The 2001 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Welcome to the "24th" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.


Weather Report: The early A.M. overcast gave way to sunny conditions and an afternoon high of 83 to 87 degrees.

After weeks of planning: the announcements were made and sent out, the "Pick A Pop" ballots were returned and counted, the new "Father Of The Year" was engraved on the trophy, the Mitt News reminders were mailed, the picnic committee was on its way.

Enroute to the park, Kimberly Coco, Briana Coco and Katie Blauvelt posted signs, chauffeured by Aunt Judy Cervone and Aunt Cheryl Hydo. The early birds Al LaRocca, Skip LaRocca, Pep Cervone, Tony Pelliccia and Charlie Hydo were already on the job. The musclemen arranged the tables while the seniors started breakfast. Dale Ingenito arrived early to help make egg sandwiches. All pitched in to decorate. Robin Ingenito came equipped with updated genealogy facts and Katie Ratigan and Carm Mitterando presented authentic pictures, facts and figures of the Mitterando lineage obtained on their visit to Bari, Italy. A beautiful homage!

As usual, food, drinks, desserts and snacks were in abundance. From the simple peanut butter sandwich to the more complicated pastas, salads, barbeque meats, chicken and fish, homemade faccaccia, brownies, cookies and cakes. It was more of a "PIG-OUT" than a "PIC-NIC".

Entertainment and activities were provided for all. The seniors enjoyed cooking and the less strenuous poker games, horse racing and "Who Wants To Be A Mitterando?" The adults and teens preferred games of softball, volleyball, horseshoes and races, while the youngsters and Rug Rats did the Piñata, scavenger hunt, the playground or the water and balloon games. Carolann Elias’ "All Male Review" was the highlight. The cast included Louie Mitterando, Dr. Jim Mitterando, Jodee Cervone, Craig Monteforte and Dr. Larry Blauvelt, dressed as Spanish Senoritas. They danced to the tune of "Maria, Maria". It was a 4 **** comedy.

The Mitt News was distributed and received the praise and appreciation from everyone. Thanks to Denise Mitterando and her devotion, we cherish each publication.

The "Pick A Pop - Father Of The Year" was Jodee Cervone, father and Mr. Mom of four youngsters. The committee had a wrestling match to retrieve the trophy from last year’s recipient.

At dusk, 142 family and friends reluctantly said farewell and headed home, all looking forward to our 24th Reunion in 2001.



The Cervone Crew: Year in Review, by # 3: With "The Cervone Family," there are not too many days over the course of a year that does not involve some event or celebration. Over the past year we have celebrated 42 birthdays, 1 new addition and 10 anniversaries. Ronald and Dee reached the legal age of 21, Erika hit 18 and Kimberly Coco is Sweet Sixteen. Adrienne received her college degree, Erika and Melissa graduated High School. Adrienne became engaged to Joe, Christian Blauvelt was confirmed and Christina Hydo was christened. Our kids have performed in numerous recitals, competitions and sporting events. Following are some special highlights I was able to share:

Jones Beach to view July 4th fireworks with Mother, Dad, the Hydo’s, Samantha, Adrienne, Joe, Melissa and Erik.

Graduation Party at "The Original Mahopac Cervone’s", for Adrienne and Melissa.

Paddling down the roaring Nissequogue River with the Blauvelts, Coco’s, Middleton’s, Sheppard’s and Werling’s.

Viewing the Cole’s Brothers Circus with Briana and Matthew Coco, Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia and the Middleton’s.

Spur of the moment get together at the Pennsylvania Cervone’s with Mother, Dad, the Elias’, Blauvelt’s, the "second" Mahopac Cervone’s, Pelliccia’s and Hydo’s.

Outing with the Coco’s and Elias’ to Rye Playland.

Journey to Atlantis Marine World with Jill, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew Coco and Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia.

Boating in Jamesport with Kimberly Coco, Wendy, Gianna, Anthony and Olivia Pelliccia and Cheryl, Nicholas and Renee Hydo.

Blauvelt’s hosting 43 at their Clam Bake.

Annual Labor Day Weekend block parties at The Hydo’s and Blauvelt’s.

Our annual apple picking/birthday celebration event where 65 people attended.

Halloween gathering at the Blauvelt’s with the Coco’s, Pelliccia’s, Hydo’s, and Adrienne and Joe. Melissa and Erik, in costume, never arrived due to a flat tire.

Thanksgiving feast with the Blauvelt’s accommodating Larry, Kim, Christian, Katie, Tyler, Mr. B, Mother, Dad, and the Coco’s for a sit down dinner. The Pelliccia’s and Hydo’s arrived later for desert and to "officially" open the Christmas season.

Performance by the Rockettes at The Radio City Christmas Show with Ronnie, Lynn, Erika, Samantha and Carolann.

Spectacular Christmas Light Show at Jones Beach with Mother and the Pelliccia’s

Presentation of Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer with the Blauvelt’s, Coco’s, Pelliccia’s, Hydo’s and Middleton’s.

Awesome gingerbread house building party at the Hydo’s. Construction crew also included: the Blauvelt’s, Coco’s, Pelliccia’s, Middleton’s and Ronald.

Christmas party courtesy of the Knights of Columbus with Kim, Katie and Tyler Blauvelt; Jill, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew Coco and Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia. Daddy stopped in for coffee and a snack but Larry Blauvelt, a Knight and our ticket to the party, has yet to attend this annual Christmas event.

Christmas Eve celebration hosted by the Hydo’s. A surprise visit by Santa thrilled: Mother, Daddy, the "extended" Elias family, Michael and Dee, the Coco’s, the Blauvelt’s, the Pelliccia’s, Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al, the Middleton’s and the Sheppard’s

The biggest and most widely attended celebration of the year, Christmas Day at the Plainview Cervone’s.

Ringing in 2001 with Mother, Dad, the Blauvelt’s and Pelliccia’s at the Hydo’s.

"Just Because’ # 10.

Rumor (or fact?) has it that Lou Mitterando has quit his job to become a full-time belly dancer.


Laura and John Vingara are driving Katie Ratigan nuts with their "small" request for six (only 6) tickets for the Washington-Giants football game in D.C. As of now, two tickets guaranteed -- working on the others (that's only because Laura made the long trip down to Maryland for Mary Kay's party.)


Maria Mitterando ran into Jon Bon Jovi at Chuckey Cheese (the kid's theme restaurant) - he was there with his children. They will let us know if she does any background singing with his upcoming tour.

No, Eileen and Joe Borawski have not gone to Florida. They are still living in Baldwin Harbor enjoying the bounty of Scott and Keith’s frequent fishing trips.


NEWSFLASH: The most famous landmark dedicated to all those who immigrated to the United States from many foreign countries will be renamed ELIAS ISLAND. Stay tuned for details as they become available.


Chuck Berg is supposed to be here! I hope you are reading this in person!


Drove to NJ to celebrate Richie Mitterando’s retirement. Did not know that my family had a Surprise 60th Party planned for me (Laurie Monteforte). I did have some suspicion, as Craig Monteforte is not a convincing (which is a good thing) liar. Laura Vingara had everyone very, very busy preparing (she is a better liar) for the fabulous surprise celebration. What was truly amazing was that Kristina, Corey and Nicole were able to keep the secret. It was wonderful to see all of the relatives and friends. I have a beautiful album and a CD filled with a lifetime of memories. I felt very loved. Thanks to everyone for making it a wonderful evening. I am very happy to be living close to the family once again… Thanks to everyone!!!


Lou Mitterando has temporarily joined his wife Norma in enjoying the retired life. Anyone know an opening for a male dancer that likes to dress up in women’s clothing every Father’s day?


Katie Ratigan is working with cousin Al LaRocca for a visit by veteran submariners to Washington DC in the early fall.


Uncle Al’s  Submarine Schedule for the year 2001
April 7th New Suffolk L.I. Sub Base memorial service
May 26th Placing American Flags at Pine Lawn Cemetery
May 27th WII Submarine Veteran's memorial services
May 27th unveiling of monument of Submarine Vets Inc Eisenhower Pk
May 28th Parade in town of BABYLON.
May 28th WII Submarine Vets services at Memorial in BAYSHORE
June 3rd Picnic and LONG ISLAND DUCKS baseball game.
July 1st Town of Hempstead Festival.
July 4th Parade at Sub Base New Suffolk L.I.
July 10th WII Sub Vets picnic in Eisenhower Pk
July 30th 26ft Model Spadefish to Albany for opening of month long Veterans museum.
August 22nd thru 27th WII Submarine Vets National Convention in Saint Louis Mo.
August 29th Sub Vet Picnic in Cantiaque pk L.I.
September 8th & 9th Washington D.C. bus trip run by yours truly
November 11th Veteran's Day Parade Babylon L.I.
Plus monthly meetings at WII in Garden City. WII in Patchogue. Sub Vets Inc in Babylon & U.S.Growler

We’d (Denise Mitterando and Laura Vingara) be reeling them in at a snails pace, but we are getting them! Our newest cult (scrapbooking) members would be Mary Kay Ratigan, Richie Mitterando, Kimberly Coco, Karen Mitterando, and Katie Blauvelt! Mary Kay, we look forward to scrapping with you in the future since you are just going to be in the next state! Also now that Richie has retired he has become a cult member as well. Richie was the only man at National Scrapbook Day with 149 other women. More power to you Richie!!!


Billy Mitterando has announced that his company Silent Transportation Inc. is no longer a transportation corporation. It is now called "Silent Investment Corp. d.b.a. as Silent Transportation, Inc." and is seeking investors in future seafood applications and procurements.

Another football anecdote, last fall when Rutgers played Navy in Annapolis it also happened to be homecoming. So, just for Robert Monaco, (team physician for the Rutgers guys) I (Katie Ratigan) had a Navy F-18 squadron of six jets do a flyover right before the game and (by the way) also had the Navy seals parachute out of a airplane and land right on the field. Who said the Mitterando family had no power. (I really wish I was responsible for the display but it was great anyway).


Howard and Chris Berg had to stay home and work but they insisted that Patrick and Irene come up for the fun. We even came a few days early to visit and leave a few days late. Poor Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al!



Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Kristina Monteforte and I (Laurie Monteforte) drove to NJ to spend the night with Laura, John and Nicole Vingara. We were leaving the following day to drive to Connecticut to attend Al Lomoriello ‘s 50th surprise party. We arrived in NJ around 5:30 and decided to make a stop at White Castle. Still have reminders of growing up in the Bronx. When we arrived in Bridgewater, Laura (was at a Pampered Chef demonstration) had left a list of instructions for us to follow. Since Dale and I are obedient, we did our chores and decided we should reward ourselves with a glass of wine. I looked through the cabinets and found a bottle of Chardonnay (which is Dale’s favorite). The date on the bottle said 2000. I was somewhat reluctant to open it as I thought that the Vingara's might be saving it as a reminder of the New Millennium. When I mentioned this to Dale she replied, "You can’t save Chardonnay, it will go bad if it gets old." I replied, "How old can it be, one month," since we just celebrated the New Year… She realized what she had said, and we laughed and laughed at our silliness. We decided to reward ourselves with the "vintage" wine.


Mary Kay Ratigan is moving to New York (boo-hoo for Mom) to start a new job in Manhattan early in June, and she is looking for a place to live. Can any of you folks on Long Island help Mary Kay out with some recommendations? She is still recovering from "sticker" shock on the price of real estate in New York. It is really unbelievable.

There is never enough time in the day to scrapbook--- just ask Denise, Judy and Laura who went away for the weekend to scrapbook in January 2001, and got snowed in! Too bad we had to stay in and scrapbook some more.  Can someone say "Chuckles".


Jim and Julie Mitterando are expecting their baby in the next month. So they will probably not be in attendance this year. Rich and Maria Mitterando are voyaging up to Boston in the first week in June to "shower" her with all those wonderful baby gadgets.

Rumor (or fact?) has it that Billy Mitterando sold his van so that he can go on a kibbutz to the "promised land."

Late one night, Larry and Kim Blauvelt retired to their room when they suddenly spotted a rat scurry under the baseboard heater. All HELL broke loose. They barricaded the room and for two days set out traps trying in vain to catch it. Finally, Larry with the help of some friends went into action. They poked and pried until they forced the rat to make an appearance. Quickly they threw a blanket over it and beat it to death. The moral of this story is ---- When your animal needs help, CALL DR. LARRY, but who can you call when a rodent’s on the loose??? " THE RAT BUSTERS"


Katie Ratigan is getting to be a big wheel in the SOI (Sons of Italy) in Annapolis. She was asked to represent the organization at the state convention in Baltimore.


Bill Mitterando Jr. and wife, Karen (no, nobody is pregnant here, right?) have been busy fixing up their home in Piscataway so that they can put it on the market. Anyone looking for a small but quaint house to buy? By the way, that skinny lady hanging around with Bill is really Karen! Well done, you look great!

We are happy that the "K" dollars donated to the MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION in Baby Kevin’s memory helped a 7-year-old girl. Murlin has been diagnosed with aplastic anemia and requires transfusions regularly. Thanks to our support, she was able to visit the Magic Kingdom, Sea World and Universal Studios. A dream fulfilled.

In October 2000, Robin Ingenito was the featured performer at a piano bar in Northern Virginia. She did a great job in singing old and new tunes. Many friends and family attended and had a great time. We are all waiting for your encore performance, Rob……

Our annual Gingerbread house decorating took place once again at the Monteforte pad in Germantown, Maryland.  This year we lost count of all the faces in attendance.... our special guest this evening was Mary Kay Ratigan who decorated her own house and then even went to see the light show with us.  We had 2 carloads of people going through the park... one van had 16 people crammed inside.  Guess it was all too exciting for Mary Kay...causing "nature to call" when we were just about done with the ride.  Our driver, Craig, pulled over....while Mary Kay made a mad dash to the woods....with 15 of her cousins looking on!   Mary Kay - Way to go!


Christopher Berg finished his first year at Saint Leo University yippee!


Rumor or fact? Police raided the house of Bill Mitterando Sr. claiming that he was the kingpin of a stolen battery ring. In a related story --- After years of working at Con Edison, Bill Sr. now glows in the dark.

The group from MD went to VA to celebrate Billie Jame’s 7th birthday. When we arrived I (Laurie Monteforte) greeted all of the kids with a big hug. Corey Monteforte was all excited to show me his loose front tooth. We had a very nice evening and a wonderful dinner. Bill makes the best "chicken and macaroni" with white gravy. After singing Happy Birthday and opening gifts we were ready for the drive back home. We were saying our good-byes, and I gave Corey a big hug as we were leaving. All of a sudden he said, "Grandma! You just popped out my tooth"!!! He looked at me with his eyes wide open, holding his tooth in his hand. I never expected to have such a powerful hug.

The Maryland crew is looking forward to attending a performance of "Joey and Maria’s Wedding" back home. It is an interactive show about a crazy Italian wedding. I wonder if we will see anything familiar there, hmmmmm......



Richie and Dee Mitterando of Berkeley Heights were going to put their home back on the market with a realtor on Monday the day after Easter. Saturday, the day before Easter, we were made an offer we could not refuse. We accepted the offer without a REALTOR being involved. The closing took place on June 14 - just two days ago. Thus, the fact, we are now HOMELESS until we can close on our new house, which might not be for two to four weeks from now. We have decided to take up all the offers of our friends and family through the years, "Come on out and spend a few days with us." So during this stress filled time of being homeless, we are really looking forward to seeing each and every one of you for a few days. See you all soon. Love to all of you and thank you, Richie & Dee.



There was a fabulous engagement party Katie Ratigan hosted for Mary Kay and Mike Boccia on April 28. Lots of the Maryland family attended to help us introduce Mike's Long Island family to the Ratigans. Everything went well, and now we all look forward to the "big" day in Annapolis on December 15, 2001.


Ronald Cervone joined for two more years in the Navy. He is now a trainer at the nuclear power training facility in Albany. We’re proud of you, keep up the good work.



Brendon Ratigan started T-ball this spring and is really sockin' it to 'em. Brendon is a chip off the block -- he is funny and talented.


Nicholas Hydo graduated from Pre-K. He loves school and is looking forward to taking the bus to Kindergarten in September.


Tyler Blauvelt also enjoys playing the drums; but Larry was thrilled when Tyler showed interest in the guitar.

Hooray! The Pelliccia’s have made it through another busy school year. Eight and a half year old Gianna is finishing 3rd grade and has done a wonderful job with many awards, including Student of the Month. She kept busy with Brownies, Glee club, softball and ceramics, and enjoyed them all. Five and a half year old Anthony has JUST graduated Kindergarten this VERY morning!! Congratulations, Son!! He, too, has had a terrific year and is ready for 1st grade. He kept us all busy with basketball and baseball. And two year old Olivia has completed her very first Mommy and Me program (along with Renee Hydo) and is ready for the school bus. We are VERY PROUD of each one. XXXOOO


Renee Hydo is now 2 years old. She loves her new sister, Christina and idolizes her big brother, Nicholas. She certainly keeps mom & dad very busy!


Katie Blauvelt falls prey to the scrapbooking phenomenon. Katie joins her cousin, Kimberly Coco who is already hooked.


Stephanie Ratigan (11) tried out for the school dance squad. Eighty-five kids tried out and she was selected as only one of a group of 18. She also wrote an essay on "Why drugs are bad" and was selected first in the class and will read the essay at graduation.


Matthew Coco will be going to Kindergarten in September.


Nicole Vingara is just about ready to finish kindergarten this June.  She'll be in school full time in the fall. She has enjoyed this past year, except she still doesn't like to get up in the mornings. (Neither does mom!) This year we did add to the extra fun by becoming a Daisy Girl Scout and mom was one of the troop leaders. Nicole would also like to thank everyone for contributing to the walk a thon since she took first place in the earning category... and won a nice big boom box, so she has been dancing and singing all the time since the event.

Our Katie Blauvelt took first prize in all twirling competitions. Way to go Kate.


Colleen Ratigan (8) is going her merry way and is still the best-dressed kid in and adores her dance class.


Scott Ratigan takes after his grandmother, Katie, in the super-smart, super-athlete category.

The Blauvelt children proudly tell their friends about their Uncle Howie’s song, Black Betty, which is on the soundtrack of the recently released movie, "Blow."


Stephanie, Colleen and Scott Ratigan are taking over the school in best grades and best athletes.


Katie Blauvelt has had a wonderful school year. She has received honors in all quarters and has another year of PERFECT ATTENDANCE (7 years)!

You go girl!!!

Extra! Extra! Joseph Cervone 3rd Wins "MVP" in his "Pony League" baseball game. He really enjoys being the catcher. He also played soccer and basketball. We are very proud of him.


Briana Coco will turn 13 years old in October. Mom and dad Sure can’t wait for the teen years to start.


Brendon Ratigan started T-ball this spring and is really sockin' it to 'em. Brendon is a chip off the block -- he is funny and talented.


Nicholas Hydo graduated from Pre-K. He loves school and is looking forward to taking the bus to Kindergarten in September.


Tyler Blauvelt also enjoys playing the drums; but Larry was thrilled when Tyler showed interest in the guitar.


Matthew Coco will be 5 in July and is constantly saying he is a BIG boy now; and boy is he a BIG, BIG BOY.



Jaclyn Shafer continues to play in her school’s Symphonic Band (one of the highest rated bands in Maryland). She played in the pit orchestra for this year’s school production, "Bye, Bye Birdie". She received a department music award in May. She plays better than ever now, after receiving a professional-grade clarinet for her 16th birthday.

Proud accomplishments: Christian Blauvelt received an athletic scholar award and was chosen "The Most Improved Player" on the middle school team.


Kimberly Coco will be in 11th grade in September. Whew! Almost there Boop.


Samantha Cervone a celebrity? She was an extra in a movie that was filmed in Pennsylvania called "Wet Hot American Summer." It should start playing in a theater near you before the picnic!



Kristina Marie Monteforte just made her Confirmation.  She is one special girl, who just so happened to have 25 people in church for the ceremony. This event was even more special since Grandma Laurie Monteforte was her sponsor. We are so proud of both for their hard work and dedication to their commitment and their promise they made to God.  

Congratulations to Christian Blauvelt on his confirmation.


Patrick Berg who turned 13 on February 5th had a wonderful 7th Grade. Straight A's again, induction into the Junior Beta Club and an award for the Most Outstanding Science Student in the 7th Grade on the Wolf Team.

On February 18, 2001 - Dani "Danielle" James had a Bat Mitzvah Party - Bill James, Laurie Monterforte, Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Robin Ingenito, Robert, Craig Monteforte, Kristina and Corey Monteforte, Laura, John and Nicole Vingara all were in attendance.  We were able to celebrate this event and dance the night away.  Nicole and Corey did an exceptional job of gathering fine DJ prizes, and Corey even won the Conga line contest. Dani - Thanks for including us on such a big evvent in your life!


Briana Coco will be in 8th grade and in the Junior High School this coming September.


Jaclyn Shafer got her driver’s license in April. She passed on the first try. She will be a senior in high school in September (how did that happen?) and plans to attend an out of state college to pursue her interest in meteorology. She continues to be on the honor roll every marking period.


Kimberly Coco turned 16 on May 8. All her Aunts and Uncles gave her a Sweet 16 Party. The event turned out great with everyone including Grandma dancing and eating. DJ Eric gave a great performance with his dance music and kept us on the dance floor all night.


Samantha Cervone was MVP for the varsity cheerleader squad. She really enjoyed being a cheerleader.


Danielle La Rocca made her Confirmation in May 


Christian Blauvelt has become quite the track star on his school team. He has won the high jump event at three meets, clearing 5ft, 2in. and has placed first or second in the 200 at all the meets (his best time was 24 seconds). Christian was the anchor leg of the ¼ mile relay and helped the team to first and second place finishes. He participated in the long jump at one meet and took first place in that event, too. Congratulations on your efforts!!

"Sunshine" Kristina Monteforte celebrated her 14th birthday and started her freshman year at Seneca Valley High School. She tried out for Lacrosse and made the team. Kristina is also a member of St Rose of Lima Youth Group. Grandma is the "oldest" kid in the group. As part of her Confirmation preparation Kristina needed to go on a retreat. Memorial Day Weekend we (she did not want to go alone and asked if I would go with her) went to Highpoint, VA for the Spring Retreat. There were 60 young people and a handful of us old folks. It was a fun experience for her. There were many group activities, lots of games and trust exercises. We did not get any sleep. There was a mouse discovered in one of the rooms, and it created quite a disturbance. The boys thought it was very funny and made a fake mouse, which caused the girls to scream most of the evening. Grandma was praying for the rain to stop and praying the mouse did not have any relatives (prayers were answered). I shared a room with three other women. Our test was trying to figure out how to climb into the bunk bed. Sat morning was overcast and dreary. After breakfast we went to the high/low rope course. Each group had to work together as a team to overcome the various obstacles. Kristina’s group choose to climb over a 15 foot wall. It was amazing to watch the way the teams interacted to accomplish the tasks. The last test was a "Leap of Faith." The dreaded Zip Line… A harness was placed around the waist and crotch area. It was attached to a steel cable that was suspended 15 feet from the ground. When you felt ready and had enough courage, it was time to walk/jump off a 20-foot platform and zip through the air. It was truly amazing to see Kristina flying through the air like a bird. She has COURAGE.


Samantha Cervone was on the high honors roll in high school all year, great job.


Congratulations to Jason Peddie on earning his Blue Belt.


Erika Cervone graduated in June of 2000, and is working full time. Hang in there! We love you, and will always support you. Watch out world when she gets there. Love m&d .



Samantha Cervone was MVP for the varsity cheerleader squad. She really enjoyed being a cheerleader.


Briana Coco was on the intramural volleyball team. They came in 1st place and Briana got her first medal. Way to go Briana! We are proud of you, as always.



What better excuse could you have to getaway for a girl’s weekend at a bed and breakfast overlooking Sandy Hook and the ocean than to scrapbook the holiday pictures? Well that is exactly what Judy Cervone, Laura Vingara, friend Lisa Rigo, and Denise Mitterando did for a weekend in January. All was well, we scrapbooked all night on Friday, went scrapbook shopping during the day on Saturday and were pretty exhausted Saturday night without much scrapping getting done. Well someone from above was listening to us because the pouring rain from the weekend turned into snow late Saturday night into Sunday morning. Well! We were snowed in! What else could we do, but call out from work on Monday and spend the entire day scrapbooking!? Of course, Lisa (the one from Maryland) was able to make it back on Sunday!


Michael La Rocca along with his sister Danielle took their first air flight to Florida. They spent their two-week vacation with Uncle Peter, Aunt Karin, cousins Nicholas and Tyler. They had a great time.

Nicole and Laura Vingara hit the road again, and were off to Fire Island, this time with "Grandma"(Laurie Monteforte) in tow. We would like to thank the entire Mastic Crew for making our weekend awesome.  You were all either very brave to have us back, or very desperate for some great entertainment from Laura Vingara! Thank you Ronnie, Lynn and Samantha for letting us use your trailer as home base, while we "roughed it" in our tent, on the air mattress. It was Laurie Monteforte's first experience in a tent, but she say's if "she can do it, anyone can!"  She must have had a great time too, since she already blocked the date off on her calendar for this year's trip.  We are still wondering just how many times we looked up, only to see the "coolie" of, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica or Nicole Cervone while Jodee and Maureen changed their kid's clothes for yet another time during the weekend. Did you ever finish all that laundry?  Nicole Vingara is still wondering who all those people on the beach were, and just how many cousins she actually does have! Thank you to Tyler Blauvelt who let me in on his special crab digging technique.  I was quite impressed with learning just where to find the crabs and can't wait to dig this year.  The evening ended with a fire, entertainment, and a visit from Mister Softee.  How many ice creams did the Mitterando's eat that Saturday night?  I lost track of how many times Simon said...we'll have a Vanilla with sprinkles!  See you all next year... wait till you see the new dance routine!   Laura


Jennifer Middleton’s birthday request was to take a ride on the Long Island Railroad to New York. Jennifer and Aunt Judy Cervone boarded the train to Grand Central Station and hopped in a cab to Central Park Zoo. Jennifer wanted to return to Grand Central by bus. After boarding one, they were turned away because they didn’t have exact change. Who knew? Starting back on foot, Jennifer convinced Aunt Judy to hire a Hanson Cab. After the horse and buggy ride through Central Park, they jumped in a taxi back to Grand Central and took the train back home. Thanks for a great day. What’s next?


Rich and Maria Mitterando took their first long distance vacation with the two children in March - went to the Bahamas. Olivia ran around so much on the plane on the way to the Bahamas that the crew remembered them. They were bumped up to first class to "give them more room" on the way back.

Car troubles didn’t stop Judy Cervone from making it out to Camp Crop A Lot in Scranton, PA this March. Laura Vingara and Denise Mitterando met Judy at their favorite scrapping spot. Many family memories were documented this weekend! Judy called it… "Cheryl Hydo was going to have the baby this weekend." Low and behold, dad called Sunday morning with the good news!


Katie Ratigan is still working hard as a consultant for the defense community for the government. Traveling when necessary (hey, someone has to do it) to Florida, Colorado, California, etc.

The Hydos took a road trip back in July to Ohio. We started with an enjoyable nights stay at the Pennsylvania Cervones. Next we had a very long ride through Penn, finally arriving in Ohio. We spent two days at Sea World, which Nicholas and Renee just loved. The Cleveland Zoo was a must for Nicholas (a.k.a. Animal Boy). All had a wonderful time.

What crazy mother and daughter duo could be seen last July hanging out all night in Rockerfella Palza?  Laura and Nicole Vingara waited from midnight to 8 am, to see the  Today’s show, FREE summer concert series, featuring Britney Spears.  We had a great time. After the show Nicole was singing her new song..."Opps I stayed up all night".  

How Judy Cervone spent her vacation -- My plan was to spend most of my week off doing those things that you never have time to do and work on my pictures. My "To Do List" was long, and I had years and years worth of pictures to do. Well, on Monday, Carolann, Daddy and I drove south and spent the day in Atlantic City-all three of us love the thrill and we only lost a "little". On Tuesday I picked up the Coco’s (Jill, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew) and we checked into a hotel in Westchester. We spent the afternoon in the pool and the evening and night at Rye Playland. (Carolann and Adam Elias and their extended family joined us.). On Wednesday morning after a swim and breakfast, we drove to Plainview, buckled in Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia, and spent the day at The Atlantis Aquarium in Riverhead. I stayed home on Thursday and was actually getting a few things accomplished. I thought I would be on a roll for the next few days. On Thursday night I heard that Friday’s weather would be perfect and that my cousin would be at her waterfront home on the Peconic Bay. I immediately made plans with Wendy, Gianna, Anthony and Olivia Pelliccia and Cheryl, Nicholas and Renee Hydo to spend the following day boating and relaxing on the beach. What a way to spend a week of chores. Why do today what you can do some other time?

Ever take an Italian vacation? You know yourself and 100 of your closest relatives.  Craig, Kristina, and Corey Monteforte, Laura, John and Nicole Vingara, Bill, Dani, and Billie James and Denise Mitterando took our Annual Lake Anna Vacation.  This year we moved into our rented five-bedroom house for the last week in August.  Of course we were joined the next day by Richie and Dee Mitterando, Laurie Monteforte, Robin Ingenito, Robert, Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer and other friends that included: Chris, Dave, Kendra, Leslie, Bill, Morgan, Ed, Lisa, Bonita, and her brother, Robert's son, Rhea, and her son Charlie.  Of course, we really added to the real estate value, as we did make some of them bring tents and campers!  We had a blast in the water and "Cousin Richie" even taught us all how to play Bocci.  A great time was had by all... some of them even promise to come back again this year... when we repeat our trip.  So if you all aren't doing anything the last week in August, join us for the long weekend...and visit... just don't forget your tent!



Just incase you all forgot.... Laurie Monteforte is 60 this year!!!

Happy 50th Birthday to Bill "Ingenito" James - Enjoy the day with your family and friends. We wish you many more... and a great year full of lots of successes ahead!


Ronald Cervone turns official! He celebrated his 21st birthday in November.


Once again, we have a teenager in our family, Danielle turned 13 on March 1st."Stay as sweet as you are!" Love Grandma & Grandpa.

Melanie Rose Cervone celebrated her fifth birthday at McDonald's playground. She enjoyed seeing all her cousins, but most of all she liked the secret "locking" chair surprise. Thanks to all for coming.


Nicole Margaret Cervone's first birthday was celebrated at her godfather’s (Larry Blauvelt) home. Balloons, decorations, food and family made for a ONEderful birthday! Thank you Kim and Larry for a great day.


Happy first birthday to Olivia Mitterando.


Nicholas Mitterando celebrated his first birthday in January!



Richard & Dolores Mitterando will be moving to Lopatcong Township, Warren County, New Jersey. The new mailing address will be as of July 15th.(Perhaps sooner!) Late edition editor’s note: June 18th! They will be in!)

Richard & Dolores Mitterando

507 Rugby Road

Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Phone: n/a

After twenty-five years, the Cervone’s are planning to relocate for a house more suitable for everyone’s needs.


Ronnie and Lynn Cervone are in the process of selling their Pennsylvania home and moving back to NY. Good luck guys.



The first of the Cervone grandchildren, Adrienne, is getting married October 13th.



Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary to Bobby and Judy Mitterando



Not wanting to be out done by his brother, Jim and Julie Mitterando quickly went to work, and now are expecting their first bambino in July. Great going doctors! We miss you guys this year!



Congratulations to Jimmy and Kim Vingara on the birth of Morgan Taylor born August 9th 2001 -  It's great to have a baby cousin for Nicole!


Rich and Maria Mitterando welcomed Isabella Rose Mitterando into the family on January 17, 2001 (9lb 14oz). She is a very happy baby who is now rolling and "cooing." Olivia, her big sister who is going to turn two in September, helps out with the baby's bottle and by sharing her toys. She calls Isabella - "Baby Bella".


Christina Marie Hydo was born on March 25, 2001, on her daddy’s birthday. She weighed 8lbs. 5 0z. She may have been a gift for her dad’s birthday, but she is also a gift to all who love her.


Adam Elias became a grandfather in December. His daughter Rhonda had a baby girl, Mya. He was there in Syria for her birth, and when asked how much did she weigh, he replied "the usual".




Welcome back to the Powers and Webers. We missed you at the 2000 picnic; after so many years of friendship dating back more than 50 years. Dolores was too sick to attend but daughter Diane and fiancé planned to come. After entering the park, but before reaching the parking lot (both riding bikes); they were cut off by a speeding motorist causing Diane to fall from her bike, face down. Except for a park employee, no one came to his or her aid. He called for an ambulance that took her to emergency where she was treated and released. None of us at the picnic were aware of it.


Pep and Margie Cervone postponed their trip to Florida in March. Pep required daily chemo treatments. His latest cat scan shows no change in condition and will continue the treatments.

Cousin Richie Mitterando had a couple of Angioplasties this past year. One being two days before Christmas, which didn’t make for a happy holiday season! He is doing much better, and he stopped smoking in December.




We were lucky enough to not lose a precious family member this year.



"Starbright" Nicole Vingara came to visit her "Grandmudder" (Laurie Monteforte) in Maryland for a family celebration. Nicole has a pet hamster (Bitsy) and a pet rabbit (Fluffy). The pets are part of the family and travel with them. One evening, Nicole came over to Grandma (who was sitting on the couch knitting a christening blanket) and with a very quiet voice, said, "The rabbit ate the curtains." I was not sure (disbelief) what Nicole had said and asked her to repeat it. Nicole repeated the same message and very quickly ran back to Laura, who was standing next to Fluffy’s cage. Laura tried to reassure Nicole and said. "Grandma won’t yell at you, you did not eat the curtains." I’m still not sure whom I should yell at for ruining my new curtains.


Veronica Cervone (age 2): When Dicky was leaving he said" Good-bye Joseph" to Jodee, Veronica said "That's not Joseph, that's daddy!" Jodee said "Good-bye Richard" Veronica laughed and said "That's not Richard that's Uncle Dicky!"


"Rainbow" Corey Monteforte (My favorite grandson) and Grandma (Laurie Monteforte) spent a special evening together at the fairgrounds. The Circus was in town and was set up under a big tent. Corey wanted to ride the elephant and climbed up a ladder to get on the huge Indian elephant’s back. It cost $5.00 to go around the ring two times. He asked; "If I only went around one time would it cost $2.50?" We tried the various circus foods and had a great time. Corey liked the human cannonball. There were several acts that were very exciting. I was hoping the lions were well fed, as the enclosure they were in did not look strong or high enough to contain them.


Did you ever hear of the name Franka? Well, when a friend of a friend referred to Veronica as Franka saying "Oh franka is a nice name I haven't heard it in a long time." We all thought it was very funny. Melanie thought the faster you say Veronica the more you may hear Franka. We laughed and laughed.



Please do not send any e-mails to Richie or Dee Mitterando after June 14th as they will be offline and will more than likely have to have a new e-mail address after that. As soon as they are back online, they will send out an updated e-mail address.

Need to update your email address for Lou Mitterando. It’s now

We have entered the cyber world. You can reach Jodee Cervone and all at



Picnic Committee Apology: Robbie Mitterando’s name was omitted as a prior Father of The Year on the 2001 Pick A Pop ballot. Sorry, Robbie.


Uncle Pep - Glad you made it through your latest trial. You are an inspiration to us all.


Irene & Patrick -- Happy you are able to be with us this picnic. Hope next year all of your family can make it.

Happy Father’s Day Dad, Grandpa = Friend, love WTGAO

Theresa Davidson - Keep on plugging away, keep you chin up and your faith in God.  You are a hero in my eyes! When can I come over and do something for you? - Love Laura

If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money on them. Abigail Van Buren

Thank you Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al for the fun visit this January. We always look forward to seeing you two, and you are always welcome. 


We had a great time with Aunt Margie and Uncle Pep who called from Jupiter one Friday and said they were coming to visit the next day!


We’re sending a Special HELLO with hugs and kisses to our Godfather, Godmothers and Godchildren! Love, love, love, WTGAO

To My Big Brother - Sometimes you don't hear it enough...even though I am always talking.... I am proud of who you are, and the fine morals, and examples you provide to your children.  You are their Father of the Year - Every year!!! - Love your not so little sister!


Rabin – I love your CD. I have it in the car with me and I swear I’ve worn out the song "Come In Out of the Rain!" -- Denise

Christian you’re the best. Kimberly

Mother - God bless you and thank him for your taking it in good spirits... when I let the cat out of the bag.  Happy 60th and many, many more! Laura

The most important medicine is tender love and care. Mother Teresa


Janice & Family -- Sorry you couldn't make it.

Bobby & Judy -- Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary celebrated with a great party.

Adrienne and Joe congratulations on your engagement. We are so happy for the two of you. Love Aunt Jill and Uncle Kevin.

It's Quality not Quantity in life that counts - I enjoy a bit of both from you.


Danielle -- We are so happy to hear, you have successfully met the "Leadership, Citizenship, Character, Service and Academic" requirements for membership in the "National Junior Honor Society." We are so proud to also know you have been accepted into the "Wisdom Lane Foreign language Honor society." Mother, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa

Congratulations Adrienne and Joe - We’re looking forward to the Big Day!! AW,UT,GAO

How’s my favorite cousin??!…

When you look at your life, the greatest happiness’s are family happiness. Dr Joyce Brothers



Laura - Thanks for my kitchen cabinets and for being such a big help to me at Christmas. Aunt Dale

To my G,A,O - you make me so happy. I love you VERY, VERY much. XXXOOO - Mommy


Aunt Judy and Uncle Bobby -  Happy 40th and many more.  You both give our family a lesson on friendship, love and com"mitt"ment.  Love Laura


Judy - Last count I had 428 pages done in the year 2001-  Love ya!


Danielle - Congratulations on your induction into the National Junior Honor Society and the Foreign Language Honor Society. We are very proud of you. Mom & Dad

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, and honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia


Denise - Thanks for camping even though you just love to do it in the RAIN! - Laura

Howard and Irene want to wish: Aunt Judy and Uncle Bobby a Happy 40th Anniversary! Laurie Monteforte a Happy 60th Birthday! Billy James a Happy 50th!


Teenagers are people who express a burning desire to be different by dressing exactly alike.

Thank you for the honor Christian, love AW

To my whole family, thanks for being there for me and helping me get through the roughest times in my life. I could not have done it without all of you. I love you all Jill.


Aunt Bridget -- Thank you for making my Sweet 16 cake. It was beautiful and delicious. Kimberly

A grandchild is a miracle, but a renewed relationship with your own children is even a greater one. T. Berry Brazelton


Uncle Larry -- Thank you for all the great times we have with you. We love you. Kimberly, Briana and Matthew

Cousin Jimmy - You give us all a lesson on never giving up.  You are determined to not let much stop you.  Keep up the great recovery. - Laura

The gain is not the having of children; it is the discovery of love and how to be loving. Polly Berrien Berends


Katie -- I enjoy spending time with you. Love ya. Kimberly

The guys who fear becoming fathers don't understand that fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man. The end product of child raising is not the child but the parent.

Thanks, Denise M. for another great job on the newsletter! Dale

To Richie -- The best person in the whole wide world, to whom God has created!    I remember our first date, our first kiss, our very first "I love you’s." I remember how natural it felt to start out together, how comfortable we were despite all the crazy stuff that was happening in the world around us.   I knew I had found a companion for the journey ahead, someone who would stay beside me, no matter how the road turned or where it took us.   More years than I can believe have slipped by us; but I feel the same way now as I did all those years ago.    I feel anything is possible and know we can count on each other.  I want to go on sharing everything on life's journey with you.   Just remember there is a reason for everything, we may not understand it at that time, but with God's help everything will turn out for the best.   We have sure found that out this past year, and I'm sure the years ahead; but together we can conquer the world.  I Love you, always and forever, Dee.


Christian - Thanks for all the wonderful times we have shared together. You are truly my # 1 cousin. Love Briana

Charlie- Thanks for making me blubber when you write me all those mushy e-mails especially the one about helping out a friend! – Laura

Thank you Irene for being there for me and helping me with all the Social Security paperwork when I was too sick to handle it myself. I would have lost all my benefits had it not been for you. I'm so blessed to have a sister like you. I love you, Jan

To my brother Ronnie -- Just wanted to say thank you for being there for me, especially for going with me to N.Y. and holding my hand. Thanks for helping me through one of the toughest times in my life. "I LOVE YOU!" Jill


Laura Vingara and Craig Monteforte just wanted to thank all of you for making this year’s Saint Patrick's Day a blast for our mom, Laurie's 60th birthday. Thank you for sending your photos and letters, so her life album could come to life. Our compliments to the decorating crew for doing a terrific job. Bon-Appetite to the chef for making a meal that tantalized our taste buds. Thanks to Dolly's Follies who apparently can't lie too well, but did their best to keep the surprise a secret. Most of all, an extra huge thank you to our terrific and wonderful guests; who made the night great by sharing the evening with Laurie.


Carolann & Judy -- Thanks for the fun in AC -- blizzard and all !! Jill.


Tigger -- I am so happy that you are my cousin and enjoy the times you come over and hang with us even though I am a pain, but that’s the way I show my love to you! Briana

Nothing I've ever done has given me more joys and rewards than being a father to my children. Bill Cosby

Happy Father’s Day Grandpa! Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew.


Sam - Summer Jam Rules. Lets do it again next year. I had a great time. Love Kimberly.

Hey girlfriend thanks for always being there and being a great friend. Love YA Jill

Congratulations to the Hydo's for adding one more mouth to feed at this year's picnic.   Christina Marie is beautiful!  She can stay with us in New Jersey anytime...just as soon as she likes her bottle!  Enjoy your new miracle! - The Vingara's

Children are on loan from God. Pay attention to whom has been sent to you for care taking. Barbara De Angelis

To Tyler - I Love you – Aunt Jill.

Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet. There's always one determined to face in the opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.

To My Husband Kevin, I am so glad that you are back in my life. Now my world is complete, and I have the marriage and love I have always wanted. I am so glad that I never gave up on you or our love. You have given me so much love and I feel thankful every day since you have been back that now I too have the kind of life that I dreamed of. The best years are yet to come for us honey. I love you with all my heart and never stopped loving you. Thank you for filling my life with love and making my life complete. I never had this with you and it is awesome. Thanks for being my best friend and husband again. Love ya Jill XXXXX


Count fingers, toes and noses, no mistakes.


Uncle Keith - Thank you for the wonderful time I had at your house, and I know that I am always welcomed there. Thank you Virginia for all the fun too. I love you, Briana

JC - Hope that now your life will finally be fulfilled with all your dreams! Love Your Big Sis



Aunt Lynn -- I am glad that you are my godmother and I love you very much (and Uncle Ronnie too). Love Matthew

Jill times have changed, people change but our deep love for each other will never change. This has been proven time and time again. Love ya Coke.


Danielle -- Limp Bizkit Rules!! Kimberly

Daddy - Happy Father’s Day! We love you! Nicholas, Renee and Christina

Happy Father's Day to my endless love, you are a great father, friend and person. I’m so lucky that you love me! Even though we are so busy you always know how to make me feel like the honeymoon isn't over. Thanks for being you!


Sam -- No Authority, O-Town and Scott!!! Kimberly

Uncle Dicky -- I am so glad that you are my godfather. I enjoy the times that we are together and just chilling. I love you, Briana

I wish I knew what I know now, years ago…. I’m not that old, but time has passed and I have missed out on a lot of things. It wouldn’t be anyone’s fault but my own. I thank my parents for remaining close to the family and participating in the gatherings they have had throughout the years. I have heard the stories of this one spending the summer here, and that one spending this amount of time there. There is always good with the bad, but it seems the good times out number the bad by far. I wish I had taken the time to appreciate the older family members before it was too late. From here on in, I know I will try and maximum my time with them in the future. Life is too short. Make sure you take the time to live it to the fullest, and love it with all your heart. I want to take an extra moment to thank the folks that have taken the time to document the family history. As more time passes, it will be more difficult. Love ya all, Denise

WP – Remember, change is good! Everything will be fine- Just Have Faith! Love CA



Uncle Johnny - Guess what? My front walk got fixed!

Laura -- Thanks again for my Dolly Bear. It’s a daily reminder to pray for her.

To all my Aunts who made my Sweet 16 party come true. Thank you and I love you all. Kimberly

Uncle Ronnie -- can I bring you to school for show and tell? Nicholas

Gianna -- You are the weirdest cousin I have. LOL Love ya Kimberly

Kim, Judy & Katie -- Next year we will be the Mothers Ball champions!!!


Mother and Daddy -- I love you. Love Jill

Jill - I will always be here for you. Thanks for waking me up from my deep sleep. Love Coke.


Kimberly, Briana you two have grown so much in so little time, and I am very proud of you for being there for your mother when I wasn’t. Love Daddy.


To my sisters -- Just a note to say I love you, and very grateful you are my family and will always be my family. Love Kevin.


Matthew -- You’re so much like me, I’ll call you Mini-Me. Love ya, Daddy.


Thank you for the honor of being "Father of the Year." I'm very grateful to be part of such a wonderful family. Of course, I want to thank my father and mother for all the love that made me the man I'm today. I just hope that my children will know the same love, respect and support of a family as I do. Even though some of us only see each other once a year, we know that we care enough to stay in touch. In today's fast paced world Family is never too busy. I'm glad to be part of such a great group of people. They are my family. Thanks for all the memories. Happy Father's Day to all! Love, Jodee PS Joseph wants to know "Why isn't there a mother of the year?" I told him good question.

To Ronald & Christian - You have turned out to be wonderful young men, and I am proud to be your godmother. - Love Aunt CA



K & J -- Never underestimate the power of prayer. It worked for us. – Love, Mother


To all of my Brothers -- What can I say but "thanks" from my heart for being there when I wasn’t. Love lots Kevin.


D.M. and L.V. -- You know that you both are partially responsible for my excessive car mileage and bank account debits. However, you also know that I have enjoyed every minute scrapping with you. Thanks for all the great times. J.C.

Hey Jill "What are you going to be doing for the rest of your life?" "You want to hang out with me forever?"


Uncle Johnny - Where is the faggots?? Dale


Ronnie -- Veronica wants to know "When are we going to the Beach?"

To Daddy -- We are so glad that you are back home and we are a complete family now. We love you very much. Happy Father’s Day. Love Kimberly, Briana and Matthew. P.S. We hope you have the best Father’s Day ever. XXXXXX


K.B. I thought you were going to make the hotdogs? J.C.

Irene Berg - Glad you made it this year. Did you bring the potatoes and tomatoes??? Dale


Adrienne and Joe -- Congratulations on your engagement. Looking forward to 10/13. Love, Aunt Judy.

Dad -- We love you very much. Hope you have a Happy Father's Day! Love Jodee and Maureen

Happy Father’s Day to my godfather, Uncle Larry. Love Nicole

Happy Father's Day Grandpa Pep, we love you! Joseph, Melanie, Veronica & Nicole

We love our Mastic Beach summer vacation. We can't wait for July!!!!!!! Why don't you try a mountain getaway sometime? You know you’re always welcomed. Fall is Beautiful! Love, Jodee, Maureen, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica & Nicole


Richie, Dee, Ernie, Joan -- What have you been up to lately? We miss the fun times we had with you.

Happy Father’s Day to my godfather, Uncle Dicky. Love, Veronica

Laura -- Thanks again for my Dolly Bear. It’s a daily reminder to pray for her.

Thank you Ronnie and Lynn for the wonderful photo album of Mastic. We don't have much extra time, so your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. See you at the beach. Love, JMJMV&N

Uncle Ronnie -- Happy Father’s Day to my godfather - Love Renee

CA -- Hope my new car comes with autopilot to Atlantic City!


Dee - Really think about Aunt Judy’s offer!! Love Aunt Ca



Briana -- Enjoy the Aerosmith show - I Love you - Your Godmother


Uncle Bob and Aunt Judy - Sorry I couldn’t join you for your big anniversary. Congratulations and many, many more. Dale

Would the real Carolann Elias please stand up!


C.H, L.B, C.B. -- You lose. Better practice for the Mothers Balls rematch! J.C

To Ronald --*** Remember us?? We miss you so much and love you. Grandma and Grandpa

To Carolann, Judy, Kim, Wendy and Cheryl -- Thanks for the great Sweet Sixteen party you gave Kimberly. She was so very thrilled. Thanks, Love Jill & Kevin

Happy 40th anniversary to Bobby and Judy and thanks to their lovely family for including us on that special day


Katie, Carm, and Mary Kay -- Your coverage of the trip to Italy was magnificent. I’ve read and reread it a dozen times.

To all of the Cervones & Mitterandos. Happy Father’s Day and Good health to all. This is going to be a great year for all of us. Love Kevin & Jill.


Dee Dee -- Good luck on your new job. Now, when do you start your first vacation?


Mother thanks for never giving up on me. You have great strength and courage, which has definitely been passed down to my wife. Thanks. Love Kevin.




Ronnie thanks for being there when I was not. Blood is thicker than water, and I’m glad to have you as my friend and brother. Love ya Kevin.


Sissy - Love Those Trips Down South! Dinka



KB & LB – Thank you for all your generosity! Love CA


To Charlie -- Thanks for all the help at Kimberly’s party and for always taking the time for my kids, especially Matthew "I Love You" Jill

Who’s a big Doink?



Mother and Dad thanks for letting me back in your home and hearts, you have never left mine. Love Kevin.


Aunt Cheryl -- Thank you for all the wonderful and great times we have shared and have done together throughout my life. I am very grateful that you are my godmother, it means a lot to me. I love you very much. Briana

Tony -I miss my coat-check job! Do they miss me?

Mom & Dad – Best of luck in your new home! I can’t believe I will not have a reason to drive down Baker Avenue any longer. We had many good memories and some sad ones at that house. Hopefully we will create many new ones at your new one! Love ya, Denise

Katie Blauvelt -- I enjoyed our outing to Westchester Broadway Theatre for lunch and to see the performance of The Sound Of Music but can’t understand why you kept stopping me from singing the songs on the way home! Aunt Judy.

For all who turned out at Jones Beach to honor us on Mother’s Day…..THANX.


Laura and Craig – The party for your mom was super. We wish her many, many more.


E & J M. -- Forever my special friends! Wish we could spend more time together! J.C.

Hope you enjoyed your Sweet Sixteen KIMBERLY, we really did. Love, JMJMV&N

Dad -- I’m envisioning a nice patio set for that screened in porch that we can scrapbook on! -- Denise

To my wonderful family and friends all over the world…


If I knew it would be the last time that I’d see you fall sleep,

I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.


If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door,

I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.


If I knew it would be the last time I’d hear your voice lifted up in praise,

I would videotape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.


If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say, "I love you," instead of assuming, you would KNOW I do.


If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day,

Well I’m sure you’ll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.



For surely there’s always tomorrow to make up for an oversight,

And we always get a second chance to make everything right.


There will always be another day to say, "I love you,"

And certainly there’s another chance to say "Anything I can do?"


But just in case I might be wrong and today is all I get,

I’d like to say how much I love you and hope we never forget.


Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,

So if you’re waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?


For if tomorrow never comes, you’ll surely regret the day,

That you didn’t take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss,

And you were too busy to grant someone what turned out to be their one last wish.


So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear.

Tell them how much you love them and that you’ll always hold them dear.


Take time to say "I’m sorry," "please forgive me," "thank you," or "it’s okay."

And if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets about today.


Love ya all – Dee Mitt from Jersey

Congratulations to Adrienne and Joe on their engagement. Best of Luck! Love, JMJMV&N

Rick & Denise – I’m so glad that I now have a little nephew to spoil and play with! How about a little sister for Nicholas? When does he get to come hang out with Aunt Denise?

Happy 40th Anniversary Uncle Bobby & Aunt Judy! Love, Jodee, Maureen and Kids


E.C. -- You know you are my special godchild; after all you were #1. Aunt J.

Would someone please explain to Cousin Carm what a Perdue Oven Stuffer Roaster is.


Daddy, we think you are FATHER of the YEAR every minute of the year. You play Nintendo with me. You drive me to school. You push me on the swing. You tickle me. Everybody knows Real Dads do diapers. You do so much more. We are so proud of you, now and forever. We love you, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica, and Nicole

Thank you Melanie Cervone. Your celebration on April 1 was my first McDonald’s birthday party experience. Love, Aunt Judy.


Dee Dee -- You have grown into a beautiful young woman. Happy 21st Birthday! Go Girl! Love Jodee and Maureen

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM WOODLOCH PINES: Management reserves the right to restrict the number of servings of ice cream per guest to 28 per stay. Violators may be prosecuted and or banned.


Cervone’s -- Remember the time we played Chinese Fire Drill at a tollbooth? Ronnie bolted from his car with a bat in hand thinking he had to protect us. Who was there and when and where was it? Judy

To my Godchild Samantha - Just wanted to say I love you Aunt Jill


Uncle John Mitterando’s Biography

These are a few memories I can remember. I was born February 24, 1925. I don’t remember being born, but I know I was born on New York Avenue in Newark, New Jersey. Grandpa lived two blocks away on Walnut Street. They lived upstairs with Aunt Molly and Uncle Nap. Uncle Jule and Aunt Chet lived downstairs. Uncle Ralph and Nutch not far away. Pop moved us to East Orange for a year. He worked for Con Edison in The Bronx, so we moved there to Fuller Street. We all went to P.S. 12 a mile away.

I remember Marie had to see we all went off to school. Our principle, Dr Candon, was connected with the Lindbergh kidnapping case. Pop bought a 1932 Nash for work. He built a wooden bench to fit in the back seat for us to sit on. Once he drove us to New Jersey and Ellen sang the same song all the way home "Boys and Girls Are Lincoln." Pop belonged to the Foresters of America and campaigned for LaGuardia for Mayor of New York.


Marie met Charlie Ceo. She would take me to watch him play baseball and mom sent me to watch Marie! (I was a brat then.) Pop met some friends from Connecticut (Calandrelli’s). Ellen and I spent our summers at their home. Their son, Joe, taught me to play the guitar. We also spent summers at Aunt Frances’ home in New Jersey. I played with Philip and Stanley.

I remember Mom sent us by trolley car to Fordham and Arthur Avenue to Biscard’s Butcher for skinny sausage. Then we went to the freight yard for Pop’s grapes to make his wine in the cellar. He met the Carpenteirs and Gumba Sabatelli and they would play cards for wine.

Pop decided to move around the corner in DiNapoli’s house. Sonny and Bill went to work for Western Union delivering telegrams by bike. Dolly had a few boyfriends. Bobby was born in 1939. Mom would buy the "Hit Parade" every week. At night we would sing all the old songs on the piano. I remember Pop bought a 1938 Plymouth like new.

Gumba Sabatelli found a two-family house on Lafayette Avenue and Pop bought it. He rented upstairs to the McDermott’s. Next-door were the Anzalones, the other side the Planticohs. There was a midget auto race track two blocks away. I can remember Sonny getting into the crib with Bobby. We went to P.S. 36, one mile away.


Margie met Pep and Ellen met Al. Dolly met Jack Lao, and they were married. She lived around the corner and had Laurie. Bill met Sadie and Sonny went with her sister Norma. I went out with her younger sister Marie. Sonny got engaged and worked in New Jersey.

We went to War on December 7, 1941. Charlie was the first to be drafted. Bill went in 1942 in December. He married Sadie. Sonny went into the Air Force in 1943. Al went into the Navy in 1943 and Pep in 1943. I came home one night and Pop told me Sonny was killed in an airplane over New Mexico, March 27, 1944. After 11 days they bought his body back home to The Bronx. He had the first military funeral in The Bronx. He was buried in St. Raymond’s Cemetery with honors.


Charlie married Marie. They lived in Park Chester. She had Irene and Janice. Bill, Pep and Al came home in 1945. Margie married Pep in 1946 (Carolann’s my Godchild!) was born in 1947. Dickie in 1948. They lived in a Quonset Hut, then they moved to Castle Hill Avenue over the Deli. Judy, Ron and Michael were born there. Then Pep bought the house on Norton Avenue. Jill, Kim, Wendy, Jodie and Cheryl were born there. I married Jenny in 1947. I lived in Pop’s house. We had Johnny Boy and Thomas on Lafayette Avenue. Ellen and Al married in 1948 and lived on Castle Hill Avenue. Joyce was born in 1954, Skipper in 1958. Dolly married Bill Ingenito in 1958. She had Dale, Billy and Robin. They lived on Quimby Avenue. I worked for Bill setting tombstones. I also drove him crazy!

Mom and Pop moved to Mastic Beach. Bobby went to William Floyd Elementary School and graduated from Center Moriches High School in 1958. I remember his room in the attic at 36 Knapp Road. We all built the famous "Screen House." Mom loved it more than the house. I started to play music nights at the Silveredge, Paradise Inn and Idle Hour. I called Dolly many nights to sing with me then. She wouldn’t go home.

I was divorced in 1955. Bob and Judy were married in 1961 and I was their best man. I met Jessie at the Idle Hour and fell in love with her. She made me stop going out! We were married in 1956 and lived on Castle Hill Avenue. Mom came in to see Ellen in 1958. She had a stroke and she never could speak again. Randy was born the same day. I built my house in Mastic Beach in 1962. Bobby built his home in 1963. They had Robbie, Ellen, Nancy and Billy-John.

I commuted to the Bronx for three years from Mastic Beach. The bridge was fifty cents then. Jessie found a job and I started working for Durable Fuel Oil Company in Mastic Beach for five years, then I became employed with the Mastic Beach Fire Department. Randy met Mary in 1986 and they were married in 1988. They lived here on Knapp Road. Steve was born in 1993. I retired in 1995. Andrew was born in 1998. Well that’s some of the memories I have of my life. There is a lot more… I can’t remember it all now. I am 76 years old and intend to keep going, so enjoy my memories up till now. Love Uncle Johnny

I (Dale Ingenito) remember so many great times on Grandpa's boat (the Rebel). I also remember how many fishing rods I dropped over her side. It seems my father always had to go out and buy me a new one. One time Uncle Bob decided he wanted to go water skiing behind the boat. He put my mother in charge of steering him. She had the throttle up so high, the boat was going too fast and Uncle Bob was having great difficulty staying afloat. He kept yelling to her to slow down...but by that time, he was getting mouthfuls of water and wasn't making much sense...and my mother thought he was just clowning around. She almost drowned him! Later it was her turn to jump into the water and take a swim. She found it was alot easier to jump off the Rebel than to get back in. The grown-ups all tried to hoist her back in, but she was laughing so hard she kept falling back in. Eventually, she was able to compose herself and be rescued.

I (Kim Blauvelt) could never forget the band practice that my brothers had at Norton Ave. I loved it, but always wondered how Mother could concentrate on anything. Well, I found out through experience. Christian now has band practice with his friends at our house. Adults wonder how I can stand the noise. I so enjoy hearing the talents of the boys who come to our house to jam. I would prefer to hear the music of The Rascals, but Limp Bizkit seems to be the preferred artist. Drums and guitars are so much a part of our home, that it has become part of the routine. We are so happy that the boys in the band have a place to call their own, and they even let Larry join in at times, too. The tradition lives on and it was Mother who helped give us this appreciation for music and the enjoyment that you receive from your own children.



If anyone is looking to adopt a kitten or cat see Karen or Bill Mitterando. They're going fast, so don't delay.

Recipe for the BEST RUM CAKE ever.

1 or 2 quarts rum 1 cup dried fruit

1 cup butter 1tsp.soda

1 tsp. Sugar lemon juice

2 large eggs brown sugar

Before starting, sample the rum for quality. Measure the ingredients. At this point, check rum. To test, pour one level cupful of rum into glass and drink it as fast as you can (to make sure the temperature is the same on the bottom as on the top. In an electric mixer, beat one cup butter. Add one seaspoon of thugar and beat again.Meanwhile you must memember that you can nut have a happy clake unless you too are happity ….So got with it and have anuther slug of rum. Open second quart if necessary.Add two arge leggs , 2 cups of fruid druit and beat hell out of it . Don’t worry if druit gets stuck ,just pry it loose with drew scriber.Now is a good time to sample the rum for tonscistency .

Next ,sift 3 cupses of pepper or salt (I forgot which ,but it really don’t matter)try em both and see witch you like best.Sample rum again – rembur,be happy,happy.Sift ½ pint lemon jooce. Fold in chopped butter and strained nertz, add 1 babblespoon os brown thuggar or wha evervi colur you find. Wix mell, grease oven and turn cake pan to 350 gredees centergradheight. Now ,pour the whole mess into the coven and ake. Check out the ol rum again and yew better bo to ged now and letter bake.


Take the time out today to look at the Mitterando Family Scrapbook. It is sitting on the table with the picnic kitty. We have pictures dating back to some of the first picnics, including the invitations! How exciting is that? See the children and the young at heart from previous years!


Genealogy forms are available at the table please fill out one for everyone in your family. If anyone would like a copy of the Mitterando Family file please see Irene. The file will work in many different Genealogy programs.


 Janice and Irene have removed the Genealogy link from the Mitterando Web Site. We will be replacing it when we find a secure web site, one that is password protected so only family members will have access.


 25th MITTERANDO REUNION COUNTDOWN -- The Mitterando 25th Reunion will be June 15, 2002. It’s never too early to start making your plans to attend. Start now to talk or shame every Mitterando into attending. How about putting something extra in our kitty so we can plan a special blast next year!? Please feel free to make any suggestions to the Picnic Committee.


"The Mitterando Newsletter’s" 12th anniversary!?

Once again, please forgive all the errors, I’m a terrible proof-reader!


The End

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