St. Catherine Of Siena

Catherine of Siena

Virgin and Doctor(1347-1380)

This page was crated to honor the memory of St. Catherine of Siena. She is a Saint of the Catholic Church. She died in 1380 as a Virgin. Catherine ranks high among the mystics and spiritual writers of the catholic church. Paul VI. Named her a doctor of the Church in 1970. She is the second woman (after Teresa of Avila) to bear this title. Her spiritual testament is published as The Dialogue..


Catherine had twenty-two brothers and sisters! The second floor of her family home was always buzzing with noise. On the first floor, Jacob, her father, worked late into the night at the families leather business. Jacob kept a watchful eye on his daughter Catherine, although he was very occupied with his work.

Catherine wanted a room for her own to dedicate herself to prayer and contemplation. After some difficulties, her father noticed her seriousness and set aside a room. From the window of this room, Catherine saw the poor in the streets passing by. She felt compassion for them and set out to care for them.

Soon, Catherine's world expanded. People began to hear about her prayerful life and her wise judgements. They came from fare to seek her help.

In fourteenth century Italy, the world was not a peaceful place. Many cities were fighting against each other. Crops were destroyed famine and plages struck the land. People were left homeless and without resources. Medical care was unavailable. Even Church leaders were having a difficult time. People were not even sure who was leading the Church. Three different men claimed to be pope. Communication was slow and difficult.

Once, all Catherine wanted was a quiet room of her own. Now she had to reach out beyond the city of her birth. .She traveled extensively to bring the leaders back together.

After much success Catherine died back home in Siena. Today she is seen as a great hero of reconciliation. She is a saint who brought the light of peace to a dark and troubled world. Her accomplishments have to be seen very high since they were done by a woman which meant little in that time.


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