Cat Ring

Welcome to the feral
cat ring. This is a ring dedicated to all the homeless, forgotten
and the memory of my beloved Icon and five little kittens that
had a bad start in life and left this world too soon.
Anyone who is owned by
a feral or formor feral cat, is welcome to join this ring. The
rules are as follows:
must have your own webpage
part of you site must be about feral cats or your cat that used
to be feral. No cartoon cats please
sites that contain adult themes will be admitted to the ring.
Also including sites with bad language or inappropriate
information and so on.
no circumstances will any web page be allowed to join if they
promote abuse or mistreatment of animals or people of any kind.
Capture the
graphic above for use on your web site. You will not be
added to the ring if you link to the graphic from THIS
web site. The ring code sent to you via email does not
contain the full URL for the image. You will have to
upload a copy to your web site and modify the image HTML
statement to point to your web site.
When you
have the ring code correctly displayed, email your site
ID number to the RingMaster renblackcat.com or use the
email link below. If your ring code is NOT on your page
or ALL rules are NOT followed, don't email us until they
are. You only have seven days until the ring
automatically removes sites to keep the queue clear.
When we
receive your email requesting to be added to the ring,
your site will be checked to see that it contains the
correct ring code and follows all rules. A ring test will
be conducted. If all passes, the RingMaster will add you
to the ring. You will be notified of the results, unless
you have not answered previous emails. Then your
application will just be deleted from the queue after
seven days.