Welcome to the Meily Family Photo Album!

Hi! My name is Jean and Im an alcoholic! LOL, jk...but i do love mudslides ;o)   well Im a bum but a pretty smart one (sez my Dad),  this site is dedicated to my lovely, smart, generous and very rich (Congratulations on the promotion!!!) "older" sister (yes she is older! way wayyyy older!) Eva and her family,  Raffy, the tall , dashing and ever so loving husband (overheard at Magic Mountain when Eva was complaining of the heat Raffy: "Here's a can of coke, wash your face with it"), their son, my rollerblade instructor, Vincent James, and little brat... oops the little angel who looks like the gorgeous Aunt (thats me!), Kristin Marie.

This page is gonna be filled with photos and family history so if youre not into that stuff...you may leave now, you have my permission... LAYAS!!! hahaha... but for the rest of you wonderful and beautiful people,  enjoy and welcome to the Meily's Photo Album and feel free to stay as long as you like... Oh did I mention the prize at the end of the viewing? Free links and stuff!

Maybe I should start this with my sister...the very cute, talented.. uhmmm enough sucking up already, she'll always wuv me and I know she'll loan me more money after this page - hehhehe....


Ok here are the Links...They are mostly pictures but hey...they're very artistic...LOL


Sedona, AZ

Christmas '97

Acckkkk...the Kids!!!

Isnt he the cutest babe you've ever seen???  Eva and Vincent (at 6 mos)

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