These are a few of my favorite models: the mahogany bay Proud Arabian Stallion, Four Winds Frost, was one of the first horse I ever owned. I've always love this particular model, even if you can't do much with it, beause of the head position and that big jaw. Then I was able to buy this beautiful walking chestnut arab, Count Impressive Magic. He's made from the PAS model, but the artist did a lot of work on the head and body. They both have shown very well in live and photo.

The pictures below are of a real horse named Storm Cloud Speck Taza, he was a registered Apaloosa stallion. Sadly he passed away a few years ago, but he will live on in the two models I had made of him. I have never met a nicer stallion, I use to ride him bareback with just a bosel and never had any troubles.

The models were made by two different artist and I think of them as the young Taza and the older Taza. He had a very distintive blanket when he was a young horse, but as he aged, he roaned out alot. The models tell the story. Hope you've enjoyed some of my photos. I'll be adding to them a little later.

I've added a page of fantasy models. These are all customied models, most which are made by Nightmare Studios. If you like the weird and strange check them out at The Fantasy Page.
I've also added the foal club I run to this page, so check out the MFBA (Model Foal Breeds Ass).
I also run a live show and I'm proud to say that Mid Ark(The oldest and only live show in Arkansas) is going into it's 17th year. I can tell you of one show where I had one person showing, and then a girl came to check out the show. Well, she bought two models and I talked her into showing the models in halter, so I had two people in the show. I can finally say that last year's show had 16 showers and everyone had a great time. All of the sites mentioned above are found below. Check them out.
I love to hear from you.
Model Foal Breeders Assocation(MFBA)
Mid-Ark Model Horse Expo
Fantasy Page
Carol Howard's Leather Model Tack Page
Model Horse Links
Real Horse Links
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