Yep,that is me and hubby,taken in 1996 at a company Christmas party. We'll be married 27 years come June. We have 3 boys,Mike; James; and Milton Jr.(Mickey). Also have an 19 yr old cat,Snowball,that is going thru her second kittenhood,and a very loveable mutt named Heidi. I love learning new things.I've taught myself to crochet,needlepoint and to make quilts.My first quilt,was a memory quilt for my mother-in-law. It had pictures of all nine of her kids,pictures of her grandkids and pictures of her parents.

I started researching the families,after my husbands grandmother showed me old letters to her father-in-law,showing his ancestors. I started my researh with Mick's(my hubby)family,and even did a small book on his mother's family,the Orcutt's & Ogreen's. Mick is the oldest of 9 children,and his family is very close. That is why I started with his family,figured would be easer then mine. Am still working on the Porter/Bryan side of his family.

As for my family,welllll that is a whole other story. I'm the 4th of 9 children from my parents,then my mom and stepdad has 4 ,and my dad and stepmom have 3 more. So if you add them all up,there are 16 kids. My parents seperated in 1962,and my dad took us to California where his brother lived. For awhile we stayed with my uncle and his family,in 1963 we were taken away from our dad and placed in a children's home. My two older brother had taken off by this time,and my older sister got married and had her first child in 1964.Our father took two of my younger brothers back to Missouri to live with our maternal grandmother.That left me and two younger sisters and a younger brother in the children's home.Since they could not put us in same foster home,they placed me and my sister Marylyn in one home and Edward and Sandy in another.Between 1963 and 1969,when I turned 18, Marylyn and I were in 4 differnt foster homes and in between in the Childrens home. We saw our dad once in 1965,after he married his 2nd wife,after that we never heard from him. As for our mother,we never saw or heard from her after 1962,till 1970.

That is why I started researching my family,in the hopes of finding out who I was,where I came from and who my family was. Last year I found a cousin on the internet,who put me in contact with other relitives. And since then, I have gone to family reunions on both sides of my mothers family,gotten in contact with my halfsister Malinda,and finally found some family ties.One day,I hope to find the 3 kids my dad and stepmom had,as well as my brother Williams kids. I'll keep looking till I find all of my family members that are still living,and make contact with them. It will be up to them if they want to stay in contact with me,I hope they do.


Me,taken about 1953
My mom said I was mad at her.

My Dad 1951

My Dad 1978

My Parents taken about 1942

My Mom taken 1988