State of Georgia, Fulton County To any Minister of the Gospel, Judge of the Superior Court, Justice of the Peace, or other person authorized to solemnize: You are hereby authorized and permitted to Join in the Honorable State of Matrimony Mr. C. A. Gravitt and Miss Miss C.A. Faulkner. According to the Rites of your Church, provided there be no lawful cause to obsrtuct the same, according to the Constitution and Laws of this State; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient license. |
John R. Wilkinson L. S. ORDINARY |
I hereby certify that Mr. C. A. Gravitt and Miss C.A. Faulkner were joined together in the Holy Banns of Matrimony, on the 16 day of Nov. 1913, by me. |
T.T. Davis Minister |
Recorded Dec 4 1913 |
John R. Wilkinson L. S. ORDINARY |
J. Melvin with any information
or questions
This page last updated 8 Jan 1998