The 2000 Newsletter

by Denise Mitterando

Welcome to the "23nd" Annual Mitterando Father's Day Reunion.


On June 19th, the last year of the 20th Century, the Annual Family Reunion topped all others.

So many failed to sign the register, but we were able to account for 161 people.

Irene Berg (nee Ceo) and Janice Behrbom (nee Ceo) flew up from Florida. Also, from Florida were John and Thomas Restivo (Uncle Johnny’s sons from a previous marriage) with Tom’s wife Keitha and daughter Jaclyn. Ironically, Uncle Johnny was not there. He was hospitalized at the time.

The Maryland Crew consisted of Laurie; Dale (Ingenito) and daughter Jackie; Craig’s children, Kristina and Cory; Katie Ratigan and sons Mike and John with their wives Michelle, Linda and children, and daughter Mary Kay.

Ronald Cervone traveled from North Carolina on a Naval leave, while his parents, Ronnie and Lynn, and sisters, Erika and Samantha, drove from Pennsylvania.

Drs. Jim and Julie Mitterando put their patients on hold in Massachusetts to attend the picnic.

Dale Ingenito’s faithful friend, Mary Alice, made the trip from Rhode Island and Joyce and Glenn (nee LaRocca) Corvino motored up from Virginia.

Festivities started at breakfast with Al LaRocca and Pep Cervone doing chef duty, while Skip LaRocca, Tony Pelliccia, Charlie Hydo and Ronald Cervone raked, cleaned and rearranged tables. Judy Cervone and her young crew of Kimberly and Briana Coco, Katie Blauvelt, Nicholas and Cheryl Hydo hung banners and signs en route to the park where they put up the Flag, balloons and other decor. (Signs were created by Kimberly and Briana Coco and Gianna and Anthony Pelliccia and thanks to Danielle and Michael LaRocca some 1998 signs were recycled).

It was an all day, eating and playing affair. Foods consisted of the basic franks, burgers, sausage, chicken and the ethnic faccaccio, pastas, chicken and eggplant parmagian, cakes and desserts.

Softball and volleyball was enjoyable for the adults, while the kids did a treasure hunt, pineda or monopolized the playground.


Carolann Elias’ All Male Review was a smash hit, starring Dr. Larry Blauvelt, Kevin Coco, Jodee Cervone, Lou Mitterando, Dr. Jim Mitterando and Mike Ratigan (Joseph Cervone III made his debut) doing a Cowgirl dance to I Feel Like A Woman.

A drum concert followed and last, but not least, "Father of the Year" was honored. The outgoing Dad, Robbie Mitterando, presented the coveted trophy to Dr. Larry Blauvelt. He was thrilled to tears.

We left the park at dusk, with the fires still smoldering and the aroma of BBQ still lingering in the air. Everyone, happy, happy, happy!


Billy Mitt is working at the Arbor Glen retirement community in Bridgewater, NJ doing what Uncle Nappy did many years ago: Driving elderly residents to their medical appointments and shopping.

The Cervone’s of Plainview spent Father’s Day at Larry and Kim’s. His "Father of the Year" trophy was on display for all to see. An airplane flew overhead. Larry, holding his trophy, climbed to the highest point in his yard and proudly shouted to the pilot, "Look, I’m Father of the Year".

The Big New Year’s Eve party was held at the home of Howard and Irene Berg. They had lots and lots of food and champagne and two special guests that made the turning of the century truly a special night. Thank you Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al for sharing New Year’s Eve with us!

After the picnic last year, Laurie Monteforte and Laura Vingara went back to the Hydo house with Nicole, Kristina and Cory for hot baths and showers. They left behind a clogged drain and a ring around the tub.

Al La Rocca’s Submarine schedule for 2000 -- February, March, April, May – school districts – Freeport, Albertson and Port Jefferson; April 8th – unveiling of the 1st Submarine Base Memorial in new Suffolk, Long Island and the Submarine 100th Anniversary Dinner Dance at the Sheraton Hotel Smithtown; May 6th Submarine display North Babylon Post Office; May 27th The source Mall Westbury Submarine Memorabilia on display; May 28th installing American Flags at Pine Lawn Cemetery Veteran’s Graves; May 29th Memorial Day Parade Babylon; June 11th Freeport Town Festival Submarine display; July 4th parade Town to be announced; July 30th Submarine Veteran’s Picnic South Haven County Park; October 5 days National Convention Atlantic City, NJ; November 11th Veteran’s Day Parade Babylon. It’s Been a Busy Year! This is Retirement?


Kim and Larry Blauvelt for many, many years have combined their talents and experience to perfect the Barrister Road Block Party held every Labor Day weekend. Cheryl and Charlie Hydo’s first block party in their new home was held on August 4. It was an open invitation and the family crowd included: Margie, Pep, Judy, Adrienne and Melissa Cervone, Wendy, Tony, Gianna Anthony and Olivia Pelliccia, Ellen and Al LaRocca, and Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie and Tyler Blauvelt. Charlie won the horserace, Judy the basketball free throw (Wendy made it to the second round!) and Margie the best decorated cake (The New York skyline). There was a kids’ activity at each house, gambling (The Block Party theme was Vegas Hotels) and raffles. It was a very humid day but the rain held off. We all echoed Larry when he said "great block party"! (But, Cheryl, where were the hotdogs?)

The Montville Monacos (Karl, Tara, & Kristie) are enjoying their 2nd year in their new house. It's a lot of work, but worth every minute of it!

Craig Monteforte ("Great Son") -- It is hard to keep up with Craig. He is a wonderful dad for Kristina and Corey. He cooks, cleans, shops and is always doing something with/for the kids. Craig also is a certified roller blade instructor. He is wonderful with the kids and even taught them how to knee-board at Lake Anna, Virginia last summer. They all like water sports and Craig has taught them to sail on their sailboat the Kris-Cor.

We have a new politician in the family. Rick Mitterando ran against two incumbents for a Glen Gardner Borough council seat. The election was June the 6th. Rick came out just shy of more votes than the two incumbents combined. It should be a sure win in November! The committee to elect Rick Mitterando put out 150 signs and 200 flyers and cards. The committee is Rick, Denise and Nicholas. Nicholas does not know he is on the committee, or for that fact, he does not even know what a committee is. But he does enjoy the walks and car rides when his mom and dad are passing out the flyers and meeting the voters!

Larry Blauvelt got "an offer he couldn’t refuse" when Jodee and Maureen Cervone asked him to be the godfather of Nicole. Of course, he so proudly accepted!

Do any of you really know Michael Ratigan? If you do, then you would know how really gifted and talented he his. He can imitate any type of ethnic accent, dance up a storm, and will have you rolling on the floor laughing in a few minutes. When you call his home, he routinely changes the answering machine to a different accent so you are really confused. He was recently seen on late night television by cousin Lois Roberts in Pennsylvania. She was laughing so much she called Katie Ratigan to tell her she had seen Mike. (Editor’s Note: What the heck was he on for, and why didn’t a mass e-mail go out to the family to let them know when he was going to be on???)

Dee Cervone and mother Denise Cervone have been working side by side at the Villa Roma Resort. Mom as the cook and daughter as a waitress. They love working together and are having lots of fun. Everyone at the resort gets such a kick out of the mother/daughter team.

After some 40 odd years of being in the landscaping business, "Mitterando landscaping of New Jersey" has come to an end. As of May 2000, Richie sold his business. His doctor told him "It's time to hang it up!" Richie is now in the big retirement club.

The Cervone’s always have a full calendar, but they managed to have a long awaited Clam Bake. The Blauvelts hosted the event on August 21. The lobster, shrimp, clams, mussels and corn on the cob were plentiful. The weather was perfect. The pool and hot tub were open for all to enjoy. Thanks, guys, for another great party.

Only those who know Carolann Elias could believe the things that happen to her. In January, finally aware that her balding tires should be replaced, she decided to drive to Long Island to not only replace her tires but to hang out with her sister Judy Cervone. Carolann had finalized this plan on a Sunday afternoon knowing that the tire stores close at 5:00. They arrived at Sears around 2:30 PM, decided on the 4 tires to buy and were told that the car would be ready in an hour and 15 minutes. They shopped for an hour and had made plans to have an early dinner. When they got back to the tire shop they saw that the car was on the lift but the tires had not yet been replaced and that there was a lot of commotion around her car. It turned out that for over an hour they were still looking for the key to unlock the wheels. With their assistance, the key was found in the glove compartment. They didn’t think much of it at the time and decided to just sit and wait. They waited and waited and waited. Finally they were told it was ready and found the car parked near the exit. Judy got in the passenger side but Carolann was unable to open her door. She demanded to know what had happened. She asked anyone and everyone around but did not get any answers. Finally she spoke to a manager who could only tell her to call in the morning and had someone take a hammer to take out enough of the dent to be able to close the door. Two blocks away from Sears, she discovered that the interior lights were not working and turned around to demand to find out what they had done to her lights. That part turned out to be a switch that had been simply been turned off. We finally had our "early" dinner three hours later than planned and Judy vowed never again to shop for anything with Carolann again.

Michael Cervone has made it to the " Bethel Woodstock Museum" for his performance in 1994 with Eddie and David Brigati (of the Rascals). There's a nice photo display with many pictures taken by Richard Cervone of that wonderful day commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Woodstock. You can visit the museum's website at


The Blauvelt’s were "In a New York State of Mind" for the new Millennium as they celebrated "In the Middle of the Night" at Madison Square Garden. As you may know, Larry’s brother, Howie, played with Billy Joel in the band, The Hassles. The day after Christmas, Billy Joel’s office called to say that Billy was giving us 6 tickets for his New Year’s Eve concert. It was a terrific concert and a celebration that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Charles Berg has returned to NEW YORK!!!!! He had a momentary lapse of judgment and lived in Iowa for a year. Chuck surprised his parents, James and Starr by driving to Florida for James and Starr’s wedding. He brought along a very nice young lady named Dana who is cute, funny and brings out the best in him. She does have this strange desire to wear blue wigs from time to time!!

After the wedding they drove up to New York to visit some friends and Chuck interviewed for a job and got it! He is the Senior Systems Administrator at Primary Knowledge a data mining company located in the Wall Street area. They drove back to Iowa packed up and moved. They are living in a wonderful apartment in Jersey City, a converted factory building with a great view of Manhattan. Good Luck Chuck and Dana we miss you!

Dolores Mitterando "showing off" All her friends have this habit of always having pictures of their grandchildren with them! So thanks to you, Denise, I have a dog lover's delight book of Butterscotch, which she loves to show off. And now with "Creative Memories," she has a Gram-ma brag book of Nicholas. It is one of the highlights of her day when meeting with friends to show him off! Denise, thank you so much for doing this for me! I love ya so much! Mom

Briana Coco overcame her fear and joined Jill, Kevin, Kimberly and Matthew Coco, Judy Cervone, Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie and Tyler Blauvelt, Jimmy, Ellyn, Jennifer and Jessica Middleton, Scott and Sunny Sheppard, Genero and Billy down the mighty Nissiquogue River. Six canoes started out early on July 21, a day that started out sunny and hot. Kim had been sure to pack the water guns for the kids. Larry, the biggest kid of all, incited a water gun fight that included shooting innocent standby canoers. They snacked and laughed their way down the river. They docked at the park (without any canoes overturning). The kids jumped off the docks and played in the park. They set out for the next leg of their journey down the river for lunch at the beach. Many had their minds set to swing on a rope from a tree on this beach into the river. Soon, the sky darkened and they saw lightening in the distance. Could they out canoe the storm? They decided to stroke real fast and head for the beach. They had weathered the storm without loss of life considering they were under trees, on a beach and near water and metal canoes. They ate and ate and ate, swam in the river and some dared jump off the rope into the river - including 5 year old fearless Tyler. They canoed the last leg of the journey in the sun, laughing and fooling around and wanting it not to end. Now, tell the truth…how many of you had brown bathing suit bottoms from the lightening storm adventure??? The next excursion is scheduled for July 22. But no fear, Santa gave Christian a lightening rod for Christmas just in case.

The annual Apple Picking/Tri-Birthday Bash was held on Saturday, September 18. Our day began with a tailgate breakfast at Wilkens Farms. Family and honored guests included were The Plainview Cervone’s: Margie, Pep and Judy; The Elias’: Carolann, Adam, Tate, Nart, Nouras and Hebhah; The "original" Mahopac Cervone’s: Melissa, David, Jimmy, Mrs. Melli, Louise and Tricia; The PA Cervone’s: Ronnie, Lynn, Erika and Samantha; The Coco’s: Jill, Kevin, Kimberly, Briana and Matthew; The Blauvelts: Kim, Larry, Christian, Katie, Tyler, Scott Sheppard and Sunny; The Mahopac Cervone’s: Maureen, Joseph, Melanie and Veronica; The Pellicia’s: Wendy, Tony, Gianna, Anthony and Olivia; The Hydo’s: Cheryl, Charlie, Nicholas and Renee; The LaRocca’s" Ellen, Al, Danielle and Michael. Carolann was the "official debugger". After they had enough food and drink they hopped (some were lifted, young and old) on the tractor to the orchards. We picked and shook apples from the trees and just hung out, laughing and talking. They departed a couple of hours later for the birthday celebration for Briana Coco, Gianna Pelliccia and Samantha Cervone at the "Original Cervone Mahopac Mansion". Bridget and Dick Cervone sacrificed the apple picking part to do the birthday preparation. The temperature was in the mid 70’s and sunny. Michael, Dee and Jodee Cervone joined the festivities later at "The Mansion". Laura, John and Nicole Vingara stopped by to join in on the festivities and to shower. (Hurricane Floyd had visited a few days earlier and they were without water). A buffet of deviled eggs, quiche, humis, linguini with clam sauce, tacos, chicken and rice, potato salad, tossed salad and chicken cutlets was soon open. As tradition dictates, they played touch football (this time in mud) and the girls danced and did their gymnastics. Bridget and Dick involved all the kids with a "Giving Tree". The birthday girls, Samantha, Briana and Gianna opened up their many, many gifts and Bridget, of course, made her famous and beautifully decorated birthday cake. Thanks to "The Original Mahopac" Cervone’s for another fabulous party.

After Richie and Dee Mitterando's dog sitting for twelve years for our granddog Butterscotch.(Denise's dog) Butterscotch now has competition with Nicholas.

This past spring, Craig Monteforte visited one of the largest music stores in the Washington, D.C. area. Knowing that Jaclyn Shafer was very interested in trying some professional-grade, all wood clarinets, he invited her along. She found one that she fell in love with. Her cousin Craig thought it was such a great deal that he plunked down $20 of his own money to hold the clarinet. He had the salesperson make the bill out to Dale Ingenito to the tune of $1,800! Thanks, Craig!

Remember the sensational "Martyrs" featuring Dicky Cervone and Donnie Fury? Well, Donnie still plays a mean guitar to this day and has just releasee a CD called Retro/ Active, which has Michael Cervone playing drums on 2 songs. See Michael for more info.

Cheryl Hydo may not go out to work, but is quite busy caring for her own two children as well as an extra two (sometimes more). It is a great way to stay home with the kids and make money too!

Congratulations to Skip and Cathy La Rocca on the party they gave for Michael’s First Communion.

Billy Mitt has announced that his company, Silent Transportation Inc., is up for sale! He hopes to make a hefty profit and retire to Florida.

Who says Saturn cars won't dent- just ask Craig Monteforte- He spent a recent evening at Aunt Dale's drinking too much of Randy Perrin's moonshine. When he left that evening he accidentally backed into Aunt Dale's parked Saturn, leaving a tell tale sign that drinking and driving don't mix!

Adam Elias couldn't go to see his family in Syria this year, so they came to visit Carolann and Adam over here!! They now have his brother, Munir, wife, Faiza and three little darlings - Nancy (6), Murad (5) and Fafo (3) living with them since December. It certainly is interesting!!

This type of thing only happens in the moves, but it happened to Denise Mitterando in this case and it wasn’t a warm, fuzzy romance movie – more like "Nightmare on Elm Street!" Denise had the honor of standing up for Jimmy and Kim Vingara. It was a very small ceremony by the Justice of the Peace. Denise had convinced Kim (a fellow scrapbooker) the importance of having someone at the ceremony to take pictures. Well the time came and Denise loaded a fresh roll of film in her camera just before going into the courthouse. The film felt funny when she placed it in the camera, but it advanced. The judge came out and away we went. Denise went to click the first picture and – nothing! The film wouldn’t advance. In a panic she opened the camera and tried to push the film. After a minute the judge turned around and said you can take pictures. Meanwhile there is Denise with the roll of film in her hand stretched out with tears in her eyes saying, "My camera jammed!" Kim and Jim said it was okay, but Denise couldn’t have any of that!!! The judge was so nice, he gave Denise directions to the nearest store so that she could run over and get another roll of film and a disposable camera too (just in case). He recreated the event when she came back so that Jimmy and Kim could have some pictures! Now is that a scrapbooker’s nightmare or what?

Note to all you former Bronxites: The Castle Hill Beach Club has been dug up and is being replaced by condos.

Richie and Dee Mitterando will be sending out "change of address cards" in the near future. After residing at Baker Avenue, Berkeley Heights for twenty seven years plus, they are now out looking for a new home some where in New Jersey.


Don't Give Coup Billy Mitt Jr. any lobster He'll PASS OUT, like he did at a City Island restaurant last year.

Irene Berg, and sister, Janice Behrbom are taking Yoga lessons with the goal of becoming human pretzels. They are growing and moaning from the workout.


Congratulations to Glenn Corvino for being elected a director of the Board Property Owners of Blue Water VA.

Congratulations to Laurie Monteforte for receiving a promotion at work. She is now Manager of Office Services.

Dr. Jeanne Mitterando will finish her residency at Somerset Hospital this June, and will be seeking a position in NJ. YOU GO GIRL! WELL DONE! WE ARE ALL VERY PROUD OF YOU!

Howard Berg got a well-deserved promotion to Network Administrator at Saint Leo University.


Andrew Mitterando's favorite thing is a purple ball that he sleeps with and that he eats with. The first thing he says everyday when he wakes is "Gem me me ball. Me ball mama me ball!!!!!" Mary is sure he will be going into politics when he grows. While waiting at the bus stop daily, he waves and throws kisses at all who pass by. How does ANDREW J MITTERANDO FOR PRESIDENT SOUND?????

Kara Monaco enjoyed her first year in gymnastics, her teacher said she "has no fear," we are not sure if that is good, but she does have a great time there.

Colleen Ratigan is the family’s super "lady" athlete. She plays a smart game of soccer and actually scored a goal last week. Everyone was all excited -Colleen's comment, "Really, it was only a goal". Dirty uniforms are unacceptable, and she would much prefer to dance and put on a new outfit. Now this kid is only seven, but she can make the "best dressed" list every school day. If her socks do not match the outfit, she will change the entire outfit. Now this kid definitely does not take after her grandmother. When Grandma Katie Ratigan was growing up, if her socks did not match her outfit, that was tough. She probably did not have another pair of socks, and certainly did not have another outfit!. Aunt Antonetta probably would have said, "Whatsa' matta' you gotta shoes ona your feet and cleana' underwears -- youse is a lucky kid -- now be quiet and eata your pasta! Ah! those were the days. Katie’s petticoats were made of bleached flour sacks. You may laugh, you fools, but those were the days. Katie spent summer stuffing tomatoes into skinny coca-cola shaped bottles for canning. We went from one house to another. Talk about slave labor. We spent days doing this stuff and our reward -- maybe -- was an ice cream Popsicle. Katie clearly remembers when she made the "twirling squad" in high school. She was the first Italian on the squad and the following year she made "captain". However, she needed a uniform. Brown for her first year and white as captain. Aunt Antonetta said, "Thatsa nice, You needa money for the uniform, go getta a job". Katie did. (Editor’s note: Since Katie was reminiscing about her school days, I decided to leave this story, which started over changing an outfit in the Kid’s Corner section instead of moving it to "Mitterando Memories!)

Katie Blauvelt had her moving up ceremony from fifth grade last June 24. She was the only student to have perfect attendance during the five years she attended the Sparke Elementary School. She also received The Good Citizenship Award, as well as awards for fitness, band, and science. Now in the Middle School, Katie is continuing to do well, having received principal high honors in the first three quarters. Way to go, Katie. She must take after her mother.

Scott Ratigan, the youngest of John and Linda's children, is four and a half. Grandma Katie knows he is going to be an All American someday. Scott rode his two-wheeler at three, could swim at three and a half, can play golf; and when he played his first soccer game this spring he scored five goals. Scott also likes to eat. (Grandma Katie wonders which side of the family he picked that up from?)

Steven Mitterando is seven going on 20. He is truly a super big brother. He is always looking out for Andrew.

Renee Hydo is now 16 months old and has become quite an independent little girl. She thinks she can do anything big brother Nicholas can do (and sometimes succeeds).

This past year for the Pelliccia Family has been quite busy. ONE year old Olivia is a real doll and tries to keep up with her brother and sister. She’s always on the go. FOUR year old Anthony graduated from Pre-K, TODAY, (Congratulations Anthony!), and starts Kindergarten in Sept. He plays soccer for the Hornets and keeps us going ALL the time. SEVEN year old Gianna had an exciting year in 2nd grade and is playing softball, she’s quite good, (she must take after her mother!)

Melanie Rose Cervone enjoyed her 1st year of Preschool.

Tyler Blauvelt finished kindergarten and showed wonderful progress in the Special Ed class. We are very proud of his accomplishments. His letter and number recognition is age appropriate and he is beginning to write some words phonetically. Go Tyler.

Steven Mitterando was seven years old on January 24th.

Dance recital time has hit the Monaco household, Kara and John-John both hit the stage this year. Kara was a Beautiful Fairy Princess in one recital and a colorful Rubber Ducky in the other, and she had a great time in both. John-John was a tap Dancing Mickey Mouse, maybe we are a little impartial but he was the cutest Mouse Medley dancer.

Patrick Berg who was 12 on Feb 5th and is in the 6th grade at Fox Chapel Middle School, has had a very busy year. He once again received straight A’s all year and received the Superintendents Award. Patrick is taking Band this year and is playing the French horn and plays in the Beginning Band. Patrick looks so cute up there on stage during the concerts. As his mother, I can say that now, but I guess I might not be able to say that next year when he hits those teen years! Having been through it twice before I feel like heading to a bomb shelter and hiding out for a few years.

Danielle La Rocca in June of 1999-graduated elementary school with Scholastic Awards – President’s Award for Educational Excellence, Vocal Music, Certificate of Merit for Art, Physical Education and Safety Patrol. Now in the middle school she is on the high honor roll. We are so proud of you and love you deeply. Keep up the good work.

On May 13th Gianna Pelliccia received her First Holy Communion! After a beautiful ceremony at Our Lady of Mercy, they had a wonderful celebration with family and friends at Pappagallos. Gianna had the time of her life. Thanks to all, it’s a day she will always remember.

Corey Monteforte ("Rainbow") -- Had a very busy year. He is a Cub Scout and is earning his many badges. Dad (Craig) is also busy. He made bird houses so all of the scouts in the troop could assemble and paint them. Corey plays baseball for the Yankees and Dad is a coach-pitcher.

Andrew Mitterando is 18 months old, he has a face of an angel and a smile that could melt the coldest heart. Still Randy and Mary feel they should have named him Dennis, as in menace.

Mike and Michel Ratigan's son, Brendon, is also four and a half, but lives down in sort of "boondocks". They do not have any little league stuff yet, but Brendon knows how to go crabbin', loves to play hockey and has those power ranger games. Brendon also is a chip off the old block.

Steven Mitterando is doing great in karate. He is working on his blue belt now. He enjoys teaching the younger kids new skills.

Veronica Teresa Cervone loves being a BIG sister and a LITTLE sister too.


Michael La Rocca on May 20th made his 1st Holy Communion. After watching his parent’s wedding on video he told his mother he wanted to wear a white tux and tails like his dad wore. However after many shopping trips he settled for a black one. In spite of all the rain, the day turned out great with a party given by his parents. He had his special day.

Stephanie Ratigan is a dynamite athlete. She has been voted the outstanding defensive player on the basketball team and the soccer team -- and she is only ten. She also swims like a fish. This is in addition to maintaining a straight "A" average and has been on the Principal's Honor Roll all year. Does this kid take after her grandmother, or what?

Joseph Paul Cervone graduated from Mahopac Falls Kindergarten Center.

Christian Blauvlelt played football this past fall and ran track in the spring where he took many first and second place finishes. He’s still keeping up the tradition of playing drums, but also enjoys playing the timpani. Christian plays in the school concert band as well as with the Orchestra. He also has been on the honor roll for the last two quarters. He’s turned into a fine young man and should be proud of himself.

Nicholas Hydo (31/2) completed his first year of Pre-school. He loved going each day and looks forward to going to Pre-K.

Jason Peddie will fix your car for free.

Andrew Mitterando will be two on November 10.


Congratulations to Jaclyn Shafer for a great school year. She is on the honor roll and received an award for 100% attendance (fourth year in a row).

Congratulations are in order to Kristina Monteforte; she is going to high school next year. These are the best years of your life - enjoy them a lot!

Christopher Berg turns 18 on June 20th. He has had a very successful senior year of high school and his parents are very proud of him. In the fall he will be a freshmen at Pasco Hernando Community College. His goal is to be a Psychologist. Don’t think we have one of those in the family yet! Just might come in handy!

Jaclyn Shafer was invited to her High School prom. She looked great, and had a wonderful time.


Jacqueline Behrbom, who is turning 16 June 4th, will be acquiring her DRIVER'S LICENSE at said time...ahhhhhh look out world. She is also in the High School Marching Band and Orchestra playing the flute. (self taught, what a kid, we are proud of her).

Jaclyn Shafer continues to be very involved with music at her school. She is a member of the Symphonic Band and also played in the orchestra for the school production, "The Sound of Music". She went on the school band trip (a cruise to Key West) in April.


Laura and Nicole Vingara, Denise Mitterando and Laurie Monteforte went to the Keansburg, NJ’s boardwalk ("shore"). They had a wonderful day. They ate their way up and down the broadwalk. Nicole (fearless) went on the rides. She rode the roller coaster (at least 15 times) with her hands held high in the air. (No wonder why grandmother is getting gray hair). She climbed the "Climbing Wall", and almost made it to the top. Denise was able to find Aunt Molly and Uncle Nap's house at 6 Sunset Street, Beacon Beach. It brought back a lot of wonderful memories. They were truly a "Grand Aunt & Grand Uncle.". They are missed very much.

Last fall the Ratigan’s hosted a family football day down in Maryland. It was the big Navy-Air Force game, and it was played at Redskin stadium. They had the whole day planned -- from the tailgating to the celebration. Ernie and Joan Monaco, Margie and Pep all came down for the big game. Carm Mitterando was also there, but her job was to keep Katie vertical. (This event occurred right after their return from Italy and Katie was unable to walk at the time.) However, the family was really sympathetic, they said, " OK Katie, see ya later, after the game". Katie understands it was great, the midshipmen marched in, and there was a flyover of a stealth bomber and some Navy jets and NAVY won. Can't get much better than that. Now, this year there is a Navy-Rutgers game at Navy stadium. Maybe we can get a bunch of the family down for this one. Ernie and Joanie will be there as their son Robert is the team doctor. Anybody want to come?

The Monaco's from Dumont (John, Noreen, Kara and John-John) enjoyed a fun filled Disney Vacation with Grandma, Grandpa, Joan, Dennis, Gianna and Tina. It was 9 days of fun in the sun. Kara and John-John has such an awesome time, every time we see a commercial for Disney World they ask "Can we go there today?"

Another awesome year was founded at the Annual Beach Camping trip. The weather was hot... the food was great.... and the entertainment was terrific. Laura Vingara rates this year's camping experience two thumbs up. You know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree, Nicole Vingara can dance just like her mom, Laura. The ride out onto the beach was terrific thanks

to Frankie! On the drive home we followed Jodee, Maureen, and the kids - the "back way" due to traffic on the LIE. The trip took us much longer then expected. But we stopped for a much "needed" Mickey D break. We did not let the traffic put a halt to our plans for returning next year. The Vingara's will be back.

Erika Cervone’s 1999 birthday celebration with Godmother Judy included taking in the Broadway play Flash Dance and an overnight stay in a New York City hotel. Plans had been made with Ronald (and a few of his Navy buddies) to drop off Erika at the hotel and we would all take a walking tour of New York City. Aunt Carolann Elias wanted to join the tour, so Judy and Carolann took the Express bus into the City to meet the gang. They visited store after store decorated for Christmas, walked through Central Park and almost made it onto a Hanson Cab. Carolann, Ronald and buddies left later in the afternoon. They had dinner, changed and took a not so pleasant cab ride to the theatre. The show was great. They both enjoyed it. After breakfast the next morning, they walked and walked and finally found the Express bus stop. Unfortunately, Judy never checked the schedule and they had to wait well over an hour for the next bus. Unfortunately again, Judy picked the wrong stop to return to Carolann’s and they needed to call her for a ride. Judy must know Disney’s transportation better than New York City transit. It was a unique experience and a good opportunity to spend time together.

Lake Anna will never be the same since Laura, John, Nicole Vingara, Craig, Kristina, Corey Monteforte, Bill, Dani, Billie James rented a four bedroom house there last summer- Of course our vacation would not be complete without some house guests-which included, Denise Mitterando, Robin Ingenito, Merle Perrin, Randy Perrin, Carol Perrin, and Laurie Monteforte. Most of the adventurous adults and all the dare devil kids knee boarded while we were there. Aunt Laura gave Kristina a sailing lesson; our technique was a bit unusual; Aunt Laura swam, while Kristina sailed, other wise we would have been well below the water line. Everyone enjoyed themselves so much, that we are going back for another week of soaking up the Virginia sun in August!

The Ratigan family (Katie, John and Linda and kids Stephanie, Colleen and Scott; Mary Kay and Mike Boccio; Mike and Michele and Brendon and Carm Mitterando) is once again looking forward to spending vacation at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. This is the fifth year they have done this. It is a lot of fun. Katie Ratigan keeps telling everyone, "Next year I'm going back to the Jersey shore".

In April, Dale Ingenito and Jaclyn Shafer went down to Florida for several days to visit Irene and Howard Berg. They had a lot of fun seeing some of the Florida sights (Dale really enjoyed all the "happy hours" with Irene). Thanks again, for your bedroom, Patrick!


For many years the Atlantic City frequenters, Carolann Elias, Judy Cervone, Kay, Donna and Lisa La Marca (also known as "Pepsickies" ) had talked about cutting down visits to Atlantic City for a bigger and better Vegas. Finally, we made plans to go in May 2000. Soon, Pep and Margie Cervone and Adam Elias decided to join us. We spent 3 nights and 4 days at Treasure Island. They packed in visiting many of the Vegas Hotels, some gambled at each, some took in the amazing sights and some did both. (Judy and Carolann looking for their favorite Monopoly Slots, but never found them). Adam and Lisa dared to ride the Roller Coaster attraction around New York, New York and both came out a little paler. Adam enjoyed a 9-hour helicopter/rafting expedition. We managed to see a show and made a point to meet and sit by the pool daily to make the next plan of action. Carolann and Judy only lost a little bit, so we are going to go to Atlantic City on June 2. Cheryl Hydo and new recruits, Ellyn Middleton and Eileen Borowski are also going.

Mother's Day in Maryland was wonderful day. Dale Ingenito, Jaclyn Shafer, Craig Monteforte and Laurie Monteforte met Laura, John and Nicole Vingara at Baltimore Harbor. The weather was mild, so they took a boat ride around the harbor. They celebrated the day with a Bloody Mary and had a lovely dinner. It was nice spending time with the family.

Trips? Well, I know Jim and Julie Mitterando were all over the place as usual. Stop by and ask them about their travels (since Dad is not going to go into detail here!). Rich and Maria Mitterando, besides having babies, did get a chance to get away to New Orleans this spring. Lou and Norma got to spend sometime in the Carolinas last July visiting Myrtle Beach (anyone interested in a timeshare?), Atlantic Beach, and the Virginia Eastern Shore (Chincoteague Island is a great out of the way place to visit). In May, Norma and Lou did the honeymoon thing (well, its never too late!) and went to Niagara Falls - those Jacuzzi's are great!

Craig, Kristina, Corey Monteforte and Grandma Laurie went to see a ballgame at Camden Yards in Baltimore. The Little Leaguers from the area were invited to walk around the ball field. It was a record crowd at the game in honor of Cal Rifkin receiving a golden bat. The most exciting part of the game was watching Corey and Craig walk around the field. Corey was on national TV dressed in his Yankee uniform.

In August Judy, Carolann, Jill and the kids spent a couple of days in Rehoboth Beach. They took the ferry from Cape May and of course had to stop by A.C. on the way back. They needed to win a jackpot to pay for the vacation! Jill picked the winning machine!!

After last year’s Fire Island camping, Kimberly Coco and Samantha Cervone came back to Maryland with Jaclyn Shafer and Dale Ingenito for a week. The girls learned a new skill… making turkey sandwiches in the back seat of Dale’s car at 65 mph. We enjoyed their visit (even though they cleaned out the refrigerator), and hope they come back again soon.

Al and Ellen La Rocca spent a nice vacation in Jupiter, Florida this past January thanks to Margie, Pep and Judy Cervone.

Dale Ingenito and Jaclyn Schafer visited Howard and Irene in Spring Hill and they all had a great time. Please come again!!

Denise Mitterando had the pleasure of taking a business trip out to Boulder, Colorado last year. This was her first business trip by herself (usually she travels with a group). There was no one to go exploring with, so she decided to head into the Rockies in search of a big black bear or some snow. When she finally reached the ranger station, they told her that she wouldn’t find snow in August at a reachable destination, but the chance was there for the wildlife. As she drove up, she would stop at picture spots snap a picture and continue on to the next spot. After numerous spots and stops, she noticed another girl doing the same thing. They started talking and decided to park one car and drive up together. Good thing Denise did the driving, the girl was afraid of heights. No snow to make a snowball with, but while driving she came across a moose eating a tree on the side of the road!!

In July, Judy Cervone and Carolann Elias took Katie Blauvelt to her baton competition that was held in Ocean City, Maryland. Gianna and Heba also went and they made it into a mini-vacation. Carolann had the task of doing Katie’s hair and make-up and Katie’s coach commented on how perfect she looked. Katie and her two teammates received a gold and first place medal for their routine. It was a memorable trip for all.

A Recap of the Italy Trip by Katie Ratigan

It was a truly wonderful visit. My daughter Mary Kay, my sister Carmella and I visited Italy during the last week of September and first week of October 1999. The main purpose of the visit, as far as I was concerned, was to visit the birthplace and hometowns of my mother (Antonetta) and my father (Raphael - one of the 5 original brothers and Aunt Molly). My mother's town, Palazzo San Gervasio, is located about 50 miles west of my father's birthplace, Grummo Appula. (Grummo is about 20 miles west of Bari on the eastern seaboard). All the preparations for the visit were coordinated with Vincent Primucci, our cousin from Canada. Vincent's mother and my mother, Antonetta, were first cousins. Vincent immigrated to Canada many years ago with the help of my parents. Anyway, in preparation for the visit, I put together a collage of our grandparents (Luigi and Maria), with their six children, and a picture of all the Mitterandos from the 1999 picnic. Also included in the collage, was a U.S. Flag, flown over the U.S. Capitol with a certificate from the office of Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md) certifying that the flag was flown in honor of Luigi and Maria Miterartonto who emigrated from Italy. (Are you with me so far). We also arranged a similar presentation for my mother's family. Prior to our departure, Vincent from Canada had been in telephone contact with the mayor of each of these towns on a regular basis and had, in fact, arranged for us to meet with the town councils for the presentation.

So far, so good. We arrived at Palazzo San Gervasio, met with all the family -- and there are many of them -- ate some wonderful food, had fresh figs every day, visited the family vineyards as well as the cemetery -- and we were required to eat at a different cousin's house each day. Actually, as each day progressed, my Italian became more proficient -- I was actually able to hold a simple conversation without a translator. We met with the mayor and it was an exciting experience. But now, on to the Mitterando side.

On Wednesday or Thursday, I can't remember which -- we departed for Grummo Apula. One thing I neglected to point out is that southern Italy is magnificent. The area we were in is located in a fertile valley at the base of an extinct volcano. It is considered the "bread basket" of Italy. The main products are durham wheat, tomatoes, and olives. The best olives come from the Bari region. The city is Grummo Appula, the Province is Bari, and the Region is Puglia. The countryside is absolutely beautiful, clean, good roads and well off the tourist paths. Few people speak English. Well, we arrive at the City Hall and are met by the Sergeant at Arms and he directs our parking and announces are arrival to the city officials. We are met by the Mayor of the town, a very good-looking man with many gold chains around his neck and many cigarettes being smoked. The place was like a 1940's nightclub with the pall of smoke. But he was genial, friendly and helpful. We waited until 6:30 that evening for the council to convene. In the meantime, we met a real family connection with Mr. Luigi Mitoratonto. We could not communicate with him very well but I will tell you he was around 40 years old, had the Mitterando eyes, said his family was very musical, and had a head of very curly hair. He was really quite handsome and I told him, "Anybody that good looking had to be a member of our family". We also met another couple that was related to us through Grandpa's sister, Lucretia. It was really very exciting.

We were seated in the town council room and proceeded to be introduced to the members and then they launched into a series of stories and presentations -- believe me, these people like to talk -- but you come away with a feeling of honor, pride, respect - they treated us like royalty. The mayor commented, "The best Italians are the ones that leave -- because they have courage, ambition, determination and are seeking a better life". They said they would like to encourage people to come back and visit. As a matter of fact, last year Italy passed a law granting dual citizenship to people who emigrate. We presented the pictures and the flag to the Mayor and the council and they indicated that they were very honored. They were really amazed at the size of the family and we mentioned that the picture was still incomplete as not everyone was at the picnic. I have since received a letter from the Mayor (which I will bring to the picnic) in which it states that the plaque now hangs in their building and will be there forever. They were absolutely wonderful to us and we owe a debt of gratitude to my cousin Vincent. He served as a translator which was no easy task knowing how these people like to talk. The mayor then presented me with a beautiful plaque and also one for Sen. Mikulski. He also gave me a beautiful Certificate and several books regarding the history of the town. The city of over 3000 years old and has some ancient ruins. During the course of our visit to Palazzo San Gervasio, the mayor of the town presented us with a booklet depicting the art museum they were building and during the review of the booklet -- Carm noticed that one of the paintings was done by an artist named "Miteratonto". How's that for talent in the family!

I am putting together a few pictures for review, which I will display at the picnic. I also plan to bring up the album of the area so everyone can see how beautiful the countryside is in southern Italy. I do agree that this area is still relatively poor compared to the industrialized northern Italy. I also will bring up the plaque and certificate and a map to show everyone where Grummo Appula is situated and an additional item or two. It was a magnificent tribute to the Mitartonto family and we were all thrilled to be there and meet with the family and the council.

Now -- to complete the picture. You need to know that a day or two later (Saturday to be exact) we were visiting my mother's cousin Antonetta in her small house. Antonetta is 85 years old and does not have a white hair on her head. Her hair is absolutely black. We attribute it to their style of living and no stress. The house is made of stone -- one room on the bottom level and a bedroom on the second level -- two rooms - that's it. The downstairs room is the kitchen……with sink, stove, bathroom, sofa, china closet ..........and, ..... in the middle of the room is a trap door (like the ones we used to have outside the house to go into the cellar). The trapdoor leads down to a basement room to store oil, tomatoes, olives etc. While I was sitting on the sofa talking, someone opened the trap door to go down and get some oil. I was not aware of the opened door and I as I jumped up to get my camera I went flying into this black hole and fell down the stairs and landed on my back on the cement floor (about 10 feet). Fortunately, Mary Kay --(thank God for all those bills we paid for nursing college) jumped up, yelled down "Mom, don't move" and came running down the stairs. Carm is screaming and Antonette is yelling "Oh Modonna mia!" So, of course, the first thing I do is move. I said "get me out of here". Mary Kay lifted me up and we went up one stair at a time and when we reached the kitchen, I literally collapsed. I think I passed out from the pain for a few moments. They sent for the doctor. In the meantime, I was asked to change my shirt because it was full of blood and it would not look nice for the doctor to see my bloody shirt - (talk about modesty). The doctor shows up -- on his bicycle -- which was not a good sign. Since I could move my arms and legs and my stomach did not hurt -- he concluded that I would live. Great! Except I cannot move. With all this going on, they all insist I stay for dinner. Mary Kay and Carm are trying to get me back to the hotel but we had to eat first. I could not walk so the men carried me up approximately 26 stairs to my hotel room on a chair-- all the while the guys carrying me are grunting and moaning with the weight. For the next two days I lay flat on my back with Mary Kay and Carm taking 4-6 hour shifts watching me. Each night all of the cousins visited and brought more food. One night I told them that is was similar to a wake except the body was alive. The trip home to the US was a nightmare and I thank God everyday for Mary Kay -- I did not worry, I knew she would take care of the situation. Arrived back in the USA, had an X-Ray taken, did not break anything not even a fingernail but I severely bruised every bone in my body and was advised it would take a long time to heal. I concluded that because I was Italian and of fine blood, I did not have osteoporosis. I could not walk for 10 weeks. I could not turn on my side at all in bed for 12 weeks. It was a pretty gruesome ordeal. The people from Italy called all the time to my cousin in Canada and wanted to know my condition. I promised that I would return to Italy next year to show them I could walk. Mary Kay and Carm never got to do much sightseeing; we passed through Rome on our way to the hotel. But, nevertheless, we had a wonderful visit. Italy is magnificent. We should arrange a group tour for the family. What a blast that would be.

Addendum: (5/29/00) I (Katie) attended the monthly Sons of Italy meeting and was asked to talk about my trip to Italy last fall. So, I put together a display of all the stuff from the Italy trip and I brought it to the meeting and it was a smashing success. I framed a Certificate from Grumo Appula Town Council, a letter from the mayor of Grumo Appula, the family pictures, a couple of shots of the Town Council, some placques they gave us etc. plus the picture albums --- everyone in the room spent a lot of time looking over the stuff. One lady, who is from Italy, was so happy because she is from Provinca di Potenza and knew of Palazzo San Gervasio and Grumo Appula.

I was quite surprised at the enthusiastic response and then I gave a ten-minute speech on the trip and my accident and apparently they all enjoyed it because I have been asked to provide a story for the local Italian newspaper. Most of this was precipitated by an article that appeared in a local paper last week about an Annapolis man that visited Italy and presented a flag he had flown over the DC Capitol to the town of his grandparents. We did so much more on our trip to Italy than this guy plus we had pictures and correspondence.


Uncle John Mitterando turned 75. We wish him 75 more!

July 28th, 1999 – The family gave Carm Mitterando a surprise party for her 65th Birthday and what a grand time was had by all! Even Carm! This was held at Theresa and Tom Davison’s house in Flemington, NJ. It was one of the hottest days of the year with temperatures reaching over 100, breaking all kinds of records. Thank goodness for Theresa for having central A/C. A few of us could stay outside under the big tent in that heat! Of course the biggest record broken was Carm managing to reach the age of 65 and still feel like she doesn’t quite belong in the Senior Citizens group. Oh well, such is life. Carm’s heart filled thanks to her family who worked so hard to put the party together and of course, to everyone who was there to enjoy the day with her. She loves you all very much!

Richie Mitterando hit the big 60 in February.

Bobby Mittrando also was surprised for his 60th birthday. His family gave him a party to remember, and we were happy to be a part of it.

Big birthday just passed. Norma Mitterando turned 60 (can't be, she looks so

young!) on June 1st. Time to cash in those IRAs, babe! Discounts at the

movies, too!

May 15,1999 -- Big 40th birthday bash for Mary Kay Ratigan, held at brother John’s house in Gainesvill, Va. because it is large enough to accommodate a big crowd. It was a huge success -- but most of all because some of the family from NJ and NY were able to attend. Robin Ingenito came and sang a lovely song for everyone. Ernie and Joanie Monaco from New Jersey, Cousin Vincent and Pena from Canada, brothers and sisters, nieces, etc. Of course, MaryKay was wonderfully happy, especially being there with her special love, "Mike B"….Great weather, Katie’s marvelous cooking, drinks and fun were enjoyed by all! We all wish MaryKay another 40 years (at least) of happiness, love and joy!

Kim Blauvelt turned the big "40" on April 2. Larry was in the process of planning her surprise party, but it turned out that the surprise was on Larry because Kim had decided to throw her own 40th birthday party.

John Ratigan turns the big 40 --- as he looks forward to kids, growing up, college, cars. Oh my, oh my!.

The Maryland gang hosted a "progressive" birthday celebration for Laura Vingara (31st) last August. After dinner at Laurie Monteforte’s, everyone headed to Dale’s house for dessert. Jaclyn and her cousins, Kimberly Coco, Samantha Cervone and Kristina Monteforte blew up over 250 balloons and filled Dale’s living room with them. The party had a Barbie "theme" and a special Barbie cake was baked for Laura.

Jaclyn Shafer will be sweet sixteen on August 18th.

Just to warn everyone, Tyler Blauvelt turned 6 on 6/6. We don’t know if that is a sign, but he sure can be a little devil at times. He must take after his father.

We had a big bash for Kristie Monaco's 1st birthday in April. It was a beautiful day and everyone had a great time!


Lou and Grace Mitterando moved down to Barneget, NJ last year. They love it, but everyone misses not having them living close by anymore.



James and Starr Paterno were married on March 18th, 2000. A wedding to remember!

Jim and Kim Vingara were married on May 26, 2000.


Richie and Dee Mitterando celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on November 28, 1999.

Randy and Mary Mitterando just celebrated 12 years of happiness, by going on a trip to Virginia Beach. It was a week of rest and sun.


Kim and Jim Vingara are expecting their little "girl" bundle of joy in August. From the looks of it though, Kim might not make it that far!!!


Bill Mitterando Sr. really had a reason to get better, as the "Big News" broke on October 12th; - Olivia Marie Mitterando was born to Rich and Maria Mitterando. She was the first girl born in the Bill and Sadie Mitterando clan in almost 50 years! (Sorry Eileen for giving away your "almost" age.) Olivia

is being spoiled accordingly! After all, she is the most beautiful baby in

the world! (Grandpa Lou's humble opinion.) Stop by and see for yourself

(picnic table #7 - next to the Bud Lite exhibit).

Nicole Margaret Cervone born 11/11/99 -- 5 lbs, 13 oz., 18 inches.

After years, months and days, right down to hours of waiting in the hospital. Richie and Dee Mitterando finally became real grandparents. They were rewarded with their first grandson, Nicholas Richard Mitterando. Nicholas was born on January 28, 2000 at 10:45 PM, 8lbs 12ozs, 21 inches tall. Proud mom and dad are Rick and Denise Mitterando. Now he is up to 16 pounds 1 ounce and 27 inches long


Early fall saw Bill Mitterando Sr. in the hospital with a lift threatening aneurysm. Though it amazed even the doctors, Bill came through it and retains to this day his senior position in the Mitterando Clan. God bless you, Bill


Recovery Notes from Laurie Monteforte:

I want to give my heartfelt "thanks" to my family. I could not have made it through my surgery this past winter without each and every one of them.

Special thanks to my two nurses: Laura and Nicole. Laura drove eight hours, through a major snowstorm so that she would be in Maryland in time to get me to the hospital. She stayed with me for three weeks, and nursed me through some tough moments. I never could have made it without her loving, supportive care. Nicole was a big help too, especially when she helped me put on my socks. Finally, when I was able to reach down and get them on without help; I called Nicole to show her I was a big girl and could do it by myself. She told me, "Good. I was tired of doing it." Laura got to do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing and shoveled lots and lots and lots of snow.

Jaclyn Shafer got to be the caretaker of Nicole. (Nicole thinks she is a teenager too, and loves spending time with Jac). Aunt Dale got to watch Nicole so Laura could take care of me. They went to many places (Nicole loves Maggie Moo's) and Aunt Dale took her often.

Even Uncle Randy and Aunt Carol (Perrin) got to take Nicole to the mall, where Nicole spent hours in the Lilly Patch. Not easy to keep track of her as she ran and jumped through the giant game.

Uncle Craig got to keep Nicole at his house over the weekend. One evening during hospital visiting hours, he brought Kristina, Corey, and Nicole to visit "Grandma." Corey and Nicole tried to "launch" me out of my electric hospital bed. I survived the surgery, but barely survived their visit.


Valentine's Day 2000 brought much sadness to the year with the sudden passing of Sadie Mitterando. Bill Sr., Lou, Eileen, and Billy would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support and prayers during that most difficult time. Though she is sorely missed each and every day by her family and friends, "Mom's / Sadie's" absence from the picnic today especially creates a void that will be felt by all.

Dolores Mitterando had a very great loss this past year. Her mother, (Susie Iandoli) passed away in September 1999. Susie was a good part of the Mitterando Family Reunion. She never wanted to miss one picnic since she started coming some years ago. Susie is gone, but will never be forgotten.

Ruth (Mitterando) Masullo passed away in May of 2000.



Michael and Dee Cervone are finally online!!! E-mail them at:

Randy and Mary Mitterando have a new email address:

To all online members of the Mitterando family check the email directory we have many new entries. Send additions and changes to or


Denise - Your newsletter is really unbelievable!! Keep up the wonderful work!! Carolann

Congratulations to Adrienne Cervone, recent college graduate; Melissa Cervone and Erika Cervone, high school graduates; Ronald Cervone, graduate of Naval Nuclear Operating Training; Gianna Pelliccia, First Holy Communion recipient. I’m proud of you all. Love, Aunt Judy

From cover to cover, the 1999 Newsletter was fantastic. If Creative Memories is ˝ as good, it will be a success. Best of luck Denise. -- M.C.

Mom and Dad – You guys are harder to reach now that dad is NOT working than when he was working!

Kristina Monteforte ("Sunshine"). -- Hard to believe you are 13 years old and will be starting high school in the fall. You are growing into a beautiful young lady. I enjoyed seeing you in theLip Synch performance and then on stage for the Talent Show. Lots of luck during the next four years at Seneca Valley H.S. Enjoy your visit to Europe this summer.

John and Jackie -- Thanks to Carolann and Adam for sharing their e mail with us. We were saddened with the news that both of your pets are gone. They were such cute little dogs. Happy to hear your business is doing well, and of your trip to Italy and Holland. Think of you so often, and wish your parents were still around to hold us together. Give our love to Ben, we miss you and will always love you. M.C.

Sissy - Are we there yet?? It's A Monopoly!!!!

Aunt Sadie -- You will be missed so much by me. All my love goes out to your family. -- Love Janice Behrbom..PS.. Will you ask my mother (Marie Ceo) what she did with her recipe for Meat Pies?

Kim – I’m so glad we got much closer this year! Welcome to the family (as crazy as it may be)!!! Love Denise

Mother & Daddy - We really enjoyed our time with you both in Vegas (even though we didn't see much of Daddy)!! We love you Both!! Carolann & Adam

Thank you for being my best friend! Granted you’re not the "man of my dreams," but in the meantime you are the person that understands what I’m thinking without saying it and knows what to say to make me feel better when I need it! Thank you! I can’t afford for you to move!

To My Husband, My Six Daughters, My Four Sons, My Five Son-In-Laws, My Four Daughter-In-Laws and My Twenty-One Grandchildren -- "I Love You".

To the Cervone family (brothers, sisters, in-laws, mom and dad) – I envy the relationship that all of you share. I think it is wonderful the way you all spend so much time together – sharing the good times with the bad. Your family is what family is all about!

Laura - Thanks for taking such good care of your mother when she was sick.

You are an awesome daughter. AD

KB & WP - Just Because gets better & better!! And I'm really getting better at the math when I sell those raffles. I didn’t cheat too many drunks this year - CA

Janice Behrbom wants to extend a personal thank you to Al and Ellen LaRocca for taking such wonderful care of her and her sister, Irene Berg, during the last two family picnic about the royal treatment! We never wanted to go back to Florida! Much love and gratitude goes to you both for all you did for us during those weekends. We had a ball!!

Bridget and Dick -- We all understand the sacrifice and disappointment you’ve faced for many years having to choose between a family reunion and your daughters’ recitals. We know now you made the right decision and although we missed you, we admire your dedication. You are truly the unsung "parents for many years." -- M.C.

Thanks, Carolann, without your "help" (?!) we would not have been able to take two trips to Maryland last summer and we did enjoy both.

To my cousins Dee and Laura: Thanks for another expensive habit, sleepless nights and long trips. Seriously, I did enjoy every minute and I am glad you introduced me to Creative Memories. The end result is unbelievable and I’m still a rookie. Maybe one day, I’ll be half as fast and creative as you. Kimberly Coco has been introduced as well, so expect increased orders. P.S. Laura: Each time I drink coffee from my glass mug, I think of Camp Crop a Lot.

Uncle "J" - So glad to see that you are back to your old self!! Love "C"

Steven -- Mommy is so happy to have you as my son.

Did anyone find a check for $34,000????

Katie Ratigan and Family -- We appreciated your invitation to the Army-Navy Football Game. Even though, Navy lost, it was so exciting. Too bad your accident in Italy prevented you from attending. A million thanx for your hospitality, your family was wonderful. -- M.C.

John, Kara and John-John, I love you so much! You are the best! Love, Noreen (Mommy)

Ronnie - I'm still waiting for you to move back! I miss you! Ca

Laura – We hooked a couple more this year! To add to our list of addicted scrapbookers, we have Judy, Kimberly, Kim, and Denise. What do you think are chances are with Valerie? Love Denise

To my sisters -- "This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had bread and butter, this little piggy had none, but this little piggy squealed as he went wee wee wee all the way to 59 Barrister Road.

Dr. Larry – Thank you for performing surgery on my leg last summer. My mommy knew that I was in good hands! Love Buttah

Thomas and Family, -- Wish we had seen you on our trip to Florida, but Uncle Pep was having health problems, so we hesitated to make plans. Looking forward to our next encounter. Aunt Margie

What a memorable night my 40th birthday was. I thank my family for making it so wonderful.

Da - Whatever!!!!! Take lots of recesses- Love Ca

Margie & Pep -- Now that Richie is no longer working, we hope to be able to get together more often. We really miss doing things with the both of you. Love, Richie & Dee

R & D – I really enjoyed all the time we spent together just before Nicholas was born (and the continuing times). D, when I meet Mr. Right at least I will know "everything" there is to know before I have my own child!! Some things I was probably better off not knowing, but…. Love D

Brianna - I'm proud of you for making the honor roll! Keep it up! Love Aunt Ca

Aunt Sadie -- We miss you.

Denise -- It is our 23rd Family Reunion. Your newsletter is one of the highlights of the reunion. We don't know how you hold it all together with the schedule you keep, but keep up the great work. You make us very proud. Love Mom & Dad

Happy BIG ONE Eileen And Welcome To the Club!! Love Ca

All My Son’s and Son-In-Laws -- Happy Father’s Day. Love you all.

Kim -- I can’t believe the summer is over! – Wendy

Born To Hand Jive, Just Because.

Adrienne - You have blossomed into a lovely flower!! Love Aunt Ca

Irene Berg – Thanks for having us at your house. I really enjoyed our time together. Seemed like the old days. Dale

LHB - Thank you for all the love and joy you endlessly give to me. KMB

Jill - I miss our mini Bronx Vacations!! Love Always - CA

Dani – What do you think? Is it Mulder’s or some alien baby? Cousin Denise and fellow X-Phile

Aunt Judy Cervone -- Thanks for being such a great Aunt and doing so much for us. You are always there to play with us, bring us places and baby sit us. We love you!

God Bless Jodee, Maureen, Joseph, Melanie, Veronica and their newest bundle of joy, "Nicole".

Been a lot of places and done a lot of things. One month in Florida and a long weekend in Las Vegas. Thanks to you Judy, Carolann and Adam, you made the trip much more enjoyable. Apple Picking, Feed the Animal Day and Rye Beach was great fun. As was the family gathering at Smith Point. That’s what friends and family are for. M.C.

Gianna -Your Communion was so wonderful and you looked like an angel!

Love Aunt Ca & Uncle A

To OUR Godchild Melissa, Adrienne and Ronald -- Congratulations on your Graduations! We’re proud of what you’ve all accomplished and wish you lots of luck and love in whatever you choose to do. Love AW, UT, GAO

K B -You really know how to throw yourself a party!! We had a blast!! Love C & A

Congratulations to: James and Starr. May happiness and love be yours all the days of your lives. Aunt Margie & Uncle Pep

Nicole Vingara ("Starbright") -- My "feisty, fearless, daredevil" granddaughter. I enjoyed the tea parties we had while you were visiting me. I can't watch all of your kids when you go off to work in Chicago. I was happy to have you share my bed and TV every morning, (I miss watching all of our shows). Thanks for washing the glass doors, (you are such a good helper). Thank you for letting me push the doll’s stroller while we took our walks too.

Denise -- We hope your Creative Memories continues to be a success. We know how much you enjoy it. Love always, Mom & Dad.

"Thought for the day" Imagine if there were more than one Aunt Judy Cervone! Think of all the special trips and vacations that godchildren would have! (And Sisters Too) Think of how many kids would have an automatic baby-sitter! How many extra sleepovers kids would have! How many more out-standing loans there would be! Thanks for everything Aunt Judy - You are Wonderful!!

GOO-GOO - I think that you are so special! Love Aunt CA

Judy Cervone -- I saw how you worked for the picnic when I was up there, where would it all be without you and CarolAnn Elias? What joy you bring to all the men in our family, who love to dress up like women and dance! Much love to all of you who work so hard in setting it all up, it has been great. -- Love Janice Behrbom

Remembering Susie Iandoli (Dee and Connie’s mother). A great lady, fine cook and had a great sense of humor. May they rest in peace.

Thanks to the Mastic Mitterando’s for another successful Smithpoint get together. You saw to perfect weather, a great turnout and fun for all.

Happy Birthday John – Today, June 17 -- 38 years ago, on Father’s Day you were born and I became your Godmother. You will always be very special to me. Love ya, Aunt Dee

M & J - You can drop your kids off anytime!! C & A

Congratulations Kim, your forty and fabulous. Your surprise party was fantastic-you couldn’t have done better yourself! Love, Judy

My Godson Christian - Sorry That I missed your concert but I am very proud of you!! You are becoming a wonderful young man!! Love Aunt Ca & Uncle A

John Restivo -- Sorry our relationship couldn’t flourish more. We loved having you with your Dad, and thank you for the wonderful way you treated him. He misses you very much, and we do too. Love you, Aunt Margie

Doinky Doo - Poo - Let's play monopoly!! # 1 Doink

Cousin Denise -- Experiencing how long it takes me to just type up items for the Mitt News, I really can appreciate how time consuming and difficult it must be to pull it all together. Thanks for the great job. Judy

Dear Dee -- We hope to spend time with you this summer! Love AW, UT, GAO

Craig, Bill, Laura, John, Kristina, Dani, Billy, and Nicole – Here is to another awesome week in Lake Anna. May the weather be sunny and hot and if we do have a shower may we be able to sing in the rain again!!! I say we pitch a tent for the visitors!!!! Denise

God be with you mom, and keep looking over me.

THANK YOU "JUDE" for ALL you do -- WTGAO

Denise Mitterando -- Janice Behrbom wants to thank YOU, for all the hard work you do every year on the Newsletter, it doesn't go unappreciated.

John & Laura -- May everything turn out for the best. God Bless you both! Love Aunt Dee

Congratulations to Jennifer Middleton for getting back on that horse. You sure have athletic ability - you must get that from me. Love, Aunt Judy

Rick & Denise -- Instead of causing confusion, I would like to be called "GRAMMY'. Would that be OK with the both of you? Love always Mom.

Wendy -- Our weekends are so busy. I can’t believe the summer is already over. -- Kim

My Godson Ronald - I am really proud of you and I wish you all the best! I know that you will always do what you think is best!! I Love you! Aunt Ca

Kim celebrated her 40th birthday with flair. The whole family, young and old, attended. We ate, drank and danced the night away. She even arranged for us to fly up and back to Florida. Thank you K & L. M.C.

Mother - Thanks for your on going support and blessings I have to count this year! I am so glad to see you back to yourself again. When do we start our "finishing touches" business? At our going rate we could be in the black by the year 2010! - Love you lots - Your best baby!

Ronald Cervone -- A word of "Congratulations" to the fine job you have done, and are still doing in your naval schooling. We know how tough of a school that is. *BEST OF LUCK* -- Cousins Richie & Dolores

We welcome the latest RugRats to this wonderful world. Olivia, (Rich and Maria) and Nicholas (Ricky and Denise). Margie & Pep Cervone

Pop pop -- Congratulations on your retirement. Now that you have some spare time can you buy another boat and take me fishing? Also please don’t climb in my Pack and Play and fall asleep because they don’t build them like they used to. Nicholas

To the seventh sister -- Don’t you be buttering up the family! We’ll be watching you especially after the flower scene at the communion. Love from the other six

Thank God for answering our Prayers. Brothers Bill and Johnny are doing well. Glad to know Laurie has fully recovered. M.C.

Mom – As each day passes I hope it gets a little easier for you. I know how much you miss Nana, your mother. You are a wonderful, compassionate person. I wish I could be half as good as you. I know I don’t always say it or show it, but thank you for everything that you do. I love you!! Denise

Just Because

Dad - Only four more pallets of stone to move. -- Rick.

Thanks, Denise M. for another great job on the newsletter! Dale

Irene and Janice – Sorry you are unable to join us this Father’s Day Picnic. You both will be missed. Hope you can make it next year. Love you, Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al

Ernie, Joan, Richie and Dee -- Miss getting together with you guys. M.C.

Nicole - I love the way you make us smile - You are a great daughter and so full of spirit. I love your new dance moves. It is hard to believe you are grown up enough to start kindergarten in the fall. We are proud of you! - Mom and Dad

Congratulations on your marriage Jim and Kim. PS Go out to dinner and sleep in late while you still can. Rick and Denise

Was it just me? Or wasn't last year’s picnic AWESOME!- Let's make this year’s one even better!

Maryland crowd -- With Richie home now, we hope we can get together real soon. Love ya, Richie & Dee

Jaclyn - Glad I was able to keep my promise to you about your furniture. I had a blast hanging out with you- You did look awesome when you were dressed for the prom- Next year I'll pick you up at 4:30 - Your coolest cousin over 30!

Uncle Johnny – Do you think the rain will hurt the rhubarb? Jackie S.

CH -- Happy Fathers Day! You are so good to the three of us and we love you so much! -- C, N&R

Thank you Skip LaRocca for all the Corona and lime you supplied to Janice Behrbom. It was supremely divine.

Mother and Dad -- At times it may not be easy, but it is always wonderful. WTGAO

Aunt Denise -- My mom would have a scrapbook party, but I’m too busy eating, pooping and playing. -- Nicholas

Dad – My little computer buddy!! Buttah and I enjoy the e-cards that you send us!!! Thank you, and we love you THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS Much!!!

Melissa - Remember there is a reason for everything!! Love Aunt Ca

Johnny – We are so sorry things didn’t work out better for you and your dad. We miss you and love you. Aunt Ellen and Uncle Al

Congratulations Katie, for 1st Place twirling in Ocean City, MD; Congratulations Graduates, to Ronald, # 1 Grandson graduated from Naval Nuclear Engineering, and our girls Adrienne, Melissa and Erika, blessed with beauty and charm. Go on and on and believe, to Cathy Rohrbaugh (Ronald’s fiancé) from Penn State. Congratulations to Gianna on her First Holy Communion. -- Proud Grandparents

Would anyone like to see my "Creative Memories" baby book of Nicholes Mitterado?....Proud Gram-ma Dolores

Carol and Randy - Thanks for a terrific Millennium Celebration- Glad we could make it! - The Vingara's

Ronald -- Love your visits, come more often. -- Grandma

Memorial to Sadie: We mourn the loss of Sadie and our hearts ache for her family. She will be missed, especially for her sense of humor and her devotion to Bill.

Rick and Denise -- Thank you for the greatest gift you could ever give us, Nicholas. Love always, Mom & Dad.

Ernie -- How come they don’t sell jellybeans in the country? -- Denise

Migalito - Hope you win another big one!! Love Ca

Robin – So glad you are "back" and are feeling like your old self again. Love, your Glamorous Sister

Denise – It took me a good two years to get you to "see the light" or the importance of making that scrapbook for Nicholas. I now know you "get it!!!" I’m so glad that you will be working on your books in the future with us. Nicholas can hang out with Buttah while you are cropping! Love Denise

Jude - Thanks for all you do for the entire family and me! But a special thanks for the Vegas trip!!!! Love Ca

HEY CHARLIE!!! -- He may not be the first Nicholas, but he is the first Nicholas Mitterando. So put that in your pipe and smoke it. (Ha-Ha)

Thanks to Uncle Bobby and Aunt Judy for sponsoring our campsite for the weekend. Let us know when we can camp for a week. I had such a ball. Thanks for the late night talk!!! --- Love Laura

Nicholas -- Welcome to our world! We wish you the same love and joy that you have brought to us. -- Love & XXXXXX, Pop-pop & Grammy.

Laura Vingara ("Wonderful Gift") -- Thanks once again for all of your help, love and support. Thanks for all of the trips that we make to the malls. I never know what project you will be having me do next. Thanks for all of your notes. (I never know what/where I will find one.) Thanks for all of the thoughtful, caring things that you constantly do. Thanks for Nicole -- Mom

Carol & Randy -- We really missed not being able to come to the "Birthday Bash" this year. Keep those e-mails coming. We will be getting together in the near future. Love your cousins, Richie & Dee

Mom, I put my newsletter information in by the deadline. Rick.

Sadie – You are missed by all. RIP

Wishing Joyce and Glenn good weather and many happy boating trips on their new pontoon boat. We are looking forward to our next trip down.

Lesson that I learned -- When your wife is in labor, do not look at the contraction monitor and tell her to hold on because her comes a very big one. She will tell you a few choice words. Rick

Congratulations to Jim and Kim Vingara on your recent nuptials. Welcome to the family, officially! - Love Laura and John


A Tribute to Bob on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday

I want to thank all of you for spending this evening with Bob as we celebrate together the occasion of his 60th birthday. I would like to tell you some things about his life, which occurred during these past 60 years. Most of you who are here tonight have shared some of these moments with him.

Bob was born in the Bronx on September 20, 1939 to Ellen and John Mitterando. He is the youngest of eight children. His sisters Ellen and Margie have told me that he was very loved and very spoiled. About the age of eight he moved to 36 Knapp Road, Mastic Beach with his parents. He attended elementary school in the William Floyd District and his high school years at Center Moriches High School. He was a talented athlete as was evidenced by his ability to be a four-year starter on both the varsity soccer and varsity baseball teams. After high school, in 1958, he enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves.

We were married on May 20, 1961 in the Presbyterian Church of the Moriches. Our wedding reception was held here, at the Seacove, which was then called the Sunrise Restaurant. Bob’s brother John was his best man and his brother Bill was an usher, and we are delighted that both of them are here tonight to celebrate with him again.

God blessed us with four wonderful children, Robert Jr., Ellen, Nancy and Billy-John. Not a day goes by that when Bob comes home from work, after we greet each other, does he say ‘How are the kids – did you hear from them today." He is so proud of each and every one of them. Not only was he blessed with four of his own biological children, but four more who are surely his children also – his daughters and sons-in-laws, Robert, Dawn, Frank and Donna. It gets even better – more for him to love and cherish his grandchildren, Robert III, Daryl, Sheri, Brianna, Rachel, Christine, Kacie and Emily.

Bob was a cement mason for 15 years. He is a craftsman, in fact, when he left Mennuti Construction at the age of 35 to become employed with the Highway Department, Mennuti Construction went out of business. He is a very hard-working, dedicated employee. Bob wasn’t able to be at home much during those child-rearing years as it was always necessary for him to work an extra job to meet the demands of providing for his family. However, there was always nine weekends every year that Bob did not, or would not work. They were during the months of July and August and also Labor Day weekend. Neither rain, nor storm, high tide nor hurricane would keep him from camping on the outer beach during those nine summer weekends. This all began in July of 1969 with a borrowed large tent and a borrowed four wheel drive pickup. Many family members and friends occupied that tent along with his dog Floyd. Bob became known as the "Mayor" of Fire Island. In 1974 he bought his first very own four-wheel drive. It was a forest green, 1966, well-used Toyota Landcruiser for $500. "Old Nelly" did a great job of bringing us to the beach. When the floor of the

Landcruiser quickly began to rot out, Bob, also known as the "Great Ingenious Inventor" of everything possible to invent that has not yet been invented, just very matter of factly would patch the floor of the Landcrusier with another highway stop sign. Nothing would stop him from getting his family to the beach!

The largest fish that Bob caught was a 43 lbs. stripped bass off of his beach back in 1977, although just this week as he was showing the picture of that fish to a friend, it somehow grew to be 47 lbs.!

Bob is and always will be a Yankee baseball fan. He loves to read and he grows beautiful roses, gladiolas and delicious tomatoes. His garage is one of his most famous get-away places and in there his creativity really unfolds. He has made candles, wooden moveable seagulls, 1000 shelves (at least) and fixes everything for anyone.

He tries to stay physically active. He loves to be in the outdoors and has walked to Montauk – a 2-day trip of sixty miles. He has also rode his bicycle there, a six hour ride. Montauk is a favorite spot of his. Every year he attends the Montauk St. Patrick’s Day Parade and truly believes on that day that he is Irish! Bob has recently dabbled in in-line skating and has been on a ski slope in Vermont these past two winters. Now don’t misunderstand me, he has not made it to the top of Okema Mountain, but I have no doubt that will be next.

Bob bakes a great fagots, a favorite family recipe. He built a beautiful lighthouse in the town of Mastic Beach. He has, also, along with his family adopted a highway. One of his favorite movies is "While You Were Sleeping" starring his favorite actress, Sandra Bullock. He loves old movies and music from the 30’s and 40’s. He loves breakfast at a restaurant, Wise potato chips, chocolate ice cream, Snyders pretzels, Ellen and Dawn’s mudslides, Rueben sandwiches, baked Virginia Ham and Hellman’s real mayonnaise (sometimes he’s even allowed to indulge in these foods). Some of his favorite singers and performers are Anne Murray, Mary Goetz, Andre Borcelli and Yanni.

Bob worships God in the Presbyterian Church here in Center Moriches. He has severed many times as an Elder and Trustee and has taught Sunday School. He serves the church with his masonry craftsmanship whenever there is a need of it.

I think this Bob Mitterando is quite a guy. I’ve only share with you a little bit about him. There is more to tell and others will follow. I am very thankful and blessed to be sharing my life with him "the love my life."

Happy Birthday Bob. Love, from your wife, Judy



(A memory from Cousin Richie Mitterando, from back in the 40’s or early 50’s.)

I can remember it fairly clear. I guess I was eleven or twelve years old at the time. We were invited to Dolly and Bill's house on Quimby Avenue in the Bronx. There was a party going on for some reason or another, never had to be a big reason for a get together with the Mitterando brothers, their wives, Aunt Molly, Uncle Nap and the whole crew.

This day there was to be a big barbecue, and my father, known to all as Uncle Joe, was bringing the meat for the shin-dig from across the river over in Jersey. Well I tell you..... this was sort of a different kind of cook out than you think of it now a days -- no hamburgers and/or hot dogs. This day it was going to be BBQ. Billy goat. The big problem was, back then, you couldn't bring live stock interstate. Yes, this was live stock! We were transporting a live goat over to New York for LUNCH.

I sat in the backseat with "Ole Billy." Me, not knowing we were bringing "Ole Billy" as lunch. There was one obstacle that we had to over come. We had to go across the George Washington Bridge and pay the toll. I received my orders from my Pop, Uncle Joe. "Richard, when we get to the toll gate, you keep the goat on the floor and covered up with the blanket. Make sure he keeps quite". I was doing my best to keep him down. All went well, Pop paid the toll and as he was pulling away, "Ole Billy" jumps up and let the biggest "BAAAAAAAHHHHH" I ever heard. Well Pop put the petal to the metal and took off across the bridge. You have to remember there was no Cross Bronx Expressway back then. So it was down into the City and onto the Bronx. I must have thought the whole police department was going to be chasing us because it burned into my mind so clearly. It seems like it was only yesterday.

I know I cried my eyes out when I saw "Ole Billy " get roasted later on that day.


FOR SALE: 1989 Ford Probe. 106,000 miles, doesn't run. Best Offer.

Katie Ratigan has season tickets for Redskin football games -- any takers? I know, I know, it ain't New York -- but they are going to go - all the way!

Can you believe this is "The Mitterando Newsletter’s" 11th anniversary!?

We added a new section this year called "Teen Scene," an in-between location to congratulate the teenagers on their accomplishments.

Please forgive all the errors, I’m a terrible proof-reader!


The End

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