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On first realisation that you have lost your pet a feeling of panic usually sets in and your mind goes a blank. Here are some of the things you can do and some useful telephone numbers (Leicestershire only) ...
Dogs Only
Notify the police in the area that your dog went missing and other police stations along any of his/her favourite, or likely walks
Notify the dog wardens. Start with the area where your dog went missing. It is always worth ringing other areas too, as your dog may have strayed into another area. Don't be afraid to ring more than once - if your dog has been picked up, the authorities are only obliged to keep your dog for eight days.
All Pets
Ring Petfinder on 01455 202777. They will check their 'found' register, and reunite you if they have a match. If not, your pets details will be put out on Radio Leicester - there are three bulletins broadcast every week.
Produce leaflets describing your pet in as much detail as possible (include a photograph if you can). State when and where your pet was lost. Offer a reward. Remember to include both daytime and evening telephone numbers where you can be contacted.
Distribute your leaflets to vets, animal rescue centres, kennels, catteries, pubs, clubs, shops, milkmen, postmen, farmers. Make sure everyone knows about your missing pet.
Put your leaflets on noticeboards over a wide radius.
Ask your neighbours to check garages, sheds, etc in case the animal is shut in.
Advertise your lost pet in local newspapers circulated in the area where the animal was lost.
Advertise your lost pet on the internet.
If your pet is chipped or tattooed, don't forget to inform the registration organisation.
Speak to the Council's Environmental Health Department who can advise whether any dead animal has been collected. It really is better to know.
Useful Telephone Numbers (Leicestershire area only)
Dog Wardens (Council Offices)
Blaby Dog Warden 0116 275 0555
Charnwood Dog Warden 01509 263151
Coalville Dog Warden 01530 836371
Hinckley Dog Warden 01455 238141
Leicester City Council 0116 288 8961
Market Harboro' Dog Warden 01858 410000
Melton Mowbray Dog Warden 01664 567771
Oadby & Wigston Dog Warden 0116 288 8961
Rutland Dog Warden 01572 722577
Local Newspapers & Radio stations
Hinckley Times 01455 238383
Leicester Mercury 0116 251 2512
Radio Leicester 0116 251 6688
Other Numbers
Petfinder 01455 202777
R.S.P.C.A. Leicester 0116 233 6677