The following poem is about the Walk to Emmaus.  Please feel free to share it with your Emmaus friends.
De Colores!

Getting In Shape

Getting in shape, I thought, sounded like a good idea.
Afterall, I'd been slacking and felt I didn't have much appeal.

"Take a Walk," my friends told me,
"and you'll feel so much better".
"Walking every day," they said,
"could make you a real go-getter".

So with much encouragement and a bit of hesitation,
I took a Walk and began to build a strong dedication.

Not to myself of a new exercise routine,
But to my Savior and life with Him for all eternity.

You see, this Walk I took was not of a physical nature.
It was a journey with my Lord; my Creator.

I felt His grace and saw His face through all the love and care
this community called Emmaus came in great numbers to share.
They took their time and gave God's talks
about priorities and how to handle life.
Then they led me to a beautiful service which is known as "candlelight".

The glow was almost blinding.  Spectacular and bright.
Some said it looked like heaven,
and I think maybe they were right.

Agape came from everywhere.
On the table, on my pillow, and even in my chair.
I made many new friends and ate until I almost popped.
Got very little sleep and felt like I could drop.

What an amazing 72 hours.
The time just simply flew.
And I left this Walk to Emmaus with one final thought,
"Christ is counting on you."

Written by:
C. Foard - 1998


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Hearing from Emmaus and Chrysalis people is such a blessing!
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De Colores and may the peace of God be with you.