Hi My name is Sharon. Born in Laredo Texas on November 16, 1960 to Henry and Elizabeth. Caryn (my older sister) was born in Germany on November 4, 1958. Susan, also born in Laredo, April 18, 1963, followed by Henry Bohm the 3rd (known as "Ben") in Waco Texas on January 2, 1965. Molly my half sister (from my fathers second marriage)January 1, 1979. Vincent Joseph my half brother (from my mothers second marriage) July 31, 1978. As you can see, we have quite a large family, and going through all my pictures is going to take quite a bit of time. For now, This part of my page is dedicated in the memory of my father who passed away at the age of 64 on July 20, 1998 from Lung Cancer. His last lesson to me: Not to take life for granted, but to live each and everyday to the fullest.
"Young Hank"
"Taken April , 1998"
My Baby Picture November 25, 1960
My Sister and I taken April 1961
Caryn (left) Sharon (right)
Me August 1997
I also have many Aunts, Uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, a step brother and 2 step sisters too, and my animals of course are my family too! I hope you enjoy this part of my page!
My Children
Jonathan Jay, born on August 21,1979

Melissa Lee Anne, November 15, 1982

Alicia Renee June 22, 1984.

This one was taken near Christmas 1992
Here are a few photo's of important people in my life
Gwen (Toms mother)
This is Jim, April, and Christopher. Three more important people in my life. April and Chris are Jim's children whom I got to know over the summer of 1996. Although I have not seen them since December 1996, I still think of them everyday, wishing them all the best in life.*smile*
Chris practicing karate
Chris and Sinsei Scott