The Hibler family was originally from Germany, and immigrated to northern New Jersey in the mid-18th Century. They lived in Sussex County, but my branch migrated to south-eastern Michigan in the late 1830's. They settled in the area around Orion and Independence. My ggggrandmother, Mary ("Polly") Hibler Hudson (1813-1870) moved to Clayton, Genessee County, Michigan with her husband in the mid 1840's.
For more extensive information on the Hiblers, please go to Russell Freeze's Hibler site.

Outline of the Hibler Family

Adam Hibler (c.1733-c.1790)
+? (c.1737)
..Christopher Hibler (1753-1825)
  +Elizabeth ? (1755-1796)
....Mary Hibler (1781-1791)
....Adam Hibler (1783-1841)
    +Jane Reed (1788-1870)
......Elizabeth Hibler (1811-1848)
      +James Swartz (1803-1857)
......Mary Hibler (1813-1870)
      +John Hudson (1810-1868)
......Anna Hibler (1815-1880)
      +Millard Cook (1812)
......Christopher Hibler (1816-1876)
      +Lydia Drake (1818-1906)
......Hester Hibler (1818)
      +? Estes
......Nathanial Hibler (1820-1857)
......Mattias Hibler (1823-1869)
      +Sibyl Ayres (1832-1868)
......Abrahm Hibbler [sic] (1832-c.1889)
      +Emeline Ayers (1842-c.1868)
      Second wife of Abraham Hibbler 
      +Ann Trip (1838-c.1877)
....Anna Hibler (1786-1827)
    +William Coats (1772-1860)
......Garrah Coats (1809-1869)
......Ralph Coats (1811-1894)
......Azubah Coats (1819-1889)
......John Coats (1822-1890)
....Matthias Hibler (1787-1823)
    +Phebe Swayze (1785-1849)
......Desire Hibler (1808-1845)
......William C. Hibler (1811-1877)
......Andrew S. Hibler (1812-1884)
......Joanna J. Hibler (1814-1864)
......Christopher H. Hibler (1816-1891)
......Rachel Hibler (1819-1873)
......Sally Hibler (1822-1823)
....Abraham Hibler (1789-1856)
    +Sarah Reed (1795-1862)
......Phoebe Hibler (1816-1858)
......Margaret Hibler (1816)
......Mary Ann Hibler (1818-1852)
......Elizabeth Hibler (1822)
......Jane Hibler (1826-1852)
......Amy Hibler (1827-1901)
......Archelous Hibler (1828-1886)
......Almeda Hibler (1832-1900)
....Amy Hibler (1791)
    +Samuel Landon 
....Eleanor Hibler (1793)
    +Thomas Bird (1789)
......Thomas Bird (1816-1889)
......James L. Bird (1817)
......John Bird (1820)
......George H. Bird (1821)
......Israel Bird (1823)
....Sarah Hibler (1795-1822)
    +? Calvin (1791)
......Esther Calvin (1820)
  Second wife of Christopher Hibler
  +Esther Dilley (1767-1856)
....Elizabeth Hibler (1805-1871)
    +Alexander F. Drake (1800-1858)
......Desire Drake (1825-1828)
......Christopher Hibler Drake (1827-1895)
......Mary Ann Drake (1830-1902)
......Caspar Drake (1833-1834)
......Susan E. Drake (1835)
......Joseph Drake (1839-1888)
..Mary Hibler (1755-1815)
  +Abraham DeCou (1751-1792)
..Mattias Hibler (1757-1777)
..Cornelius Hibler (1764-1818)
  +Margaret Ammerman (1766-1838)
..Peter Hibler (1775-c.1854)
  +Martha Hahn (?-c.1825)
  Second wife of Peter Hibler
  +Elizabeth ? (1779-c.1811)

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