to Norfolk this summer, bringing another group of senior military officers, and I look forward to the experience.

            I (Laurie Monteforte) am not sure what I’ve done to deserve Laura as my daughter.  She is warm, loving, caring, considerate, generous, and enriches my life.  Everything Laura touches is done with extraordinary energy, care, thoughtfulness and enthusiasm.

            In November a new American Girl Place was opened in New York City. Nicole already owned two dolls, Sara and Samantha; and was anxious to visit the new store.  Laura arranged for "us" to spend a "Girlie Weekend" in Manhattan. The trip time finally arrived, and we were to pick Nicole up at school and drive to NY.  The weather was very bad and because of icy roads I arrived at Laura’s later than planned.  It was a cold, rainy and dismal day.  Laura was standing outside in the rain with her luggage, all ready to go.  She told me to hurry, as we needed to pick up Nicole at school.  As I looked past Laura there was a long, long, white limousine waiting to take us on our trip.  I could hardly believe my eyes.  It was the start of the most memorable trip of my life.

             We were like two little girls, giggling, laughing and anxious to see Nicole’s reaction to the limo.  Laura had made arrangements for an early dismissal and Nicole was in awe when she saw the limo.  She kept repeating, "I can’t believe it, a limo, I can’t believe it, a limo".  Now there were three little/big girls sitting in the limo.  Laura had a snack basket filled with goodies, and also   (always being prepared) brought Bloody Mary’s to celebrate our trip.

            We arrived in Manhattan, with its hustle, bustle and checked into our hotel suite. The hotel was on Broadway (It truly is a city that never sleeps).  And we were greeted with warm cookies and a special gift for American Girl guests.  We kept looking out the window and exclaiming! "look at that".  After a seafood dinner, we were off to the theater.  Laura and John as part of my Christmas gift had purchased front row seats for "Thoroughly Modern Millie".  It was a fabulous performance and Nicole loved it.  Nicole had a special smile from two of the lead performers. Leslie Uggams and Delta Burke both made eye contact with her to her delight.  We stopped for an after theater drink (tea and hot chocolate at Howard Johnson’s) and reviewed the fabulous day.

            Saturday we hopped a cab (so New York) to go uptown to American Girl Place.  We had the most incredible brunch in a beautifully decorated (girly style) restaurant.  Samantha and Sara were with us, and they were treated to their very own seats and teacups.  It was exciting, very elegant and the brunch was delicious.

            We shopped and shopped (we are very good at shopping and spending), and Nicole was able to take home a new doll.  This time she picked Kit. Kit has a blond bob haircut and represented the year 1925.

            Laura (the planner) had arranged for tickets to see "The American Girl" play.  Each of the American Girl dolls represents a period of American history and the role females played during that time.  The message that each girl portrayed was wonderful.  We can achieve and overcome any and all obstacles.

            After a full day of shopping, we went back to our suite.  I was content to sit back and reflect over the fabulous day.  Laura is always ready for the next adventure. Our hotel windows overlooked the Two for One-Ticket Booths.  The line was long and the weather was cold.  Laura asked.  "Do you want to go to another show tonight if I can get tickets"?  Before I could answer, Nicole said. "Yes".  Laura stood on a very long line freezing and waving to Nicole and I; who were nice and warm in our room.  Laura came running into the room and said. "Get your coats on. We are going to see 42nd Street". The show was incredible and we really felt like New Yorkers.  We did try to sing and dance the theme song all the way back to the hotel.   It was the end of a wonderful day.

            There are no words to express my gratitude to Laura and Nicole for sharing their "American Girl" weekend.  It was truly a memorable trip.


I (Katie Ratigan) also had the opportunity this past year to meet a couple of senior astronauts during some aerospace conferences.  Two of the men I met are from New Jersey.  One is Wally Schirra -and the other is Buz Aldrin and both are proud of being NJ natives.  Just to keep the record straight -- I had the pleasure of meeting several senior admirals from New York - ADM Doran, USN, CMDR, USPacific FLT, ADM Ed Giambastiani, USN, CMDR, NATO Forces, VADM E.Knoetzni, USN, VChief, US Atlantic FLT.  All speak with a New York accent and love to meet people from their home state.  Just to keep my cousin Al LaRocca happy, ADM Giambastiani and VADM Konetzni are submariners as is the current Chief of Naval Operations.

Jim, Julie, Liz and David Mitterando are all doing well in Massachusetts.  David recently turned 1 and Liz will be 3 real soon.  We will not be there this year but plan on making it next year.  We hope for dry weather and will miss everyone.


How cheap can he get???!!!  Cousin Billy Mitterando not only won't pay for tolls, but now he refuses to use gas.  In February Billy purchased a Toyota Prius HYBRID!!!   He now "brags" about getting at least 55 MPG. 


The jury is out still for Denise Mitterando…. townhouse or single family home owner.  This whole yard thing every week is really crimping her style (of places to go people to see).  This year alone three weekends were spent ripping out all the front shrubbery, replacing it with new and mulching.  Another weekend was spent moving 7 ½ tons of river rock from the front yard to the back!  Thank GOD for friends like Eddie and Wayne!


The Blauvelt’s hosted several dinners this year, retaining the fine-cooking skills of family chef, Tony Pelliccia. Prime Rib, Rack of Lamb and Chicken Cordon Bleu were just a few of the entrées served. Tony is the "Emeril" of the family.  He has his own entertaining cooking style- red wine and Italian music are must haves.  Tony’s expertise, though, is strictly confined to the cooking end of the dinner-parties.  Clean up is not an option for Chef Tony. Fortunately, there is the family maid to handle that area.  Kevin Coco, a/k/a "Cinderfella", dons his apron and takes care of the clean up.  What a great pair!!  We are in the process of planning our next dinner party so don’t get any ideas about renting the Pelliccia/Coco team.


Rich and Maria Mitterando did a 'Larry and Kim' over the past year.  They almost doubled the size of their house with construction that seemed would never end in Fair Haven, NJ.  Their girls, Olivia, Isabella, and Victoria really enjoyed having their own playground with all that sand, gravel and mud lying all around.  All are welcome to party on the new wrap around porch or come along to the beach (less than 2 miles away).


Lou and Norma also went a bit crazy.  The small balcony they wanted to add outside the bedroom mushroomed into walls coming down, concrete being laid, and workers wandering around at all times.  It was worth it as it grew into a beautiful new sunroom and a 2nd floor deck.  Stop by and share your decorating tips with Norma who never stops!


John and Linda Ratigan are still running around with the kids, Stephanie (14) still super as basketball point guard, member of the dance team, running track, keeping up her grades and earning lotsa money babysitting. Colleen (12) prefers softball and quietly belts the softball around the field, and Scott (8 1/2) is into every sport that he can handle, basketball, football, etc.


Nicole " Starbright" Vingara.  This past winter found Granny’s Design Team working hard to re-do Nicole’s bedroom.  Nicole was ready to have a "Big Girl" room as Nicole was 9 years old. The week prior Aunt Denise and Mom Laura (with Nicole’s help) had painted the room a beautiful shade of purple.  Mom and Nicole refitted and reorganized the closets so everything would be easily available. The door to the bedroom was locked while Laura waited for the Granny (aka Laurie Monteforte) and the Maryland design team – Dale Ingenito and "CHIC-JOE" Sawyer to arrive in NJ the following weekend. Of course the "GDT" aka "Granny’s Design Team" did make one quick stop for fuel at White Castle – Can you say "Suitcase"?) They soon got right to work with only two days to complete the room.  There was lots of planning and purchasing that was necessary to get Nicole’s room done in a weekend!  (Looks easy on HGTV’s  - Design on a Dime!)  Nicole wanted to be surprised, so Nicole was locked out of the room for the weekend.  When the team arrived, Laura was assembling furniture. The new design included (2) 30" dressers, (1) 42" armoire and a new window bench. The directions said," some assembly required".  Also included in the new design was relocating the bed and building a wooden frame that was to be attached to the ceiling. This frame was to have lights attached so that Nicole could operate them from her pillow.  It also has sheer lime curtains attached on each corner. The trick was to get the frame attached to the ceiling. Without "Chic-Joe" we would still be trying to attach the frame.  Chic-Joe made many, many, many trips to the local hardware store to get the hardware that was needed to install this frame. Then came the fun part, John and Granny (Laurie) held one end of the frame, while Laura held the other and engineer Chic-Joe got the frame mounted!   Chic-Joe was incredible and actually was thankful that he could spend his weekend working with this group of females.   Aunt Dale (design member) spent most of the weekend at the ironing board.  Lots and lots of fabric needed for the window, bed and wall hanging.  Aunt Dale also arranged all of Nicole’s treasures on the new shelves that were installed.  She also found places for all of the books, videos, dolls, art supplies and toys that were to be displayed.  There were many new items to decorate the room these included:  a new purple clock, two new posters, floral display, a custom message board and lamp.  Aunt Dale organized the new desk/armoire and dressed Samantha and Kit (American Girl dolls) outfits to match the room. Samantha’s hair was re-styled and they looked beautiful.  Chic-Joe (design member) did an incredible job with his electrical handiwork.  He created a movie star’s light over the new mirror that he "secured" to the wall.  Every little girl dreams about having a makeup light and Nicole’s dream room was almost finished!  The design team put on the finishing touches, and Nicole was finally allowed to see the dream room.  Nicole was escorted into her room by the design team and did not know where to look first.  It was an incredible experience for the team to see Nicole’s reaction to the new room… When asked "What impressed you the most?"  Nicole replied "Everything - the bed."  It was an exhausting weekend for Granny’s Design Team but worthwhile to see Nicole’s reaction. The Members of "Granny’s Design Team" (Granny, Aunt Dale, Chic Joe and Aunt Denise) all received lovely thank you cards from Nicole expressing her thanks and loving her new room.


Mary Kay and Mike Boccio are still working hard in Connecticut and waiting for the Long Island crowd to pay a visit. 


Mike and Michele Ratigan are enjoying their boat and go crabbing and fishing every chance they get -- which is easy since the boat is docked two hundred yards from the house. 


            The Pelliccia family is well and growing.  We were proud to have the Father of the Year trophy in our home this past year and send it off filled with much love and blessings for the next family to enjoy. 

            The kids had another great school year.  Gianna is finishing the 6th grade (hard to believe) and is a good student.  She is very busy with Dance, Girl Scouts, and in July will be an Alter Server. (Grandpa would be proud!)

            Anthony is also a very good student and in the 3rd grade. He had a fun year with basketball, baseball, Cub Scouts, and playing the clarinet in the school band.

            Olivia is 5 years old and graduated Pre-K last week! She will start full time kindergarten in the fall.

            This past Easter we were fortunate to spend 2 relaxing weeks in Jupiter, Florida along with the Hydo’s. We went to Disney World and Sea World but enjoyed fishing and swimming in the pool the most. We had the greatest vacation.

            I have to say, with all that they do, these kids enjoy spending time with ALL their cousins the most. It’s all about family.


The rain may have stopped the picnic at Christopher Morley last year, but the partying continued at the Blauvelts.  A whole tribe of Mitterando extensions came back to eat, drink, and swim.  We look forward to continuing the tradition.


            Dr. Larry was requested by Woodloch Pines Resort in Pennsylvania to use his veterinary skills to help with the new pigs they acquired. The pigs are to be used in their version of the reality show, "The Simple Life."  Larry, Christian, and Tyler made the road trip together.  Much to the surprise of Dr. Larry, the use of his veterinary skills consisted of building a pen for the pigs.  Manual labor was not what he expected at this "resort."  While Christian and Tyler enjoyed the amenities of the resort (go-carts, game-room, batting cages, etc., Larry hammered away at building the pig pen. (Much of his education consisted of working with large animals, so working in pig pens was an occupational expectation).  By late evening the work was done and Larry, Christian, and Tyler were about to sit and enjoy a beef tenderloin dinner, when a panicked waitress informed them that the pigs had escaped.  (Dr. Larry insists he was not involved in the securing of the pigs in the pen!).

            Larry, Christian, Tyler, and two members of Woodloch’s security staff spent three hours chasing six pigs throughout the many acres of the resort. The wooded area was extremely challenging, especially when a mother bear and her cub appeared to be interested in the pigs.  Armed with 22 gauged-rifles, Larry and the security staff followed the bears into the woods. Fortunately, the bears had the personalities of Yogi and Boo Boo and had no interest in pigs. So, the chase continued- A pig would run in one direction with Christian following while another pig would run in a different direction with Tyler following. Christian was running so fast that at one point the pig was chasing Christian!!  Dr. Larry was chasing pigs in cowboy boots.  By nightfall, five of the six pigs had been caught.  As the Blauvelt’s were leaving Woodloch the next day security had cornered the sixth pig.  As the pig ran into a small pond of water Christian was able to jump in and grab him.  It was quite an adventure.


The party queen… have you ever been to a Creative Memories class, Tupperware, PartyLite, The Body Shop, Longaberger, Pampered Chef, Spa, or Pocket Book party?  Well Denise Mitterando usually winds up scheduling one kind of show or the other once every two months.  Need a night out?  What some stuff?  Drop her an email and see what is on the schedule!  Husbands either hate her for making the girls spend their money or they love the free time!


After last year’s picnic, Irene & Patrick Berg, Joe & Mike Sawyer and Dale Ingenito decided to be tourists in NYC.  We drove down the West Side Highway, up the East River Drive, drove the whole length of Central Park, ate bagels in Greenwich Village and then met Laurie Monteforte, the Vingara’s, Robin,  Robert,  Jaclyn and Ed at Yankee Stadium.  After the game, the original group drove to Arthur Avenue for a great Italian meal.  It was a busy and FUN day.




No, Rich Mitterando and Maria didn't move during the year, but Rich landed a great new job with S&P in May.  Congratulations Rich, you really worked hard on that job search.  Ready to write a new "If u can rd this u 2 can get a gd job w/hi pay" book?"  We know you will enjoy that sea cruise commute from the Highlands to Manhattan each day.  Easy on the beer coming home!


Congratulations to Kristina Monteforte on her high school graduation.  She will be attending the University of Maryland in the fall.




Victoria Mitterando (1) is fast becoming the family singer and talker -- she has to talk loud to be heard over her two big sisters.


Veronica Cervone graduates from Kindergarten June 14,2004. She is a wonderful student.  Veronica has perfect attendance, maybe she is trying to catch up with her cousins Katie and Tyler Blauvelt who haven't missed a day of school ever!  Veronica enjoys singing and writing her own books. She can't wait for summer so she can swim! Her favorite show is Lizzy McGuire!  She likes to draw pictures!  Veronica played basketball with M.S.A . She really enjoyed this year!


Brendon Ratigan (8 1/2) made his First Holy Communion in May and it was a lovely ceremony.  All the family came down from New Jersey plus Mary Kay and Mike from Connecticut.  Everything was fine in church until I went over to light one of the large holy candles and started to pray -- I (Katie Ratigan) suddenly felt a lot of heat near my right elbow and when I looked down the entire rack of holy candles was starting to flame up. I was huffing and blowing.  Fortunately I was assisted by one of the ushers, and we managed to put the flames out.  I continued praying to the Holy Mother and asked her to forget my previous prayers and apologized for not letting her know my brother Jim (Mitterando) was in church. I know the church is still recovering from his presence at the ceremony, but we are all grateful so many of the family participated in this big event. A little footnote: while Brendon was going to communion instruction he came out one day and was discussing the life of Jesus with his father Mike.  He said, "Dad, grandma is pretty old, isn't she?" Mike replied, "Well, well yes - grandma is getting a little older."  To which Brendon replied," I think Grandma is older than Jesus!" No answer.


Olivia Mitterando just graduated from nursery school and will be starting Kindergarden in September as she turns the big 5.  She just finished up soccer and is starting swimming classes and camp in June.


Nicole Cervone graduates from Pre-school June 17,2004.  She loves to write!  For Halloween she was a "Writer" complete with notebook and pencil.  She also likes to sing "I want candy" she loves school and story time.  Nicole is very friendly and independent.  On our annual visit to Santa Land @ Macy's N.Y.C. Nicole was found off the line talking to an elf.  When Maureen looked back and Nicole wasn't there she quickly asked an elf who had a walkie talkie and informed her that Nicole was happily talking with another elf!  Nicole was unaware that the line and her family had moved ahead.      


Isabella Mitterando (3) is excited to follow in her big sisters shoes as she starts nursery school in September.  She loves her gymnastics classes and is starting swimming with her sister in June.


Nicholas Hydo (almost 8) made his First Holy Communion on May 22.  He also made his stage debut playing John in Peter Pan.  Way to go Nicholas!


Melanie Cervone is an excellent student.  She has "E" for handwriting all year long, and a 93% spelling average.  We are very proud of her.  Melanie made her First Communion on May 15, 2004.  She looked beautiful and enjoyed a wonderful sunny day with her family.  She even sang a song with the Band (Jodee's Band).  Fun was had by all!  Melanie is a good singer and for her birthday she got a guitar.  Maybe we’ll see her on the stage someday!  She also loves to draw and write.


Joseph Cervone (III) has successfully completed the 4th grade.  It was a big year full of State Tests, and we are very proud of him.  He did very well on the E.L.A. scoring above average.  He received a blue ribbon for accelerated reading.  He ran cross country for his school, and ran his second 5K run at F.D.R. park in Yorktown, NY.  Joseph learned clarinet and played with the school band.   Of course Joseph enjoys Game Boy, Playstation and Transformers! 


Renee Hydo (5) has been doing gymnastics since September, and has been asked to join the Tot Team - a real honor.  Look for her cartwheeling around the park.


Corey "Rainbow" Monteforte is a car enthusiast.   Corey owns an ATV (Grandma Laurie calls it an ATM machine) and also a Go-Cart.  Recently Corey thought he should do some training for the Indianapolis Speedway and proceeded to do an un-planned rollover.  Corey had road rash on his arms, legs and various other parts of his body.  Dad, Craig did a great job of cleaning out all of the wounds but decided a trip to the emergency room would be a good idea.  Corey received lots of TLC in the ER but looked like Mummy Man as he was wrapped in gauze bandages.  Corey’s helmet will need to be replaced as it was scratched very badly.  The helmet did prevent his handsome face from damage. The next item on the pit crew’s to do list (Craig Monteforte) install a roll cage.  Corey in the meantime will continue to train – only this time he’ll go much slower. (We hope!)  Happy Riding Corey!


Christina Hydo (3) is a real conversationalist.  She loves to talk & talk.  She is ready to go off to Pre-school in September.


Tyler Blauvelt is following in his sister’s footsteps. He has had perfect attendance for the 5 years he has attended elementary school.  He moves up to the middle school next year!


Zachary Hydo (1 ½) is the happiest little boy.  He loves just being around people, and loves to make everyone laugh.  Look for him with the big smile on his face.




Katie Blauvelt has not missed a day of school in 10 years!!!


Early Thanksgiving morning Jason Peddie's S-10 pickup was totaled by a US Postal truck.  The story has a happy ending.  An identical truck was found, bought and is currently being converted into a low-rider.


Katie Blauvelt and her badminton partner were conference champs.  They were the only freshman as well as the only members of the Island Trees team to make it to the counties.


Christian Blauvelt had a very successful track season.  He broke the school records in high jump (5’10") and triple jump (40’1").  Christian was the division champ for the triple jump (38’ 10") and placed second in the high jump (5’ 8").  He advanced to the Counties where he placed sixth in both events.  He is currently preparing for the state qualifying meet. (Who says white men can’t jump!)


Driver’s beware!!  Christian Blauvelt passed his road test.


This year Briana Coco and Katie Blauvelt went to Melissa Cervone’s college for three days (SUNY Purchase).  What a great learning experience!!  They experienced what a class in International Food entails - you eat a lot when you are away at college, especially late-night snacks.  Melissa taught them about economics - you can get some incredible buys at Target if you wait for the right sales.  Katie and Briana also were able to experience physical education at Purchase - they went bowling.  The girls had lots of questions for Melissa, but she insisted that they would find everything they needed to know by reading Book 5 (Harry Potter).  College seems like a lot of fun. Too bad Melissa just graduated, there was so much more that Katie and Briana would like to have learned!!!


Congratulations to Katie Blauvelt on her baton twirling successes.  She was Grand Champion in solo and duet at the ESTA Championships.  Way to twirl Katie!!


Christian and Katie Blauvelt were both inducted into the Tri-M Music Honor Society.




Last July the many members of the Cervone gang (including Hydos, Pelliccias, Cocos, Elias’s and some Blauvelts) spent the weekend up on top of Hancock, NY in four cabins.  What fun we all had swimming in the Delaware River and just hanging around the cabins.  We rocked the town of Hancock with a drum concert.  Our fire surely could be seen for miles - especially Kevin’s!  Look for the smoke again this July.


The Hydos once again took a road trip to Florida in April.  Only this time we had company.  After meeting up with the Pelliccias in a rest stop in North Carolina - we made the rest of the trip together.  What a wonderful vacation we all had.  The kids had the best two weeks - fishing, swimming, catching lizards and just hanging with their cousins.  Hope we get to do it again sometime!


Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie and Tyler Blauvelt went to Universal Studios over the Christmas break. Tyler couldn’t wait to go on The Hulk Roller Coaster. Unfortunately, he missed the height requirement by millimeters. Tyler was so disappointed; but Kim came up with a plan. She had Tyler wear her platform sneakers and stuffed about an inch of napkins in each sneaker.  Tyler then inconspicuously waited in line with the other riders and cleared the height with ease.  We lost count of how many times he rode The Hulk.



Vacation is all I ever wanted – Yahoo we did it again – this year The Vingara’s, The Monteforte’s including Grandma Laurie, and Denise could be found hosting our annual open house at Lake Anna this year – Our week was filled with plenty of fun, sun, some rain (when it was time to unpack), food, more food, laughs, floating, water skiing, jet skiing, jet ski repairing, boat repairing, movie watching, drinking, relaxing, visiting with family, bed swapping, photo taking and grocery shopping for John.  We were joined by Kristeen Kohrs who spent time reading with Nicole, Ashley who helped make great deserts, Aunt Ellen who brought pizzellis, Uncle Al who Jets skied for the first time, Ronnie who helped the kids get up on water skis, Lynn who showed us girls how to really water ski, Samantha who showed off her bikini, Danielle who’s smile makes your day,  Michael who was too shy to ride the jet ski’s losing a $50.00 bet, Dale who needed a day to relax, Joe who brought way too much wine for us, Robin who showed us how to make zeppolies, Jaclyn who assisted with life guarding, Bill who showed us how to luge train, Joyce and Glenn who brought us  great fireworks and other friends who added to our vacation.  The "original renters" would like to thank you all for contributing to our vacation!  Thanks for making it a great week!


Last July, me (Katie), Aunt Judy, Aunt Carolann, and Briana, drove six hours to the town of nowhere, Old Forge.  This trip was for my twirling competition. Wow, what a great time we had.  The best was watching Aunt Judy and Aunt Carolann fighting the whole way up there.  While that was going on, Briana and I watched movies and played Christian’s favorite game, car bingo (Of course, Aunt Ca helped us by cheating). We had the best hotel.  It was right across from the water park in the middle of nowhere. When we went out for dinner, Aunt Ca didn’t like her food, but she liked what everyone else was eating.  Later that night Briana and I almost died from watching five hours of The Golden Girls (Aunt Judy’s favorite show).  On the morning of the competition Aunt Ca had to do my hair and make-up (my bun fell out during the routine). We took first place. I love these road trips that we take. Thanks for a great time.   Love Katie




Jason Peddie turned 18 in August.


Louie (Sonny) Mitterando hit the big 6-0 in April.  As usual, Aunt Margie remembered her 'favorite nephew' like she had all those previous years!  Thanks again for the card and the thousand bucks!  To show you how old 60 really is, guess what restaurant Norma and Lou went to celebrate the big event at?  No, not Peter Lugers.  No, not Tavern on the Green.  It was Sizzlers (Wow, $3.49 really does buy a lot!).  There was no big fan fare – Louie is saving it up for the can-can dance at the picnic!


April also saw the 1st birthday of Louie's grandson David Mitterando.  Happy Birthday, David.  Sorry, but you won't be able to buy him a drink today.  Mom and dad (Jim and Julie Mitterando) couldn't get down with sister Elizabeth from Boston this year.  We miss you Guys!


Happy 40 to Craig Monteforte – Where did the time go? 


Stephanie Bart (Vingara) celebrated her first birthday in March of 2004 – Complete with a visit from LaLa – her favorite Tellatubbie.


Dani James had her 16th birthday on May 19th.




Julia Nicole Mitterando was born on Friday, June 4, 2004.  9 lbs. 2 oz.  20 1/2 inches. She is the first daughter of Billy-John and Donna Mitterando and the proud grandparents are Bob and JudyJulia is beautiful and her arrival has brought much joy to the Mastic Mitterando Clan!




It was a tough year for the senior patriarch of the family, Bill Mitterando.  He was in and out of hospitals three times during the year suffering heart attacks and small strokes.  Thanks for the prayers, calls, and surprise visits you all helped out with.  Bill is like the famous bunny ? "takes a lickin, but keeps on tickin."  Speaking of ticking,  make sure you stop by today and feel Bill's pacemaker?  He is exceptionally proud of this gizmo.




Karen Mitterando's grandmother passed away in October.  She was 93 years old.  She is truly missed.




Dear #1 Father -- I am glad that you are father of the year!  It must feel great!  I hope you are really happy to be father of the year!  My father was father of the year, he got the trophy! (2000)  I hope the father of the year is listening!  If you want to talk call me at (845)62113-43 or at  If you need a friend.  With love, Melanie Cervone  (Age 8)




Email any changes or additions to:

Irene Berg -- or

Janice Behbrom,


The email directory at the Mitterando web site at: allows us to remain a close family no matter where we live.  It becomes even more important when we need to share the joys and sorrows that are a part of being a family.  Please share your email with us all so we can continue the Mitterando tradition of Family.

New email address: 

            Judy Mitterando

            Katie Ratigan -




Grandma Margie - Thanks for always making me smile.  I love being with you! Zachary


Aunt Carolann (Doinky) -- When is the sleepover at your house?&nbbsp; I’m ready when you are.  Renee


Wendy and Tony -- We are so excited about Gino!!!!


Denise -- We wish you the "BEST" in your new home.  The first year was a bit on the rough side.  Things will go better for you from now on.  The way you handle things as a homer (on her own)... makes Mom & I very proud of you, as you always do.   All our love Mom & Dad


To my Godson, Zachary -- You’re my Boy!!


Cousin Dee of New Jersey would like to thank all those who sent cards and prayers.  I love you all.


Craig – Thank you for tiling my bathroom floor and assisting with the vanity for my bathroom room inbetween working on your boat!  You know the Capitan is always stocked for your here!  I miss your weekend visits and hanging out in the hot tub!!!  Your Cuz


To whom it may concern:  Vampires, mummies and the Holy Ghost....  with love from.  Anonymous.


Michael -- I will never let you have plumber's ass!


To my brother, Mr. Winn Dixie -- Spending time with you in Florida was just wonderful! Let's do it again soon - Love Your Doinky Sister


Mother Dear -- I'll always cherish those days we spent together in Jupiter!  Love Always, Your Daughter Dear


Sissy --Thanks for all you do for me!  Nothing is ever too much for you!  I'm glad that you didn't let us drive down south.  And speaking of down South, thanks for all the fun times in A.C.  Can't wait for another adventure with you!   Love Dinka Doinka


Corey and Nicole – The two of you are the best babysitter’s in the world!!!  Love Cousin Nugget


Boopy -- You were there when I needed you most!  Thanks for getting me through all those tough days! Love always Ca


Mom – Thank you for housesitting for me all those times – work, vacation, scrapbooking, etc!!!  Nugget and Foxy send their love too!


Congratulations to Samantha on your High School Graduation!  You were wonderful in the play!  Now you’re famous!  We love you! Jodee & All


The Mitterando Landscaping Co. of New Jersey here by does extend best wishes to the newest branch of Mitterando Landscaping of Mastic Beach Long Island, New York.  We send you the best of luck in your new business.  Carry on the proud name of Mitterando in the business world.  Remember one thing, you can go as far as you want in this business.  So why not go for the brass ring and get it all.  Your cousin Richie


Congratulations to Melissa on your College Graduation!  We are so proud of you! Thanks for all your nice cards to!!!  Your Mahopac cousins!


Happy Father’s Day Uncle Ronnie.  Words cannot say how grateful I am to have a brother-in-law like you.  I am truly blessed!  What goes around, comes around.  Love Maureen


Jersey Grasshopper – Thank you for all your advice on my yard work!!!  It looks great!  Love Denise


Let there be Peace on Earth !!!!!!!  Let it begin with me!!!!!!!!  Peace Everywhere!!!!!!!  Love Everywhere!!!!!!


Christian -- I definitely have the coolest Godfather around!-  I Love You! Zachary


Wendy & Tony - Congratulations on #4  It’s a great number!  Cheryl & Charlie


Uncle Tony – Maaaaa  Love Zachary


Thanks Dr Jim for showing us around "your" town last August.  We'll be back.


Briana -- Can’t wait to go to Outback and get some shrimp on a Barbie again real soon - or maybe Chinese!  Love your Godmother


Uncle Ronnie -- Happy Father’s Day!  What else can you take out of my ear?  Love Renee


To my wonderful mother, sisters and brothers ,brother-in -laws and sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews --You have no idea how much I appreciate all your love and emotional support during that very sad time last year!  Thank you for being the greatest family in the world!!  All my love Ca


Congratulations to P.E.P Inc. 1 year of Business! Way to go!


We think Richard Cervone should be at least an Honorary Father of the Year before he becomes a Grandpa!!!!!!!!  Love, Jodee and all.


P.E.P. Inc.  We are so proud of you and you should be too!!!!!!!!!  We love You M,J,M,V,&N


You are always our Father of the Year! Happy Fathers Day!  Love Joseph, Melanie, Veronica & Nicole


Happy Father’s Day and every day to you Grandpa Pep.  We miss you.   Love, Joseph Melanie Veronica & Nicole


Happy Father’s Uncle Larry you are a wonderful Godfather.   I Love you.  Love Nicole


Charlie - Happy Father’s Day!  We love you C, N, R, C & Z


Tony -- Want to take a ride to SC for fireworks?


Jode you are a wonderful father.  We love you endlessly!!!!   


Mom -- You are the greatest. Thanks for always being there and for being the greatest mom ever.  Love Katie


Dad -- You’re always my father of the year.  Love KT


Briana --  The pickles are okay!!


Aunt Judy -- You’re the #1 godmother.  Love Katie


Christina Hydo --  You’re my BEST FRIEND!!  Love Katie


Air Force One -- You are my favorite uncle.  Love Smiley


Kimberly, Briana, Samantha, and Danielle -- I love you girls.    Katie


Christian -- Thanks for being a great brother.


Hmmmmm – what party plan are we hosting tonight?  Can’t wait till the next party!


Way to Go - Kristina! – We are so proud of you!  Congratulations on your graduation and your acceptance to The University of Maryland – Love Aunt Laura, Uncle John and Nicole


Mother and my Glamorous Aunt – Thanks for all your advice and listening to me this past year – You both are always there for me.  Love Laura


To my family and friends -

            My apologies to all of you for the neglect and disregard extended to you this past year.  It’s been a long and difficult road to travel, even with your love and support.  Without all of you, I could not have made it.

            Judy (my rock and fortress) unselfishly tending to all my needs and whims with patience and understanding.

            Carol Ann (my compassionate sidekick) my shopping buddy and concert companion.  Adam always with his "No big deal attitude" to compliment her.

            Richard (my # one and favorite date) enhances my life with his love and appreciation of music.  Happiness is going to night clubs and sharing times with Bridget and their beautiful family.

            Michael (my Florida chaperone) keeps me warm in the winter and fills my life with a drum beat and his musical knowledge.

            Ronnie (a constant reminder of his dad) is so full of faith and hope, and a deep devotion for his wife and children. Treats me like a queen.  Under that tough shell is a heart of gold.

            Jill (born in the 1958, she carries the label of "Bad Year Crop") through her terrible twos and rebellious teens, my hair turned gray.  Kevin answered my prayers.  They married and raised a love family.  She keeps us all smiling with her clown antics.

            Kim (7 Up) blessed with the most beautiful and generous heart, wed to a successful animal doctor, and mother of three talented children – Christian, Katie and Tyler.  Theirs is a "Kingdom of Love."

            Jodee (so unique) he’s Mr. Mom to four youngsters while Maureen is slowly recuperating.  He feeds, dresses, bathes and gets them off to school, helps with homework, shops, cleans house and does laundry.  He works full time and plays drums in a band.

            Wendy (a shining star) a wonderful wife to Tony, and devoted mother to Gianna, Anthony and Olivia.  She lives every minute caring for them, works with the school, church, scouts and little league.  Sharing a home with them has been so rewarding.


            Cheryl (last but not least) is a special blessing.  Charlie and she have a wonderful relationship.  Parents of Nicolas, Renee, Christina and Zachary.  They lead a very active life.  Happy and healthy stars from above shining down with God’s love, and I say to myself "What a Wonderful World."

            Love Mother


Rain???  What no mustard or mayo for my sandwich?


Mother – I love your techno age…with your new cell phone – Reach out … Reach out and touch someone… Hey now we’ve gone wireless! – Laura


Aunt Judy (Uncle Bobby too!) – Thanks for offering us your hospitality and your home on wheels for our annual beach trip!  – You both always make us feel so welcomed – Who can beat an Aunt who literally gives us the clothes off her back – err make that the socks off her feet!  Nicole loves her new fish socks – and every time I wash them I think of the generous spirit, love and caring you have – without hesitation…. You took the socks Nicole complimented you on right off your feet – You really are an Aunt with a great heart!  Love Laura


Thanks Aunt Val, Uncle Tim and Cousin Stephanie – for taking Nicole on her wonderful trip to Florida in 2003 – she can’t wait to head back – only this time…we might have to join you – Love Laura and John


Mitterando Landscaping does one more job after four years of retirement.  Richard, the CEO of the company drew up the plans for the landscape design on Denise's new home.  He did give his time to supervising the complete job.  It was fun getting back in the driver’s seat.  I hope you like it baby.  Love ya, Daddy


Don’t check into Hotel Hydo without a guaranteed late (very late) arrival - Laurie and Laura could be found calling the Hydo’s on July 4th  2003  for a room reservation for the evening…only when we arrived at midnight – the Hydo’s had given our room to their children – But they went all out to accommodate the two late arrivals – by putting us in Renee and Nicholas room with bunk beds.  It turned out to be quite a night – because once Laurie and Laura were heading to bed…. Laura prompted the older and much Lighter Laurie to sleep on the top bunk.  Good thing Mom is flexible because she climbed right up.  The next morning found Cheryl, Nicholas, Renee, Christina, Zachary, Wendy, Gianna, Anthony, Olivia and Aunt Margie hitting the beach for a sun-filled day.  Thanks for the laughs and good times – can’t wait to check into the Hotel Hydo again! – Laura


A special thank you to a special daughter and beautiful wife for my party.  Your Dad & your loving husband.


Congratulations to Judy Cervone who complete MORE scrapbook pages then Laura Vingara at this year’s trip to the Bed and Breakfast – You are the Scrapbooking Princess – Because if memory serves me correct Kristeen Kohrs is the Scrapbooking Queen – completing even more pages then you.  Denise Mitterando developed a great technique for using all those punches….and Laura Vingara took her photo for what not to wear!


Tyler --  You are growing up so fast.  I can’t believe you are going into fifth grade.  You are the best.  Love Katie


A special thanks to Cuz's Carolanne and Ronnie for the many times they stop by and cheer up Bill Mitterando Sr. as he sits at his post at the front window of his house in the Bronx.  It really makes his day.  Not sure if he can always hear what you have to say, but who cares?  He's happy!


LHB -- I love the life we’ve made. We’ve been blessed with a beautiful marriage and a beautiful family.  You have made it all possible.  Despite all the long hours you work, you always find time to be there for all of us. Thank you for all you do to make our life so wonderful.  Love KMB


Irene – Thanks for all the emails - Dale


Laura – Thanks for my great Mother’s Day card and gift, and for being YOU - AD


Katie -- You fill my life with love and happiness.  How proud I am to be your mother.


Gianna -- Can you please pass the Pringles!!


Richie Mitterando wants to say "THANK YOU" to Laurie, Dale, Joe, Laura, John, Val,Tim, my brother Kenny, Rick, Denise and all my nieces, nephews and friends that came to my Surprise 65th Birthday A Year Early Party!  Dee & Denise did it again.  They snagged Richie with another surprise party.  They really got him good this time.   Richie was under the impression that he was going to a pizza birthday party for Denise's dog Nugget.   Yes!  There is "no party" next year.  I love you all, Richie


ATTENTION! Watch for those Hydo’s. You never know where you’ll run into them. It may be at a rest stop in South Carolina, or at a fireworks superstore, or even at a gas station in New Jersey!


Hey Charlie and Cheryl, thanks for taking us to the lagoon. There was quite a view!!  W&T


CONGRATULATIONS to Our "Flower-Godchild" on your college graduation. We are proud of you. (you must take after me!) Love AW&UT


MMM! Do I smell Rack-a-lamb?


To My Favorite Cousin,…Welcome to Club 4-0! (I prefer Spit)   With love from Your Favorite Cousin.


KB -- What can be better than Rent-a-Chef, rack-a-lamb, a solid fork, and a good pair of thongs?


Patrick B. – SO glad you are feeling much better.  Now I can throw you out of your room when I come and visit – Dale


Skinny, keep up the good work! You look marvelous and make me proud that you are working hard to reach your goals.  Love, your Godmother.


Congratulations to you Kristina on your graduation from high school.  We know it wasn't easy, but you did it.  We wish you the best on your next adventure in life.  God bless you.  Cousins Dolores & Richie


Aunt Judy sends congratulations to Melissa Cervone 2004 College grad and a full time member of the US workforce, to Kimberly Coco 2003 HS grad and attending college, and to Samantha Cervone 2004 HS grad and bound for college in New Paltz.  YOU GO GIRLS!


Wendy, Tony, Gianna, Anthony and Olivia.  Congratulations.  There is always room for one more!  Can’t wait!  Love Judy


CA -- Daddy and Mother both like me better!  J


Kristina "Sunshine" Monteforte -- Lots of luck, success and love on the next step of your "journey."  Hard to believe you will be attending University of Maryland in September.  I still see you as a happy, smiling, 2 year old, bouncing up the front walk, screaming "Grandma! Grandma!"  You have been a precious gift and brought "Sunshine" into my life. – Love, Love, Love, Grandma


K-K-K-Katie -- Continue to be a champ at all you do!  One day I’ll teach you how to twirl a baton on fire!  Love, Aunt Judy


Thanks to my "Cropping Cousins," Denise and Laura.  Always enjoy every minute but kind of miss the competing!  Judy


CA -- Hope Dorothy Doink will soon keep her promise of a jackpot.


Melanie C -- Keep on singing…an appearance on American Idol maybe in your future!  Aunt Judy


Here’s to the future Mommy Adrienne Cervone LeBlanc, Daddy Joe LeBlanc, Grandpa Richard Cervone, Grandma Bridget Cervone and Aunt Melissa Cervone.  Love, Great Aunt Judy


To Dick and Jodee -- Congratulations on your first year as Property Enhancement Professionals.  I know Pep sure would be proud.  We sure all are!  Love, Judy


To The Middleton’s -- Thanks for the many, many years of friendship.  "Gloria" started the whirlwind towards you being considered "family".   Judy 




I had the privilege of having some of Uncle Charlie’s 8mm home movies put on to DVD.  Irene sent me 22 reels of film, each containing at least some footage of the Cervone clan. What memories it brought back.  I still can’t believe how many people were able to fit into Aunt Marie and Uncle Charlie’s apartment on McGraw Ave.  I really enjoyed seeing Christmas with Irene and Janice and their graduations, too. Selfishly, I loved seeing my brothers and sisters in their Halloween costumes.  Uncle Charlie caught it all.  I had forgotten the great costumes that mother made for us – butterflies, Statue of Liberty, hula girl, clown. It was especially heartwarming to see my dad in some of the film.  Uncle Charlie had filmed some movies of "Cervone’s Deli."  The footage of our Mastic get-togethers brought back a flood of memories.  We sure had some wonderful times together.  I hope some of you will get the opportunity to see some of these videos because they are terrific. Thank you, Irene, for giving my husband and children the opportunity to see what my childhood was all about. (Kim Blauvelt)


Uncle Charlie filmed a lot of the Mitterando moments at Mastic.  What awesome times we had on Knapp Road.  There was some great cooking that  took place in the screen house.  Does anybody have any idea how many pounds of macaroni were cooked for the typical Mitterando mob on those weekend get-togethers?  What type of macaroni was boiled?  I recall Bowties being one macaroni that Aunt Dolly served often.  UUMMMM, I can still taste it now!!




From The Picnic Committee:

Last year’s inclement weather washed out our fund raising activities causing another drought in our donation box.  We ask that you give generously today; so we can meet the costs of all the activities and services to make each reunion better than the last.


Special thanks: to Denise Mitterando for her outstanding job as Editor of "The Mitterando Newsletter;" to Laura and John Vingara for the great piñatas and being our #1 bookies; to Carolann Elias for her great entertainment; to Cheryl and Charlie Hydo for arranging the catering and kids activities; to Sunny Sheppard for her creative assistance with the invitations; to Gianna, Anthony and Olivia Pelliccia for helping with the mailings for Pick A Pop and invitations; to Kimberly and Briana Coco, Katie Blauvelt and The Pelliccia Kids for creating and posting the picnic signs; to all that help in any way with the set up, decorating, displays, breakfast, endless coffee, and announcements; and to each and everyone of you for attending from near and far to carry on the tradition of THE ANNUAL MITTERANDO FATHER’S DAY REUNION. 


Due to publishing deadlines, the newsletter was not available for mass distribution last year.  (Editor’s fault!)  There are limited editions of last year’s newsletter available at this picnic!  See the editor for your copy ASAP.  They are going fast!


The proceeds for all newsletters are donated to the Picnic Committee so that they can bring this wonderful event to us for years to come!!!!


Don’t neglect the following sections next year!!! "NEW HOME SWEET HOME", ENGAGEMENTS, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES, BAMBINOS ON THE WAY



The End

PS  Special thanks to John Vingara for printing out the covers for me.





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