Hi and welcome to my Homepage. For those of you who had already visited my Page earlier
you must have noticed some changes and for those who are here for the first time..WELCOME:)
Hi everybody. I am Sheena Krishnan. I go to the University of Houston, and I am majoring
in MIS at the College of Business. I am from Bombay, Aamchi Mumbai. And have been here for
the past four and a half years. I was very reluctunt to leave India and come here but now that
I am here I have learnt that its the people that make the place:) Thanks to all my friends
that I made here...I have learnt to love Houston.
A lil more about myself. Like I said I am from Bombay. You might hear that a lot coz I am one proud bombayite:) I was born and brought up there. My parents are originally form
Kerala. I have two older brothers Shirish and Sumesh who are back home and whom I miss very much.
I live here with my Parents. I was born on the 8th of December 1974...yep I am a Saggi:)) well ya I do admit I am kinda crazy about zodiac signs:))
My favorite pass time is listening to songs...I love hindi songs.and I could listen to them forever:) I love watching movies..hindi, english...it doesnt matter. I love reading. John Grisham
being my fav author. I am also interested in a whole lot of other things so just browse through here:))
Well guys..so travel with me while I take u to the places and the people I love.
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