Jennifer's Homepage

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Hi! My name is Jennifer and I am 6 years old. Welcome to my homepage. Here you will find some of my favorite things..I hope you like them!

Here is one of my Adopt-a-Sweeties that I made. His name is SweetPea. You can adopt one of your very own by clicking on the door at the bottom of this page!

One of my favorite programs and characters is can visit his site by clicking on the Wishbone logo!

Another one of my favorite programs is

Here is a picture of a cat that I drew with my Paint program..his name is Sniffles.

Here are some more links to some of my favorite places:

The Kitty Page

This is my sister Caitlin's Homepage

The Disney site

The place for everything Disney..lots of games and stuff!

Billy Bear's Fun and Games Page

Lots of cool puzzles and games!

Click on the door to enter my Sweeties Adoption Center

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