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"Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all."

--Henry David Thoreau

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The Art of War - The Barnes & Noble review

I do not doubt that Sun-Tzu's The Art of War is a classic worth studying, and a great source of wisdom on military tactics and strategy. Just do yourself a favor and skip this translation by Thomas Cleary.

Mr. Cleary seems enamored of himself as a translator. I have no doubt he knows how to translate, but I wanted to read Sun-Tzu, not Thomas Cleary translating Sun-Tzu and hosts of others so I could appreciate how clever Mr. Cleary is.

The book is laid out so:

This is truly annoying when one wants to read only what the original author has to say. I tried going through and reading only the Sun-Tzu parts, but that didn't work well at all. This would be a good book for those who really want to get into the whole philosophy and study the various perspectives with which Sun-Tzu's words have been attributed throughout the centuries. This was not my purpose, so this book didn't suit me.

SET - 10/24/2000


Current Read

Currently Reading

Aristophanes: Lysistrata/The Acharnians/The Clouds - The Barnes & Noble review


Next on The List

The List Plato - Selected Works
Aristotle - Ethics; Politics; Poetics
Mencius - The Book of Mencius

Here is The List that got me started.

SET's Reviews

Work Author Date
The Epic of Gilgamesh Anonymous ca. 2000 BC
The Iliad Homer ca. 800 BC
The Odyssey Homer ca. 800 BC
The Analects Confucius 551-479 BC
The Oresteia Aeschylus 525-456 BC
Three Theban Plays Sophocles 496-406 BC
Electra; Alcestis; Medea;
Hippolytus; Bacchae;
Women of Troy
Euripides 484-406 BC
The Histories Herodotus 484-425 BC
The History of the
Peloponnesian War
Thucydides 470/460-ca.400 BC
The Art of War Sun-Tzu 450-380 BC



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