Thank You for visiting. I appreciate your time and paticence in filling out my guestbook. Thank You. Take care and God Bless!! |
11/14/99 07:06:59
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook
James Davis (BUD_Jigsaw) - 05/21/99 03:38:38 My Age:: 29 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: Catholic all my life. How did you hear about this website?: From you. On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: Yup. | Comments: Shannon, I just thought I'd drop you a line and say hi. Been a long time since we've seen you on the zone. Hope things are going well for you, and for your family. Be looking forward to seeing again. May GOD bless you in all that you do! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Gary - 07/13/98 00:24:42 My URL: My Age:: 45 How long have you been saved?: 6 yrs How did you hear about this website?: I asked for It On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: pretty much a 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: Yes Maam | Comments: I havent checked out all of your page yet But what I have seen Is simply Wonderful. God has trully gifted you with how to put things into Words May God's riches blessings by yours always Gary |
Anne Doucette - 07/04/98 02:55:09 My URL: My Age:: 20, 21 in 4 days!! Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: from the Loop Is this fun or what? LOL: Sure thing | Comments: Finally checked out your page.. Go on grrl. |
Jay Stuler - 05/12/98 02:22:44 My URL: My Age:: 25 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: Still waiting ... How did you hear about this website?: Just stumbled onto it On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 8 if the links were fixed Is this fun or what? LOL: Sure its great! =) | Comments: Hi! I go to OU too...Im a Computer Science major... Nice page.. but your links need fixin'! =) Have a good one |
Carol - 05/05/98 17:10:44 My Email:Grandma233 Age:: 40 How long have you been saved?: 32 years How did you hear about this website?: The Loop On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: sure is | Comments: My daughter is also 20 and saved. I`m sending your page to her. Keep up the good work!! |
Angie - 04/02/98 16:40:27 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: since I was 5 How did you hear about this website?: from you On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: what! Ha-Ha just joking! | Comments: Shannon, I have never read your testimony before. It is so cool. I knew that you had gone to church with Caren, but I didn't know all about it. That is so cool. Well, I'll see you later. Love, Ang :) |
Brian Beachy - 02/28/98 07:07:33 My URL: My Age:: 26 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 20 years How did you hear about this website?: Web Ring Is this fun or what? LOL: rigatoni | Comments: hi shannon, i was just browsing through the christian web ring and found your site. i actually am in the process of submitting my bands site to the web ring. (thats the url that i listed in the guestbook.) keep in touch...i would love to hear from you. blessings, brian |
Angie - 02/18/98 16:45:13 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: since I was 5 How did you hear about this website?: from Shannon (that's you) On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: the best | Comments: You're the best friend in the whole wide world. I love you Shannon! I know that I have signed this many time, but I have an excuse this time. I wanted to look at my picture. Now you think I'm conceited, nope! I just wanted to make sure that the pictu e is good for viewing. Shannon, I have better pics, but that's okay. I'll talk to you later. Ang :) |
Andy Rainey - 02/18/98 07:37:22 My URL: My Age:: 20 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: Christian Music Ring On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10+ Is this fun or what? LOL: It certainly is! | Comments: Shannon, your site impressed me by the honesty and openness you used in writing it. For anyone who hasn't read the testimony on this page - don't miss it. It is worth the visit. We serve an awesome God, and His love is strong enough for all of us. We ust have to be willing to follow. This site shows that Shannon is a follower. |
Craig Smith - 02/14/98 09:19:55 My URL: My Age:: 23 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: Almost 10 How did you hear about this website?: Josh Clark On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: uhm...10 Is this fun or what? LOL: Uh huh... | Comments: I know...more OBU goons...Go Broncos!!! Craig |
Morgan Swan - 02/12/98 07:49:45 My URL: My Age:: 22 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: about 10 years or so... How did you hear about this website?: Josh's homepage On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: Yep Yep. | Comments: Just thought I'd add my name to the growing list of Zetas that are cruising your page thanks to Josh's hyperlink(Hi, James!). OU Rules! Whoo-hoo! |
James E L Esely - 02/11/98 07:32:15 My Age:: 23 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 4 yrs. How did you hear about this website?: believe it or not Josh Clark On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: well 10 of course Is this fun or what? LOL: lololol:) just kidding it is pretty cool though | Comments: I was just poking around on a mutual friend of ours Josh Clark's computer and he showed me some personal web sites. I really wish I was computer literate enough to make a web site of my own that way your web site could contact my web site and they could ave lunch hehehe=) just kidding well good talking to you... james esely ps e-mail me on josh's computer and I let him to save any messages for me..see ya |
Angie Woodie (it's me agian) - 01/30/98 15:51:20 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 14 years How did you hear about this website?: from you! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: Just nifty | Comments: Shannon! I love the Titanic thing. You know what my favorite movie is! Yeah Shannon! Well, for all of you reading this you can see my picture on the button that says, "photos" Then you can say, "Oh that's the girl that has signed this page a lot!" W ll, if it wasn't for me, Shannon wouldn't have so many visitors! J/K I haven't looked at her page in a couple of months! Aren't you proud of me? Well, see ya later Shannon! Love, Ang |
Daniel - 01/30/98 03:06:27 My URL: My Age:: 21 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 1992 (6 years) How did you hear about this website?: ran into it by accident Is this fun or what? LOL: hehe :) | Comments: Hello Shannon :) I was looking for another Shannon's webpage when I found sound like a great person with a great attitude towards God and life in general...and so studious too! I attend Harding University in Searcy, AR. It's a Church of Christ school, so all the curriculum is geared towards God. Keep up the good work, I wish you much success. Brains and beauty, wow! ;) Sincerely, Daniel Fosbinder |
Hardy Clejan - 01/27/98 11:48:08 My Age:: 38 Male / Female:: man How long have you been saved?: times & terms : it's all in our Lords hand , dear , so don't ask silly questions . How did you hear about this website?: the Webring On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: Don't worry 'bout what some mortal soul or'nother 'd rate yer work . Let the Lord be judge of it all , son . But ,aye , I do like your site. Is this fun or what? LOL: Yeap ! | Comments: I wish U a blessed life & greet U in the name of our Lord , Jesus Christ , Hardy |
Doug Bullen - 01/26/98 20:08:03 My URL: My Age:: 23 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 2 years How did you hear about this website?: You applied for my award :) On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11.5 :) Is this fun or what? LOL: of course! | Comments: Very nice! I just finished reading your testimony. Isn't God awesome?! Well, I just wanted to tell you how much I like and appreciate your site, and that you will more than likely be hearing from me VERY soon concerning the Sword of the Spirit Award! : Keep up the good work and God bless you. |
David Morningstar - 01/24/98 05:54:14 My URL:http://What is this? My Age:: 22 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 15 years How did you hear about this website?: Our mutual close bud, Angie Woodie/ie...redgirl05 On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: I need a bigger scale Is this fun or what? LOL: This is great!!!!!!! Now who's this LOL fellow? | Comments: Dear Shannon, I just finished reading all over your site here, and I must say that I give it two thumbs up...way up!! It is always so great and extremely refreshing to hear the testimony of someone like yourself who just loves our Lord and Saviour as much as you do. God Bless you in all you do. I know he will, because you have given it to him entirely. Have a great on , and please tell Angie I said hello. |
Christopher - 01/15/98 06:41:21 My Age:: 26 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 10 1/2 years How did you hear about this website?: your member profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: =) | Comments: I loved your testimonial...and the photos give it more of a personal touch. Good luck in school and in all you do (just don't become a professional student like Oh yeah, tell Angie hi...she seems like a really cool friend. God Bless....Chris opher |
Angie Woodie - 01/12/98 17:52:40 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 14 years How did you hear about this website?: from you! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: Just nifty! | Comments: Well, I bet people think I don't have a life because I have signed your web page so many times. Well, I'm allowed to because your my best bud! I love ya! Love, Ang |
John Durrett - 01/09/98 21:19:29 My Age:: 29 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 7 years How did you hear about this website?: Praise Line Loop On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9, nobody's perfect Is this fun or what? LOL: very cool! | Comments: I really enjoyed your site. You have a really cool testimony, kinda similar to mine. Keep Believing and trusting in Him. John |
Lance Richardson - 01/09/98 20:44:43 My Age:: 20 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: Who knows? How did you hear about this website?: Shannon On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: It was pretty snazzy! Is this fun or what? LOL: Sure | Comments: Hello Shannon. I'm just back visiting again and seeing what kinda cool updates you got. Pretty neat page, one day I will have one too. Have a happy day! |
Steve - 01/06/98 09:28:40 My Age:: 23 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: Saved at birth...Redevoted 1 1/2 years ago. How did you hear about this website?: Linked from your profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 (because of the links to other christian sites) Is this fun or what? LOL: Fun | Comments: It is refreshing to see someone so energized with the spirit of Jesus Christ. Keep that energy alive as you venture into various aspects of the christian faith down the line. Good luck with your studies as well as your ministries. |
David Fry - 01/02/98 23:03:33 My Age:: 24 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 8 years How did you hear about this website?: I know the girl On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: YUP | Comments: Shannon.... I don't know if you read this, but in case you do. I want to tell you how amazing you are. God shines through you. You shine... I can't wait to see that shine. I can't wait to see you. You have been a blessing un desearved, and un asked for, and I th nk God every second, that I have gotten to know you. I miss you. I am crazy about you. God Bless You Beautiful girl David |
hi..its me mike blake - 01/01/98 21:51:16 My Age:: 22 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 4 years How did you hear about this website?: you told me On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 + | Comments: |
Casey Satterlee - 12/22/97 21:09:28 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: I wonder? On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: sure, why not. | Comments: I like your website Shannon, I thought it was cool. The only problem that I had with it was that I could not go to see 'MORE PHOTOS'. What was wrong with it? Oh wait, you made it, that's right, now I understand.LOL. Angie, how many times do you come h re, you are here all the time. Anyway, Shannon, love ya and see you at church. |
Casey Satterlee - 12/22/97 21:03:39 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: Shannon On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 8-9 Is this fun or what? LOL: sure, why not. | Comments: I like your website Shannon, I thought it was cool. The only problem that I had with it was that I could not go to see 'MORE PHOTOS'. What was wrong with it? |
Angie Woodie - 12/17/97 17:44:51 Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: since I was 5 How did you hear about this website?: from you!! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: nifty! | Comments: I love ya babe!! I hope that you enjoy my little message. I'll see ya at church! Love, Ang. |
Andy - 12/16/97 09:36:52 My Age:: 18 Male / Female:: Male How did you hear about this website?: from a friend On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9.9 Is this fun or what? LOL: HEHE, it is cool | Comments: you are pretty!! ^_^ |
Wendie Rudd - 12/12/97 15:13:03 My Email:RuddX4 Age:: 24 Male / Female:: female How long have you been saved?: 4years How did you hear about this website?: you are in the same loop as me On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: lol | Comments: Shannon, this is great! I loved it. Wendie |
Christine - 12/11/97 08:13:23 My URL: My Age:: 17 Male / Female:: Female :) How long have you been saved?: Um.. saved from what :) How did you hear about this website?: From you sweety On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10!! WoOHoO Is this fun or what? LOL: Heck ya! | Comments: Shannon.. thank you so much for being there for me. I really thank you. You are someone special to me. You will always have a place in my heart. I love you so much as a friend. I hope we can talk more. Bye :) |
Vince - 12/11/97 00:58:18 My URL: My Age:: 26 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 2 1/2 years How did you hear about this website?: Taiga777 On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: a very big YES | Comments: What a site. Outstanding. The tools "links" on your page are a great addition to any Christians faith. |
mark - 11/05/97 17:23:26 My Email:borg Age:: 31 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 20 years How did you hear about this website?: loopieshome page Is this fun or what? LOL: yea!!!! | Comments: hey my wife is a nurse and she has alot of fun at what she does she works in the ER. so good luck in your studies p.s. thanks for the links !! |
Guess who? Angie - 11/05/97 01:29:07 Age:: 18 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 13 yrs How did you hear about this website?: from you!!! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: great!! | Comments: I miss seeing you at work!!! See ya later. Tell everyone at Mardel I said "Hi!!!!" |
Bryon Chambers - 11/03/97 02:26:27 My Age:: 17 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 10 years How did you hear about this website?: Through some little birdy's mouth On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: well... | Comments: Hola Buddio! Just thought I would sign your handy dandy guest book. Love you and see you at "Greg's Little Shop of Horrors." |
Sara - 11/01/97 14:19:45 My URL: My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: No exact date...I've known Christ all my life Is this fun or what? LOL: LOL | Comments: I like your page! :-) |
Angie Woodie - 10/21/97 18:54:52 Age:: 18 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 13 yrs How did you hear about this website?: this really strange girl I work with told me about it!!! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: Nifty!! | Comments: I 'm visiting your web page again. Do you feel special, you should? See ya later! Love, Angie |
Phil - 10/12/97 22:10:41 My Age:: 29 How long have you been saved?: 9yrs How did you hear about this website?: member search On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9..almost 10 :) Is this fun or what? LOL: quite fun. | Comments: Your page is awesome. So many pictures. I just got a new graphics program and have started on my page. I will let you know when it gets posted. By the way I use to work at Mardel also in Tulsa. Anyway you have great site. And you are pretty too. ;) |
jerome l. nelson - 10/12/97 21:58:39 My URL:http://(working on it) My Age:: 26...and counting Male / Female:: dude How long have you been saved?: 6yrs! and more to come! How did you hear about this website?: you (met you on-line) On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: better than riches! Is this fun or what? LOL: ;-) | Comments: It is nice to find a place to readily find and "meet" other Chirst-seeking Christians! Thank you so much for this vision of unity!Love, jerome |
- 10/12/97 21:12:26 | Comments: |
Todd Gragg - 10/11/97 17:45:32 My URL: My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 12 years How did you hear about this website?: Just stumbled onto it On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9.6 Is this fun or what? LOL: It is fun | Comments: This is a very good site |
Tom Harrison - 10/11/97 05:46:39 My Age:: 27 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 13 years How did you hear about this website?: Your profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: ha ha yes | Comments: Hi I am a fellow loopie myself. I looked up CLOOP in the members directory and found your name. I really like your web page and the links I think I will add some of them to my favorite places. Thank you for being such a wonderful witness for our Lord. God bless, Tom |
Angie Woodie - 10/10/97 02:14:47 Age:: 18 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 13 yrs How did you hear about this website?: From my wonderful friend Shannon!!!!! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: The best I've ever seen!!! Is this fun or what? LOL: Wonderful | Comments: I love you Shannon!!!! You're a great friend!!!! You did a great job on your web page!! Love ya, Angie |
Terrance Duncan - 09/30/97 05:22:55 My Email:OKCOWBOY22 Age:: 29 Male / Female:: MALE How long have you been saved?: 15yrs How did you hear about this website?: profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: yes. | Comments: Very excellent web site....I love it. |
Angela Woodie - 09/29/97 19:54:08 My Age:: 18 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 18 yrs. How did you hear about this website?: from you! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: it's a blast | Comments: Hey Miss Ogurek! How's it goin? Have a great day! I'll see you at work! Love ya, Angie Woodie |
Taira Baughman - 09/29/97 18:18:48 My URL: My Age:: 24 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 20 years How did you hear about this website?: YOU On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 1000000000000 Is this fun or what? LOL: LOL | Comments: How did you get your guest book so personal? I love it! You gotta let me in o it. Well doll I finally got time to play a bit and came to your web page for awhile. Great photo album. I do like you better as a brunette though! : ) Love you! Taiga |
guy and jason - 09/27/97 22:48:36 My Email:gyb1 Age:: 19 and 21 Male / Female:: both males How long have you been saved?: 7yrs for us both How did you hear about this website?: saw it on your profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: 7.5 j/k | Comments: this was pretty neat im us sometime so we can find out want church u go to. GO SOONERS YEAH |
Eric Scott Campbell - 09/24/97 05:07:00 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: One year! How did you hear about this website?: A friend On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10+ Is this fun or what? LOL: The best ever :) | Comments: Hello! I have been a Christian for just over a year now, and I have NEVER seen a web site that glorifies Christ like this one does! Thank you for letting your love and excitment for Christ shine like you do. Anyway, if you ever have some free time on the Web, IM or E-Mail me and say hello! I'd love to chat. I'm at Since you are on AOL you can also check out my profile. Take Care! |
Miracles2 - 09/22/97 01:20:26 My Age:: 51 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 30years How did you hear about this website?: From Ruth On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: yes | Comments: I need a word from the Lord regarding some things can you direct me to those who pray like this? Thanks Miracles2 |
Luke - 09/21/97 01:02:03 My Email:wannabn ca@aol Age:: 19 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: three years How did you hear about this website?: I read Shannon's profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 12 Is this fun or what? LOL: great fun!!! :) | Comments: I only wish there were millions of other pages like this one. Shannon you are inspiration to us all. I want to thank her friend Caren for going along with God's plan and bringing her to Him. I also want to thank Taiga for keeping Shannon honest. God Bl ss! |
Kelly - 09/15/97 17:17:26 My URL: My Age:: 27 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: almost 4 years How did you hear about this website?: wbs Is this fun or what? LOL: no! hahah *smile* | Comments: Nice page! Love seeing people, and young women who are committed to the Lord. Check out my site sometime. God Bless Kelly |
Profcas - 09/15/97 14:23:30 Age:: 55 How long have you been saved?: 55 How did you hear about this website?: Shawn On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 100 Is this fun or what? LOL: Huge! | Comments: Whaat waas your purpose in doing the website? I will be doing so myself in the near future for teaching reaasons and am very interested iin clever one like you who have done so much with theirs. |
Lance Richardson - 09/15/97 04:08:58 My Age:: 19 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: im not sure How did you hear about this website?: straight from the source On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 19 Is this fun or what? LOL: awesome | Comments: this is the most awesome experience of my life, im so excited to be here, i dont think ill ever leave. Shannon is great and she sure can make a webpage! WOW |
Andrew Wey - 09/05/97 17:59:58 My Age:: Male How did you hear about this website?: friends On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9.9999999999999999999999 Is this fun or what? LOL: It is very creative | Comments: You are a very pretty girl |
Stuart - 09/05/97 05:43:07 My Age:: 32 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: Since May 18,1997 How did you hear about this website?: Your Profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: yes | Comments: I am glad to see that in a world that is so full of bad people that there are some good ones still around...I was so suprised to see someone as dedicated to the Lord as you are in the personal adds, but I wish the best of luck for you in the future...Oh I just have to say it "GO Big Red" Keep up the good work on this web page...looks great! |
Rick - 09/02/97 18:35:32 My Age:: 22 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 5 1/2 years How did you hear about this website?: aol On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: LOL | Comments: Job well done!! You have a wonderful web page, Shannon. This is a great way to encourage people in Christ and non-believers. My best wishes to ya!! God Bless. |
Torill - 08/31/97 03:49:16 My URL: My Age:: 44 Male / Female:: female How did you hear about this website?: circle of light On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: yes | Comments: Great page. I'll be back |
Ryan Young - 08/29/97 06:10:57 Age:: 21 How long have you been saved?: 8 yrs How did you hear about this website?: guess On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 11 Is this fun or what? LOL: definetly | Comments: EXCELLANT, new at the e-mail stuff, so I left that part blank. I think you will have it after I e-mail you. GOOD JOB SHANNON |
Tim - 08/26/97 17:13:18 GMT My URL: My Age:: 21 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: For as long as I can remember. How did you hear about this website?: Your profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: Yeah, cool too. |
Comments: I love Jesus with all my heart, soul, mind, and stregnth. GOD RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Pastor Todd Wilhelm - 08/26/97 01:26:31 GMT My Email:Preach Age:: 21 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: June 1985 How did you hear about this website?: Stumbled on it !! On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 |
Comments: I am literally amazed. Keep it the specular work ! What God does through one can touch thousands ! |
Josh Clark - 08/23/97 10:12:26 GMT My URL: My Age:: 22 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: several years How did you hear about this website?: Iblevinhim Is this fun or what? LOL: not bad...not bad at all |
Comments: Hey there...I just thought that I'd leave you a little reminder that I've been here. I love visiting your photo album. goodnight! see ya soon, Josh |
Kelly Mahan - 08/15/97 06:25:31 GMT My URL: My Age:: 19 How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: Aol Search On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10, best I've seen so far ;-) Is this fun or what? LOL: Praise God |
Comments: Nice web page I'ts a good way to spread the gospel. |
Steve - 08/08/97 22:11:52 GMT My Age:: 20 How long have you been saved?: 12 years How did you hear about this website?: member profile On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 1000 Is this fun or what? LOL: awesome |
Comments: The closest thing I can compare Heaven to is a place where everybody has the dedication to the Lord that you do. God bless you! |
Kent Bertrand - 07/26/97 23:28:38 GMT My URL: My Age:: 27 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: I met the Lord when I was 14 years old. How did you hear about this website?: I found it looking for fellow AOLers who know the Lord. On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 9+..this has some great links! |
Comments: I work in a bookstore as well, and we sell more Veggietales to adults than kids! Thanks for making a website that glorifies God! |
Melissa - 07/19/97 05:54:00 GMT My Email:BubblesSC@aol Age:: 21 years old Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: 11 years How did you hear about this website?: someone told me On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: LOL |
Comments: You did a very good job on your web. God bless you BubblesSC |
William - 07/19/97 02:15:59 GMT My URL: My Age:: 71 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 65 years + How did you hear about this website?: My Nephew in Ogden Utah On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: Saved Souls cannot be measured and that is the possible result of this young lady's Web Site Is this fun or what? LOL: The Lord's Service is ALWAYS FUN !!!!! |
Comments: When Brian told me that he was adding a site link to our Academy Master Web Page, I wondered what he had in mind. The Academy Site is very full with various links and adding one would nearly max the capacity of the site. He consults with the Acamdemy Boar before modifying the site, even though he is the CEO, and when he said that Shannon could offer prayers for pilots, I thought that was a wonderful Idea, so I was curious to see her site, and when he told me what she does with devotions and such, I approv d the link immediatley. So Pilots and Christian Pilots everywhere would be doing themselves a blessing to get on Shannon's list. I thank Brian for allowing pilots who are trained by us to have a chance to know such a spiritual women who can pray for Angels to ride as Co-Pilots with them. The students of Aviation Prep are blessed by Shannon's Prayers., honored to be linked to Shannon's Page, and will be praying fo the safe flight of Pilots everywhere |
Edward Tripp - 07/17/97 21:34:05 GMT My Email:ET Rules Age:: 42 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: about 30 yrs How did you hear about this website?: f rm the pll On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 it great Is this fun or what? LOL: yeah | Comments: I think your Web page is great, i see your in the nursing studying it is a great job area to get in to. your areas of branching out is so great and who knows God may use you to do nursing in the mission out reaches . well have fun talk to you later Ed |
Scott Benjamin - 07/16/97 06:13:56 GMT My Age:: 20 Male / Female:: Male How long have you been saved?: 7 years How did you hear about thi website?: From Shannon Is this fun or what? LOL: LOL | Comments: Kewl page there BIH!!! |
bryan - 07/15/97 03:39:43 GMT My Age:: 18 Male / Female:: male How long have you been saved?: 13 years How did you hear about this website?:On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: a perfect 10 :) anything less would be uncivilized Is this fun or what? LOL: super duper fun! :) | Comments: this is an awesome we site. i love it. i wish i had one too. he he he -nerd laugh thanks for telling your fellow loopies about it. you are a great capt'n! keep up the good work from the good humor man <>< |
Stephanie Wead - 07/12/97 04:09:09 GMT My Age:: 16 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: Most of my short life How did you hear a out this website?: Windy Mock On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10+ Is this fun or what? LOL: To much | Comments: I think this is an awesome thing you are doing and keep it up! |
Danielle Edgar - 07/11/97 18:48:42 GMT My Age:: 16 Male / Female:: Female How long have you been saved?: August 1995 How did you hear about this ebsite?: Windy Ariel On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 10 Is this fun or what? LOL: AWSOME!!! | Comments: Hi everyone!!! 3C RULEZ!!! Don't ever forget that JESUS loves you sooo mu h!!! Love in CHRIST...Danielle |
Windy - 07/11/97 14:20:35 GMT My Age:: 16 How long have you been saved?: 6 years How did you hear about this website?: from Shannon! Is t is fun or what? LOL: WHOA!!!! | Comments: Shannon you did sooo awesome on this web page! It's pretty and it has te Best links! Love ya in Christ- Windy Ariel |
Brian - 07/07/97 11:32:45 GMT My URL: My Age:: 33 Male / Female:: male b>How long have you been saved?: 28 years How did you hear about this website?: A special Princess On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 1,000 + earthly scales can't measure this girl's potential Is this fun or what? LOL: ABSOLUTELY WILD !!!!! | Comments: I really don't know what to say. I never knew this girl existed, and here I am scribling in her guest book. Being a minister to the Lord comes in many shapes and sizes. Does Shannon know how much her Email and daily doses mean to some people? The internet, and other ways, the missionary field is huge, and in every breath you take, every word you say, if it is of the Lord, you are ministering constantly, if not to a person wi hin ear shot, then to yourself for strength. God Bless Shannon in all she does and will do. May the Lord continue to Bless her life and use her as an instrument of thy will---AMEN !!!!! From Brian of Washington Heights Babtist Church in Ogden Utah |
aric lance gilliland - 07/07/97 08:59:20 GMT My Age:: 18 Male / Female:: MALE How long have you been saved?: 12 years How did you hear about this website?: S ANNON On a scale to 1 - 10, how would you rate this site?: 12 Is this fun or what? LOL: oh yeah | Comments: SHANNON IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! |
CariT - 07/07/97 06:16:14 GMT My Age: mom didn't tell me How long have you been saved?: most of my life | Comments: Shannon, Your site is great! The pictures add a personal touch. They are all great and I realize you could call me "mom."lol I am in your Loopie group. God bless. |