1.Daniel Zirschkyb:1791 Baden,Germany

2.William Zirschky

2.Daniel Zirschky II b:1825
married:Belinda Langstonb:1826

3.William Zirschkyb:1851
married:Minerva Tateb:1855

3.Minerva Zirschky
married:David Lewis Ratterree

3.Elivina Elmirea Zirschky
married:Harvey A.Bruce

3.John Zirschky

3.Martha Jane Zirschky
married:Alexander R.Kelly

3.Sally Zirschky
married:Isaac Burch

3.Daniel Price Zirschky
married:Cyntha Carson

3.Amanda Belinda Zirschky
married:Jesse C.Tate

2nd wife of Daniel Zirscky II
Martha E.Carson

3.Synthia Ann Zirschky

2nd wife of Daniel Zirschky I

2.Mathew Sussky
moved to Texas and changed to name to Sussky
married:Martha L.Elkins

3.John R.Sussky

3.Benjamin Franklin Sussky

3.William Albert Sussky

3.Amanda J.Sussky

2nd wife of Mathew Sussky
Lucy Martelia Yates

3.Walter Winfred Sussky

3.Ira Custer Sussky

3.Charley Sussky

3.Carl L.Sussky

2.Ann Elizabeth Sussky
married:Alexander Free(Freeze)

Family rumor is that Daniel Zirschky I 's, first wife left
him and took their two girls back to Germany. As of yet, have
not found any proof of this.


As of this time and date:Oct 1,1998 this is were the 1999
Zirschky family reunion will be held. If I hear different
I will repost. So make sure you check back oftern.

Family reunion is held in Houston,Missouri
Houston Rural FireHouse at the corner of Grand & Walnut
Sunday July 11th 1999
It starts at 10AM and lunch will be served around noon
Would like to see all of you Zirschky decendants there.

Children of Daniel Zirschky II
seated:Amanda,Sally,Martha & Minerva
standing:Daniel Price & William Zirschky


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