Animal News

Farewell to Willie


The Litterbox
Feral Cat Ring

Story of Ugly

New cat pictures

Black Cat WebRing

Cat Quotes

Cats Meow

Cat Diary

Meet the human behind the cats

Estes Park

Colorado Color

Cat Posters

The end of the Raven
by Edger Allen Poe's Cat

My Specail Furend Ebony

Meet the cats

Ren's Book Store
In association with out all the cool cat books!

Ren's Den
cat health and veterinary care

Cat Rescue
meet my feral cats and cats from the shelter

Cat manners

Ren's Dairy
updated in between naps

Ren and Stimpy's Joural

Links to our friends and other fun places

Ren's Rules

A Cat Story

A wish of all animals

Fun Cat Stuff

Animal Shelter
Assistance Program


The Myths of Spaying and Neutering
By the Santa Barbara Humane Society
February 1998

Where pets come from

Feline Behavior

Adopting a Pet

Surgical Claw Removal
An EXTREME Solution

Ren's Place
a place to meow your opinon

The Cat User's Manual

Some furry importent furpersons

Rembering Karma

Cat Rights

The Language of Meow

Meet the Rabbits

Why Spay/Neuter

Flash the Angel Cat
a very touching true story

The Amazing Talking Cat
by Jon Carroll

Piper Sue

Cat Physics