Household Cleaning Tips


men's cologne will clean most rust spots in your tub                         sent in by Deb
use newspapers to clean your windows                         sent in by Deb
to get the yucky smell out of your vacuum what I do is take a little bit of cat litter put in a paper cup and add a little bit of your favorite scent mix it up let it sit for a while. Suck it up into your vacuum when you change the bag do the same                               Tammy
to take crayon off the paneling I spray a little Cinch window cleaner and wipe and Walla it's gone                                Tammy
To clean silk flowers I put them in the sink spray window cleaner on them let them sit for a few minutes then spray with warm water to rinse off the window cleaner                                Tammy
On You Stainless Steel Dish washer
Spray with a little pledge and use a Viva paper towel and presto- Looks better than new
                     sent in by Jamie
Dirty Microwave- Hard to clean
Heat up a damp wash cloth in the microwave for about 20 seconds and use it to wash inside of it. No more scrubbing!!
                         sent in by Jamie


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Last update was done on 02/15/2006