Moms are really something, aren't they? They are these wonderful creatures that can do miraculous things such as creating fairy wings from coathangers and nylon net. But once in a great while, something comes along that just stumps even the cleverest of Moms.
I had originally planned to update each week. But with my hectic schedule, I have found that to be impossible! So as often as I can manage,a new tip will be presented on this page--from cleaning hints and stain removal to parenting skills. If you have a tip that you would like to submit, or if there is something you need help with, please let me know! (Be sure to remove the X in front of my address! ;^)
For your hands:
Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice with 1 tablespoon honey, and one cup of oatmeal. Mix it into a paste and load the mixture onto clean hands. Cover with cotton gloves or cotton socks for 20 minutes. Rinse well and apply a hand cream.For your cuticles:
Soak fingertips in 1 cup of lukewarm water and the juice of 1/2 lemon. Within 5 minutes the ragged edges of your cuticles will soften so you can smooth them with a washcloth. Gently push back the cuticles and apply a moisturizing hand cream or vitamin E oil.For your hair:
Lemons can add Vitamin C to the hair which adds shine and brilliance. This conditioner can be used as a "super" conditioning treatment once a week, or twice a week for hair that is severely damaged or dry.Take the juice of one lemon and mix it with 3/4 cup of olive oil and 1/2 cup of honey. Distribute it through the hair and comb through with a wide-toothed comb. Cover the head in plastic wrap or a plastic cap followed by a warm towel that has been warmed in the clothes dryer or microwave. If you have access to a hair dryer that you can sit under, all the better. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse well and follow with a shampoo.
Hair brightener:
Add the juice of one lemon to your regular shampoo in the palm of your hair. Lather well and leave on a minute or two. Rinse well and follow with your regular conditioner. The high concentration of Vitamin C in lemons aids in repairing the hair from styling damage. You can use bottles lemon juice if it 100 percent pure lemon. (1 T. = 1 lemon)
Be strong.
Be intelligent.
Know that beauty has everything to do
with how you feel about yourself and
nothing to do with looks or other people's opinions.
Never do anything just because
everyone else is if you believe it's wrong.
Always be true to yourself.
Expect the best from life and that's what you'll get.
Learn from your mistakes and failures.
Believe in magic and wish on stars.
Love and trust and be compassionate.
Make faces.
Play in mud puddles.
Take bubble baths.
Turn off all the lights and watch lightning storms.
Dance, laugh, cry, and sing when you want to.
Read everything you can get your hands on.
Stand up for what is right especially if you stand alone.
Don't allow yourself or people around you to tolerate prejudices of any
Don't be afraid to try something new.
Do something daring at least once a week.
Run through snow drifts.
Spin in circles and roll down hills.
Pet puppies, hold kittens, and talk to babies.
Take afternoon naps.
Stay up to watch the sunrise.
Never apologize for being a woman or for being yourself.
Never forget that I love you more
than any other person in the world,
no matter how far apart we are
you will always be my daughter.
~Author Unknown