The Feral Cats

"If animals die at our hands, we can only assume we too, will die by the same.
Do not be mislead, those who care not for animal lives care not for yours.
Only the cowardly take the lives of those who are unable to fight back and say "no!"."

 Every day in the United States,
10,000 babies are born.

Every day in the United States,
40,000 puppies and kittens are born.

Every time 1 child is born,
4 puppies and kittens are also born.

Not just today, but...

Every Single Day of
Every Single Week of
Every Single Month of
Every Single Year...

Please....spay/neuter your pet!!

Born May 1999

Died July 10, 1999

Sweet Dunkin, if I could have given my life to save yours, I would have done so in a heartbeat. Though this world did you wrong, know that there is someone who loves you even in death and that love will always be true.

Unseen they suffer...unheard they agony they loneliness they die

Please save a life! Spay/neuter your pets

You ask me how I can love them all and do this day after day.I ask you how can you say your care,when you turn and walk away

I ask for the privilege of not being born...not to be born until you can assure me of a home and a master to protect me, and a right to live as long as I am physically able to enjoy life... not to be born until my body is precious and men have ceased to exploit it because it is cheap and plentiful.

Baby Pictures

June 2001: For years I have had the wonderful opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the homeless and forgotten. There have been some very wonderful and special kitties that have come in and out of my life. All of them have touched me in some way or the other and helped me to be a better person.

And then there was this little black kitty and her sister that I got from the Boulder Humane Society to foster until they were big enough to be spayed and adopted. These two little ones brought me a lot of comfort during a very difficult time. I had  been working for a dot com that went under and with the job market being so bad, I was having a hard time finding work. When not working, I spent a lot of time with these two little ones. Black kitty used to just hang out with me on the desk while I did work on my laptop. She liked to sit amongst the flowers in the warm sunshine. Unlike her sister, she was very shy and it took a while for her to realize that I wasn't such a bad person. Watching her and her sister enjoy such simple things like warm sunshine, chasing a bug or watching the birds fly by, helped me to realize that even though I had no job and was hurting for money, life was pretty good.

I will never forget at 3 in the morning being awakened by Ms Black Kitty sitting on my chest with blood all over her face. She had been sick with URI and I had been giving her meds and fluids. I will never forget her face, that look of complete trust as I rushed her to the E Vet. I will never forget how she looked at me while laying in my arms as she went to sleep for the last time

Augest 24, 2000 I say farewell to sweet Icon. I came home today and found Icon dead. He apparantly was electrocuted when he chewed on my TV cord. It must have been a really strong shook cause the Tv is fried. My only comfort is that he probably went very quickly and didn't least that is what I hope. I will miss you my friend. You will live forever in my heart.

July 5 I got a feral mom with five babies born that same day. Mom cat was so small and was probably not much over 8 or 9 months old. She was really scard at first but she is doing better. Since then, 3 of the kittens have died. There are 2 left which I have named Lucy Nutmeg. I am still thinking of a name for mom cat.

June 14, 2000 Well, Icon is doing well! he is eating good and putting on weight. I also now have 2 little ones that are about 3 weeks old. They are still having to be bottlefed. They use the litter box but don't qute yet have the hang of eating on their own. I will have pictures of everyone soon! Also soon to come, more information on taking care of orphened kittens.

June 6, 2000 Well, I got a foster kitty yesterday. He is black, DLH with green eyes. He had really bad fleas and only weighs 1 pound and 8 oz at the moment. After getting a bath, he seems to feel much better and is starting to eat. I have foumd that he likes to lay on top of my printer and watch me on the computer. I think I will name him Icon. I sure hope he starts to grow. He is so thin it is scary. Will have pictures and updates soon

May 22, 2000 Well it has been a while since I have had any foster kitties. That is all about to change. I am going to start working with the Boulder Humane Society. I hope to have some interesting and inspiring stories to share.I also expect to start traping again. Got to get those feral cats spayed and neutered.

Oct 1999, My foster kitties are coming along. They sure do love playing with all the toys I got for them and they think the catnip is the best!. I took them to the vet and it turns out that they are older then I thought. Boo the little black one, weighs less then 5 pounds and the Dr said that she could be as much as a year old. She has all her adult teeth in. Most likely I am going to keep Boo and try to find a home where her two sisters can go togeather.

July, 1999. I am now working with a wonderful group called Every Ceature Counts. I learned about them from the Boulder Valley Humane Society. I just got my first batch of foster kittens. They are semi wild and I am working on taming them so they can be adopted to good homes. I am spending a few hours a day just holding and petting them. They are starting to get used to me. Hopefully in the next week or so, I can start introduceing them to other people so they aren't afraid of everyone.

It is really fun to watch them play. I got them all kinds of toys and they are starting to act like kittens instead of hiding and being scard all the time. Will have some pictures as soon as I can get them scaned.

March 1999, Just moved to beautifull Colorado! I am looking forward to getting involved with cat rescue here.New kitty stories on the way soon!!

Hello and thanks for droping in! Here you will get to meet the many cats and kittens that I help rescue through Catalyst for Cats a non profit organization dedicated to altering the future of strays and helping to make every cat a wanted cat.

Here you will meet many cats and learn their stories.This page will be updated often as things will always be changeing and there will be new cats to tell about.I will also be inculding cats from the Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter.

Pat Miller
"Please tell me you won't kill them," the kitten's owner cried."I couldn't bear to tell the kids that Fluffy's babies died." "Just look how wonderful they are,all snuggled in their box..One calico,one tiger-stripe,one gray with four white socks." We promised when we go the cat that we would get her spayed,but we were just too busy;the appointment got delayed.Before we even knew it little Fluff was getting fat..pregnant at just six months old,can you imagine that? And then,of course,we realized the kitten's lives were worth the chance to let our kids enjoy the miracle of birth.We tried real hard to find them homes but it was pretty one seemed to want to take these precious balls of fluff.She gave each kitten one last kiss and left them with a sigh.She missed the tear that trickled from the corner of my eye.I knew,like thousands come before,who had no better fared,these kittens soon would die within the arms of those who cared.But as the lady reached the door she turned and cleared her throat,and against all crazy odds my heart stood sill with hope.Perhaps she'd reconsidered,perhaps she'd changed her mind.Perhaps she knew she had a chance to prove she could be kind.But fleeting hopes were quickly dashed'reprieve was not to be,for when she opened up her mouth the lady said to me,"Did I forget to tell you that Fluffy's in the car? We've decided we don't want her either anymore".

Meet Anna boo and Harly.They and their 4 other littermates were found at Campbell Hall on the UCSB campus.They were about 8-9 days old and their eyes were just starting to open.Since I was not able to get their mom(she was too smart to go into the trap)I had to bottle feed them.Since they had to be fed so often I would take them to work with me and anywhere else I went for any lengh of time.Luckly,all were very healthy and took to the bottle guickly.Anna Boo was the most active.She would fight her way ahead of the rest and insist that she be the first to be fed! While I would be feding her,the others would start to climb up my legs to get to the bottle.I started to look like I had been through a war zone!.I had to start wearing long pants to protect myself.I was so so glad when they started to learn how to eat on their own.I fed them Max Cat kitten.They seemed to do real well on it.

When the time came for them to go to new homes it was a lot of work (but well worth it)finding just the right homes for them to go to.I wasn't going to just let anybody have my precious babies.Before letting people take them they were all tested for FELV and altered.

I am very happy to say that they all went to very loving homes and I am able to keep in touch with their new owners.Anna Boo and Harly got to stay togeather.I saw them recently and boy are they getting big!

This is Markus and Wellington.They and their mom were on their way to the shelter and would have been put to sleep since they are wild and considered anadoptable.They had been hanging around someones house and they didn't want them around anymore.luckly for them,I got word about what was happening,and with some help I was able to get them before it was too late.

All three were taken to the vet to be tested and altered.When I got them home I kicked Antonioout of his hutch(good thing he is litter box trained!)and put moma cat and her babies in to live for a couple days while they healed from their trip to the vet.I soon found that mom was too wild to try to tame but her babies seemed to be workable.I get mom go after 3 days.She surprized me by not going bonkers to get outside right away when I let her get out of the cage.She in fact was surprizingly calm.She just hung out for a couple hours before she made her way to the window that I had opened for her to go out.She comes back every night to eat the food I leave out for her.

I have been working with Marcus and Wellington for about 3 weeks now and slowly they are starting to come around.They no longer hide under the bed and enjoy playing with the other cats.They have even gone outside and have been real good about comeing back in at night with everyone else.Now that Marcus and Wellington have run of the house,Antonio once again has his hutch back.Not real sure he is happy about it! I think he really enjoyed being out all that time.

To A Homeless Cat
By Tam Nesbit
Who was there when you died,pretty one?
Who was there when you left this place? Who was there to say goodbye,pretty one? Who was there to rain tears on your face? Were you hurt and in pain,pretty one? Were you hungry and cold and alone? Were you sick and afraid,pretty one? Were you just too tired to go on? Somebody loves you,pretty one, Though you may not have seen her this time. Someone will hold you,pretty one, When your trials in this life are behind. Head straight for the Bridge,pretty one. Run swift,and run straight and you'll see. There is food,there is sun,pretty one. There is nothing and no one to fear. And there's also,for you,my pretty one, The love that you never felt here. They are waiting for you,my pretty one. And I'll follow,to hold you,my dear. Go to sleep,pretty one,and forget. Forget the horrible life humankind has dealt you. And awake to renewal,and contentment,and joy. Stretch in the sun,pretty one!

This is my Abby.She came to the shelter pregnant and very much afraid.She gave birth the day she came in and I was worried that being wild like she was and so upset,that she wouldn't take care of her babies.Also,I knew that once the babies didn't need her anymore she would have been put to sleep since she was wild.So I took her home and set her up in her own quiet place.It was real tough there for the first few days to give her food and water,let alone chage her litter box! She would try to eat me alive everytime I would stick my hand in her cage.

I'm happy to say that she turned out to be a good mom and her babies all did well.I was able to find good homes for all of them.I then had Abby spayed and decieded to keep her.It took me 2 years of patience and lots of love before I could pet her.It makes one wonder what she had been through in her short life before I got her.She is now one very sweet and loving kitty.

Heathcliff My dear sweet baby. When Heathcliff and his littermates first arrived at The Santa Barbara County Animal Shelter, they were in pretty bad shape.Heathcliff was near death and I didn't expect him to live through the night. When I first saw him he captured my heart! I thought even though it probably was too late, I gave him some fluids and antibiotics. I held him for a very long time just talking to him and giving him lots of love. I told him to go in peace; to not be afraid, that he was on a journey to a place of peace and love. I put him back into his cage with his littermates and left for the day.

The next day much to my surprise,Heathcliff was still alive and doing better! I was so happy! Everyday I spent more and more time with him. I would encourage him to eat and made sure he got his meds. After a lot of work and love,Heathcliff seemed to be getting better. I had gotten so attached to him that I took him home with me. I just couldn't bare to leave him there anymore. He was so special. I had never met such a sweet loving kitty. I kept him away from my other cats until after I had him tested to make sure that he didn't have FIV/FELV.When the tests came back neg I was so happy! I thought He is going to make it!! Sad to say, my joy was short lived.

I started to notice that Heathcliff didn't seem right and he wasn't growing. His coat looked scruffy and unkempt took him to my vet and had blood drawn. It turned out that Heathcliff had the dry form of Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP).

FIP is caused by a member of the Corona virus group. The virus is quickly and easily spread among cats. The incubation period is anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. The majority of those exposed experience no apparent infection. It is not entirely understood why some cats develop FIP and others do not. The most common sign of illness is mild URI, eye discharge with perhaps a runny nose. Less then 5% develop the secondary disease known as FIP.

Unfortunately, once a cat develops the secondary disease, he will die within a few weeks. There is no vaccine for FIP.

Words can't say how hard and painful this was for me to except. I would have gone to the ends of the earth to save my Heathcliff but in the end, all I could do was love him more then ever and cherish every moment we had together.

The day finely came when it was time to do the last kind and loving thing I could do for my baby. I gave him a special treat that morning and we both sat outside together in the warm sunshine and watched the birds dancing in the sky and the other cats at play.Heathcliff lay in my lap and purred and purred. He seemed to look at me with those big eyes and say," Thank you for loving me".

I took him to the vet that day and held him in my arms as he made his journey to the Rainbow Bridge

His ashes now sit in his favorite spot in the window seal.

I thank God that Heathcliff was a part of my life even though it was for such a short time. His life meant so much to me and he lived it well. My darling Heathcliff,you will live forever in my heart. Until we meet again.

This is Tabby.When she first came to me she was very wild and frightened as most of them are.Her mom was put to sleep when it was discovered she was full of cancer when she was at the vet to be spayed.Sad to say,it was too late to do anything for her.

So Tabby came home with me.For the first week she would hide under the bed and only come out when I wasn't there or when I was asleep.After a while she began to get a little braver each day.She started spending more time out from under the bed and she got along well with the other cats.

Every day I started getting out the fishing pole that had a catnip mouse on the end of it and started trying to get her to play with me.At first she would have no part of it! But after a while when she saw what fun the others were having with it,she decided to give it a try.

After a couple more weeks she started to let me pet her.After that it was all over! She lived for ear and belly rubs.She found that it was a lot of fun to bite my feet at night whenever they would move under the covers.

One day when one of my neighbors came by she saw tabby and fell in love!So now Tabby lives next door and is very happy.She comes to visit me and the cats almost everyday

Maxie was found with his brothers and sister locked in a boat compartment by the wonderful volunteers of Pet Action League and non profit organization deicated to helping the homeless.They were only two week old.No one knows how they got there.They were filthy,hungry and very upset. They managed to locate and trap who they thought was their mother,but as it turned out,she was not.She would have nothing to do with them so they had to rasie Maxie and his litter mates by hand which is no easy task and a lot of work but well worth it.

Thankfully,with this litter all of them made it.Maxie's brothers,Milo and Rascal were adopted,but both Maxie and his sister Buttercup are very shy which makes it difficult to find them homes.I think it is a real shame that so few people are willing to put out that extra bit of effort to help a cat realize that not all humans are bad.I can honestly say from personal experience,that all the time and effort working with these very specail kitties is so worth it.They really do have so much love to give if people would just give them the chance.

I wish I had the money to put Maxie on a plane and bring him home to me.Since I can't,the next best thing is that I have become Maxie's sponsor.I get pictures and updates on how he is doing on a regular basis.I am thankful for the wonderful people at Pet Action League and for the wonderful work they do.To learn more about Pet Action League, vist their site

March 27 1998Well it's been almost a year since Anna Boo and Harly along with their littermates came to me just a few days old.I still have scars from when they would all climb up me trying to be first at the bottle! Seeing them almost a year latter so happy in their new home is such a reward for me.It makes all the hard work so so very worth it :)

This Mom and one other mom were taken into protective custody after their owner went to jail.Now they will have a chance to find loveing homes with responsable people.All will be spayed/neutered before going to new homes

Safe Harbor

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