The 2003 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando


Welcome to the “26th” Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion




“Editor’s Note”

Here is the Mitterando Newsletter in Review for 2002-2003.  I have to apologize because I typed this newsletter on June 13th (started – finished in the wee hours of the morning), but I had to get it done.  More details within about the why.  Be prepared though, I wasn’t able to mix things up the way I usually like to!  Sorry!  Denise




         After 24 years of picnicking in Bethpage State Park, we were forced to relocate elsewhere. The US Open golf tournament was being held there.  Fortunately, a family friend and manager of Christopher Morley Park was able to accommodate us and saved the day.

         Judy Cervone and her loyal committee, had posted all the announcements, directions and ballots: Denise Mitterando worked endlessly editing the Mitt News.  By 8:00 AM, the fires were going, the tables arranged, decorations were hung and breakfast was started.  The early birds arrived and the festivities had officially begun.

         In spite of early inclement weather, the turnout was tremendous, and by the late morning the sun appeared and brightened the day.  Breakfast of bacon and eggs, rolls and bagels, coffee and tea, juice, crumb cake and donuts were served by Dale Ingenito, Irene Berg, Judy, Robin Ingenito, Ellen and Al LaRocca and supervised by Pep Cervone.  A lunch of heroes, potato, macaroni and tossed salads was catered at noon and hot dogs, ribs, chicken and pasta was served in the evening.  The usual family favorites were an addition.

         We don’t have an accurate account of the attendance because so many failed to register.  We’re definitely sure of 141.  They traveled from Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, The Catskills, The Bronx and Florida.  

         A wonderful time was had by everyone.  Seniors and children of all ages participated in face painting, kids Olympics, parachute dancing, sack racing, balloon squatting, tug of war, volley ball and softball, scavenger hunt, poker, horse racing and piñata under the direction of Cheryl and Charlie Hydo and Laura and John Vingara

         The entertainment was provided by a dozen teenagers doing “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Dance” wearing WW11 army hats.  Carolann Elias was the choreographer.  Her “All Male Review” was a riot.  Five pot belly guys doing a belly dance to the tune of “Bridge Over The River Qui”.

          The big thrill of the day was announcing The Father Of The Year 2002! Last years  “Big Daddy” Tom Davison, did the honors and presented Charlie Hydo (Father of 3 and ½) with the loving cup.  Denise distributed The Mitterando News, which was another great edition.

          With smiling faces and happy hearts, we bid each other “adieu”.               




There is one thing in Denise Mitterando’s life that she never wants to have to do again (unless someone is doing it for her) and that is move!!!  Her closing date was May 30th, but she wasn’t supposed to move into her new home until June 6th.  With that in mind she figured the weekend of May 30th would be dedicated to doing the Mitterando Newsletter.  Well two days prior to the closing she found out that she was going to be able to get into the home on May 30th.  WELL… everything had to be completed prior to her stuff being moved in!  Denise had family and friends coming out of the wood work to help clean, paint, pull rug, lay new carpet, hang blinds, change locks, toilet seats, lend a lawn mower and blower, trim bushes, etc!  It was absolutely amazing the amount of work that was done in such a short time frame.  On Monday, June 9th Cousin Laura and friends Eddie and Wayne stayed until 2:00 AM unpacking boxes and hanging things on the walls!  It looks great and I am forever grateful to everyone that helped out!!!  (Hence, the newsletter not being completed in a timely fashion!!!)


Jaclyn Shafer has just completed her Freshman year at Florida Institute of Technology.  She plans on majoring in meteorology and is hoping for a hurricane to hit.  She is home for the summer working as a lifeguard and assistant manager at a local pool.


Jim Mitterando is a family doctor in Cohasset, MA and his wife Julie is an Emergency Room physician.  Their daugter, Liz (almost 2) just welcomed her new brother, David, into the world on April 16, 2003 weighing 9 lb 6 oz.  Everyone is well.   They are looking forward to attending the picnic after being away for several years due to childbirth and house moving.  They now live in a quaint village called Cohasset just south of Boston and just 2 blocks from the ocean.


John Vingara’s birthday fishing trip was surreal for Uncle Richie MitterandoRichie showed all those young guys a thing or two that day!  After landing the first Stripped Bass, he was whipped.  In less than five minutes he hit the second one.  Richie was so tired he had to hand the pole over to John to bring it in.  Richie caught about 10 out of 30 fish caught that day.  Thanks for the finest fishing day in his life.  Richie caught six Stripped Bass and four Chopper Blues!


This past Christmas, Denise Mitterando decided to have a cookie swap.  She invited about 12 girls and each person had to bring 12 dozen cookies to exchange.  At the end of the cookie swap, each girl had 12 dozen different kinds of cookies and recipes.  Thanks to Laura Vingara, I now have the recipe for Aunt Molly’s Biscotti.  After having drinks, snacks and tasting all the cookies our stomachs were getting pretty full.  We all had a great time together and catching up on all the gossip.  Thanks Denise for hosting the cookie swap and inviting mom!


During Christmas of 2001, Santa asked Christian Blauvelt what he wanted for Christmas.  Christian replied that he wanted the Buckeyes to win the National Championship. Santa laughed his big hearty Ho Ho Ho and said it would be a long time before that would happen. Well, gratefully Santa was wrong. The Ohio State Buckeyes were the 2002 National Champs. On the day of the big game against Miami, what a tailgate party we hosted! Everything was decorated in scarlet and gray and the menu was a buckeye theme. We used a Miami sweatshirt as a throw rug. It was 12:30 A.M. before the game was over and the bucks were champs. We partied on the front lawn for hours and a big highlight was when we burned the Miami sweatshirt in the outdoor fire pit.  Go Bucks!!


Bill Mitterando, Sr. now has 5 great grandchildren(3 from Rich and 2 from Jim).  Bill has been doing well and is feisty as ever despite the three times per week dialysis.  The good news about dialysis and nonfunctioning kidneys is that you can drink beer and not worry about having to take a piss.


Denise Mitterando has finally purchased her first house!  After being in her condo for ten years she has completely ran out of space.  Denise closed on her house on May 30 and is moving in on June 6 (see editor’s note).  We wonder how she is going to feel coming from a five room condo and going into an eight room house.  Will she feel lost walking around the house?  Oh we forgot, she has two companions following her around all day.  Now, when she has parties, she will have plenty of space to entertain.  She even has her own private area to have BBQs, a garage to keep her car in (which after this past winter is truly a plus)!  Nugget will really enjoy her run.  Her gardener can’t wait to have a field day working on her grounds.  Mom and dad have just one question… When are you going to find the time to clean this house?  Or are you having someone coming in that we don’t know about?  Congratulations and good luck, health and happiness in the years to come!!!  With all our love, Mom and Dad.


Can't believe Jaclyn Ashley Shafer is off to college!  Watch out FIT and mom's credit card.


If you want an idea for a great Christmas gathering, have a cookie swap.  Laura Vingara and Denise Mitterando had a long tiring evening making 24 dozen cookies at the Somerset County Vo-tech.  Thank goodness John is the culinary arts instructor there and has access to the kitchen!  Could you imagine how many days it would have taken to make that many cookies if we could only place one tray in the oven at a time!!  I know Denise can’t wait to do it again this year in her new BIG living room!


In August Carolann Elias thought that she was going to The Blauvelt’s summer Clam Bake/ Pool Party and it turned out to be her surprise retirement party. Thanks to all who participated in this wonderful bash! Carolann received lots of great gifts including many bottles of balsamic vinegar!  Be sure to ask her about that classic episode in BJ’S.


Karl and Tara Monaco have two beautiful girls.  Kristie - 4 and Jaclyn - almost 2).


Joan and Dennis Cotty have three wonderful girls.  Gianna (8) will finish 1st grade this year.  Tina (6) finishing kindergarten, and Alanna who just turned (3).  Joanie and Ernie Monaco are so very proud of all their children and grandchildren.  They bring them great joy and happiness in sharing their growing years.


While we are enjoying our family picnic- do you think there is a card game going on in heaven?  Uncle Nap and Uncle Pep are definitely playing as Aunt Molly and Aunt Dolly are dishing out the food and Aunt Marie is enjoying a glass of wine!  They may be gone but never forgotten!


On February 3, 2003- We lost a very special man- Pep Cervone.  He was loved by so many.  He was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather, uncle and brother.  We all miss him so much each day.  He was always there to give you a ride wherever and whenever.  He is probably giving God a ride right now.  There is no doubt he is now in a better place with all those wonderful people who left us prior.  His egg sandwiches will be missed at this picnic and there will be an empty spot at the poker table.


Karen Mitterando purchased her first NEW car since 1987.    She can be seen around town in her 2003 Toyota Matrix with the sunroof open and the radio blasting (P.S. 1992 Dodge Caravan for sale).


Christian and Larry Blauvelt became certified scuba divers last year.  Some of their dive trips included The Grand Cayman Islands, Cozomel, and the pool at 59 Barrister Road.


Did you know that Carmella and Bill Mitterando Jr., who both work for Arbor Glen In Bridgewater, NJ,  both received their  three year service awards in May?


Pep always had a good sense of humor.  He must have been laughing at us on the day of his funeral. As the procession continued on the LIE (during one of the worst snowstorms of the year) Larry followed in his van with Christian, Katie, Kimberly, Dee, Tyler, and Frank Coco as his passengers. As they entered the LIE at exit 43, Christian, who was riding shotgun, couldn’t see out of his window due to the ice and snow build up. Thinking he was doing everyone a favor, Christian rolled down his window to clear it. Unfortunately the window never rolled back up.  So for the next 25 exits, the occupants of the car froze. At one point Dee yelled to Larry, “I can’t feel any of my extremities!” Luckily, Kim had a Ninja Turtles blanket stashed in the back for just such an occasion. There was more snow in the car than there was outside!! Of course, as you would expect, Pep laughed last. As Larry approached the cemetery, a last ditch effort at rolling up the window finally worked.  On the way back home, the other occupants of the vehicle forbid Christian to touch anything in the vehicle.


Where can you find Bill Sr. & Bill Jr.  (Mitterando) almost every other weekend around 3:00?   At the Fiddlers Elbow Pub on E. Tremont Ave. in the Bronx eating Fried Calamari, of course!




Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer on the 3.5 average she attained her Freshman year at college.


Kudos to our great Editor-in-Chief, Denise Mitterando!


To All of  our family members and almost-family members that served (or are serving) our country during the latest crisis in the Middle East, Congratulations and THANK YOU!


On May 10th Anthony Pelliccia celebrated his First Holy Communion.  It was a beautiful day.  He looked adorable in his white suit and we had a nice celebration with family and friends at Manero’s Steakhouse.  Congratulations Anthony!


Karen Mitterando finally got recognized at Amersham Biosciences and was promoted to Accounts Payable Supervisor.




Gianna Pelliccia is 10 ½ and will be entering 6th grade in the Fall!  She has done quite well and kept very busy with Girl Scouts, Glee club, dance and softball.   She is sweet and thoughtful and we are very very proud of her.  XXXOOO


Nicholas Richard Mitterando, who turned three in January, has completed his two days a week pre-school. Starting in the fall, Nicholas will be in a three day program.  “Go Nicholas Go!”  We love you soooo much, Grammy and Pop-Pop Mitt.


Tyler is another Blauvelt who doesn’t like to miss school.  He has 4 years of perfect attendance!!


Anthony Pelliccia is 7 ½ and will be in the 3rd grade in September.  He is an “A” student who gets excited about everything.  He played basketball  and baseball, and mom was a leader for his Boy Scout den.   Hopefully his excitement will continue.  He is adorable and we are very proud of him , too.  XXXOOO


It was a big year for Kara and Johnny Monaco.  Both of them lost their first tooth.  Their parents’ cannot believe what the tooth fairy gives these days.


Johnny Monaco just completed his first year of Little League baseball.  What a hitter he is.  His dad helped coach the team and at the time of this letter they were undefeated. Go Red Sox!


Nicholas Hydo (age 6) is finishing up 1st grade.  He enjoyed another season of baseball and is now a Tiger Scout- keeping Dad busy with den and pack meetings.  Next week they will be sleeping on the Battleship Massachusetts and camping in July.


Renee Hydo is now 4 years old and finishing her first year of pre-school.  She loved each moment, especially having her cousin and best friend Olivia in her class.   


Christina Hydo is now 2 years old (ask her she’ll tell you she is 4!)  and wants to do everything her sister and brother do ( and usually tries and sometimes succeeds!)


Kara Monaco got her first real pet.  It is a dwarf hamster named Chubby, and she is being very responsible for it.  Maybe when she gets a little older she can get a dog.


Johnny Monaco just finished Kindergarten; he learned so many new things.  His mom and dad are so proud of him.  His teacher says he is such a great kid and nice to all of his classmates.


Joseph P Cervone III is an accelerated reader and was awarded a Blue Ribbon.  We are very proud of him.  Keep Reading and Learning.  He also performed in his first Violin concert with school. He enjoys P.S.II and Transformers. We love you!!


Melanie Cervone has successfully completed First Grade.  We are very proud of her. She is an accelerated reader and was awarded a Blue Ribbon.  She participated in her fist Cheerleading Clinic. She took Irish Dance at school.  Melanie loves to draw and the Art teacher has chosen her work to put on display in the hallways.  Keep up the good work!!  Love You!


Veronica Cervone turned 5 on June 4.  She's the first one in the family to graduate from two nursery schools. She can't wait for Kindergarten!  She loves to be read too, draw, and dance. We love you!! 


Nicole Cervone is 3.5 going on 7.  She enjoyed her first year in preschool, (where she can boss around someone else). Her teacher said she was very sweet.  Nicole is thoughtful.  She enjoys dancing, gluing and following around her sisters.


Tyler Blauvelt may be following in his father’s footsteps.  He affectionately took care of a baby raccoon (Ralphie) and a baby squirrel (Archie Griffin).


Olivia Pelliccia is 4 and had a fun year of Nursery school.  Mostly because she got to be in the same class as her #1 friend and cousin, Renee.  They even learned ballet together at Dance class.  They can be quite characters together. (very much like Cheryl and Laura—or even Craig and Wendy—Can you guess who is most alike?)  They enjoy being together and so do their Mothers!  We love our Little Olivia   XXXOOO





Congratulations to Cool Twirler, Katie Blauvelt.  She was the Beginner Solo Grand Champion at the 2003 ESTA Championships.  Way to twirl, Katie!!


Katie Blauvelt moves up to high school in September.  She has accomplished so many wonderful goals.  One that she is especially proud of is her 9 years of perfect attendance.  Grandpa Pep was another person who wanted Katie to achieve this goal.  When Grandpa died, we realized that his funeral would be on Friday and we tried to come up with ways in which Katie could go to school for a short time and then get to the funeral. Well, Grandpa solved the problem by giving us a snow day!!


Jason Peddie (who turns 18 this August) graduates from  Piscataway Vo-Tech this month, and will be working full time with Ray Catena Infinity in Edison, N.J.  He's also been putting a lot of work (and $$$) into customizing his low-rider pickup truck. Ask to see the pictures.


We still can’t believe that our Katie (Blauvelt) will be going to high school in September. What a wonderful 4 years she had in Middle School.  Katie is an honor student and member of the junior national honor society.  She plays flute in the school band.  For the past 2 years, she has played soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track for the school teams. We are so proud of all her achievements and wish her continued success in high school.


Christian Blauvelt was given an offer he couldn’t refuse - Cheryl and Charlie Hydo asked him to be Zachary’s godfather. He was so proud and excited, and has already started the process of turning Zachary into an Ohio State Buckeye!!


Christian Blauvelt’s band, Neglected, was one of five bands chosen to participate in WBAB’s Homegrown concert contest at the Downtown in Farmingdale.




As a 50th birthday gift, Kim sent Larry to a friend’s cattle ranch in Texas (sort of like a City Slickers adventure).  Christian also went to keep his dad out of trouble!  They went horseback riding, roped donkeys, herded cattle, and did some civil war excavating. It was a wonderful experience. Larry came back with a cannon ball, some civil war items, lots of laundry, and a Texas accent.


Dale Ingenito, Laurie Monteforte, and their escort, Joe Sawyer went to visit Carol and Randy Perrin who are now stationed in Haiti.  It was a very memorable and eye-opening experience.  God Bless the U.S.A.!


Grandpa Lou (Sonny, to some of you senior citizens) and Norma got out of the cold this past winter (well, for at least two weeks), staying a week in Miami this past October and then a week in Daytona in March.  Eileen and Joe got to Florida also.  Rumor has it that they might be planning a move there in the future.  Don't tell Scott and Keith - I think them not knowing might be an important part of the plan!  The writer (Lou) cannot think where Billy, Karen and Jason went on vacation (was this the Colorado year?), but I'm sure they will give you an update somewhere in this newsletter. 


Jaclyn Shafer spent her Spring Break in New Orleans this year, and even got to see some Mardi Gras parades.


Uncle John Mitterando came to Maryland after last year’s picnic.  Dale, Laurie and Joe S.  took him to historic Harper’s Ferry, where he really enjoyed looking at the mountains AND the pretty, young waitresses in the restaurant.  The accommodations weren’t the best, though; since Dale was having wood floors installed and had no furniture in the living room.


Richie and Dee Mitterando traveled to Maryland for a few days in October, and Dale was happy to have them.  Unfortunately, the D.C. Snipers picked the same time to visit the area.  They got a good meal there, though,  and as Dee requested, flowers in their room and chocolates on the pillow.


Ellen and Al LaRocca  also visited Maryland this winter and stayed with Laurie Monteforte.  All the nearby relatives came to Dale’s house for dinner to visit with them.  We enjoyed having them!


Irene Berg and her friend, Mary Ann, wanted to visit D.C., so they traveled to Dale’s in March.  There was plenty of sightseeing, wine, and food and we had a great time ---- that is, until Irene decided that she wanted to watch the anti-war demonstrators at the White House up close!


The Hydos took their first road trip with the 4 children in April.  They drove to Florida, stopping one night in SC.  The kids were great in the car.  Each stop the kids either played at a McDonald’s playground or jumped rope in a rest stop.  They spent three nights in Orlando, visiting the Magic Kingdom and SeaWorld.  Next we headed to Jupiter to join Grandma and Uncle Michael for a week.  We all enjoyed our time together at the beach, pool and just hanging at the house. 


Stopping at Dale Ingenito’s house overnight, on their way to North Carolina was a real pleasure for Dee and Rich Mitterando.  Dale claimed they were having leftovers, which included pasta primavera and spinach tortellini.  If these are Dale’s leftovers, Dee and Rich will stop by more often.  Thanks for your great hospitality.


Larry Blauvelt’s 50th birthday lasted one year!  For his real birthday in March, Kim again surprised him with a weekend at Woodloch Pines with 22 of their friends. They managed to squeeze a week vacation into 48 hours!  It was some weekend - we’re still trying to recover!!




Is that Laura Vingara that will be celebrating her 35th birthday this year??


Larry Blauvelt joined the 50 club in March.  Kim surprised him by throwing a Halloween Party in October with the theme of “50 and still Spooktacular!”  It was a blast.  All the adults and kids dressed in great costumes. A few friends came as “Dr. Larry,” including bald head and mustache.  It was a really “boo”tiful night!


Who’s sporty and turned 40?  John Joseph Vingara on June 17, 2002.  Where did the time go?  At my age, it’s hard for me to remember any more.  Love ya, your Godmother




Denise Mitterando is now an official home owner (not just a condo).  You can come visit her and her “zoo” at 1035 Tysley Place, Raritan, NJ  08869 – same phone number!  908 707 8859




No one was engaged this year?




The Monaco family (Joan and Ernie)   are happy to announce their family is growing again.   This past Jan.2003, the last son of the Monaco children was married.  Dr. Robert was married to Carolyn Maroun.  A beautiful wedding took place at Disney in Florida.  It was truly a fairytale event.   Joan and Ernie are happy to welcome their new daughter in-law to their family.  


Valerie (Vingara) and Tim Bart tied the knot “Viva Las Vegas” style last July 4th!  Elvis is alive because he was there, in person at their wedding!  Congratulations!




No special anniversaries this year?




No one is expecting as of publishing date!




Zachary Brian Hydo was born Nov. 2, 2002.  He is a joy to his mom and dad (Cheryl & Charlie), big brother Nicholas and sisters Renee and Christina.  He has brought smiles to all our faces during some tough times.  Grandpa Pep enjoyed seeing his smiling face and he always made Grandpa smile! 


The Bill Mitterando Sr. clan continued in its quest to top the Cervone clan in population (don't laugh, we got some healthy studs in this family).  On October 20th, grandchildren Richard and Maria (but mostly Maria) added Victoria Peri to the family roll (excellent name, right Maria?).  Yes, if you are counting that's girl #3 and she's a doll just like her sisters.  Not to be outdone, grandchildren Jim and Julie took time out from their daily rounds, to present Bill Sr. with his first male great-grandchild.  David Brian Mitterando was born on April 16th - (the name lives on!) That now makes 5 great-grandchildren for Bill Sr.  So doing the math, how many more do we need to outdo the Cervones?  Hmm.  50-5 equals...?  Rich, Maria, Jim, Julie - are you up for it?  Thanks again from Grandpa Lou for the additions.  At this rate, he won't have to pay any NY State Tax soon (go 529 college plans!)  Jim - did you give dad David's social security number?


Congratulations to Valerie (Vingara) and Tim Bart – who welcomed Stephanie Linda into the world on March 24, 2003.  Stephanie weighted in at 8 lbs., and 4 oz and was 20” long!


The Monaco family was also extended with two new grandchildren. Joanie and Ernie now have ten grandchildren (8 girls and 2 boys).     


Ernie and Marisa Monaco added a new baby girl to their family, Chloe.  She is 7 months old and comes from Korea.  Their little adopted Korean gem has adjusted nicely to all her changes and her brother Ernie Jr. is just thrilled.  Ernie Monaco turns five in August and will start school in the fall.


John and Noreen Monaco's newest addition, Kelly Grace, arrived on February 3, 2003.  She was 22 inches long and weighed 9 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.  Kara and Johnny are the best big sister and brother a girl could have.


Adam Elias became a grandfather again ! His daughter Rhonda had a baby boy.


Karen and Bill Mitterando formally announce the addition of Sierra, the hamster, to the family.






Bill Sr. had his good days and his bad ones since the last picnic.  Thanks to the Jersey crowd for coming to visit him when he was in the Rehab center in Bridgewater.  Special thanks to Carmen for those tasty dishes that helped nurse him back to health.







                                                                             BY MARGE CERVONE


Another year has passed and a new chapter in “The Book Of Life” has begun.  


After 57 years of togetherness, Pep entered eternal rest, leaving me and our family with aching hearts.  He’s forever in our thoughts and on our minds, as we draw strength from each other.


I need this opportunity to express to them the gratitude for the love and support each of them have given to me during these difficult and sad times.  He left us beautiful memories and taught us to love, forgive and respect.  His faith and love of God was immeasurable.


All who knew him loved him, even those not related through blood (especially Uncle Nap & Aunt Molly, Ernie & Joan, Richie & Dee, Laurie, Laura, Robbie and too many more to mention).


He was born in a foreign country, came here as a child, was a disabled veteran of WW11 and an outstanding US Citizen.  He spent 60 years of his life in pain without complaining or restraining from strife or pleasure.  We had a happy life together as parents of 10, in-laws of 9 and grandparents to 24.  He’s home at last and free from pain.  Our family has lost a wonderful husband, dad and grandfather, but heaven has gained one great soul.  


Sadly, Larry Blauvelt’s father passed away in August.  Richard Blauvelt was a tin can sailor in WWII and also served in the Korean War.  He was so proud of his military service and he loved to tell us his war stories. Pop was a permanent fixture at 59 Barrister Rd. and we sure miss him.  He always called me his Darling and referred to me not as his daughter-in-law, but as his daughter.  I was very lucky to have a special relationship with him.





It was very difficult for Tyler when his Grandpa Blauvelt died in August. Then, Grandpa Cervone died in February.  Kim spoke to Tyler about how sad he must feel that he didn’t have any more Grandpas.  In an unbelieving tone, Tyler said to Kim, “You mean we only have 2 grandpas?  We’re not going to get anymore?”  When Kim told him no, Tyler then replied, “Well, what about daddy (meaning Larry), isn’t he going to be my grandpa when he gets old?”




Email any changes in your email address to Irene, or Janice Behrbom,


The email directory at the Mitterando web site, has allowed us to stay close as a family and becomes very important when we need to share the joy and sorrow that comes with being a family.




Aunt Judy: I always knew you were the best godmother, but now I know you are even greater because you really do drink tea!!


Ronnie and Larry - Welcome to the “50 Club”.  It’s starting to get crowded.  Love, Judy


Dad – Thank you for coming to my new home each day this week.  I know you couldn’t do much, but I enjoyed your company!  Love ya ME


Hey, Laura and John: The Jacuzzi is filled and ready for our after-picnic party.


To my Katie: You cease to amaze me. You are not only becoming a beautiful young lady, but your scholastic, musical, and athletic abilities have made me so proud. You are proof that twirlers have more fun.  Love always your dad


To the Cervone Family in loving memory of Joseph Cervone – God saw you were getting tired, and a cure was not to be, so he put his arms around you and whispered, “Come to me.”  With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away.  Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay.  A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.  God broke our hearts to prove to us, he only takes the best.


Mom – It was fun spending the night together in my new home.  It sure beat riding out a t-storm by myself!!!  Thanks for all your cleaning and re-arranging my bookcase looks a whole lot better!  I can’t wait until our next sleepover.  Perhaps I’ll have the Jacuzzi ready!!  Love ya, ME

Dear Dee: We are so happy to keep in touch with you as often as we do. Thanks for all the phone calls.  You are a wonderful young lady.  Love Aunt Kim and Uncle Larry


Ronnie and Lynn - Congrats on 25 years of wedded bliss.  Lynn, I know you enjoyed the “Ronnie piñata”.   Love, Judy


O-Pair – Why don’t you love me too?  I just wanted to cuddle when you slept over our house!  I certainly don’t take up as much space as Nugget!  Love Foxy!


Happy 18th birthday, Kimberly and Sweet 16, Samantha.  Love, Aunt Judy


Ronald, Miss you.  Keep safe while keeping us safe.  Love, Aunt Judy


Mother we love you very much.  Hope you know you can stay with us any time if you would like to.  We would love to have you.  We think and pray for you often. You are so lucky to have such a big wonderful family.  We miss him too.  We love you very much.  All our love, Jodee & Maureen.


Jode I am so proud of you! You are my best friend, husband, father, businessman, and so much more. We are so lucky to have you. I know you work so hard.  I'm sure we will have good times ahead. I love you endlessly!!!!


Happy Father's Day Daddy you are the greatest! Love Joseph Melanie Veronica and Nicole.


Val, Tim and Stephanie – I’m so glad that you are joining us for this family reunion.  Hopefully this is the first of many more.  I enjoy the time that we spend together!  Love Denise


Happy Father's Day Grandpa we miss you.


Happy First Father’s Day in Heaven!  We love you and think of you often.  We know you are looking out for all of us. Love, Jodee & Maureen.


81579, 72785. I am so grateful that our love continues to grow. Thank you for loving me the way I am.


Maureen I am so proud of the improvement you have made this past year.  Endless Love, Jode


Welcome, Zachary.  You sure are a bundle of joy!   Love, Aunt Judy


Anthony, Congratulations on your First Holy Communion!  You were the most handsome!   Love, Aunt Judy


Erika - Never more proud of you than in the passtt few months.  Love, Aunt Judy


LHB -- I guess I could say that, “Maybe I’m aammazed at the way you love me all the time”, but then again for the last 17 years you have shown me everyday just how much you really love me.  KMB


Dr. Larry – Once again thank you for your advice.  I know I’m a bone head and didn’t listen, but I couldn’t resist those puppy eyes!!!  Love your Jersey Cousin  (PS  I can’t give it up, I bet I have another call into you in the near future!) 


Daddy (Charlie)- Congratulations Father of the Year!  You always get our vote.  We Love You!  N,R,C&Z


Laura - You were a real comfort at a difficult ttime.  I really enjoyed your company.  Come back anytime you want to wash my cabinets!!  Love you cuz- Cheryl


To Tony “Rack of Lamb”- What a great meal you cooked for us on Easter but what a mess you made in my kitchen!!  Who needs Emeril when we have you!!  We all enjoyed watching you prepare that great shrimp appetizer and delicious main course.  We can’t wait for the next one!  Thanks again for making it such a great day.


Jodee and Dicky Cervone have started their own business "PEP INC."

Property Enhancement Professionals!! They can do just about everything

from doorknobs to custom wood work. We wish them the very best. We are

so proud of them!!


Thank you Dawn, Robbie, Brianna & Kasy.  We had a great time on our vacation at your home. We are very lucky to have family like you.  All our love Melanie & Veronica. (mommy and daddy too!).


Nicole – Have a great time in Florida with Aunt Val, Uncle Tim and your cousin Stephanie.  I’m bummed that I had to bail!  Love ya Aunt Denise


Congratulations Anthony on your First Holy Communion!  Love Uncle Jodee

& Aunt Maureen.


Nicholas Richard – Who loves ya?  Pop-Pop Mitt


Happy 21st Birthday Melissa!  Love Uncle Jodee & Aunt Maureen.


Congratulations to Ronnie & Lynn on the purchase of their new home.  May you have many happy memories there.  Love, Jodee & Maureen.


Congratulations to Valerie and Tim on your princess, Stephanie Linda.  God Bless you all.  With Love, Aunt Dee and Uncle Richie


In a cabin in the woods four cousins by the window stood. Can we sleep

with you tonight?, "knocking at your door". Sure you can Uncle Ronnie said,

we have room for more. Thank You Thank You the cousins said and ate food,

had a fire and went to bed. In the morning we ran and played, can we come

another day?


There was a little family who went to the beach with no tent and nowhere to sleep. Take our site the Coco's said.  We can go home and sleep in our beds.  The children were thrilled, "we're lucky" they said, "to stay on the  beach is THE GREATEST".  Thanks!!


Rich, Denise, Laura, John, Nicole, Valerie, Tim, and Stephanie – Thank all of you for a very joyful Easter Sunday.  Love ya all, “The Hopping Bunny.”


Joseph, Melanie, Veronica and Nicole: You are all such “smart fellers”!  Aunt Judy


Tim Bart – I get no respect.


Congratulations in order for Carolann Elias who “officially” retired in July.  Her retirement came at the most opportune time.  She has been keeping busy as an “unofficial” member of The Red Cross.  Thanks for being there so often for so many!  Judy


Dick and Jodee Cervone:  Congratulations and good luck in your business.  “PEP” is sure to inspire you and lead you to success.  Judy


Congratulations to Ronnie and Lynn Cervone and family on your new home in Shirley.  Soon enough you can settle in, close to the beach, “Mastic Mitts” and even Daddy.  Judy


Michael: Thanks for escorting Mother to Jupiter.  I know it was good for both of you.  Do it again soon.  Judy


Denise - No need to look for a kennel.  We’ll always be here for Nugget, as we were for Butter.  Daddy and the O-Pair


Katie: You are always my “grand champion”.  Aunt Judy


Uncle Tony:  I know you are looking forward to my new and improved portable stove. Hopefully this one will be nonflammable!! Just bring the marshmallows for roasting!!   Love Christian.


Aunt Wendy:  I still think you are cool even though I find it hard to believe that you really own the Brady Bunch Album.  Love Christian


CH – I love you. Thanks for putting up with us! – Your 5th kid.


Denise – You are on your own with Foxy, sorry!


Dad – You’re a tough act to follow! - CH


Mom – Thank you for all that you do. One day, it will all be worth it. Promise! – N, R, C, & Z.


Mom – Thanks for the great vacation. It was worth it, wasn’t it?? – N, R, C, & Z.


Nicholas – I am proud of you. Keep up the good work – Dad


Renee & Christina – Let’s see that Cotton Eyed Joe. - Dad


Judy C. – Hope your mail person has a great sense of humor!  HAHAHA


Zachary – Thanks for those beautiful smiles at the end of each day. - Dad


Aunt Judy – When you coming over to the Y.M.C.A – Renee & Christina


Rick – You’re still making us proud of you!  You hold a full-time job, you’re a town councilman, head of the road department, on the fire department and watch Nicholas every night.  How do you keep your head screwed on right?  With all our love, Mom and Dad


Tim Bart – Get ready, now you have two high maintenance females to cope with!  Rolling on the floor laughing out loud.


Laura – Thanks for putting your fingers were I wouldn’t. - CH


Aunt Wendy – Can we come over? Don’t worry, we just ate! – Hungry, hungry Hydo’s


Uncle Michael – Is it my turn in that chair now? – Nicholas


Michael – Turn it down a notch. It’s too loud! – Cheryl & Charlie.


Uncle Michael – Happy Easter from Florida!


Doinky!Renee & Christina


Judy C – How are those weeds coming along?  Talk to your mail person!  HAHAHA


Grandma – Thanks for making our first time in Florida a great one. – N, R, C & Z.


To my Pal, Renee:  I have so much fun with you. You will always be my special pal; but don’t tell the others.  Love Christian


Denise – You’re still making us proud of you!  You hold a full time job, and work your  second one as well, as a Creative Memories Consultant.  Now you also volunteer for Mutts N More!  How do you keep your head screwed on straight?  With all our love Mom and Dad


It has been a very rough year for us, but Thank God with the strength, courage and love we learned from you, Dad, our family circle has been able to get through it all.  We miss you .   W,T,G,A,O  


Through it all, I must say that I am very proud of my 3 children.  They were able to overcome the sadness and change in their daily lives and continue to be  good kids,   considerate grandchildren and terrific students.  


To my big brother, Dicky - When we needed someone to lean on; tto pick up where He left off - You were there.  For this I thank you with all my heart.  Wendy


Rich, Denise, Laura and John – Easter Sunday wouldn’t have turned out so special without all your help and constant work.  I couldn’t have done it better myself.  Love ya all, The Hopping Bunny


Dear Tony - This has been our most challenging year yet.  What we have lost is irreplaceable.  First my father and your best friend, and now your mother.  But with the love, support and wonderful memories that we share, together, we can continue what they have taught us.  Always and Forever, Wendy-XXXOOO


Thanks to my croppin’ cousins.  I enjoy every “waking” minute with you.  Judy


Daddy’s “Safely Home” but greatly missed.  The care, love and concern you gave him cannot be measured.  I am so thankful to all of you.  I’m sure he’s looking down at us now, smiling and oh so proud!    Judy


Nicole – Our Easter Sunday table looked just awesome!  Thanks for all those fantastic decorated Easter eggs.  Love ya, Aunt Dee


Dale & Joe thank you so much for the wonderful weekend. We had so much fun seeing the sights in DC and visiting with you. The birthday party for Laurie with all the family was wonderful and all that great food and wine! Harpers Ferry was beautiful and we loved your spinach stromboli and wine picnic! If I mentioned all you did for us I would fill the Mitt news.  Be prepared for a return visit! Love Mary Ann and Irene.


Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al Thanks for the annual visit. The making of the huge foccoccia was hysterical, right out of an “I love Lucy” episode and I think you know how much we enjoyed that spiral ham!  See you in Spring Hill next year, love the Bergs & Behrboms.

Denise, Rick, Denise – The ticket to see the show “Hairspray” was a wonderful and thoughtful gift.  I really enjoyed the hilarious, musical/show.  I especially loved the female part played by Harvey Fierstein!!!  The show is very upbeat and I would highly recommend seeing it!  Thanks for the great gift.  With all my love, Mom


Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al thanks for the tour of Manhattan and for finding the best pizza in NY.  Love Patrick and Irene


Chuck you made our Christmas so special by visiting and the gift of the TIVO was incredible. What fun that is getting up each day to see what it decided to record for us!  Hope you are here at the picnic. Love Mom, Dad, Chris & Patrick.


Jan wish you were here with us Miss You.  Will have a drink of wine for you! See you back home, love your Big Sis


Laurie – Guess what!  We’re only using the good scissors!


Good luck Jamie (Paterno) in your new home, hope the rest of this year is filled with love & happiness. Love Auntie Irene & Uncle Howard


Jackie Behrbom congratulations on finishing your first year at PHCC! Love Auntie Irene & Uncle Howard


Christopher Berg Happy Birthday!!!! 21!!!!  Love Mom & Dad & Patrick


Chris congratulations on winning an award for best poem. We are so proud of you. And to have three of your poems published in The Sandhill Review of Saint Leo University, what an accomplishment! To our Writer, Car Mechanic we love you! Love Mom & Dad


All our love and best wishes to Dr. Robert and Carolyn Monaco on their January wedding.  Cousins, Dee and Richie


Patrick Berg, 15 you are a great kid. You had a wonderful freshmen year in the Advanced Placement Academy at Springstead. It was a lot of hard work but you did it and we are so very proud of you.  And we love going to the band concerts and seeing you play the French Horn. Love Mom & Dad


Howard congratulations on becoming the Network Manager at Saint Leo University. You sure earned it and a lot more! I love you, Me


Uncle Pep you are missed but always loved and always with us. Love the Bergs


Andrew & Jarrett Burkholder, you are forever in our hearts and will always be remembered and loved by our entire family.  Not Mitterandos by blood but through love and marriage. Love Howard & Irene Berg & Chuck, Chris & Patrick.


Joanie – Where do you get all your patience and energy?  God bless you, you’re always on the go.  Love Cousin Dee


Briana - “Lets do it longwood style!”  Lovee ya!!!  Big sis


Matthew - I love you!!!  Kimberly


Mom and Dad - Thanks for being there through my last year in high school. I don’t know what I would have done without you.  Love Kimberly


Aunt Kim – You are the best godmother in the world!  Love Kimberly


Joanie – What happened to “Girl’s Day Out?”  Love Cousin Dee


Christian - “Don’t touch the window!” Love ya, p;; Kimberly


Christian- Neglected is the best band in the world!!!  Kimberly


Katie - You’re growing up so fast, I just don’tt know what to do. LOL.  Love Kimberly


Erika - Can you say…”TACO BELL?”  Love >KKimberly


Samantha - I can always talk to you about anythingg..  You are the best cuz!  Love Kimberly


Aunt Wendy - I think I got my artistic side from you!  Love Kimberly


Gianna – You are my little lephrocone! Love Kimberly


Melissa, A and Dee - Although I don’t see you guys much, I cchherish the times we talk. Love Kimberly


Thanks cousin Dee for another spectacular news letter!  They get better every year. Love Ca


Cousin Laura  -Thanks for clipping Daddy's toenails, scratching his coolie and picking his nose! He really loved you for that!  We all love you! Ca


Olivia - When are we going to have a sleepover?????   Love Kimberly


Bobby – Tell me on thing, how is the dart board?  Are you still shooting darts?  Cousin Rich


Dani - All I got to say is…”I got zoom”, m&p;;m fight, pole dancing and cream soda…haha! We have so much fun together!  Love Kimberly


Christian - Neglected rules!!!!  I love you guys.  I cannot wait to see you guys perform again. Love always B


Kevin and Jill - I want to thank you for being there in my bad times and I will always love you guys.   Love always Nana


Kimberly -  Holla!  Lets beat them homeggrrown guys Longwood style.  Love Briana


Dee Dee - I want to thank you for being the person I could talk to during my rough times you are truly my favorite cousin.  Love always  Briana


This year really tested our faith.  Daddy was so sick and in and out of the hospital so many times.  Yet he never complained.  I know he is proud of the way we all pulled together to help him through his lengthy illness.  He is finally home looking down on each and every one of us saying, “That’s My Wonderful Family”!  Thanks to all of you for loving and caring for my Daddy!  Carolann


To PEP Boys - Daddy will surely help your business thrive!  Ca


Sissy - Thanks for being a great A.C. partner!  Can’t wait to rub Mr. Pennybags again!


Laura – I would just like to say thank you sooo much for inviting me to go on John’s birthday fishing trip.  I said no thank you as I was leery of going for my own reasons.  At the last minute, you called me again and talked me into going.  As it was, it turned out to be one of my greatest fishing trips in my life!  Love ya, Uncle Richie


Christian - Next time I’ll go to your track meet (LOL).  No matter what you do, I’m proud to be your Godmother!


Briana – Remember, Me & Chef Boidee love you - Aunt Ca


Bridget - Thanks for always being there to help me with Dolores - I Love You! CA


Denise – “You go girl!”  You just keep on making me prouder and prouder.  I love you, Dad


Who’s A Big Doink?


Jill - Can’t we spend time together somewhere oother than in the Emergency Room?  Ca


Ronald My #1 Naval guy - I miss you and our Nextel chats -But I am so very proud of you – Love Your Doinky Godmother


Tony & Wendy - I know that this has been a real tough year for you both, but you are stronger than you realize.  Hang in there – Love Ca & Adam


To all my Sisters, Brothers, Sister-in-laws and Brother-in-laws - Our bond is stronger than ever! I love you all - Ca


Richard - I am proud to call you my older brotherr - Ca


Kevin – Thank you for all those late nights at the nursing home. - Love Ca


Anthony –Thanks for being my marble buddy - Love Aunt Ca


Gianna - I love sleeping over but remember, I do have a husband! Love Aunt Ca


Michael - Thanks for riding to the Bronx with me on that snowy night!  I love you - Ca


Denise and Rick – Thank you for the most beautiful and smartest grandson, one could ever have!!!  With all our love, Mom and Dad


Jill - I know that I sound like a broken recorrdd but hang in there a little longer. It has to get better soon.  Love Ca


Sissy - Where were we when Jill hit the jack-pot!


Adrienne - Lots of luck with the studio!  Can’t wait to be a guest artist!  I’m always proud of you! Love Aunt Ca


Melissa - I’m gonna miss those late night shows at SUNY - Love Aunt Ca


Thanks to the picnic committee and all those involved in keeping the Mitterando Picnic going each and every year!


To my fellow cabin mates:  There’s approximately 41 days until our second adventure begins.  Don’t forget the walkie talkies.  I’ll bring the stove!! Love Christian


To my family - my wife, my daughter, my 2 sons and my extended family:  It has been one heck of a year since the last picnic. The loss of my father, the loss of my father-in-law (who was also a great husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, and friend to many), the lengthy illness of Vicki Pelliccia, the loss of many 4-legged companions, were enough to knock even the best of men over.  Many a tear was shed.  Many a sleepless night was had. Many uncalled for outbursts.  Many sad moments were shared by all of us. Moments they were, because of you, my family.  Not just my ever-loving, energetic, selfless wife or my scholastic, athletic, and musical children, but to all my wonderful brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, nieces, nephews (Hi Frank) cousins, uncles, and aunts, and mother-in-law.  We have shared so much over the years, and I do want you all to know that each one of you is so important to me in your own way.  I have come to love each and every one of you as my own family.  I always wanted a big family and my mother used to say, “Be careful of what you wish for”.  Not only did I get the best wife, friend and companion, but I got a whole family as well. Happy Father’s Day to all.  My love always, Larry.


Hey Tony- Got A Peroni?


Uncle Al- This solar cover works well. Without you I’d still be working on this thing. Thanks! Hugs and Kisses your favorite nephew


KMB - You are truly my inspiration! Besides I LOVE YOU!!- LHB


Joanie and Ernie – Two more new grandchildren since the last picnic!


Hey Mother I just called to say I LOVE YOU!! Love always Larry


Kimmie - I LIKE YOU more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow - La La


Anyone for a brutes burger?  How about a Tressel dog?  We can always enjoy a BUCKwiser beer! Forget about those Miami chickens and rice!




Denise – I think I’ll take you up on that invitation in coming in your new Jacuzzi.  Love ya, Mom


No a saber is not a gun!  But the package must have been from Italy because it said FRAGILE!!


Hey Adam great grill cover.


I LOVE YOU FRANK COCO - your favorite uncle


To Christian - Keep rocking, running, and studying you make me proud!

Get ready for the next road trip - Love your Dad


To Tyler - My little Veterinarian you did the best you could as you always do.  Sometimes we can’t always win.  I Love You so much for your compassion for helpless creatures of the world. - Love your Dad


Christian- window alert!


To my Mother-in-law- Thanks for being MY MOTHER!!!- LHB


Dad: You’re always the father of the year in my eyes.  Katie


Mom: Thanks for being the BESTEREST mother in the world!!  Katie


Eric – Thanks for the wonderful job you did at Dolores’ Party - Everyone loved you! - Star


Uncle J- Wear a helmet when you ride your bike - Love C


John V. – Thank you sooo much for my apple pies!  When do I get my next one?


Aunt Dale - Just so you know, I want to tell you that I am proud of you!  You have worked hard for years, and harder then most of us, as a single parent.  You have made unselfish sacrifices and done without in order to send Jaclyn to college.  You have shown commitment and determination in reaching higher and raising the bar for yourself and Jaclyn.  Sending her to college maybe hard on your checkbook, but you truly are "Awesome" for making it happen!  Keep up the great work.  Thanks for being a role model for me! - Laura


Aunt Judy and Uncle Bobby - Thanks for all you did, in making our stay at Smith Point wonderful.  We enjoy the days spent with you soaking up the sun, and the rain too!  I can't imagine a summer without our annual trip to the beach!  Hope you managed to get your trailer back in shape after we all left.  Thanks for the home base!  Loved every minute of the trip! Watch out, because, we are going to show up again this year-  Laura, Nicole, Laurie, Kristina and Corey.


Val – Welcome to the world of “motherhood” – It is the most rewarding job in the world… yes, sometimes it is hard to see that everyday through your sleep deprived eyes.   Thank you for sharing Stephanie’s birth with us.  It was great to be a part of it all… and see her entrance into the world.  -  Laura


Congratulations to Kristina Monteforte – she has entered the teen scene, and earned herself her driver’s license.  Looking forward to hitting the road with you, only this time, you drive and I will buy the gas!  - Aunt Laura


Dale and anyone else wanting my eggplant, my doors are always locked!  Give me a call, let me know when you are coming and not only will you have eggplant waiting for you, but also my one of a kind – self!


Judy -  I have 2532 pages done total – foorr a grand total  of 32 completed albums.  Laura


Aunt Jill: You are real cool! Word.  Love Christian


Kara Marie Monaco - You are such a wonderful daughter, you make your mom and dad so very proud of you.  We love you so much!


John Joseph Monaco - You are such a fantastic son, you make yyour mom and dad so very proud of you.  We love you so very much!


Mother:  There are still days when I expect to see Daddy limping out of his car.  I really miss him so much.  I am so glad that I was able to spend a lot of time with him during those last few weeks he was sick.  Dad was always there for me and I was grateful to have been able to be there for him.  He was an inspiration to all of us. Love Kim


Ronnie & Lynn - Lots of happiness in your new home. - Love Ca


Jodee & Maureen - Change is good.  It will all work out.  Love Ca & Adam


Uncle Pep – We miss you. - Dale


Robin – Keep up your singing and your showcases! – Dale


Laurie – When am I going to see that miniature hat shop? - Dale


Irene—What did you bring for me to eat?-Dale


The love and fun we shared with Pep will never die!  Although his passing is leaving us with a great void, our beautiful memories will always keep Pep in our hearts and minds.  Cousins, Richie and Dee


Ed Sawyer-Welcome back from the War – Jac’s Mom


Mother Dear - I love spending time with you whether it is in St. Francis Chapel or at the dollar store!  I love you!  Carolann


Sissy - Thanks for giving in to all my all my whims, no matter how outrageous they may seem.  Dressing up as a nun or late night banners are never too much for you!  Love Dinka Doinka


Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers all over the world.  God bless them all!


Between my chocoholic and gamblers anonymous, 12 step programs, I don’t hav any time for my self!


To my best friend… Thank you for all you have done to make my new house a “home” as quickly as possible.  I know you have dedicated a lot of time to it while sacrificing your own health and family.  You know I had other volunteers, but I like your special touch!  Love ya ME





The Cervone kids spent a lot of time with Aunt Marie and Uncle Charlie. It was a special treat to drive out to Mastic with them because they would leave early and make a breakfast stop at the Airport Grille.  Jill and I would sometimes go home with them and watch some horror movie with Aunt Marie- The Birds was one of our favorites. When I attended Cardinal Spellman, I would sometimes take the late bus to Parkchester.  As I approached the patio area to their apartment, I could see Uncle Charlie and Aunt Marie keeping a watch out for me. The smell of rice croquets was in the air as Aunt Marie would make me a special dinner. That movie camera was always ready to go as you walked into the living room!  I remember going to see Aunt Marie when she was the receptionist at the Korvette’s hair salon. Of course, Aunt Marie and Uncle Charlie were part of the Sunday morning breakfast club at Norton Ave.  What great memories they gave to us all.  (Submitted by Kim Blauvelt)




The End

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