Home Sweet Cyberhome!!

Hi! This is my first attempt at a homepage, so please be patient with me!

Let me begin by telling you all a little bit about myself and my family.

My husband Mike and I met in Alamogordo, NM in 1990. His mother met me and told me she had a son who was about my age and that when he came home at Christmas she would have him introduce me to some of my friends so I would know some people in town since we had just moved there a few months before. Well, he came home and we went to the movies and bowling that first night and had fun (he brough along one of his friend's so it wouldn't seem like a date!) He said that after the first date, that he knew that I was the one he would marry, but I had my doubts. However, he had to go to Amarillo, TX for 6 months only 2 weeks after we met to do a work co-op for school. When he left and I was heartbroken, I knew that I felt the same way he did. We kept in touch by phone and letter several times a week, and by the time he returned, we were in love. Now here's where it gets complicated. He moved back home, but his parents were on their way to Alabama, so he went to school in Las Cruces, NM where he had been going for 2 years. He would stay with me and my family on the weekends that he had free, and I would go up to visit him when I could. Then, tragedy!!! My parents were scheduled to move to Alaska, and if I could not find a job in Las Cruces or Alamogordo, I would have to go to my aunt and uncle in TX!! Well, there were simply no jobs to be had so I packed up my things the day after my 20th birthday and moved to TX!! We saw each other about 3 times, and then he applied for another co-op here and got it. So in August, he came here and worked for the company he now works for permanently, for 6 months. Then we both moved back to Las Cruces so that he could finish his last semester of school. When he was finished, he was offered a job by this company, so in July of 1993, we moved back to TX!!

We decided that it was time to get married (he proposed in June of 1992) and that we would do it on the 3rd anniversary of when we met (Dec. 18 1990) We chose our attendants, and the wedding, although small, was fun and we got to see all of our friends again.

We, knew that we wanted a family, so we didn't try to prevent it from happening, however, it took over 2 years to finally get pregnant. We found out that we were expecting a baby in August of 1995. We were both exstatic!! (read the birth story at birth stories) I had a wonderful pregnancy, and on April 24, 1996 Steven Michael was born weighing 8lbs 2 1/2 oz and measuring 21 1/4 inches long. He is the light of our lives, and at 15mos is a bundle of energy!! He just started walking about 2 months ago, and I have a feeling, he'll be out-running us in no time!!

We also have 2 dogs, Jaydee and Emily. Jaydee is part Rottweiler, and Emily is half Golden Retriever/half Black Lab. They are our 4-legged babies, and we love them dearly also. Steven loves feeding them his leftover food and thinks it's hilarious when they take food from him!!

Mike, by the way is an Electrical Engineer and works at a Power plant. He loves his job, just not the location of it!! I am a "Domestic Engineer" *LOL* and also love my job. I wouldn't trade a minute of the time I get to spend with my family to work a job outside of the home.

Well, that's all I can think of to say and I think Steven is awake now. Hope you enjoy this home page and that it isn't too boring or confusing. Soon we'll be getting access to a scanner so that everyone can see our family!!

Hi, we're the-gentrups.

The description of my page is:

Mike, Becky, and Steven's place!

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