Genealogy of the Cyr & Hommer Families

Including Stone, Zellar, & Many Others

Welcome to my first web page! Hopefully, what it lacks in visual interest is made up for in speed of downloading. Personally, I don't care HOW high tech your graphics are if it takes 15 minutes to load the page. What I want is the information! What you'll find here, then, are various branches of my family in brief outline forms. There's lots of Acadian/French Canadian lines, as well as German and English. In the United States, most of my relatives live or originated in Michigan.
The principal surnames to be found are: Arbour, Babin, Boudrot, Bourgeois, Cyr, Gagner (Gagne), Bellefleur, Lesieur, Poirier, Stone, McCumber, Heminover, Hibler, Hudson, Melyn, & Schellinger on my father's side; Hommer, Zellar, Wilde, Merz, & Schluter on my mother's side.
Email me at if you have any specific questions.

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