Welcome to Caleb's Page, I have two brothers, named "Corey" and "Coty" (that you can read about here, too), and I have one sister, named "Caitie". I'm the oldest, I'm 10 yrs. old. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite TV show is Pokemon...and I have some codes for "DOOM" that you might be interested in (check at the bottom of my page). I would also like to talk to you about Pokemon, too....if you're interested in hearing about it. You can talk to people on IRC about Pokemon (my mom and I found a kewl place to go). Use "/server Newnet" then join the channel "#Pokeleague". That's about it for now, cause I can't think of what else to say. Check in later for more info! *hugs*
If you'd like to see some kewl sites that my Mom and I have found please click on the link below and try not to laugh into tears, hehe....bye for now!!!
a cute site about some nutty places to go!