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John, Beth, Chris & Brittany's Vacation Home Page

Welcome to our home page. You have reached the home of the Crouse's. We will try to share some of our adventures and trials of our family. We like to go on vacations. (Most of them short) but we try to do them together. As we progress with this page we will try to get some pictures of us and our adventures. We consist of a family of 4 people 1 dog and 1 cat. They are: John,Beth, Chris, Brittany, Smokey the dog and Cinnamon the cat. Smokey usually goes with us but Cinnamon doesn't like to ride. Thank you, have a good day and the Lord be with you.
Each one of us has a hobby, mine is playing the pipe organ, Beth's is bowling, Christophers is playing football and Brittany's is being 18 when she is only 8. We are going to make a page of our hobbies so stop back often. Whe I said often, I was hoping to keep up with everything but that didn't happen. The kids are growing up and things aren't quite the same any more. I will spend the next week updating everything. Thanks for stopping by.

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First Snow in October

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4th of July

Our Awards

Camping 1998

As we learn more new things we will change the pages. We will always be under construction so check back often. Please sign our guest book and give us some suggestions.

**San Diego***********************************************Arizona**

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