Megan was diagnosed at the age of five with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, with a large cell tumor growing in her stomach, and already attached to her organs, making it impossible to remove during surgery. The chemotherapy started in July of 1996, and is still continuing probably until February of 1998, if all goes well. After that she will go into a protocol for one year, with monthly visits, unless the temperatures rise and then back to the hospital.During all the testing, we've been told that the tumor has shrunk considerably, while we stand with our fingers crossed as CT scans are done. We have not yet been told she is officially in remission.

During the chemotherapy protocol of her cancer, all I can say is thank God for her "Beanie Babies" it made the spinals, CT contrast, and shots much easier.

Her longest stay in the UK Children's Hospital was during the Christmas of 96. She spent from the middle of October, till the end of January, and we were at home total for about 10 days. She spent Christmas in the hospital, and all of us were overwhelmed by the media. That Christmas day was one of the happiest, and then one of the saddest, that I will ever remember. Megan's weight at that time dropped from 48 lbs. to 32 lbs.

Since Megan has began her treatment, she has collected approximately 160 beanies, all brands included, but believe me she knows when she gets a "TY Beanie Babie". Megan also enjoys her aquariums, both fresh and salt water, since she's been confined to indoors for most of the course, especially when the blood counts drop.

We, Gina and Doug, are very proud of our child. She has shown us both, as well as our families and friends, that life is a precious and to live it to it's fulliest each day.

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