Civil War History

"The gallant bearing of the Ninth Texas is deserving of special commendation, the charges made by them have never been and cannot be surpassed by a Cavalry of any nation." General Ross



First Muster Roll of Johnson's Texas Spy Company

9th Texas Cavalry known as Ross's Brigade

John W. Bell and the 43rd TN Infantry



First Muster Roll of Johnson's Texas Spy Company

First Muster Roll of Captain Alfred Johnson's Texas Spy Company of Cavalry Unattached Texas Volunteers, Reorganized for the unexpired term of three years or the War from the first of September, 1862, commanded by the Commander in Chief of the Texas Military District, called into the service of the Confederate States, in the Provisional Army, under the provisions of the Act of Congress passed February, 1862 by Brig. General McCulloch, from the Seventeenth day of March, 1862 (date of this muster), for the unexpired term of three years or the War, unless sooner discharged.

Alfred Johnson, Captain
Thomas James, 1st Lieut.
John M. Riddle, 2nd Lieut.
R. B. Carr, 3rd Lieut.
T. A. Lowry, 1st Sergt.
N. D. Dowell, 2nd Sergt.
B. Saunders Husband, 3rd Sergt.
B. J. Hair, 4th Sergt.
Wm. Wharton, 5th Sergt.
W. T. Ahsigen, 1st Corp.
W. F. Green, 2nd Corp.
A. B. Adams, 3rd Corp.
L. F. Burge, 4th Corp.
M. Rorick, Bugler
T. D. Singleton, Esign
Ashmhost, Mark; Allen, T. J.; Anderson, W. B.; Alexander, J. H.; Boren, Washington; Boren, Harrison; Brown, Chas. L.; Bird, W. B.; Bennett, A. L.; Bromley, J. T.; Blackman, Wm. C.; Clemens, R.; Culwell, Thos. B.; Culwell, J. G.; Carter, J. B.; Connally, Drury; Coleman, Thos.; Connel, John; Dyer, Dwight; Dean, J. M.; Ellis, S. S.; French, John; Fuller, E. M.; Fisher, W. M.; Gravis, A. B.; Gorden, A. K.; Gilmore, J. P.; George, H. B.; Gray, John; Hunter, Jno. P.; Horn, Saml.; Heffington, S. N.; Heffington, J. M.; Hunn, F. M.; Just, James S.; James, S.S.; James, John B.; Koger, L. H.; Kilgore, A. J.; Lowe, Wm. M.; Love, Wm. P.; Lilly, F. M.; McCurley, W. H.; McKinney, Jno. W.; McLane, A.; Mosely, T. R.; Mitchell, G. W. P.; Olinger, A. C.; Petras, James; Reevis, Benj.; Roundtree, J. B.; Roberts, Jno.; Rodgers, Green E.; Sipes, J. R.; Smithey, R. S.; Swann, R. K.; Stiff, E. R.; Sartain, J. G.; Steele, J.; Saunders, John B.; Stewart, Thomas; Titus, J. G.; Thompson, Joseph; Thompson, W. A.; Talbot, R.; Tiller, J. L.; Warden, Williams; Warden, John W.; White, H. C.; White, J.J.; Woodruff, C. Q.; Wilson, J. A.; Wharton, James; Williams, T. P.; Williams, D. H.; Yelton, Phillip H.

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9th Texas Cavalry known as Ross's Brigade

The Ninth Texas Cavalry fought at Pea Ridge, Wilson's Creek, and Elkhorn Tavern, then across the Mississippi at Corinth, Iuka, Vicksburg, Nashville, Murphreesboro, Missionary Ridge, and the siege of Atlanta. Of their gallant fighting General Ross had said in his reports: "The gallant bearing of the Ninth Texas is deserving of special commendation, the charges made by them have never been and cannot be surpassed by a Cavalry of any nation."

Lee-Peacock Feud

The Lee-Peacock feud was a continuation of the Civil War in the area known as "Four Corners". Fannin, Grayson, Collin, and Hunt counties would not surrender Texas to the Union.

Recollections of the Great War
by A. W. Sparks

A reminiscent, historical and personal account of the 9th Texas Cavalry in Recollections of the Great War by A. W. Sparks. This is by far the most historical account that I can find on the 9th Texas, and for the most part one of the few documents concerning the 9th Texas Cavalry.

Battle of Pea Ridge

Pea Ridge, Arkansas March 6-8, 1862
"It was on the morning of March 5th, 1862, that I first saw the forces of Gen. Seigel with uniforms and glittering arms as they moved from Bentonville, and while thinking of their grandeur received orders to "forward, quick time, march!" and soon heard the rattle of small arms and roar of artillery in the engagement. Our encamp-ment that night we called Camp Stephens and early next morning the battle of Elkhorn & Pea Ridge began by the Federal artillery opening upon our lines."

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John W. Bell and the History of the 43rd TN Infantry

In his pension application #25712 in the Texas archives applied for on October 15, 1913, Mr. Bell stated that he was 76 years old and had lived in Texas 31 years by that time. He stated that his occupation was a farmer, but that his health was poor. He indicated that his service to the Confederacy was from the spring of 1861 until May, 1865. His initial service was in the 43rd Tennessee infantry under Captain Neff and Colonel Gillespie and in the second year of the war, 1862, he was transferred to Company C, 1st East Tennessee Calvary under Colonel Carter. He was a volunteer with the rank of private throughout his service.

An affidavit in Bell's pension application by one Alex Rogers states as follows: "I knew J. W. Bell in Jefferson County Tenn, long before the war. I belonged to Co. A. 1st E. Tennessee Cavalry in 1862. We were at Knoxville, Perryville & Chickamauga when I was captured. I personally know he served till Sept '63. I saw him almost every day up to that time. He was a good soldier, never deserted or abandoned his post." Another attestee, A.R. Swan, made the sworn statement concerning Bell: "Enlisted at Mossy Creek, Tenn about the first of 1862 - he served to my knowledge until the killing of Gen. Morgan at Greenville, Tenn - then we separated and I never seen (sic) him since. Part of the Company went to regiment and Bell went with the captain. He served in Wheelers Corps, Ky-Tenn, N.C. Georgia & S.C." (Research note: In Harry Hansen's book, The Civil War: A History , he writes of Gen. John Hunt Morgan, the Confederate calvary raider: "While leaving a house at Greenville, Tennessee, he was shot and killed, reportedly after being betrayed by a personal enemy, September 4, 1864.)

Records at the Harold B. Simpson Research Center at Hill College in Hillsboro, Texas tell us that the 43rd was organized at Knoxville, Tenn. during the winter of 1861, mustering into sevice on December 14, 1861. Company G was comprised of men from Jefferson County. With James W. Gillespie, commanding, the unit was first assigned duty in the Department of East Tennessee. Late in 1862, the regiment was ordered to Mississippi, and later, to the Army of Vicksburg. It was one of those captured when Vicksburg surrendered to the Union army on July 4, 1863. Late in 1863, after being paroled, the regiment returned to service in the Dept. of Tennessee. Here, the unit became mounted serving in that capacity till the end of the war. The 43rd participated in a number of engagements after Vicksburg including Knoxville, Mossy Creek, Lynchburg and the Shanandoah Valley against Sheridan. When the news of the surrender of General Lee's army reached the Dept. of Western Virginia and East Tennessee some units attempted to join forces with General Johnson's forces in North Carolina; the 43rd was one of these units. A detachment from the regiment of about 123 officers and enlistees made up part of President Davis' escort as he escaped south.

Without doubt, John W. Bell was witness to many historical events, but survived with his memories until the good old age of 80 years and was laid to rest in the Boren Cemetery under a tomb simply inscribed: "John W. Bell, Co.G Tenn CSA Inf."

Submitted by Stacy Cooke

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updated 9/7/2002

© 1997 Denise Maddox