Kitchen Tips


Make frozen vegetables fresh. 
Pour boiling water over them. Restores fresh taste
How to perk up wilted lettuce. 
Soak in cold water with a dash of lemon juice, cool in refrigerator for 30 minutes. 
Keep vegetables fresh longer. 
Put paper towels in bottom of bin. It will absorb moisture which causes decay. 
Make a good egg separator. 
Crack egg, put in small funnel, white will come through separated from yoke.


Cheese cutting tips. 
A dull knife is more successful than a sharp one
How to cut acidity in coffee. 
Add a pinch of salt
Good refrigerator deodorizer. Keep an open box of baking soda in it at all times.  unknown
Good bread crumb substitute. Potato chips, corn chips or pretzels. I sometimes use saltine crackers unknown
How to keep your berries fresh. 
Don't wash until ready to use and keep in refrigerator until ready to use
When is the omelet done. When you press it lightly and it springs back unknown

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Last update was done on 02/15/2006