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Hi my name is Jennie and I raise and train Yorkshire Terriers. I enjoy conformation but my true love is the obedience ring. I started showing yorkies in obedience in 1996. When my GSD passed away I didn't want to stop training so off I went to class with my yorkie. I quickly became a believer in the power of yorkie.

Tigger is now Champion Rievaulx Legacy's Renegade Breeze who is a pleasure to live with. Tigger's daughter Dorthy "Tyler's Country Tyme Doll" now a mom is closing in on her Championship from the Bred-By class.

American Canadian Champion Durrer's I'm On Fire "Nitro" Got a Group 2 placement on his way to his Canadian Championship and is training so that he may soon compete in obedience.

Ashbury's Mister Enchantment CD "Tyler James" who had 2 Second and 1 Third placement as well as 2 High Scoring Toy and 3 High Scoring Yorkshire Terrier awards in his quest for his CD tittle promises to show Tigger his rocket recall and spring swing finish.

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since December 18, 1997


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