11/14/99 07:09:13
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
10/04/98 12:08:04
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Amethyst - 05/17/98 18:53:48 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243 My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net State: Colorado | Comments: Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Uncle Mike and Aunt Lisa - 05/10/98 15:13:18 My Email:monkeebiz@aol.com State: Phoenix, AZ. Country: USA Browser used: netscape 4.0 | Comments: I am a very lucky uncle to have a family like this one. Thanks Don for the kind words, because they must have helped in my recovery. I enjoyed this glance of time and will come often to this site. We are very proud of Brenda and you and your sweet family. love you guys always. Uncle Mike |
Linda & GARY - 05/04/98 22:21:18 My Email:GMLBOS3FOO@aol.com State: Neeeeww Jeeerrrssey Country: Neeeeww Jeeerrrssey | Comments: This is from your old friends in ................ ......, I woulnt tell you where!!! Now that we let the whole world know what my secret E-Mail address is, WHEN DO I GET MY 10 CASES OF PABST BLUE RIBBON ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????HUH |
Linda & GARY - 05/04/98 22:14:02 | Comments: |
Joachim Wagner - 09/17/97 02:40:38 My URL:http://www.dominican-rep.com My Email:contacts@caribe.net State: Santo Domingo Country: Dominican Republic Browser used: Netscape 3,o2 gold | Comments: Un saludo a los Carney's de la Republic Dominicana. (Home of the finest Cigars.) Joachim Wagner Hotel Palacio |
Lisa Roads - 07/13/97 00:30:20 GMT My Email:roadsus3@triax.com State: Oregon Country: USA Browser used: Netscape Nav Gold 3 | Comments: I am really impressed!!! Don, you are such a computer wizard! You will have to show me all your tricks when I show up there one day. Hey Brenda, stay off your feet and let the guys wait on you now. You'll be running like crazy when Ashlee is 14!!! Love ya all............lisa |
annomous surfer - 07/12/97 05:26:19 GMT My Email:curious@aol.com State: Tx Country: US Browser used: AOL Internet Explorer | Comments: Not b d! I copied some of you script, and a couple gifs. Hope you don't mind. Really like the scrolling on the bottom of the screen. Nice touch. Hope you get the rest of your site up soon. I'll e-mail you my web site address, so you can critique my pages. |
Don Carney - 07/09/97 04:27:41 GMT My URL:http://www.geocities.cpm/heartland/prairie/1983 My Email:mcpodon@ibm.net State: > Va Country: US Browser used: Netscape Comm 4.01 | Comments: You can tell we're still new at this. Please leave your comments for improvement, or just say Hi. Thanks for stopping by. |