Mexican Land Grant

Application to Austin & Williams Colony

English Translation of Land Grant

3rd Seal. 4 Reales

Validated by the State of Coahuila and Texas for the year of 1835.

Navarro [Rubric] Flores [Rubric]

Citizen Guillermo H. Steele, commissioner appointed by the Supreme Government of this State to distribute and give possession of lands and issue titles to the new colonists in the colonization enterprise of the Nashville Company:

Wereas Nancy Boren has been received as a colonist in the colonization enterprise contracted with the Government of the State of Coahuila and Texas by Robert Leftwick [Leftwich] on April 15, 1825, and later conceded to the Nashville Company on October 15, 1827, and the said Nancy Boren having proved that she has a family and finding in her the requirements prescribed by the State Colonization Law of March 24, 1825; in conformity with the aforecited law and the provisions of said contract which authorize the settlement of families within the limits of said enterprise on any part of the vacant lands for which the said company has contracted, and with the instructions governing me dated September 4, 1827, and the additional article dated April 25, 1830, and in the name of the State, I grant, confer, and put the said Nancy Boren in real and person possession of one league of land, which land has been surveyed by surveyor [...MS. Blank], previously appointed for that purpose, under the following situation and boundaries:

Beginning at the SW corner of League No. 7, at a hackberry 6 inches in diameter marked for a corner, which an elm 36 inches in diameter bears N. 45 degrees W 7 varas and a hackberry 6 inches in diameter bears N. 54 degrees E 1/2 varas. Thence N. 19 degrees E, at 3,505 varas entered prairie, at 5,080

varas entered oak timber, at 10,896 varas set a stake, from which a hackberry 6 inches in diameter bears N 69 degrees E 10 varas. Thence N 71 degrees W 2,500 varas and set a post for the NW corner of League No. 8, from which an elm 18 inches in diameter bears S 86 degrees E 5 varas. Thence S 19 degrees W, at 5,831 varas through timber and prairie, continued at 2,000 varas through elm bottom, at 1,950 varas the full distance of 9,781 varas to a hackberry 6 inches in diameter marked as a corner, from which a mulberry 12 inches in diameter bears N 86 degrees E 6 varas and another mulberry 8 inches in diameter bears N 53 degrees W 10 varas. Thence with the meanders of the river to the place of beginning, and it contains one league of land in area. The said tract belongs to the class of arable land in 4/25 parts, which serves as classification for the price which he shall pay the State for it in accordance with Article 22 of the said law and under the penalties therein established, she being notified that within one year she must establish permanent landmarks at each corner of the tract and that she must settle and cultivate it in conformity with the provisions of the law.

Therefore, exercising the authority granted to me by the aforesaid law and the consequent instructions, I issue the present instrument and order that she may possess and enjoy the land, she, her heirs and successors, or whoever from her or from them shall have cause or right.

3rd Seal. Two reales

Validated by the State of Coahuila and Texas for the year of 1835.
Navarro [Rubric]                                                Flores [Rubric]
Given in the Town of Viesca, Sept. 1, 1835
[Lacks the commissioner's signature]
Assisting Witness                                               Assisting Witness
[Lacks the signatures of the assisting witnesses]
[Added entry in pencil:]
A certified copy of this was given by Steele as though it had been signed with witnesses as appears this 26th June 1840.
John P. Borden
Blank for surveyor filled with "Cummins & Graves" in copy
[Endorsed:] DEED Nancy Boren
For one League
of land on the
North side of
the San Andrews
1 Sept. '35
Cop. Delivered to J.L. Hood
[Note: The following receipt in English has been included with this document.]

Gen. Land Office Austin Dec. 22nd, 1841

Nancy Boren
To Republic of Texas Dr.
To Govt. Dues on 4 Labors arable Land              10.00
To Govt. Dues on 21 Labors pasture Land           25.20
Rec'd of Hon. James Shaw the sum of Thirty five 20/100
Dollars in full of above bill for W. B. Wilson --
Joseph Daniels
Chf. Clk G.L. Office 


Nancy Boren's Application to Austin & Williams Colony