Meet Ren.You could say that he is the one who started me working with cats.About 7 years ago I went to the shelter looking for my silver tabby Syliva who had been missing for a couple of days.much to my dismay,I found out that she had been hit by a car.I felt such a terrible loss.Syliva was very dear to me.

As I stood there trying to deal with my pain,a little black paw batted me on the arm.I looked and there was the most pathetic looking little black ball of fur that I ever did see.I took him out of the cage and right then and there I knew I could not leave without him

When Ren first came home he had to stay in my room for the first week since he had a case of URI something very common in shelter situations and I didn't want Felix to get it.As time passed,Ren began to thrive and grow.He was so sweet and loving unlike any cat I had ever had.He seemed to be so grateful to me for getting him out of the shelter.

Being half Burmese,Ren has quite the personallity.During the day a window is left open for him and the other cats so they can go in and out.At night they all stay inside.Whenever Ren comes home from chaseing birds and lizards, he comes up to the window and anounces his presence! He demands quite loudly that it is time for his Whiskas which I have to bring over to him and place on the table by the window.He also likes to eat his Science Diet there too.Next it is cuddle time.

Ren is the ruler over the 13 other cats of my household.He makes sure that everyone shares the toys and catnip and that no one eats out of his specail food bowl.Anyone caught gets a great big HISS..and SWAT!! and their catnip privlages are taken away for the rest of the day.

Ren loves to sneak into other peoples houses!One time he got locked in my neighbor's place.They were going out of town and didn't see Ren go in.That night when I called for him and he didn't come I began to worry.I searched everywhere and just as I was begining to think the worse I heard this meow coming from my neighbors place.I went to the window and there was my Ren!Lucky for Ren I was able to get him out.

Ren has made real good friends with the 2 cats across the way.He sneaks into their house all the time and eats their food.Their human comes home all the time to find Ren sleeping on her bed.One night he was in her house and she didn't know it(he was bad and didn't come home that night).He decided that the middle of the night would be a good time to play knock the dishes of the kichen counter.The lady thought that someone had broken into her house and she was just about to call the police when she discoverd it was just Ren!Good thing for me she likes Ren and has a sense of humor!

One year after adopting Ren I was contacted by ASAP(Animal Shelter Assistance Program) a non profit organization asking for donations to help with takeing care of the cats at the shelter.Since I had more time then money I inquired about becomeing a volunteer.I have been involved with ASAP for about 7 years now and seem so many good changes.The work is so incredibly rewarding.Thanks to a lot of hard work from many very dedicated people,all cats get lots of love and good veterinary care.No cat in put down for population control.Orphened and very young kittens go into foster care until they are old enough to be adopted.We work on educating the public on the importence of spay/nuter.

Through the years I have seen a lot of pain,suffering and most of all lots of very happy endings.How wonderful it is to beable to make a difference in each and everyone of their lives.And what a difference Ren has made in mine.

It is so hard not to take them all home and that is why I now have 14 wonderful kitties who are all the joy of my life.

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Every litter adds to the problem.Every spay/neuter adds to the solution.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,committed citizens can change the world,and indeed,it's the only thing that ever does" Margaret Mead

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