As we approach the 11th anniverary of this website, we have begun the process of migrating the data accumulated here to a new site based on Web 2.0 Technology - that is, a wikispace. At this new "community" site, anyone interested can actually post new information and updates, themselves.
Check it out:
All new information received will be posted to these new pages, only.
Bill Smith, Administrator, billsmith2003@gmail.com
July 1, 2008, we will celebrate the 11th anniversary of this list!!!
Current "About Coon Rapids Iowa" Information site, including Great Places , maintained by Doug Carpenter
Hopefully, this will allow pages to load a little faster.
Your comments, updates, corrections
Jan 2008: Updates posted to Class of 1966 and Class of 1968
New email address for Rob Henak, Class of 1975
Current "About Coon Rapids Iowa" Information site, including Great Places , maintained by Doug Carpenter
New email addresses: Craig Crisman, Class of 1959, Jon Crisman, Class of 1957 (May 2006)
Added Bayard High School, Class of 1970, on page 5. Keep them coming!
Send your personal email address and class year and we will post it so your old classmates can contact you!
Class of 1953 Reunion notice, below:
Note from Susan Carpenter about Khrushchev visit in 1959.
Bayard High School Alumni pages expanded and added - Page 5 now added for 1946-1986.
Link to Photos of School Activities of the middle 1950s, including the musical, "Meet Arizona." Click Here.
Class of 1962 Reunion Info, Click Here
Added Bayard High School Classes of 1932-1945 on Page 4; page 5, later.
Created Bayard High School starting in 1887 through 1945 now on Page 4; a Page 5 will be created to include 1946 -1986 (coming soon - segments on page 3 will be moved to page 5, at that time).
Posted Classes of 1989, 90, 91 and 2000 - Thanks to transcription by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>, Thank you!
Coon Rapids-Bayard (IA) High School Annuals are now on CD for interested parties (1941-2001).
Posted Bayard Class of 1980 - Thanks, let's get some more of them sent in.... ;-)!!!
Posted New Comments of 2001 Reunion, Oct 2001
Added Classes of 1917, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41 from 1979 Coon Rapids Enterprise.
Added Bayard Class of 1952 and 1954 Courtesy of Colleen Poole <dpoole@netins.net>
Class of 1954 Bayard - Keep them coming - we need more of the Bayard
classes... Thanks!
Note from Charlie Chase, Class of 1966: We will be having our 35th reunion
supper in
Glidden on Friday, July 20. Anyone who wants to stop will be welcome.<Charlie
Chase <cchase@mtco.com>
While I was unable to attend the big 50s-60s reunion on July 7, I understand
it was a big success!
Please send your comments, reactions
and thoughts for future events - I've opened
a special page. Include a picture or two, if you wish. Or, if you have
a web site of your own (even better!!), send the URL so we can all visit!!
Bill Smith
See Archive of previous notes from this spot on special page.
**************************************************** Let's hear from more of you!! ;-) THANKS!
1888 | 1889 | ||||||||
1890 | 1891 | 1892 | 1893 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | 1899 |
1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 |
1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 |
1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 |
1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1937 | 1938 | 1939 |
1940 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1944 | 1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 |
1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 |
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 |
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 |
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 |
The Class of 1958 is planning their 50th Class Reunion for July 26, 2008 at the Coon Rapids Golf Course. For more information contact Corinne and Jerald South <cjsouth@iowatelecom.net>Photos from 1999 reunion with Class of 1959:
Left to right - Dick Rees, Bob Clark, Jerald and Corinne
Truhe(South), Jerry Lucht, Irene Anthofer (Scott) Mary Troutman (Muench),
Shirley Brooks (Weeks), Jerry Honold, Kathy Weber (Ryan), Jim Cambpell,
Karen Clark (Miskimins), Leon Dorpinghaus
Left to right - Mr. Pitz -(don't know
who is behind) Judy Schneider (?), Josie Minnick (Clark), Rebecca Thomas,
Joan Patrick (Campbell, Bev Christensen (Honold), Mary Troutman (Muench),
Mr. Welch, Shirley Brooks (Weeks)
The Class of 1957 will celebrate in Coon Rapids on August 3 -5, 2007. They are inviting members of the Classes of 1956 and 1958 both Friday and Saturday evenings. Friday night (Aug 3) - informal gathering, Bowling Alley, Cash bar. 7 p.m.
Saturday night (Aug 4) – CR golf course, buffet meal and short program: 6:00 cash bar, 7:00 dinner, 8:00 program. The charge is $20 per person for the meal and program. Reservations to be sent to Bill Smith, P.O. Box 2003, Emporia, KS or email to billsmith2003@gmail.com for invitation materials.
This schedule allows the day time on Saturday to play golf, visit family, partake of some of the many activities of the Coon Rapids Great Places program, what ever you wish. Some may wish to get together on Sunday, many will be heading home.
Remember the Class of 1957 Challenge regarding donations to the Coon Rapids Library and the Coon Rapids School Library if you have not already sent a contribution.
Susan Carpenter <sdcarp@pionet.net> asked that I post this:
Susan Carpenter and Janet (Ayers) LaVille will be meeting at Riverside
Park at 10 a.m. on Sunday, August 22, to catch up on the last three
years and reminisce about the Class of '64. If you'd like to join them,
bring something to share for brunch, your own table service, and cruise
on down to the Racoon.
Class of 1962 Reunion Info, Click Here
Note from Charlie Chase, Class of 1966: We will be having our 35th
reunion supper in
Glidden on Friday, July 20. Anyone who wants to stop will be welcome.<Charlie
Chase <cchase@mtco.com>
I just wanted to inform you that the class of 1996 will be having their
reunion on July 21, 2001 at the Coon Rapids Country Club. I think
have informed everyone, but would you post it on your website.
Thanks a
bunch!!! If anyone has questions, they can email me at <cory@wda.com>
From Cory Hart, June 1, 2001
Note from Susan Carpenter <sdcarp@pionet.net>, May 24, 2001:
The Classes of 1950-1965 will be gathering July 7, 2001 at the American
Legion Hall in Coon Rapids for a reunion.
Class of 1964 please send your $15 per person to John Clayburg, 29568
Hwy. 141, Coon Rapids, Iowa 50058 - email <clayburg@pionet.net>
by June
Added on Class of 1966 reunion from Shirley (April 10): If things don't
change we will be having are reunion at the Ware Steak House (Old Mr D's)
in Glidden Friday July 20th. 2001.
I'm Shirley (Boston) Muhr, I am setting up a class reunion for the
of 1966. Plans are set for the third week in July. This is also the
weekend of the fair. So families will have the chance to visit at the fair
and see other people. I will send more information as soon as things are
confirmed. Trying to set something up at the country club. I'm in need
of a few classmate address, so if anyone out there that can help me let
me know. You can reach me at muhr@pionet.net.
Thank You !
Shirley (Boston) Muhr
Fabulous 50's Reunion, July 7, 2001
Nancy Grettenberg, 120 3rd Avenue, Coon Rapids, IA 50058
Kay Anthofer, 735 7th Avenue, Coon Rapids, IA 50058
by May 1, 2001
(Posted January 24, 2001)
Legend: Roster name (married name/occupation) - residence at time prepared (c.1916-17)
Class of 1918
Grant Ballard
Clara Bell
Nellie Brutsche
Mildred Evans
Ruth Greenwaldt
Clara Harris
Leah Jones
Boies McLaughlin
Wilma Mull
Anna Partington
Clarence Shirbroun
Forrest Smith
Sleigh Dixon
Bryan Textor
Esther Unger
Marian Unger
Joyce Wheeler
Bertha Yager
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1919
Bertha E. Rabuck
Jennie F. Crinnigan
Frances E. Jordan
Vera C. Middleton
Mabelle L. Smouse
Lynn Dankle
Harold S. Keister
Frances C. Shirbroun
Lester R. Schlotterback
Harold J. Taylor
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1920
CR Enterprise, November 6, 1986, p. 5 has picture of the CRHS Class
of 1920, brought in by Martha (Yager) Keister:
Gertrude (Kinnick) Brideson, San Luis Obispo, CA; John Parker, Coon
Rapids (deceased); Lyle Anderson, Waterloo; Reva (Hilgenberg) Thornburg,
Dawson; Alice (Roberts) Thompson, Musselshell, MT (deceased); Martha (Yager)
Keister, Coon Rapids; Cletus (Grimm) Prueitt, Glidden; Mina Mueller
(from Enterprise, June 15, 1995 - picture of two remaining graduates,
p. 1)
Cletus Grimm Prueitt, resides in the Eventide Nursing Home in Denison;
is a faithful reader of the Coon Rapids Enterprise and eagerly awaits its
arrival each week. She lived in the Star
Community as a young woman and taught in a rural school north of Star.
(Her family) also lived in the Star
Community as a family for a number of years before moving to a farm
north of Glidden w hich was owned by Martha
Yager Keister.
The Classmate is Martha
Yager Keister, who resides in Coon Rapids.
Story provided by Janet La Rue, Denisson, daughter of Cletus.
Class of 1921
(from Enterprise, Sept 4, 1998 - 38 reunion picture from 1959, p. 5)
including Ila Erb Parker, Maude Mountain, Alice Smouse Jorgensen, Gerald Christy, Mildred Rabuck, Ethel Partington, Wes Davis, Gertrude Bell, Ruth Royer, Duane Wheeler. Other members of the class included Lillian Barnoski, Gladys Lee, Cletus Jordon, and Cora Smith. An empty chair in the picture was in memory of Cecil Herron Kennedy, a deceased member of the class.
Class of 1922(Enterprise excerpt)
including Thurlow Jewell, James Bradley, John Preston, Eva Mountain,
George Brutsche, Eleanor Wine, Aber Kimball, Harold Scott, Leo Enenbach,
Golde Smouse, Maude Howell, Eunice Parker, Deveda Taylor, Bonita
Yager, Mamie Trucks, and Dorothy Smouse.
From Coon Rapids Enterprise - August 11, 1988, p. 5: a picture of the
Coon Rapids Seniors in the year 1922, via Martha Keister: Thurlow Jewell,
Harold H. Scott, George Brutsche, Albner Kimball, John Preston, James Bradley,
Leo Enenbach, Bonita Yager, Eva Mountain, Dorothy Smouse, Maude Howell,
Eleanor Wine, Mamie Trucks, Golda Smouse, Sara Gove (principal), W.H. Reever
(Supt), Eunice Parker, DeVeda Taylor.
Class of 1923:
(from Coon Rapids Enterprise, 25 May 1923, reported in 75 Years Ago
Column, p. 5, 21 May 1998 issue):
(including) Cecil Bates, Beryl Bauer, Villah Bell, Lillian Boston, Marie and Marjorie Cashatt, Orson Caswell, Nina Conner, Velma Conner, Donald Dixon, Adabelle Hilgenberg, Orton Kretzinger, Thomas Lambert, Alfred McCabe, Harold Reever, Delos Rhodes, Wilfred Shane, Hazel Smith, Kathryn Smith, Richard Sorensen, Alvin Teter, and Ruth Wheeler.
(From Coon Rapids Enterprise, May 16, 1924, reported in 75 years ago column, p. 5, May 20, 1999):
Elda Grohe, Elizabeth Reever, Velma Sigler, Frances Williams, Elizabeth
Jones, Harold Emery, Lincoln T. Cory, Laurence E. Smith, Gernie McNabb,
Wayne Smith, Roswell L. Jordan, Freeman C. Mingus, V. Laura Davis,
Margaret Bill, Dollye L. Mitchell, Cordie V. Smith, Evelyn C. Mitchell,
Mildred M. Lincoln, Thelma E. Knappenberger
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, March 7, 1985, a picture: This is the freshman
class of 1921 at the Coon Rapids High School - but, it the graduating Class
of 1924, I am fairly certain (from Willard Smith and Irene Bolger information:
Opal Louthan, Gretta Behrig, Gertrude Shirbroun, Bonnie Umbaugh, Clyde
Grimm, Maurice Zavitz, Ralph Wheeler, Willard Smith, Millard Bell, Murray
Kimball. Donald Soltz, Waite Vaughn, Cletus Harris, Neive Smith, Helen
Bauer, Violet Welsh, Ruth Bales, Evelyn Boston, Vera Umbaugh, Iola Brutsche,
Velva Rabuck, Esther Knight, Rachel Cory, Jessie Shirbroun, Kenneth Wallace,
Earle Smith, Bonnie Bell, Cecile Parker, Irene Bolger, Miss Brouse,
Helen Ramsey, DeEtte Kretzinger, Louise Bowman, Willard Nelson, Walter
Hilgenberg, Kenneth Patrick, Jake Bell, Clark Lee, George Shirbroun, Ret
Latta, Zora Buckley, William Spencer.
Class of 1928:
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, April 4, 1985, a picture: Lee Miller brought
in a high school class, presumed to be 1925 or 1926 - but a later article
about Orel Thomas has him stating he was Class of 1928, and Dutch Preston
and LVene Smith information would tend to confirm itL
Chick Rock, Dutch Preston, Willard Christy, Marion Clayburg, Les Hilgenberg,
Red Dixon, Orel Thomas, Ted Ferguson, Delores Jordan, Josephine Kretzinger,
Frances Schulze, Katheryn Grimm, Katherine Shirbroun, Don Hilgenberg, Harry
Cory, Alfred Parker, Naomi Grettenberg, LVene Smith, Cleo Miller, Irene
Umbaugh, Ruth Gehrig, Sarah Porter, Maida Taylor, Velma McLaughlin - also,
a man in the front row, unidentifed, appears to be a teacher.
Class of1929(Enterprise excerpt)
including Lola McNabb, Lucille Bell, Eunice Ford, Erma Ridgeway, Dorothy Pingrey, Jesse Webber, Midred Woods, Evelyn Cory, Edna Jacobsen,Dale Sigler, Howard Tuel, Wayne Textor, Lewis Williams, Cletus Bower, Millie Porter, Inez Grohe, Mildren Shirbroun, Freda McDaniel, Elsie Jensen, Letha Umbaugh, Sadie Rock, Margaret Clayburg, Dwight Williams, Max Zavitts, Raymond Oliver, Glenn Bolger, Russ Boston, Jens Ruggard, Lee Welch, Justin Churchill, Harlan Smouse, Elmer Schumacher, Raymond Patterson, Ed Parker, Don Winnett
Class of 1930
Louis Jensen
Gertrude Mingus
Russell Newcomm
Wilma Barthelme
Dale Carpenter
Arion Moylan
Madalyne Foxworthy
Oliver Textor
Paula Anderson
Olive Liddell
Justin Churchill
Thelma Parker
Wilson Wolfe
Ralph Cory
Adabelle Patrick
Cecil West
Martha Thomas
Leslie Pessley
Pauline Smith
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1931
Paul Hufferd
Donald Williams
Orrin Hilgenberg
Donald Anderson
Dorothy South
Ann Churchill
Howard Bauer
R.E. Jennings
Floyd Betts
Clara Bolger
Kenneth Bowman
Mildred Middleton
Beverly Bowman
Evelyn Heater
Louise Jones
Clara Raygor
Clara Evans
Emma Shirbroun
Josephine Henry
Arnold Thomas
Cletus Hufferd
Earl Grohe
Irl Bell
Karen Rugaard
Harold Grim
Ivan Hufferd
Roy Reed
Elwin Squires
Alma Johnson
Ruth Watkins
Arnold Bower
Ethel Latta
Margaret Pingrey
Helen Webber
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
R. Arnold Buckley
Madelyn Churchill
Robert W. Cory
Eleanor Cretsinger
Erwin D. Davis
Harold W. Hart
Stella I. Hilgenberg
Madeline L. Holliday
Pauline Hufferd
Mary Kennedy
Leone H. Korup
Cecil C. Latta
Gladys Lovell
Deloris Mingus
Lillian Muller
Nellie May Payne
Wilson H. Pingrey
Genevieve N. Rock
Dorothy J. Schulze
John H. Shirbroun
Donald Smith
Howard Smouse
Maurine Textor
Bernard F. Tigges
Richard C. Van House
Clifford Walsh
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1933 (From Graduation Program)
Myrtle Lorraine Johnson, Anna Marie Schumacker,Violet Virginia Hufferd,
Gladys L. Smith, Dorothy L. Johnson, Thelma I. Calder, Frances Caroline
Henry, Madge Irene Anderson, Arleen Grace Galloway, Mary A. Carpenter,
Dorothy H. Miller, Arlene Ruth Hilgenberg, Mary Elizabeth Moylan, Margaret
Pearl Parker, Claribel J. Anderson, Robert Edward Lee, Clarence Morman,
D. Smith, Bernadine Marie Redding, M. Lorraine Korup, Josephine L.
Conner, Dale W. Ridgeway, Donald Ridgeway, Howard D. Patrick, Donald M.
Bowman, Regin A. Rugaard, Clinton F. Churchill, Charles H. Jensen, Leo
Lovell, Thelma A. Bancroft, Clara Fern Bowman, Gladys L. Smith, Ruth Minnick,
Alvin Louis Long.
Class Flower: Yellow Tea Rose; Class Colors: Blue and Gold; Class Motto:
The Elevator to Success is not Running, Take the Stairs.
(From Enterprise, July 20, 1989 - picture of 25th reunion held in July
Don Ridgeway, Coon Rapids; Clarence Morman, Carroll; Donald Bowman,
Cedar Rapids; Myrtle Johnson (Mrs Ed) Lucht, Scranton; Leverne (Pete) Smith,
Coon Rapids; Violet Hufferd (Mrs. Wm.) Rogan, Scranton; Anna Schumacher
(Mrs. Elmer) Lund, Coon Rapids; Lewis McNurlen, Des Moines; Margaret
Parker (Mrs. Roger) Zeller, Bagley; Dale Ridgeway, Coon Rapids; Mrs. Mary
Moylan Neohren, Harlen; Leo Lovell, Scranton; Claribel Anderson (Mrs. Frank)
Clayburg, Coon Rapids; Charles Jensen, Charles City; Mary Carpenter (Mrs
Vivian) Patrick, Coon Rapids; Regan (Gus) Rugaard, Villia Park, IL; Fern
Bowman (Mrs. Gerald) Raymond, Bayard; Howard Patrick, Columbus, NE.
(from Enterprise, July 10, 1998 - 65th class reunion picture, p. 11)
Six class members met: Dale Ridgeway, CR; Don Ridgeway, CR; Don Bowman,
Cedar Rapids; Margaret Parker Zeller, Bagley; Anna Schumacher Lund, Glidden;
Leo Lovell, Glidden.
From Enterprise, Sept 9, 1999, from joint 1933,34,35 reunion - pictured:
Class of 1933: Dale Ridgeway, Leo Lovell, Anna Schumacher Lund and Don
Class of 1934: From Enterprise, Sept 9, 1999, from joint 1933,34,35 reunion - pictured: Class of 1934: Helen Watkins Burr, Des Moines: Gertrude Barber Sauvago, Carroll; Mildred Mikkelsen Swanson, Marshaltown; Lucille Textor Pingrey, Coon Rapids; Neva Deppman Clark, Coon Rapids; Lyle Savago, Carroll; Orrin"Pete" Oliver, Coon Rapids; Helen Jones Bortz, Palins, KS; Verna Watrous Pomeroy, Coon Rapids.
Class of 1935 (From a picture with notations - many yet unidentified - send their names, please!)
including Jack Rogers, Helen Thomas, Valera Smith, Sarah Carpenter,
Maude Carpenter, Leo
Kinnick, Maxine Hilgenberg, Ida
Marie Bell, Clair Clark, Paul Textor, Wilma Ford, Bernice Pomeroy
From Enterprise, Sept 9, 1999, from joint 1933,34,35 reunion - pictured:
Class of 1935: Ila Pierce Robison, Helen Thomas Galloway, Bernice Patrick
Class of 1936
(from Enterprise, August 1, 1996 - picture of 60th class reunion, p.
included Kenneth Betts, CR; Karl Shirbroun, CR; Elizabeth Welsh Lewis, CR; Valeria Kauffman Eddy, Bayard; Ethel Scherbring Johnston, Ralston; Ethel Betts, Carroll; Eileen Kinnick Smith Olson, CR.
Class of 1937
(from Enterprise, Sept 11, 1997 - picture of 60th class reunion, p.
including Leonard Tuel, Atlantic; Merville Sparks, CR; Donald Patrick, CR; Halvor Clausen, Carroll; Neva Watrous Wood, West Des Moines; Edward Guritz, Mapleton; Linette Cretsinger Patrick, CR; Virginia Chrystal Davis, Omaha, NE; Edith Lund Johnson, CR; Robert Trullinger, Portland, OR; Richard Lawrence, CA; June Smith Coder, CR; Leo Morman, West Des Moines; Wesley Thomas, CR
Class of 1938
Franklin Marnett
Alvin Morman
Lyle Watrous
Douglas Coder
Kenneth Pingrey
Alice Anderson
Bernadine H olliday
Bonnie Brutsche
Clinton Vaughan
Dale Wine
Darrell Bower
Dorothy Beebe
Erna Lund
Elwin Sigler
Ethel Walsh
Fern Johnson
Freddie Neilson
Helen Parker
Henry Gruber
Lorene George
J. Churchill
Jack Whisler
June Johnston
Lenore Linton
Lloyd Johnson
Marjorie Davis
Mildred Bower
Priscilla Rogers
Wright Carlson
Shirley Johnson
Virginia Stephenson
Wilfred Gruber
Winston Teter
Edith Vaughan
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1939
James Dean Bell
Keith W. Conner
H. Delton Schulze
Clatyon Patrick
Calvin P. Sparks
Lawrence Bails
Dwaine Duncan
Elmer C. Anderson
Kennoth Manor
Squire E. Davis
John A. George
Howard A. Bowman
Alfred J. Hart
Charles I. Sparks
John M. Kennedy
Leona M. Ockenfels
Beulah D. Hupp
Verneta Davis
Helen K. Johnson
Betty J. Rippey
Delores M. Frank
Virginia Mae Nolan
Edith J. Thomas
Pauline Rees
Norma I. Bower
Ada G. Betts
Eva M. Guritz
Dorothy E. McNaughton
Arlene M. Rafferty
Miriam Cohen
Jean Eleanor Jenks
Marie Davis
Fayetta Mae Davis
Elouise Lindahl
Betty Jean Cory
Janet Stangl
M. Delores Walsh
Ronald D. Kretzinger
Keith V. Textor
Wayne E. Cooley
Keith H. Brutsche
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1940
Pauline Bower
Ada Myers
June Sauvago
Mary Smith
Jane Garst
Caroline Gruber
Florence Betts
June Hupp
Bertha Nielson
Cleo Ferguson
Darlene Cory
Maurice Ford
Wilbur Thomas
George Bowman
Lynn Lloyd
Betty Teter
Alma Morman
Opal Bancroft
James Rasmussen
Betty Coder
Ursil Harvey
Jennie Betts
Phyllis Baker
Catherine Boehler
William Gilley
John Latta
Rita Kult
Marguerite Bower
Robert Blaschke <bob.blaschke@verizon.net>
William Knight
Clayton Wallace
Wayne Accola
William Cook
Donald Hoy
Pat Stangl
Victor Lott
Patricia Whisler
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
Class of 1941
Irene E. Anderson
Max G. Austin
Shirlee E. Brancroft
Isabelle E. Beebe
Paul Buckley
Donald L. Bock
Gerald D. Bowman
Orville Betts
Mary A. Blanchard
Helen B. Cretsinger
Robert D. Conklin
Alfreda A. Davis
Earl R. Davis
Jerome J. Frank
Loretta Gruber
Martha E. Graves
Evelyn A. Hodne
William DuPre Kupka
Dorothy Mae Lewis
Reese L. Manor
John Parker, Jr.
Loren M. Remele
Wilma M. Ranninger
James Lloyd Raygor
Orvile J. Robison
Mae Jean Sigler
Dorothy Mae Scherbring
Helen M. Smouse
Paul Slaybaugh, Jr.
May Ellen Thomas
Rita M. Tigges
Hilarion W. Tigges
Marjorie Thomas
Laverne Whitnell, Jr.
Violet Fay Wray
Marjorie J. Zavitz
Transcribed by Bill Smith smithwil@emporia.edu
Sept 2001
From Coon Rapids Enterprise, dated August 16, 1979 on the
Dedication of the new Junior-Senior High School
Some obvious misspellings, transcribed as recorded.
From their annual: Howard Accola, Rose Ann Beebe, Maurice Bower
Jr., Howard Burns, Maurice Senior Bower, Lyle Bundt, Darlene Cretsinger,
Keith Compton, Douglas Cook, Jean Duncan, Margaret Davis, Betty Durbin,
Ina Mae Durbin, Jane Ann Dollarhide, Martin Friedrich, Cleadythe Ferguson,
George Frank, Jean Galloway, James Hagen, Jasper Heuton, Bertha Hart, Don
Jensen, Clayton Johnson Jr., Paul Jones, Bob Jacobsen, Marian Kanzmeier,
Bob Kolp, Naomi Olesen, LeRoy Ochenfels, Evelyn Pierce, Gurney Parker,
Mildred Pevestorf, Dorothy Rungee, Stanley Schafer, Kenneth Strom, Melvin
Tigges, Jean Wine, Rowena Whitten[Rowena Whitten Kult Class of 1942 rjkult@yahoo.com lives in Coon Rapids; per Myrna Whitten Wulf, class of 1958, mjwulf@win-4-u.net>, 22 Sep 2005], Thelma Walsh, Danny Welsh, Ethel Weitkamp.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
(from Enterprise, Sept 25, 1997 - 55th reunion picture, p. 10)
including Rowena Whitten Kult, CR; Naomi Olesen Golay, CR; Marian Kanzmeier
Long, Carroll; Jean Duncan Williamson, Littleton, CO; Bertha Hart Lile,
Jefferson; Darlene Cretsinger Bowman, CR; Jasper Heuton, Kimballton; Howard
Accola, Bagley; Clayton Johnson, Jr., Marshalltown; LeRoy Ockenfels, Cedar
Rapids; Dan Welsh, Emmetsburg; Paul Jones, Storm Lake; Margaret Davis Buttler,
Guthrie Center; Melvin Tigges, Guthrie Center; deceased, Kenneth Strom
From their annual: Genevieve McLaughlin, Leander Tigges, Lorraine
Cohen, Florence Behrens, Dean Lloyd, Dorothy Howard, Joe Lynn, Lois Shaner
(Secy), Shirley Booten (Treas), Lawrence Raygor, Cleo Watrous, Lsabelle
Lengle (wonder if this should be Isabelle, Annual says Lsabelle), Rita
Ferguson, Betty Lou Evans, Darlene Knight, Mary Lee Jones, Keith Lawrence,
Ila June Davis, Patsy Boehler, John Chrystal, Jean Lachenmaier, Richard
Rafferty, Howard Walsh (Pres), Juanita Rees, John Schumacher (V Pres),
Darlene Teter, Edythe Mowrey, Stephen Garst.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
(from Enterprise, July 9, 1998 article)
class reunion brunch included: Stephen Garst, Howard Walsh, Darlene
Antisdel of Glidden; Keith O. Lawrence, Isabelle Reising of Carroll, John
Chrystal, Bob and Pat Boehler Oppold of Waterloo, Mirriam and Sylvan Jubeliver
of Florida, Lorraine and Bernie Robbins and John J. and Wanda Schumacher
of Coon Rapids.
Richard V. Rafferty added by his son Ron, Class of 1968.
From their annual: Catherine Anksorus, William Baker, DeLane Blanchard,
Lucille Blanchard, Marden Blanchard, Ione Boch, Richard Bower, Phyllis
Cook, Geneva Cretsinger, Duane Davis, Neva Davis, Richard Davis, Etta Drake,
Cleadythe Frank, Caroline Friedrich, Geneva Herron, Genevieve Herron, Duane
Hoffman, Helen Howard, Dean Hupp, Irene Jacobsen, Mary Keister, Jo Ann
King, Floyd Lewis, Jo Ann Lewis, Leone Norman, Norma Nelson, Josephine
Raygor, Beth Robison, Gladys Rungee, Douglas Schreck, LaVerne Sigler, Marvin
Smith, Carolyn Stangl, Loraine Steele, Mary Ann Tigges, Victor Tigges,
Beth Ellen Trucks, Marjorie Tuel, Lois Wine, Nadine Yepsen, Audrey Zacher.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
From their annual: Eva Bails, Delores Beebe, Daryle Betts, Noel
Bevins, Maradell Blanchard, Lavonne Booton, Clarene Bowman, Arlene Burns,
Patricia Conner (Secy), Sammy Cretsinger (Pres), Dorothy Davis, Geraldine
Duncan, Henry Friedrich (Treas), Esther Hartwigsen, Delmar Johnson (V Pres),
Lorene Johnston, Lois Keister, Etta Lou Kebler, Frances Knight, Norma Knight,
Bernard Kolp, Irene Kult, Mary Long, Marilyn Mingus, Ramona Olesen, Ruth
Pfeiffer, Wanda Shride, Wilma Shride, Velda Sparks, Eugene Teter, Nadine
Teter, Donna Mae Textor, Marie Tigges, Ann Walsh, Patricia Weaver, Mary
Ellen Wells, Ruth Weitkamp.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
(from Enterprise, June 29, 1995 - picture of 50th class reunion, p.
including Jerri Duncan Rafferty, CR; Eva Bales Steinmatz, Des Moines;
Ramona Olesen Richardson, CR; Sam Cretsinger, CR; Daryle Betts, Bayard;
Rev. Henry Friedrich, Jamestown, SD; Wanda Shride Schumacher, CR; Mary
Long Bonney, CR; Marilyn Mingus Nelson, Ocala, FL; Lois Keister Bevins,
CA; Marie Tigges Eischeid, Halbur; Ann Walsh McDaniels, Colorado Springs,
CO; Nadine Teter Young, CR; Ruth Whitecamp Stenstrom, CR; Irene Kult Whalen,
Auroro, CO; Norma Knight Thomas, Bayard; Dorothy Davis Andersen, CR; Mary
Ellen Wells Closer, Carroll; Bill Woods, Cedar Rapids; Harold Lucht, Glidden;
Delbert Patrick, Des Moines; Bernard Kolp, Lramie, WY; Delmer Johnson,
Ames. Deceased class members: Donna Textor Lund; Lorene Johnston Betts;
Velda Sparks Berns, Patricia Weaver Schwartz; Clarene Bowman Bote, Wilma
Shride Wurr, Neil Bevins, Carl Bundt, Buster Clark.
Class of 1946 (From Commencement Week Activities brochure)
J. Bruce Annear, Duane C. Baker, Estel V. Betts, Samuel C. Drake, Gerald
E. Hachmeister, Lyle E. Jacobsen, Gerald Johnston, August
E. Kinnick, Lyle G. Knight, Patrick T. Miller, Jerry L. Parker, Thomas
E. Rees, Phyllis Ann Accola, Dorothy Mae Alexander, Phyllis Lorraine Bower,
Y-Vonne Donna Conner, Frances Lou Cretsinger, Colleen
JoAnn Davis, Lenore Ann Drake, Ramona Ferguson, Mary Louise Goochey,
Marguerite E. Halverson, Shirley Ann Herron, Mary Ann Kupka, Jennie Ruth
Long, Mary Catherine Miller, Beulah Jane Mowrey, Leila May Parker, Margaret
Jean Rice, Eva B. Ritchie, Coletta M. Tigges, Shirley C. Trucks, Jo Ann
A. Whitten [Jo Ann Whitten Alex (deceased) class of 1946; per Myrna Whitten Wulf, class of 1958, mjwulf@win-4-u.net>, 22 Sep 2005], Phyllis A. Wine, Patricia Anne Williams, Maxine Wurr
Class Flower: Talisman Rose; Class Colors: Black and Rose; Class Motto:
Give the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you.
From their annual: John Arrowsmith, Arno Behrens, Margaret Behrens,
Shirley Bell, Derwyn Blanchard, Aarion Booton, Bill Bowman, Tom Chrystal,
Lyle Cretsinger, Leonard Davis, Dorothy Durbin, Clara Ensey, George Esdohr,
Dale George, Wade George, Virginia Knight, Bernard Kult, Mildred Long,
Lucille Lynn, Carol Mingus, Charles Moore, Annabelle Patrick, Roger Rinehart,
Eleanor Rippey, Jeanne Scott, Dean Shirbroun, Dwaine Shirbroun, Dick Shirbroun,
Arlene Sigler, Bethane Smith, Dwight Smith, Doris Stenstrom, Leonna Tigges,
Danny Weaver.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
(Enterprise excerpt)
including John Arrowsmith, Margaret Behrens, Derwyn Blanchard, Bill
Bowman, Lyle Cretsinger, Arnold Behrens, Shirley Bell, Arion Booton, Tom
Chrystal, Leonard Davis, Clara Ensey, Dale George, Virginia Knight, Mildred
Long, Carol Mingus, George Esdohr, Wade George, Bernard Kult, Lucille Lynn,
Charles Moore, Roger Rinehart, Joanne Scott, Dwain Shirbroun, Arlene Sigler,
Dwight Smith, Leona Tigges, Annabelle Patrick, Eleanor Rippey, Dean Shirbroun,
DIck Shirbroun, Bethane Smith, Doris Stenstrom, Denny Weaver, Dorothy Durbin.
From their annual: John Andersen, Bethene Ankenbauer, Bill Behrens,
Janette Bell, Darlene Betts, Icil C. Betts, Richard Betts, Shirley Blanchard,
Caroline Brumback, Loraine M. Christensen, Kenneth Cretsinger, Mary Cretsinger,
Marianne Davis, Martin
Duling (mduling@home.com), Douglas
W. Evans, Kenneth J. Frank, Paul Hart, Wanda Hupp, Lois Nadine Kretzinger,
Lois Kult, Gertrude Long, Marilyn McLaughlin, Elsie Miller, Harry K. Mogensen,
Ed Moore, Pattye Mowrey, Helen M. Mogensen, Mary Dott Parker, Roberta Raygor,
Nadine J. Scott, Effie Z. Sigler, Ed Smith,Shirley Stangl, Mary Lou Weaver,
Phyllis Jane Webb, Charlotte Zumwalt.
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
(from Coon Rapids Enterprise, 14 May 1948, reported in 50 Years Ago
Column, p. 5, 14 May 1998 issue):
(including) John Anderson, Dick Betts, Ed Smith, Caroline Brumback,
Bethane Ankenbauer, Bill Behrens, Janette Bell, Darlene Betts, Icil Betts,
Shirley Blanchard, Lorraine Christensen, Kenneth Cretsinger, Mary Cretsinger,
Marianne Davis, Martin
Duling (mduling@home.com), Douglas
Evans, Kenneth Frank, Paul Hart, Wanda Hupp, Lois Kretzinger, Lois Kult,
Gertrude Long, Marilyn McLaughlin, Elsie Miller, Harry Morgensen, Helen
Morgensen, Ed Moore, Patty Mowrey, Mary Dott Parker, Roberta Raygor, Nadine
Scott, Effie Sigler, Shirley Stangl, Mary Lou Weaver, Phyllis Webb and
Charlotte Zumwalt.
From their annual: Donald Arrowsmith, Beverly Alexander, Bill
Bell, Joan Bowman, Russell Blanchard, Virginia Bell, John Cory, Maxine
Cady, Gordon Cretsinger, Charlotte Augustus, Lorus Hulbert, Glenace Dvorak,
Donald Jacobsen, Betty Hagaman, Ed Dorpinghaus, Alice Halbur, Rodney Gilchrist,
Leah Davis, James Grettenberg, Marian Frank, Larry Moore, Louise Johnson,
William Keister, Irene Lumsden, Ronald Mingus, Le Ila Jensen, LaVerne Jacobsen,
Donna Johnson, John Rafferty, Mary Knight, Eugene Dorpinghaus, Ramona McGee,
David Wait, Luetta McGee, Neal Shirbroun, Eunice Olesen, Donald Zumwalt,
Minnie Sparks, Floyd Rungee, Treva Teter, Dolores Whitefield, Marilyn Trucks,
Betty Whitten [Betty Whitten (deceased) Class of 1949; per Myrna Whitten Wulf, class of 1958, mjwulf@win-4-u.net>, 22 Sep 2005].
Transcribed by Ruth Jensen <jensenruth@yahoo.com>,
May 2001. Thank you!
From Enterprise, Aug 19, 1999, picture of Class of 1949 holds 50 year
Marian (Frank) Hilgenberg, Joan (Bowman) Hague, Louise (Johnson)
Hartley, Virginia (Bell) Mingus, Mary (Knight) Peverstorf, Donna (Johnson)
Buswell, Charlotte (Augustus) Prescott, Eunice (Olesen) Herron, Glenace
(Dvorak) Doran, Leah (Davis) Cretsinger, Treva (Teter) Shirbroun, Neal
Shirbroun, Don Zumwalt, Ron Mingus, Don Arrowsmith, David Wait, Jack Rafferty,
Bill Keister, Russell Blanchard, Ed Dorpinghaus, Jim Grettenberg.
Page Created June 30, 1997; last updated June 2008; direct comments
to Bill Smith. This page supported
and maintained by Bill
and Nancy Smith (CRHS Class of 1957).