The 2002 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Welcome to the "25th" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.


Weather…Early morning drizzle dampened the Park, but not the Mitterando spirit. Two huge plastic canvas tarps were erected overhead to keep us and our supplies dry until the sun came out before noon. The temperature reached near 80 degrees. The usual signs were posted along the park entrance by Kimberly, Briana, Katie, Nicholas and chauffeurs Aunt Judy and Aunt Cheryl. The reliable ground crew (namely, Skipper, Tony, Charlie, Ronald) had arrived earlier to rearrange tables, hang tarps, start the fires, set up coolers and other picnic equipment. Pep and Al had breakfast started while Judy got the coffee going. Upon arrival, we all heard and were saddened by the news of Connie’s demise. She was cousin Stanley’s wife and Dee Mitterando’s sister.

Early birds, Dale, Jackie, Cheryl, Ellen and Irene did the decorating. By 9:30 AM bacon and eggs were ready, rolls all sliced, cake and buns were set out and family and friends began to arrive. We totaled 160 for the day, coming from eight states! (MD, FL, VA, NJ, NY, PA, CT and MA) Once again, Irene and Patrick Berg (Ceo) traveled the furthest from Florida. Uncle Billy Mitterando, Sr. was the "elder" of the family, with Christina Hydo (Cheryl’s baby) and Isabella Mitterando (Richie’s) being the youngest.

This was another all day, eating and playing affair. Tables were covered with family favorite and ethnic foods plus lots of junk foods. The charcoal stoves blazed continuously with franks, burgers, sausage, chicken, pastas and eggplants. The cakes and desserts were endless.

Softball and volleyball were favorites for the adults, while the kids did a Mitterando scavenger hunt. (The object of the game was to find clues and identify family members.) Laura made up two piñatas, one for Rugrats under 9 and one for 10 and over. "Mitterando Password" (a Hydo Creation) was played by the adults before a large audience. The card sharks enjoyed their usual poker games.

Carolann’s "All Male Review" was hilarious; performed by Lou, Jimmy and Richie Mitterando, Jodee Cervone and Larry Blauvelt. They wore pink dresses, blonde and brunette wigs and danced to the Can Can song. Broadway couldn’t be better.

The drummer boys’ concert also drew raves and a large crowd of spectators from around the park.

The highlight of the day was naming the "Father of the Year". Last year’s winner, Jodee Cervone, announced and presented the honor and trophy to Tom Davison. Needless to say he was surprised, but happy.

As darkness rolled in, everyone packed up, sadly said "good bye" and headed home. Another reunion had ended and we looked forward to the next, which will be our 25th.

From the Picnic Committee:

We would love to update our mailing list to include any family members overlooked. Can one member from every family give us a complete list?

Sorry we left out Robbie Mitterando as a previously picked Pop.

We all missed Laura Vingara’s "approach" to collecting for the Mitterando kitty, thank you Dr. Jeanne Mitterando for filling in.

Hopefully we are all enjoying our temporary picnic location and our catered lunch and dinner. The committee members and lots of our relatives expressed that they were tired of shopping, packing, unpacking, cooking, cleaning and again packing and unpacking. We all want to enjoy more time with our family and friends. You never know, this could become a "Mitterando Tradition".

Thank you Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia for their help with the Pick A Pop and invitations.

Special thanks to Charlie and Cheryl Hydo for taking care of the catering details.


Craig Monteforte’s Germantown, Maryland house will never be the same, as once again he hosted the annual Gingerbread making house party. This year we added to the crew, making 11 houses this year. This year’s guest list included, Craig, Kristina and Corey Monteforte, Laura and Nicole Vingara, Grandma Monteforte, Aunt Dale, Jaclyn Shafer, Joe Sawyer, Bill, Dani, and Billie James, Tina, Jessica, Jason, and Jenna Brown, Kristina’s Friend Jessica, Carol and Randy Perrin, Bill and Morgan Hodge, Robin Ingenito and Robert. With this crew, we only needed to use 24 pounds of powdered sugar and about 100 pounds of candy for decorating. The night was a success and ended with ALL of us piling in Tina’s van and Joe’s __________to take our annual trip through the Gaithersburg light show.

One of the greatest gifts of all! Last year Denise Mitterando had slides printed into pictures of her mother and father’s wedding day. She handed them the pictures and asked that they place them in album and document their wedding day. It took a year, but not only did they do that; but Richie wrote a nine paged, single spaced, typed document called the "Courtship of my Children’s Mother." It was mom and dad’s love story. She told Creative Memories about it, and they are currently featuring the story on their Wedding Page in their Storybook for 2002. This is something that she will treasure forever! Thank you!!!

Thanks to JP Morgan Chase, Lou Mitterando is still working (with all these college funds to contribute to, he better!) Norma is volunteering at Long Island Jewish Hospital, and her gift shop is making "big bucks."

Can you believe it’s been 25 year of picnic celebrations? How many have you missed? Don’t miss another one. They are great. I am so proud to be a part of this awesome family. Let’s keep up the good fun and make it another 25 years at least. We are the true definition of "FAMILY"!

Thanks to all of us who made Mother’s Day a success. Our trip to Baltimore was great. Having a picnic lunch together was loads of fun. Our guests included Laurie Monteforte, Corey, Kristina, and Craig Monterforte, Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Ed and Joe Sawyer, Jenna, Jason, Jessica and Tina Brown, Nicole, John and Laura Vingara. KFC never tasted so good, not to mention, the Captains, the Bloody Mary’s or the wine we enjoyed while dining together. Thank God the weather held out for most of the day, anyway! Can you say shopping and Maggie Moo’s?

Nothing slows down Cheryl and Charlie Hydo. In spite of raising three children under the age of six and another on the way, they live in perfect harmony. Together they go everywhere at anytime, yet still find time for each other. Who plays and prays together; stays together.

9-11-01- A day we’ll never forget. Let us all remember those who passed in the tragedy, and those whose lives were forever changed. Our nation will never be the same. That is why we must take time to be with each other, and make whatever difference you can in your life. Each day is a present, and the future is a gift! We are one Nation Under GOD!

The Mitts were so excited to hear that Adam Elias had bought a Winnebago. Little did they know that he gutted the whole thing out and put in sewing machines for a shop on wheels! Sorry, but they won't be camping with you guys like you hoped!

Bill Mitterando is doing great. He really was excited when Margie Cervone and Carolann Elias made a surprise visit a few weeks ago. His door is always open! (Literally)

Robin Ingenito has recorded her first CD and will be giving them away at the picnic. Don’t forget to stop by and get one from her!!!

This has been an extraordinary year for all of us. The turmoil in the world is taking a toll on us, and our faith is being tested. We (Pep and Margie) now in our late seventies, experience some good and bad days. "He" courageously has suffered through countless chemo treatments and side effects while "She" (who never had a serious ailment) was hospitalized with pneumonia and a breathing problem. Trooper that he is, and full of faith; he accepts the affliction and copes with little complaint. Her recovery is almost complete. On the other hand, our joys have multiplied in so many ways. We relocated to a new home with Wendy, Tony and the children. It’s a better arrangement. Ronnie and family occupy our former house in Plainview and everyone is happier and close by. In October we witnessed our oldest grandchild, Adrienne’s marriage to Joe. The wedding reception was beautiful. Our children and grandchildren celebrated holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, communions, confirmations, graduations, Sweet 16’s and Just Because parties almost every week. We didn’t do much traveling, but managed a three-week trip to Florida in March that was much appreciated. See you all at the picnic.

Dick and Bridget Cervone are keeping busy up in Mahopac. Working for a development, he’s maintaining and readying the many pools before the upcoming hot weather, besides the usual tasks of a homeowner. She’s involved completely in her family’s activities. (Friend to all who need a friend). She recently changed jobs.

All of the Ratigan family is well (Mary Kay, Mike and John and their spouses), all the grandkids are continuing to uphold the family honor and exceeding in academia and sports (Stephanie (12), Colleen (9) Scott (6) and Brendon (6).

Judy Cervone and Larry Blauvelt had their first official "date." They went to see Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young at the Coliseum and had a great time. They each bought a funky looking tie-dyed tee shirt.

A whole clan went to see Robin Ingenito perform at a bar/restaurant in March down in Virginia. It was a whooping, hollering good time - she had the entire crowd on their feet when she sang the Star Spangled Banner! You go girl!

After many hours of searching at Ground Zero, Fireman Chris Hanley needed his rescue dog to be treated. As he entered the MASH unit he was surprised and relieved to see that Dr. Larry was the vet on call that evening. Fireman Hanley had been taking his dog to Larry for years and felt it was a blessing that he was there that night.

The Ratigan highlights of the year, of course, were the engagement party for Mary Kay and Mike in Annapolis in April of last year and the subsequent wedding. The engagement was a blast and a lot of the family drove down for the affair. It was just great. Then in December --- we had the wedding and I was even more impressed with the support and love from all the family members that came down to a Christmas Wedding in Annapolis. Afterwards, everyone came back to the house for an

"Italian" reception. A wonderful day, with wonderful people. (Even the caterers remarked on what a wonderful family I had and how friendly and warm everyone seemed to be).

But for the Marriage of our oldest Grandchild Adrienne to Joe LeBlanc, no other increase or decrease was recorded in the Cervone family.

On the way home from the 2001 family picnic Craig, Corey, Kristina, Jaclyn and Laurie all sat on the side of Highway 81 in Harrisburg Pennsylvania and watched many of the Nascar Trucks (and other 18-wheelers (go Atlas, Holesome Bread, Martin’s Potato Rolls, and Road Express)) wiz by. Some of the cars that passed by and received cheers were Cheerios, M&M’s, Home Depot, Interstate Batteries, Valvoline, DeWalt, Pennzoil, Jasper, Citgo, Coors Light, Miller Light (Craig’s two favorites) and of course the loudest cheers and most anticipation was for the Viagra truck (Mark Martin). None of this excitement would have occurred if cousins Richie and Dee weren’t so cheap. If only they had bought a house with a dinning room light!

Al LaRocca was voted Chairman of the Memorial Committee U.S. Submarine Veterans Long Island Base. His 1st endeavor was fundraising with the W.T.C. pictures.

Katie Ratigan decided to give herself a really good birthday present after 50 years of working. She purchased an Italian Staff Car -- 2002 Cardinal Red Cadillac with a lot of the "extra" stuff. As her brother Jimmy said: "What the hell! You've spent your entire life helping others, so go ahead and enjoy the car - you've earned it". As you may know, Katie grew up in a generation of work, struggle, and take care of yourself last. It's tough to rid yourself of the guilt feeling of having a luxurious item - but she is learning to get over it. Her kids have been wonderful and also said, "Mom, go for it". 

On July 3rd 2001, Craig, Kristina, Corey, Jaclyn, Dale, Laurie, Robin, Robert and Joe all attended an Oriole vs Yankee game held at Camden Yards. Attending the game was a birthday present for Corey’s 9th birthday. After eating a ton of food and listening to Robert’s Whoops every time the Orioles scored or made a good play, it was time to go. Of course every one that went (other then Craig and Robert) were rooting for the Yankees. In the end, the Yankees prevailed and the score was 10 to 4.

Robert's son, Ben Thomas, (and that would be Robin Ingenito’s Robert!) will be starting for East Carolina University as a senior this year and will be seen on ESPN.  Good luck BEN!!  We know you'll make us proud!

The Maryland crew will be hosting a "good bye" party on June 24th for our very good friends, Carol and Randy Perrin. Randy will be stationed in Haiti for the next two years, and they will be relocating when they return to the U.S.

Carolann Eilas will retire at the end of this school year. Her hubby, Adam, converted his Winnebago into a "shop on wheels". Now he does his canvas work while traveling. It’s unique.

On May 16th, Marge and Pep CervoneEllen and Al LaRocca met the Calandrelli's in the Bronx at Mario's on Arthur Ave. They talked about all the fun and good times they used to have with our parents, and promised to do it more often. Looking forward to seeing them at the picnic.

Ellen and Al LaRocca attended three special weddings this past year. Adrienne and Joe’s, Mary Kay and Mike’s and our dear departed friend Frank's son Paul. They were all "Top Shelf," and they had a great time.

Katie Ratigan is still marching along. She has managed to continue to grow in her consulting business and government work. She was honored with a picture in the local paper for her work with the Navy League of the U.S. In June she will be in Norfolk, Va. as a guest aboard the USS Roosevelt and a nuclear sub with the Undersecretary of the Air Force. This carrier group has just returned from Afghanistan. Her job continues to be of great importance to her in supporting the government in these challenging times.

We wish to extend a heartful of thanks to Dr. Larry who volunteered his time in providing veterinary assistance to the Search and Rescue dogs at Ground Zero. Your hard work and compassion will not be forgotten.

There is still only one guy (Richie Mitterando) doing all the scrapbooking.  I get to see all the beautiful women at these crops.  The first one that I went too, I was the only guy there with one hundred and fifty women.  This year the same story, but I also won the 50/50, worth about $125 in merchandise.  Eat your hearts out guys!

Christopher Berg will turn 20 on June 20th.  He just completed his second year at Saint Leo University and in August he will be starting his third year. When not in school or working he can be found driving around in his 1984 Cutlass Supreme Brougham with his girlfriend, Ginia by his side.

September 2001 - Cousin Al LaRocca brought down a busload of WW II submarine veterans for a tour of Washington, DC. One of the stops was the Washington Navy Yard Museum – Katie Ratigan managed to get a retired two star Italian Admiral from New York to come and speak to the group. He even managed to get into his old uniform. His name is RADM Phil Anselmo, USN (Ret) and he was absolutely outstanding. He spoke to them for about one hour and he answered all their questions -- it was terrific. He also attended the post wedding reception at my house and was a big hit.

Ronnie and Lynn Cervone’s year was a bit topsy-turvy. They moved from Pennsylvania to Plainview, L.I. It was not easy adjusting to new jobs for her and Erika and a new school for Samantha. Ronnie had kidney surgery in February and Ronald Jr. was transferred to the New London Submarine base in Connecticut.

Michael, Denise and Dee Cervone anxiously looking forward to the warm weather after a cold winter in White Lake. Dee enjoys her new job at Robert Green Motors and Michael’s pleasure is playing his drums when his back allows it.

Jill and Kevin Coco are one happy family. The 9/11 tragedies, where he was assigned as a Police Officer, taught them all the value of life and love.

Kim and Larry Blauvelt know what it takes for success. They share a beautiful marriage, a lovely home and three talented children, plus an army of friends. Owning an Animal Hospital also helps.

Jodee and Maureen Cervone, with their four children live upstate in Mahopac. Jodee is Vice President of his company that does real estate management. He is also "Mr. Mom". Maureen has been ill for the past eight months and is bedridden much of the time. She has some type of muscle disorder that robs her of all of her strength. Jodee, with help of family and friends, does most of the cleaning, cooking and caring for the little ones. Thank God, she’s showing improvement.


Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer on her recent graduation from high school. Her graduation ceremony was held at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. and one of the guest speakers was Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (JFK’s daughter and the current Lieutenant Governor of Maryland). She has a grade point average of over 3.7. Laura and Nicole Vingara came all the way to D.C. for her graduation and unfurled a huge "Way to GO, Jac" sign at the ceremony.

Karl Monaco was inducted into the Clifton HS Athletic Hall of Fame.  John was similarly honored the year before.

Karen Mitterando reached her goal weight having lost a total of 71 pounds.

Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer for being accepted to the Florida Institute of Technology. She is majoring in Meteorology and starts classes this August. We are very proud of her!


Tyler Blauvelt donated his lemonade-stand earnings to the Red Cross. The family was very proud.

Joseph Paul Cervone III made his First Holy Communion on May 4, 2002.  

In November 2001 when Nicole Vingara turned 7, "Mom" Laura Vingara, decided to throw her a sleepover party. Needing a bit of help with the 14 girls Aunt Denise Mitterando was quick to jump in and lend us her support. We did pillowcase crafts, watched movies, danced, sang and ate loads of junk food. Nicole’s party was a great big hit. Aunt Denise and Mom had so much fun that word on the street is the next sleepover is a "school’s out" party!

Christina Hydo is now 1 year old and walking and definitely climbing. She is always trying to keep up with her big brother and sister.

Nicole Cervone is now in a Big Girl Bed! 

Well, the Pelliccia children (and their Mother, too) are happy to see the end of another fine school year. Gianna is a sweet 9 1/2 year old finishing the 4th grade. She worked very hard and did very well. She had a lot of fun in Girl Scouts, Glee club and softball. Anthony is 6 ½ and "WOW"ed us in the 1st grade. He was student of the month in January and kept busy playing CYO basketball and baseball. Little Olivia is a cute 3 year old and besides accompanying her brother and sister to all their social events, and doing lunch duty with Mom, had fun at Mommy & Me with her best friend and cousin, Renee. We are very proud of each of them and look forward to a fun-filled summer!

Melanie Cervone is a Kindergarten Graduate.

On Mother's Day, Michael LaRocca, whipped up a great batch of Brownies. Ask him for his recipe.

Nicholas Hydo (age 5) is finishing up Kindergarten and is ready to move on to first grade. He played his first season of baseball and enjoyed every minute of it.

Veronica Cervone finished her first year of pre-school.

Renee Hydo is now 3 years old and can’t wait for pre-school in September. Especially since her cousin Olivia will be in her class!

Michael and Danielle LaRocca marched in the Memorial Day parade carrying the Submarine Vets Banner. Their mom and dad set up a table and sold pictures of the WTC for the Submarine Veteran's Memorial Fund.       


As Katie Blauvelt completes seventh grade, it's eight years of perfect attendance. You go girl.

Congratulations to Jackie Behrbom, who graduated from Springstead High School, Spring Hill, Florida, Class of 2002. 

Katie Blauvelt not only keeps busy with her academic studies, but also has kept busy playing for the Island Trees soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track teams this year.

Danielle LaRocca once again made the National High Honor Roll. We are so proud of you, keep up the good work.

Jaclyn Shafer and Ed Sawyer went to Jaclyn’s senior prom on May 31, 2002. They made a beautiful couple.

Congratulations to Katie Blauvelt on another year of academic success. She was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society in March. We are all so proud.

Jason Peddie got his driving permit and will be taking the "Big" test in August. Just so he'd have something to practice on, he got a 1996 Chevy S-10 Pickup Truck (with extended cab, hydraulics, etc. of course) in May.

Christian Blauvelt is smiling wider now that he no longer has braces.

Katie Blauvelt, welcome to the teenage years. You already are a beautiful young lady.

Patrick Berg, now 14, just finished a very successful last year in Fox Chapel Middle School in Spring Hill, Florida. He received two awards. The Presidents Award for Educational Excellence for students who maintain a 3.50 to 4.00 average through all three years of middle school; and The Principal’s List, for students who maintain a 4.00 average through the entire three years. Next year he will be attending the Springstead Advanced Placement Academy and playing the French horn in the marching band.           

The PAL Levittown Twirlers chose Katie Blauvelt to be the recipient of the Traveling Award. This trophy goes to the twirler who has demonstrated the most team spirit and who has given more than expected to the team.

Christian Blauvelt’s transition to high school was wonderful. He made the honor roll each quarter, was a member of the marching band, played football, and ran track.

Congratulations to our niece, Jackie Behrbom on her 18th Birthday on June 4th, and for being on the Honor Roll during her senior year, and on her graduation from High School. 

In 2001, Christian Blauvelt received the Coach's Award in track. This award is given to the most valuable member of the team.          


Dale Ingenito and Joe Sawyer took a bus ride from Maryland to NYC, to see a Broadway play. They didn’t want to have a quite dinner so they invited, Laura, John and Nicole and Denise Mitterando to join them. We dined in "Little Italy." Thanks for a terrific treat. It was great to "share" dinner with you both!

Karen Mitterando went on her first (ever) business trip to California leaving Bill & Jason alone for a whole week. Two months later they are still cleaning the mess.

What did you do last August? John, Laura and Nicole Vingara, Denise Mitterando, Craig, Kristina and Corey Monteforte, Bill, Dani and Billie James all hit the lake again for a week of sun and fun. Check in was at 2:00 pm., by 5:00 we had been joined by Laurie Monteforte, Lisa Rigo, Dave, Chris, Kendra and Alex Gresh. Throughout the weekend we hosted more visitors and house/lawn guests including, Robin and Robert, Bill, Leslie, and Morgan Hodge, Merle Perrin, girlfriend Amy, and Amy’s friend, Tina, Kyle and Kelsey Fisher, Rhea and son Charlie. We had more great laughs and enjoyed the fun with everyone. The "big girls" enjoyed scrapbooking together, and taking a tour of the Creative Memories factory in Virginia. Thanks to John, we all ate very well. One afternoon Bill James helped out by making a mess in the kitchen, and along with his world’s famous steak sandwiches. Craig kept the boats all in working order. Since everyone has to help out, Denise and Laura kept the crew in Jello shots for the week. You know what they say, "THERE’S ALWAYS ROOM FOR JELLO!" - Just ask Dani James and Kristina! – See you at the lake in August!

Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al LaRocca stopped in Maryland on one of their recent trips and were hosted by Dale and the rest of the Maryland gang. We were all happy to see them and hope they come to visit again soon.

Dale is still trying to talk Uncle John Mitterando into coming back to Maryland with her for a week or so, right after this picnic. What do you say, Uncle Johnny?

Katie Ratigan is still traveling around the country -- but she intends to spend a few days at the Jersey Shore in July at Seaside Park with cousin Lois Roberts and her siblings. In August my family (kids and all) will spend a week at the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a much needed rest.

Washington DC. Bus trip in September run by Al La Rocca for the Submarine Vets was a huge success, thanks to Katie Ratigan and her friend the Admiral.

Did you ever hear the phrase, "getting there is half the fun?" Just ask Laura and Nicole Vingara, Kristina, Corey and Laurie Monteforte, how much fun they had "getting there." Going camping at Fire Island has now been added to our annual treks. So this year getting there was half the fun. Laura Vingara needed to pack the van with only one hand, since micro-surgery had left one hand out of commission for the trip. The van got loaded and I do mean loaded, we piled things on the roof, and had a bike rack on back with 2 bikes and 5 beach chairs. We even let the kids pile into the back and then Laurie and Laura lifted the coolers in with their "good arm" and "good hand". This was only the beginning of the adventure. About a block from home, we needed to pull over, since neither of us were great at securing the bags on the roof, we were already loosing some. Next we stopped for gas and ice, once again needing to use teamwork to get the coolers out and then in the van again. We only needed to stop 5 or 6 more times before leaving Jersey to secure the bags on the roof, again. Then only once to empty the bike rack, and tighten it up, since John had installed it before sending us on our way. Doing all that hard work made us hungry, when we traveled through the Bronx we stopped at White Castle, home of the "Belly Bombers" or "Sliders". Guess which kid, didn’t want hamburgers, Nicole Vingara had "cheese sticks" on the hot July afternoon. With our bellies full, we posed for a few photos before piling back in the van. Kristina read the sign out front and we all got a great laugh out of the Bronx spelling of "brefast". Now our only hopes were to get to the beach, unpack and enjoy our trip. NOT—Just after we got on the entrance ramp for the LIE, Kristina and Corey start yelling from the back seat, PULL OVER. Nicole’s cheese sticks were not agreeing with her, and she was getting carsick, all over herself and the blanket we needed for camping. Cleaning the car and Nicole on the LIE was even more exciting. Once we were clean and put our dirty stuff in a garbage bag we piled back into the van. Nicole not wanting to sit in the "scene of the crime" tried to sit in Corey’s seat. He wasn’t going to sit in "it" so an argument started to brew. Laura quickly settled it with the "you barf in it, you sit in it rule." We were all pleased that the rest of the trip went quickly, and we were able to get out in the fresh air at the beach. Now what to do with the blanket? Then our Cousin Mary Mitterando, did her good dead for the year, and took home our blanket for a wash. I am please to announce that the rest of the trip went great except for the "smoke inhalations" from our neighbor’s campfire. All enjoyed Laura’s famous dance and her unique way of flagging down Mr. Softee. See ya at the beach!

Last August, Ellen and Al LaRocca, went to St Louis Mo for the WWII National Convention and met seven buddies that Al hasn't seen or heard from since he left the Spadefish in 1945. Unbelievable, they didn't get much sleep socializing. They plan to meet again in Buffalo this August.

Chuck Berg flew down to spend Thanksgiving with his parents in Florida this year. They spent the day in Casselberry, Florida with Howard’s parents and family.

Michael Cervone is back on the road again with a Blues/Rock Band, " Sounds of Fury", (with Doni from Dicky's old band The Martyr's).  They are in the process of recording an album and a DVD.  We'll keep everyone posted on the upcoming release and tour dates.

Katie Ratigan is planning a return trip to Italy in September. The purpose is to show all the relatives in Italy that after her dramatic accident in November of 1999 that she can still walk!!!!. She will be staying in her mother's hometown of Pallazzo San Gervasio, but her cousin Vincent has promised to take her to Grummo Appua for a day (that's the Mitterando homestead).


Jodee Cervone celebrated his 40th Birthday with a gig at the Red Mills Pub. Thanks to all who came and made it special.

Happy 1st Birthday to Morgan Taylor Vingara- August 2001

Judy Cervone celebrated her 50th birthday in February with family and friends at a sports center, playing basketball, billiards, batting practice, etc. Food consisted of a large hero, (bread shaped into # 50) with all the trimmings and her favorite White Castle hamburgers. Her cake was a decorated slot machine (another of her favorites).

Congratulations go out to Richard Mitterando (Lopatcong) who turned 62 on February 16, 2002.

Jaclyn Shafer will turn 18 in August. Where did the time go??

Lordy, Lordy, guess who’s forty - John Joseph Vingara – June 17th. Congratulations and many more!

Olivia Mitterando celebrated her 3rd birthday in September and Isabella, the big # 1 in January.


Bill, Karen & Jason Mitterando completed their third move in Piscataway, NJ. Bill says it's the ideal house for a family of three. Why? Three bathrooms, why else!!

Bill, Karen and Jason

19 Bound Brook Avenue

Piscataway, NJ 08854

Phone: 732-369-0559

Mary Kay and Mike Boccio have just moved into their beautiful home in Huntington, CT. It is really big and lovely and mom hopes to visit her again in July. Now that they have settled in Katie expects some of the New Jersey/New York crowd to go up and say "hello". They will welcome you with open arms.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boccio

63 Mohegan Rd.

Huntington, CT. 06384

On May 28th Julie, Jim and Liz Mitterando moved into their dream house. A funky home in Cohasset, MA just a couple of blocks from the harbor and only a minute walk to a French bakery (and close to the beach). Paradiso with great bicycling and quintessential New England (except for their contemporary Frank Lloyd Wright home).

Their new address is:

Jim, Julie and Liz Mitterando

8 Stevens Lane

Cohasset, MA 02025


e-mail: or

Joan and Dennis Crotty had their new house completed and they are now moved in ---but far from settled.  Boxes are still all over the place and work is still in progress as they try to put the finishing touches to their new domicile.  In addition Joan and I (Ernie) have had the basement finished into a comfortable little apartment, still minus a stove and kitchen sink----but that will be coming soon!

Wendy and Tony have a new address. The house in Plainview became too small for their needs, so together with Mother, Dad and Judy, they relocated to larger quarters in Hicksville. They’re closer to work, school and church.

6 Wellesley Lane

Hicksville, NY 11801

Same phone and e-mail address!

I guess most every one knows that Dee & Richie no longer live in Berkeley Heights.  We have moved west.  We now live about a half-mile from the Delaware River & Penn.  Our new address and new e-mail follow.

Richie & Dee Mitterando

507 Rugby Road

Phillipsburg, NJ 08865


Ronald Cervone has moved to Connecticut

32-G Anthony Rd

New London, CT 06320

Phone: 860-625-3225


Rob Monaco got engaged during the summer to a sweet young Miss, named Carolyn Maroun. She hails from the Boston area.  A wedding is being planned.

Valerie Vingara and Tim Bart are getting married in Las Vegas on July 4, 2002.

Ronald Cervone and Christine Kilgallon got engaged on Easter.


MaryKay Ratigan and Michael Boccio, December 15, 2001.

Adrienne Cervone and Joe LeBlanc, October 2001.


Ellen & Al LaRocca spent their 54th Wedding Anniversary at the Sea Haven Restaurant in Lindenhurst with Mike & Doris Carmody.


Rich and Maria Mitterando decided it was time for another addition. Maria is expecting in October.

Cheryl and Charlie Hydo are expecting baby #4 on Halloween. Nicholas, Renee and Christina are looking forward to their new sister or brother- although Nicholas would prefer a brother.


Jim and Julie Mitterando welcomed Elizabeth Jane on July 14, 2001. She is a real cutie at 10 months old and crawling all over the place.

Karl and Tara Monaco ushered in a brand new baby girl in September, which they named Jaclyn Rose.  She's an exotic beauty.


Ernie Monaco had both shoulders operated on during the summer and feels like the bionic man now. 

God must have been watching over our family on Friday, April 12, 2002. While playing outside, Corey Monteforte was hit by a car. He was flown via helicopter to Children’s Medical Center in DC, with dad, Craig Monteforte by his side. Corey escaped with some cuts, bruises, aches, pains and a set of staples in his head. All in all he was one lucky boy to have only minor injuries. Thank God! We are all blessed.

Robin Ingenito has had to have TWO operations within a week of each other (one days before the picnic). At this writing, she is still planning on coming to the picnic. Even if she doesn’t make it, she sure deserves an "A" for effort.


Connie Vingara, Dee's sister passed away the night before last year’s reunion, June 16, 2001

With a heavy heart I (Al LaRocca) want to announce the passing of my best buddy (Frank Chietro). He went out 1st class buried in his uniform with metals and a 15-gun salute by the Marines.

Despite a desperate call to Cousin Larry, Gizmo Hamster Peddie-Mitterando passed in February. He'll be missed.


While coloring with my grandson Nicholas Mitterando (2 ½) and his mommy, he was telling us all the colors of the crayons.  Mommy asked, "What color is my hair?"  He replied "Brown".  I asked him,"What color is my hair Nick?"  He looked up at me and said " No hair Pop-Pop".  We both got a good laugh out of that one.

 "I can't wait to see my cousins, and do the water balloons."  "I love the family picnic" Melanie Cervone

After the tragic event of 9/11, our little Anthony Pelliccia was asking a lot of questions. He was quite angry that these "bad guys" knocked down the Twin Towers, which caused us to lose the reception on his TV. But he was also interested in why the Towers collapsed. I explained to him that the planes hit the buildings causing explosions and that the towers had 110 stories. He says, "Can’t you just tell me one?"


Nicole Vingara has her own e-mail address you can reach her at


Margee & Pep, who loves ya baby?

Nicole Vingara - We are so proud of you for becoming a good reader this year. You make our life complete. Thank you for being our special little girl. Keep up the great work. You are awesome! - Mommy and Daddy

Aunt Dale - Great job on the Graduation Party! We enjoyed the fun! – Laura and Nicole

Dear Kevin – Thank you for all courage on 9-11 and the months following the day’s tragic events. You family is so very proud of you. GO NYPD!!!

Mommy – We miss you. We know you are in our hearts and thoughts everyday. God took you too soon. Thanks for watching over us. You are our Guardian Angel.

What fun it is to have a Grandmother, who lets you eat ice cream for breakfast! Thanks Grandma.

Uncle Johnny – Thank you for all your letters, keep them coming. You are GREAT! – Love Laura

Denise - How many times have we taken a "road trip" this year! I Love that about us. Let’s do it again. – Laura

Kim and Larry - I missed our pizza and swim last year, but I am looking forward to doing it again. Thanks for always opening up your home to us and being so generous. I love you both! – Laura

Dear Grandma - Thanks for making my "Grandparents read at school day" terrific by being the star attraction! I am so happy you are my Grandmudder and I am your Starbright! - Love Nicole

Aunt Judy – Hope you have been practicing on your scooter, this year my mother may win the race. Laura

Congratulations to Jaclyn Ashley Shafer for graduating Watkins Mill High School, on June 4th 2002. We are all so very proud of you for a job well done. I can’t believe you are old enough to graduate. Good Luck in your new college adventure. Have fun, but not too much while you are away in Florida. Call home often and remember your family. Thanks for having me be a part of your day! WAY TO GO, JAC! – Love Laura

Hey Mother - Do you like YOWDI? – Thanks for the great laughs. You are one terrific mom, and I love you lots. - Laura

Denise - Nice "camping teeth"!

Dear John - Transformation is wonderful. Thanks for your support! – Love Laura

Mother -- Really enjoyed our Bronx Day together! Let's do it again soon! -- CA

Maureen -- You've had a real rough year but you are stronger than you realize. Hang in there kid, and remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! --Love CA

Jodee, My Baby Brother -- The rough times will become smoother if you just have faith! -- Love Your Big ( Doinky) Sister

Daddy -- It's great when we hang out in A.C. but when are we gonna win? -- Love your #1

Sissy --Thanks for all those flyers!! Hope your printer still works! -- Adam

Denise and Rick --  We would just like to say * congratulations *on every thing both of you have accomplished in the few years you have been in your new house.  You have taken a house and turned it into a beautiful  *HOME. *  There has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears to do all that you have done.  Just remember " It never ends"  Love you Mom and Dad

Aunt Judy -- I certainly had more balloons than anyone. Thank you so much for my balloon bouquet. It was a total surprise and everyone was very jealous that I got a delivery at school! Thanks again for always making my birthday a special one. Love from your teen-aged godchild.

Denise – Just remember there is another side of heaven called Rainbow Bridge. I miss "Butter" and know you do too! So sorry for your loss and our family dog as well. She is gone from this earth, but not from our hearts. - Love Laura

Happy 50th Birthday to Judy Cervone, even though you are older and may even be wiser, I still have more scrapbook pages done then you. – Laura Vingara.

Denise - Thanks for hosting Christmas Eve. We had a great time and enjoy getting together with everyone. – The Vingara’s

Uncle John speaks out. I want to say its time to thank those responsible for making our picnic such a success for 25 wonderful years. I give thanks to Ellen, Al, Margie, Pep, their children, and we can’t forget Laura and Denise. I enjoy everyone of them, as do our family and friends. I hope it never ends, and we will continue on forever. I have spoken – Uncle Johnny

Happy 50th Birthday to the seventh "sister".

Margarite -- You are so special to all of us, but especially me. I treasure the relationship that we are so lucky to have. With love, Kiki.

LHB -- I am still "Amazed by the way you love me all the time". Thank you for being you. KMB

Congratulations to Valerie Vingara and Tim Bart for announcing their engagement. We wish you all the best in your upcoming July 4th wedding. God bless you both. Tim welcome to our family.

Denise - Thanks for making this newsletter awesome. Your hard work and dedication is a great contribution to our family. Keep up the great work! – Your family!

Mother -- It's so nice to have you back where you belong. KMB

Aunt Jill -- "Word." Love Christian

Congratulations to Valerie, Tim, Jim and John for all leading the way for me to take the forum. I am thankful for the experience. Love you all, Laura

Mary Kay and Mike — What an awesome wedding. Congratulations! I had a Blast! - Laura

Irene Berg – Any potatoes and tomatoes??? Dale

Laura and Nicole – Thanks for coming all that way to Jaclyn’s graduation and for all the help you gave me. Aunt Dale

Dee – I sure hope you remembered the eggplant this year! Dale

Christian and Mario -- Do you own the record for the number of refrigerators moved in one day?

Ronald -- Can't wait till you really live in Connecticut!! -- Love Your Doinky


Ron & Chrissie -- Congratulations and happiness to you both! --- Love Aunt CA

Adrienne & Joe -- What a wonderful Wedding!! What a wonderful couple!! Love

Aunt Ca

Melissa & Eric -- Thank you for making the party for Dolores so very special!!

Love Aunt Ca

Bridget -- Thanks for all those favors!! Love CA

Sissy -- What fun we all had planning your Big Bash! How were the White Castles? -- Doink

Jill -- Thanks for all the times you took the kids for me. Christian loves the White Castle runs, and Katie loves playing scrabble with you. Even Tyler loves Camp Coco.

Irene Berg – Thanks for being a great pen pal and always being there for me. Dale

Well Richie it’s been one devastating year since the last picnic. I don’t think either one of us alone could have handled all the ups and downs we have had. We have had much more than our share this past year. Thank God everything is slowing down a little! One-on-one, were handling things. Together we can conquer anything. This is what the two of us together do best!! Thank God for putting us together, and thank God; we still have each other. Love always and forever, Dolores.

Our daughter Denise -- You are forever making us proud.  Congratulations on your new position working from home.  We know it's tough, but we also know you’re not one to give up. All our love, Mom & Dad.

To My Favorite Cousin - "Is she really going out with him?" Whatever happened to Joe Jackson anyway? Love Your Favorite Cousin

Happy 5-0, Jimmy and MANY more…. Love W,T,G,A,O

Uncle Johnny – Where is the faggots?? Dale

Happy Birthday and Happy Father’s Day Grandpa! We love you, G,A,O

Laura – You are the BEST niece. If you only liked EPCOT, you would be perfect. AD

Joanie - When do you want to hit Annapolis again for breakfast and shopping? We had a bunch of fun with you, and can’t wait to do it again. – Laura and Denise

Uncle Pep – I’ll be here early to help you with the breakfast.

Adventure’s - Good luck Carol and Randy Perrin as you two start a new journey on your trip to Haiti. We can’t believe you’ve been in Maryland 5 years. Thanks for all the good times, good food and great laughs at your home. We will miss you, and we wish you all the best. See you soon in Haiti - Love the Maryland Crew and New Jersey Vingara’s.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy, You’re the BEST! XXX-OOO, G,A,O

Larry, thank you for all you have done for us and our beloved animals through the years. You have generously given your care and precious time to take care of those that are a very important part of our Mitterando family. I know that it is not always easy to be the "family" doctor. We sometimes bother you at odd hours, forgetting that you have another life. We sometimes expect things from you that are unfair. We assume that you will always have the right answers and make everything okay, even if we don't follow all your advice. You sometimes have to be the bearer of bad news knowing that it's difficult to see family members upset. But please know that we appreciate all you have done through the years and we are grateful to have you in our family.  Love a Family Member

Congratulations to my Jackie who graduated from Springstead High School, Spring Hill, Florida, Class of 2002.  You hung in there through those four grueling years and made it!  Not only that but on the Honor Roll the entire senior year!  You turned 18, June 4th and are now starting college in August 2002.  Wasn't it just yesterday you and I were at Einstein Hospital in the Bronx, when we first looked at each other, you heard my voice, recognized it, stopped crying and sort of cooed?  I felt like it was just you and I, and the whole world became still and silent and so beautiful.  It was like my angel was born. I was wrong though; you were not just my angel you belong to everyone.  So, go out there and do what you came here for, the rest of the world waits! I love you, Mom

Thanks to all for an unbelievable birthday celebration. Not many grown adults get to have a party that includes playing lots of sports. Most of us never want to act our age, anyway. Love, Judy

To my Godchildren Erika, Katie and Jennifer. Proud of each one of you! Love, Aunt Judy

To all my brother, sisters, brother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews -- Each of you are very special. I cherish the time we do spend together and in some cases wish it was more often. Love, Judy

Maureen -- Things will get better! Hang in. Love, Judy

Wendy -- It was down to the wire for yet another "Just Because". Are we in for the duration or are we retiring?

John Vingara, I would love to wish you a very, very happy 40th birthday. May the years ahead be very healthy, extraordinary and memorable. I love you! Your Godmother, Aunt Dee

Dear Mother, We are so thankful for this second chance. We Love you. W,T,G,A,O

Congratulations to Ronald and Chrissy on their Engagement!  I'm so happy for you guys and am looking forward to the big day!  Love Always, Dee    

Adrienne and Joe - Congratulations on your marriage!!&  A - You're like a sister to me.  Thank you so much for including me in your wedding party.  I wish you both lots of luck and a lifetime of happiness.  Love ya, Dee

Thanks to each and every one who helped with the Cervone/Pelliccia move from Plainview to Hicksville.

Carolann -- I’m extremely jealous, but know that you have earned and will enjoy retirement. Judy

CH - Happy Father’s Day Daddy! We Love You! N, R & C

Mother - So glad to have you well again and back to your old self! You gave us some scare! We Love You!

25 years of picnics - Wow! What a family we have!

Uncle Ronnie - Happy Father’s Day! Can you check my ear? I think there is a quarter stuck in it. Love Renee

Mother Dear -- We were given a second chance when you recovered from your

illness - We will make every minute count because life is so precious and you are so precious to each of us! I love you! -- Daughter Dear

Aunt Judy -- I love you and I love everything you do for me. You are the greatest godmother a godchild could have. Love your #1 godchild, Katie P.S. I got lots of birthday balloons!

C & C - Thanks for your help with my flyers! -- Adam

R -- In spite of what you think, thank God that you moved to Long Island!! -- Love Ca

KB & WP-- Just Because it was really the Best One Yet!! -- CA

Gianna -- You really are a little angel! Thanks for giving away your sleeping

Angel! -- Love Aunt Ca

Ronald --You really are the greatest Navy man! (So glad that Sub school is over-Ha Ha) Love your proud Godmother

Doinky Doo -- Can't wait to play Scrabble!! -- # 1 Doink-----

Sam -- Loved your show!! -- Aunt Ca

KB & LB -- Thank you for always sharing with all of us! -- Ca

Ca -- The New York City Public School System will never be the same. Your dedication over the past 32 years has been incredible. But there's a reason why God wanted you to retire now. He knew that Dolores needed you more than the NYC School System did. You are an angel in more ways than you know. Love Kim

Dad -- You are an inspiration to all of us. Love your ten

Thanks to Aunt Carolann for all your extra care that we are very grateful for. We love you. You’re the boss!  JMJMV&N

Da -- So are we ever going to spend a mini Bronx vacation again!! I miss those days! -- Ca

K & J -- So happy that you found that special love again -- C & A

Cocos -- Chef Boidy wants to cook for you again soon!

B -- Are we really mean or do we just care?? C

Denise -- Thank you all your patience, creativeness and hard work for another wonderful newsletter!! -- Ca

Cher -- Almost done with the stocking! Should I stock up any additional? -- Ca

Your Turn Doink!!

Sissy -- Next time send a limo!!

Ronnie, Lynn, Erika and Samantha -- So glad you relocated to Long Island. Love, Judy

Congratulations Ronald and Chrissy on your engagement. Love, Aunt Judy

Larry, Cheryl and Christian -- How could you stoop so low and order rain on Mother’s Day to avoid another loss of Mother’s Balls to Judy, Kim and Katie? Rematch due.

Katie -- How many balloons did you get at school for your birthday??

Laura -- 32,876,435 pages completed in 2002. Give me time!

Laura and Denise -- Thanks for being my scraping and shopping buddies. Judy

Christian -- You are one amazing athlete! (Not to mention a great godson also) Love Aunt Ca

Katie -- I love helping out with your twirling outfits! -- Love Aunt Ca

A -- How's my marble buddy??

Mother -- Glad you are back with us, and doing fine. Close call for a while. Love, Judy

Sunny Sheppard and Jimmy Middleton -- Welcome to the 50 Club! Love, Judy

Grandma Margie - I wish we could spend more time together.  I'm looking forward to that in the future.  I miss you so much.  You are always in my thoughts everyday.  Always remember that I love you very much.  With love from your Granddaughter, Dee

Anthony - Thank you so much for always making me feel special.  Lots of Love, Your Godmother

John, Laura, Craig and Bill – I have absolutely loved our vacations at Lake Anna. I look forward to many more years together. We are going to miss you and the girls this year Bill! Come visit! Love Denise

Grandpa Pep - Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day!  You are in my thoughts and in my prayers everyday.  I love you!  Love Always, Dee

Nicholas Mitterando, we enjoy any time we spend with you. We love you Soooooooo Much.  Grammy & Pop-Pop

Rick & Denise -- There is only one thing we wish we could have had, and that was that your grandparents could have seen Nicholas.  We know that they are standing tall and very proud over the great grandson you gave to them. They will always be watching over him from above.

Thanks for the prayers and concern in our time of need. It's working.  JMJMV&N

Jean-ee Mitterando (the mom) -- You told me how up-beat Vince was while they were building my garage, just hanging out with me and talking about family all day long.  It was fun. I hope he didn't slip into depression when the job was all finished.   (ha-ha) just kidding. Cousin Richie.

Vince Mitterando -- I just want to say you did a wonderful job on building my garage.  Only you could understand the feelings I have for my garage.  But I must ask you one thing, "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO FIX MY DOOR?" Your cousin Richie

Aunt Cheryl -- "…go around the tree." LOL, Katie Blauvelt

Scott and Sunny -- Remember that you are just like a second mom and dad to me. Katie

G & G -- I love you both very much and thanks for everything. Your grandchild, Katie.

Kimberly, Briana, Danielle, and Sam -- Love you guys and love spending time with you. Thanks for being my favorites. Love Katie

Christian -- Everyone tells me that we will get along one day. I know you like to tease me and sometimes are mean, but I still think you are a cool brother. Love Katie

Tyler -- I love you and thanks for being a good brother. Love Katie.

Mom – I know this past year has been difficult. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose my best friend. I take for granted picking up the phone and always having them available on the other end. I want you to know that I’m always here for you. I love you very much!!! ME

Dad -- Happy Father’s Day. I love you with all my heart. Remember you are father of the year every year. Love your daughter, Katie.

Larry – Thank you so much for your kindness when it came to Butter. Words cannot express my gratefulness. Love Denise

Dad -- You’re my dog! Happy Father’s Day. Love Christian.

Melissa -- Thank you so much for being my sponsor for Confirmation. I was honored to have you share that special day with me. Love, Katie.

Charlie, Cheryl and Judy – Thanks for taking care of the catering for the picnic this year. All our love, everyone that is participating!

Thanks to Aunt Bridget for putting up with us. Your help has been wonderful; we are lucky to have you near by. We love you. JMJMV&N

Jodee -- There aren't enough thank yous for all you do. You are always father of the year to us!!  I hope you know we are so lucky to have you, and we love you very much.

Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Lynn thanks for the Sleepovers. We really had a great time. We love you. JMJMV&N

Laura – Road trip? -- Denise

Aunt Kim & Uncle Larry -- Thanks for all you do. Joseph really enjoyed the party. We love you. JMJMV&N

Mitt Picnic Committee Congratulations on the 25th. You do a wonderful thing. Family is as Family does and Baby we're the Greatest.

Dad -- Thank you for being my scrapbook buddy! Love ya, Denise

Laura -- Melanie and Veronica enjoy your care packages. It was very thoughtful of you. Thanks again

Happy 50th Birthday Judy!!

Congratulations Adrinne and Joe your wedding was beautiful.

Katie -- Congratulations on your Confirmation. Love JMJMV&N

Larry and Kim – Great party after the picnic! I’m looking forward to this year’s!!! Denise

Tyler -- Congratulations on your First Holy Communion. Love JMJMV&N

Joseph -- You are a great student, brother and son; we love you very much!! 

Love Mom & Dad

Janice and Jackie -- We are so disappointed that you were unable to make the picnic this year. Hope next year will be more convenient as you will be missed again.       

Irene, Patrick and Chuck -- We are looking forward to seeing you at the picnic. Try to talk the rest of the family into coming next year.

Kim & Larry -- Thanks for all the invitations to your great parties.

Skip & Cathy Thanks for all the work you did on the W.T.C. pictures for the Submarine Vets. The fun raising was a great success.

Wendy –Thank you for the "thank you" note. It means so much when it is in someone’s personal handwriting! Love Denise

Danielle -- Aunt Joyce & Uncle Glenn are looking forward to your vacation with them in Virginia.

Sister Marge -- WE are so glad you recovered from your illness. Thanks to God.

Melanie -- You are a good singer, and we love your shows. Thanks, love Mom & Dad

Laura and John -- We had some fun times in our pool and Jacuzzi. We hope you'll join us again this summer.

Aunt Wendy -- When I was at your house a few weeks ago, I think I heard your Pizelle iron complaining about how neglected it is. I'm always ready to help a pizelle in need.

Mother -- There will never be another you. Thank you for finding the strength to get better.  

I not only love you, but I like you. I not only love you more every day, but I like you more every day.

Joan, Ernie, Joanie, Dennis and the girls -- We are so happy that you are so close to us, so we can spend some quality time together.  You have helped us to feel ...not so isolated out here in west Jersey. Cousin's Richie & Dee

Margee & Zee-Pep -- Now when you visit, we have Joan & Ernie real close by.  We are only 15 minutes away from each other now.  " SO WHEN ARE YOU GUYS COMING OUT?"

Mom and Dad – I know Nugget isn’t Butter, and that she is a lot to handle. I certainly appreciated all the times you watched Butter and Nugget. I’m looking for a kennel. I promise!!!

Thanks Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al for the fun visit this year, see you next year!  Thank you for putting up with Patrick and me last year and this year too.

Adam -- My thanks for the great job on my recliner. It’s where I spend most of the day. P.S. The evergreens are getting taller. Dad

CA -- It was a great day spent with you, visiting with Uncle Billy, the shopping spree and the dinner prepared by the connoisseur. Mother

B & D -- Congratulations, Adrienne’s wedding was a sight to behold and a memory to treasure. M & D

Adrienne -- A toast to the beautiful bride and groom. We wish you and Joe a long life of love and happiness. G & G

Melissa -- We are so happy for you and wish all you strive for comes to you. A college scholarship was a good start and Eric gets our stamp of approval. G & G

To Judy, the most dedicated and most reliable family member. You’re the reason for the success and love that holds us together; you’re the Supreme Sister, the Adored Aunt, the Coolest Cousin and coordinator, the Grandest Godmother, a Fabulous Friend and an Ideal In-law. M&D

Ronnie, Lynn -- Happiness is having you and your family close by. Soon you will celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss, congratulations. Through good times and bad, you have been blessed; with Ronald, now serving in the U.S. Navy, sporting a medal of achievement and engaged to a lovely girl, Crissy. (You make us all proud). G & G

Erika -- Finally adjusting to the new home and 2 jobs; she’s too busy to get into any trouble. (We love you baby) G & G

Samantha -- Soon to be 16 fits in everything and anywhere. Got high honors at school, does gymnastics, performed in the glee club and appeared in the school play "The Scarlet Pimpernel". We’re all mighty proud. G & G

Michael & Denise -- We miss you so much. Your absence in all we do is deeply felt. Felix Cavelieri is giving a free concert in our town park July 17th. Come join us. 8:00 P.M Mother & Dad

Dee Dee -- Thanks for all the correspondence, especially since so much time passes between our meetings, you make us feel special. G & G

Jill -- What a terrible ordeal you and the kids had to go through, but you handled it so well. The days Kevin had to work at "Ground Zero", clearing debris and recovering bodies must have been devastating. Thank God you all pulled through. M & D

Kevin -- You’re an unsung hero for your heroic work after the W.T.C. tragedy. We worried and prayed for you. Our prayers were answered. M & D

Kim & Larry -- You guys are the greatest. Always got a party planned. Your generosity and sincerity is beyond measure. Every day, our love grows stronger and we grow more grateful that you are a part of our lives. M & D

Christian -- Thanks for sharing your hockey interest with me. Your ability as an athlete is awesome. G & G

Katie -- For your accomplishment and trophies for twirling, bravo. G & G

Tyler -- Now that you are 8 years old, you’re doing well at school, you received your First Holy Communion, we can no longer call you "Typhoon". Now you’re as welcome as the "breeze" on a hot sunny day. Just a super kid. G & G

Jodee -- You’re doing a great job caring for Joseph, Melanie, Veronica and Nicole during Maureen’s illness.

Maureen -- You looked so good as Joseph received Communion. We admired the effort it took for you to be present for the service and reception. Keep your chin up. Love M & D

To The Pelliccia’s -- You add love and light to our lives, sharing a home and meals, playing and praying with your kids gives us much happiness.

Gianna -- You have achieved so much at school, scouts and the Glee club, but best of all you’re a "cool" granddaughter, and we love you. G & G

Anthony -- You’re a great kid and a lovable student. OLM is sure lucky to have you on their team. Keep on scoring. G & G

Olivia -- You can turn dark clouds into sunshine with your smile, but you can also chase the rainbow with your frown. G & G get such a kick out of you and love you either way.

Chery -- No matter how many precious little ones you bring into this world, you will always be my baby. I can’t recall you ever giving me a "bad hair" day. Thanx. Mother

To Charlie -- When it comes to son-in-laws, we have a few. Yet when we are in trouble, a call goes out to you. Thanks for always being there. M & D

Hi Nicholas, it’s so hard keeping up with you these days, between school, baseball, parties, school trips and going to sporting events, we hardly see you. We’re glad you’re having a good time, but slow down a bit for us. G & G

To Renee, Olivia’s partner in mischief. I love when mommy goes out and you stay at our house, cause you’re so much fun. Come again soon. Grandma

To Christina, You’re a sweet little angel and everybody loves you. You’re also a "chow hound", but that makes us love you even more. G & G

Al -- Our deepest sympathy for the loss of your friend Frank. We know how much he meant to you. M & P

Johnnie & Jackie Napurano -- We were happy to receive your E Mail. We will always miss you. Just keep in touch. The Cervones

Brother Bob -- You’re too young to retire, get a job. Seriously, we’re happy for you and wish you the best. Margie

Robin -- Bravo, happy to hear you are still going strong. We would love someday to catch your act. Aunt Margie & Uncle Pep

Last but not least Denise, our Editor in Chief, thanks for your dedication. "You’re the Best". Everybody


From Kim Blauvelt: During the last few summers, Larry and I have hosted several clambakes in our backyard. It has become sort of a tradition. We have lobster, clams, mussels, shrimp, and corn on the cob, but we do "cheat" a little by ordering the clambakes through our local seafood restaurant. As I think about my own clambake tradition, I often drift back to the clambakes that Aunt Dolly and Uncle Bill had on Quimby Ave. I think I worked harder at those clambakes than I do at my own! Aunt Dolly would ask Jill, Jodee, and I to help clean the yard. Uncle Bill would spend countless hours showing us how to bundle sticks into neat piles. We would wash the giant aluminum pots and pans, and clean the barbeque grates. I remember one time telling Uncle Bill that we were hungry. He sent us up all those steps to have some crumb cake. It was stale, but we never had the heart to tell him that. Aunt Dolly would be sitting up in the kitchen with her pants rolled up and her apron on, telling us all the work that had to be done. Thinking back


In October 2002 – Laura Vingara will be walking 60 miles, yes 60 MILES for Breast Cancer. The walk starts in Bear Mountain State Park and ends 3 days later in Manhattan. You can show your support by sending donations to her at 89 Tunsion Lane, Bridgewater, NJ 08807. Credit Card or Checks made out to the Avon Breast Cancer 3-Day are accepted. I am in need of raising a total of $1900 for the cause, so anything you can send would be helpful. Thanks for your support. Let’s stop this disease in its tracks. Who knows it could be my last $1900, that finds a cure for Breast Cancer! Wouldn’t that be a great miracle!

Would the owner of a car with Plate # BGT- 67R please return to your vehicle. Your lights are on.

The End

PS Special thanks to John Vingara for printing out the covers for me


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