The Boren Family of Southwest Virginia

By Kerry Ross Boren


& special thanks to Kerry Ross Boren & the Southwest
Virginia Historical Society for sharing this Boren family history


In the early court records of Washington County, Virginia, there are a few vague notations regarding the presence of a family named Boren of whom little has ever been recorded. The primary reason for this is that the Boren’s were elusive “movers”, never remaining long in one location. The history of the Boren family is a parallel of the history of westward advancement, as we shall see.


The earliest of the name in America is hard to determine, but among the early arrivals were William Boren who was granted 1000 acres in Stafford County, Virginia, for the transportation of 40 persons into the colony in 1666; John Boran who was transported to Isle of County Wight, Virginia by William Dawson in November, 1635 ‑ another notation states that “John Boran died November 20, 1635,” but whether or not this was the same John Boran is uncertain; John Boreing who was one of nineteen persons trans­ported to Nansemond County, Virginia, in 1656 by George Ab­bott, and he shortly afterward appeared in Norfolk County where several of the name settled, including one Edmund Boreing who migrated to Currituck County, North Carolina, and whose descen­dants used the spelling Bouren. l


John Boreing, of Nansemond and Norfolk was the progenitor of the Maryland Boreing ‑ Boring ‑ Boren families, having migrated to Baltimore County, Maryland, in 1670. 2 He was granted large tracts of land by King Charles II upon which the city of Baltimore now stands, and was one of the first justices of Baltimore County until his death in 1690. His widow Ann (believed to have been Ann Sawyer) married Captain John Ferry of “Back River”. The known children of John Boreing and Ann were a daughter Ann (who may have been by a previous marriage), and sons John (who married Presotia (1) and Sarah (2) ‑ he died 1750, born 1683); James who married Rebecca and died 1738; Thomas who was married and died 1723. There were probably other children, among whom may been Absalom and Joshua Boring. 3


Numerous descendants of John Boreing migrated to the Watauga in Tennessee between 1778 and 1800, including Absalom and Joshua Boring and James Boren, the latter of whom married as his second wife in Baltimore County, Maryland, Sarah (Boston) Tip­ton, widow of Luke Tipton who died 1774. There are numerous descendants of these families residing in the Watauga region to this day.


One branch of the Boren family of Maryland appears to have gone southward very early with Christopher Gist. These were Wil­liam, Charles and Joseph Boring (brothers) and perhaps others, who settled on North Hyco Creek in Orange County, North Carol­ina (now Caswell), prior to 1749. Christopher Gist (who was a relative of the Boring family in Maryland) 4 and his son, Christ­opher Jr., apparently constructed a cabin in the Mulberry Fields, Anson (later Rowan) County, North Carolina, on the Yadkin River where that riser comes nearest the Virginia line. 5


In 1750 Christopher Gist was induced to accompany an exped­ition into the Ohio River country by the Ohio Company, and he later accompanied General George Washington on a mission to the French in the capacity of guide. 6


Nathaniel O. Gist Jr. lived at Mulberry Fields many years with his Indian wife. He is said to have been the father of the noted Cherokee Indian sage Sequoyah. 7


The Boren - Boring family of Orange County, Virginia, first appear upon record in the tax list of 1755 as follows:


Charles Boring 1 white

William Boring w/his 2 sons 7/2 Negroes 3 white

Joseph Boring & 1 Negro ‑ 1 white 1 black 8


An even earlier court record shows that “Joseph Boring to serve jury duty”, dated June, 1753, 9 while another record shows: “Feb. 1764 ‑ Ordered that Joseph Bowring be appointed overseer of the road from North Hico to head of Enoe, & John Thompson from thence to town.” l0


When the Stamp Act was passed in 1765, the frontiersmen protested violently and rightly that all local court clerks, county officials, sheriffs, justices of the peace, etc. were all appointees of the governer, that local government was corrupt and unjust, and that the burden of taxes was being placed upon the frontier settlements.


In 1765 the “Regulators” were organized, led by influential dis­senters from various sections of the Carolinas, who used every means, legal and forceful, to have their grievances aired in the case of “taxation without representation”.


“Yet though many men have maligned the unhappy Regulators, no man has dared to reflect upon the ‘patriot of ‘76’ who thus brought to such glorious end the struggle the Regulators began and in which they fought, bled, and died.” 11


The primary leader of all the Regulators in North Carolina was Joseph Boren of Orange County. Following the Battle of Salamanca, at which the Regulators were defeated by the colonial forces, a proclamation was issued by Governer Tryon pardoning all Regulators who were willing to “come in…lay down their arms, take the oath of allegiance and promise to pay all taxes.” However, he excluded from this amnesty “all the outlaws, the prisoners in the camp, and the undersigned persons…” naming “Joseph Boring” and thirteen others. 12


Joseph Boren was born circa 1720, either in Maryland or the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. It is reputed, “Joseph Borin’s father was James Borin, and James’ father was William Borin of Maryland.” 13


Joseph Boren, the Regulator, died in Orange County, North Carolina, in the spring of 1775, 14 a forgotten hero of the Revol­ution who died a year before his dreams of freedom and equality were realized.


The following will is recorded in Orange County, North Carolina: “Then came before me William Leas one of his Majesty’s justices of the Peace of the county of Orange, and John Currie and James Culbertson, both planters, and made oath that they on the 11th of this month heard William Boring on his death bed will in presence of Charles and Joseph Boring. To Charles he left a piece of gold value of 30 shillings, also a Negro boy which Joseph Boring may keep or Pay his brother Charles the sum of 30 pounds ‑ to be paid by said Joseph, when it suits, without any process of law to be commenced against his brother Joseph. All rest of estate to Joseph Boring and his heirs forever.” William Lea June 20, 1768.


John Currie

James Culbertson 15


William, Joseph and Charles Boren were brothers and there were probably others, including John Boren (1726 ‑ 1821) who lived for a time near Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina, then removed to South Carolina and later to Tennessee where he died in Sumner County.


Charles Boren is first enumerated in the 1755 tax list of Orange County, North Carolina, and is again mentioned in the will of Wil­liam Boring in 1768 and is known to have married Mary, whose name has not been determined.


The children of Charles and Mary Boren, as near as can be determined, were as follows:

1. Bazel Boren, born circa 1745 ‑ 50 (see further).

2. John Boren, born circa 1747 ‑ 50, married (1) Sarah Alley, daughter of Peter and Christian Alley of Washington County, Virginia and (2) unknown; his will proved May, 1834 in Madison County, Tennessee.

3. William Boren, born circa 1752, married in Duplin County, North Carolina March 13, 1780 (his wife’s name torn from the original marriage record); he died previous to November 1817, Robertson County, Tennessee or Christian County, Kentucky.

4. Moses Boren, born circa 1754, resided in Robertson County, Tennessee and Christian County, Kentucky.

5. Joseph Boren, born circa 1758, married Nancy whose last name is not known; he resided in Christian County, Kentucky.

6. Stephen Boren, born circa 1760, married in Christian County, Kentucky to Miss Colston; he died 1843, Trigg County, Ken­tucky.

7. Francis Boren, born circa 1762, married Mary Freeman; his grandson, Carson Dobbins Boren, was the first settler of Seattle, Washington.

8. Jemima

9. Sarah

10. Mary

11. Charles Jr., born between 1770 ‑ 1780, Christian County, Ken­tucky, 1810, in Union County, Illinois, 1840.

12. Jeremiah Boren, born previous 1775, Caswell County, North Carolina, married Nancy McIntosh; died 1853, Robertson County, Tennessee.

13. Bazel Boren, Probable the eldest son of Charles and Mary Boren, was born between 1745 and 1750 and resided during his early years in Orange County, North Carolina.


In about 1763 Thomas Kilgore and five sons arrived in Orange County and settled on North Hico Creek as neighbors to the Boren’s. Thomas Kilgore and his son Charles (who was born circa 1744) became Long Hunters and Bazel Boren accompanied them on several expeditions into the wilderness. The year 1763 may have been the first year they went out. 16


The next neighbor south of Charles Boren on North Hico Creek was Obediah Terrell, 17 one of the greatest of the Long Hunters.


In 1767 Bazel Boren and Thomas Kilgore joined Terrell on the Clinch River in Powell’s Valley and established “Kilgore’s Camp” on Grassy Creek in what is now Scott County, Virginia. A few years after this event, both Bazel Boren and Charles Kilgore set­tled at this site and established forts.


It would be interesting to learn whether or not Bazel Boren had ever been out prior to his visit to the Clinch River in 1767. The only family record which would give us this information states only that Bazel Boren “went out in 1769 on the great hunt when he was not yet twenty years of age.” 18


The “great blunt” was organized in 1769 the parties meeting eight miles from Fort Chiswell on New River, consisting of more than twenty‑five men, of whom the following are known: Gasper Mansker, Bazel Boren, Elisah Wallen (whose descendants married into the Boren family on the Watauga), Obediah Terrell, John Rains, Abraham and Isaac Bledsoe, Joseph and John Baker, Joseph Drake, Uriah Stone, Henry Smith, New Cowan, Robert Crockett, William Carr, James Dysart, Thomas Kilgore, Jacob Har­mon, William Crabtree, James Aldridge, Thomas Gordon, Hum­phrey Hogan and Castleton Brooks. l9


The men passed as a group through Cumberland Gap into the wilds of Kentucky where they established a station camp (in what became Wayne County, Kentucky), thereby dispersing into smal­ler groups less likely to frighten the game on what is now Mat­thews Creek, branch of Roaring River in Overton County, Tennes­see, the Indians fired upon one group of men from ambush, killing Robert Crockett.


These groups of men stayed out throughout the season, some of them wintering in the wilderness that year. At the same time, Daniel Boone and several companions were in the same region, and according to one source, 20 the parties encountered each other on several occasions.


Between the years 1770 and 1773, Bazel Boren became closely associated with Daniel Boone and they likely were acquainted from much earlier. Their association probably came about through the mutual acquaintance with the Gist family.


In the year 1773, Bazel Boren was living on the Clinch River, Virginia, with Charles Kilgore who had recently taken out a land claim on Copper Creek, about two miles north of Blackmore’s Fort. 21


At this time Daniel Boone, recently returned from Kentucky, had gathered his family on the Yadkin River in North Carolina and prepared to return to settle the wilderness under an agreement with Richard Henderson. Boone relates:


“On my return, I found my family in happy circumstances (he having been out several years). I sold my farm on the Yadkin, and what goods we could not carrel with us, and on the twenty‑fifth of September, 1773, we took leave of our friends and proceeded on our journey to Kentucky, in company with five more families, and forty men that joined us in Powell’s Valley…” 22


Among the forty men who joined them in Powell’s Valley were Joseph Drake, Gasper Mansker, Thomas Kilgore, and Bazel Boren. Again, quoting from Daniel Boone’s account:


“On the tenth of October (1773) the rear of our company was attacked by a party of Indians (in Powell’s Valley) who killed six, and wounded one man. Of these my oldest son (James) was one that fell in the action. Though we repulsed the enemy, yet this unhappy affair scattered our cattle and brought us into extreme difficulty. We returned forty miles to the settlement on Clench River…” 23


Boone resided near Captain Russell’s (whose son was also one of those killed) during this time, while a rare list of tithables enumer­ated in William English’s district shows on lower New River region on the Holston near Blackmore’s Fort, “Morgan Bryan, tithable for the year 1773.” 24


Morgan Bryan was the uncle of Rebecca Bryan, wife of Daniel Boone. Born in 1729 in Chester County, Pennsylvania, Morgan Bryan married Mary Forbes in Virginia in 1747. Their children were: James Bryan born circa 1749, died previous October 14, 1796; Morgan Bryan III horn 1750, married 1781 Maxemilly Sim­pson, died 1815; Joseph Bryan born 1751, married Easther Ham­pton 1772, died 18:30; Rebecca Bryan born circa 1754, married Mr. Morgan; Mary Bryan born circa 1756, married Samuel McMa­han, died 1829; George Bryan born February 15, 1758, married (1) Elizabeth Neal Rodgers 1780 (at Bryan’s Station, Ky.) and (2) Mrs. Cassandra Miller; John Bryan born circa 1762 (nothing known of him); Susannah Bryan born circa 1760, Forks of the Yadkin River, N. C., married circa 1777, Bazel Boren.


Colonel Daniel Boone was placed in charge of the frontier forts on the Clinch River during the period of 1773 to 1775, and undoubtedly Bazel Boren was a member of the militia during this period. At the same time, Bazel Boren apparently took up land attested to by a document dated May 7, 1782, Washington Coun­ty, Virginia, which states: “Surveyed for Bazel Bowen (sic) two hundred seventy acres of land in Washington County by virtue of a certificate from the commissioners of…Washington and Mont­gomery Counties…lying on the south side of Copper Creek a branch of Clinch River description follows…we the commis­sioners for the district of Washington and Montgomery Counties do certify that Bazel Bowen is entitled to four hundred acres of land by settlement made in the year 1774 lying in Washington County on Copper Creek within two miles of Huston’s Fort...” 25


The reason that Bazel Boren did not enter his land in the year 1773, as did his associate Charles Kilgore, is that apparently he was away from the Clinch. It is believed that Bazel Boren probably accompanied Daniel Boone, William Bryan and others into Kentucky) in the late fall (there is a record which shows that Boone and Bryan were both on the Elkhorn that season).


There can be little doubt that Bazel Boren was involved with Boone in the Cherokee campaigns during this period of time. There is a lengthy account of Bazel Boren’s part in an Indian raid upon the Clinch settlements during this time and the pursuit of a party of Indians who murdered a member of the Cowan family.


In the fall of 1775, the Boone party ‑ consisting of the Bryan Sparks, Calloway, Grant and other families, including Bazel Boren, resumed their journey to Kentucky began just two years before. They cut out the “Wilderness Road” and founded Boonesborough on the banks of the Kentucky River.


From Boonesborough, Daniel Boone, William Bryan, Morgan Bryan, Joseph Bryan, Bazel Boren, and perhaps others went northward to the banks of the Elkhorn where William Bryan planted corn and built a cabin. 26


Bazel Boren, Morgan Bryan III, Gasper Mansker, Thomas Kil­gore, Col. John Montgomery, and perhaps others traveled south­ward from the Elkhorn into what is now Robertson County, Ten­nessee, and camped at the junction of Sulphur Fork and Red River.


In November 1775, Mansker detected signs of Indians and left his companions to investigate. As he watched the camp of two Indians, one of the braves arose and walked towards him and Man­sker was forced to shoot. The Indian turned and ran about fifty yards past his own camp and fell dead over a bluff into the river. The other Indian fled the camp hurriedly.


Mansker returned to his companions and they gathered up their camp and went back to the Indian camp only to discover that the second Indian had gathered up his belongings and left. They knew that if the Indian reached his tribe and gave warning, their lives would be forfeit, and so the men tracked him throughout the night and following day but, unable to come up to him, they left the country, returning to Boonesborough. 27


In 1776, due to Indian hostilities in Kentucky, many of the families returned to their homes in North Carolina and on the Clinch River, Virginia.


The reminiscences of George Bryan (Bazel Boren’s brother-in-law), to be found in the Draper collection, informs us that his brother Morgan Bryan III and “several others of my kinsmen” went to explore the Cumberland in Tennessee and “the country westward” with Daniel Boone in 1776. Although space does not permit a full recounting of the information, there is evidence, which shows that an incredible event may have taken place during this period. Apparently, Daniel Boone and others of his companions including possibly Bazel Boren (inasmuch as they were together in the westward party) explored to the headwaters of the Missouri River in what is now the state of Idaho! A tree exists to this date, recently preserved from that location, bearing the inscription: “D. Boon 1776”.


George Bryan’s reminiscences give us further information about this period of time: “My father (Morgan Bryan II), my brother James and others had been out in 1775 through the Green River country, in the barrens and in Tennessee exploring. My brother James had been out nine months and had remained on Clinch, when the others went in…Boone was here three months alone without horse, dog, or friend. He was in the wild country of the west…” 28


In February, 1777, an old French trapper of New Orleans recited how with surprise he encountered at “Deacon’s Pond” on the Cumberland River, near the present town of Palmyra, in Montgomery County, Tennessee, 29 an “encampment of six white men and one white woman who made their way through to the upper waters of the Cumberland at the end of the preceding year, and there built them a boat and floated down some four hundred miles to Palmyra and landed. What became of them afterward tradition says not…” 30


History has never been kind enough to reveal the name of the mysterious white woman – the first in west Tennessee – but one wonders seriously if it was not Susannah Bryan who married Bazel Boren sometime in 1777 and may have accompanied him on this journey.


There can be little doubt that this party was that mentioned by George Bryan in the Draper Manuscript as his kin who went out to “explore the Green River country and the barrens in Tennes­see” that season. From George Bryan we learn the identity of some, while speculation and circumstantial evidence tells us the others: Gasper Mansker, Bazel Boren. Morgan Bryan, Sr. and Jr., Thomas Kilgore and Wilson Hunt, who comprise the “six white men”, while James Bryan, as George Bryan attested, returned af­ter nine months in Tennessee and was not sighted by the old French trapper.


In February 1777, the Indians attacked Boonesborough and began a series of depredations, which lasted several years. In the spring of 1778, Daniel Boone was captured and carried away, during which time Rebecca Bryan Boone returned to North Car­olina with her relatives and Bazel Boren returned apparently to the Clinch River settlements.


In 1777, Bazel Boren and Susannah Bryan were married, probably in Washington County, Virginia (the marriage records were destroyed) and in the same year, Babel Boren is listed as one of those commissioned as a lieutenant of the militia. 31


The first child born to Bazel and Susannah Boren was Mary Boren, born September 1778. Sometime during this period, Baz­el was also joined in Washington County, Virginia, by his brother, John Boren, who married Sarah Alley, daughter of Peter Alley of Washington County.


In March 1779, Bazel Boren accompanied his brother‑in‑law George Bryan and others to the Elkhorn in Kentucky where they planted corn and cleared land until May. In July they returned for their families and brought them to Kentucky and in September of that year, Susannah’s parents, Morgan and Mary Bryan came out. By late fall, seventy families were on the Elkhorn, over four hundred in member, the nucleus of the settlement which became famous as “Bryan’s Station”. Susannah remained on the Clinch until July, for George Bryan relates:


“William Bryan brought one daughter, single, and William Grant brought his wife and also a single daughter...these were all the women that came out in the Spring...” 32


Bazel Boren remained at Bryan’s Station through the winter of 1779 ‑ 1780 and took tip land in what became Bourbon County.


The Indians attacked Martin’s and Russell’s Stations in the late summer of 1780 and the families once again returned to the Clinch and to North Carolina for protection.


Bazel Boren, together with his father‑in‑law, Morgan Bryan II and Morgan’s brothers James Bryan, fought at the bloody Battle of King’s Mountain, October 7, 1780. Bazel Boren was a lieuten­ant under Captain William Edmondson (killed) and Captain James Dysart of Col. William Campbell’s Virginia Regiment.


Captain Dysart was a Long Hunter and close associate of both Bazel Karen and the Kilgore’s. Thomas Kilgore, who had remained in Tennessee, living in a cave, traveled all the way to Virginia to participate in the battle with his five sons: Charles, Hiram, Robert, William, and James. Hiram Kilgore was killed, Charles and Robert both wounded.


Even more ironic was the fact that Samuel Bryan, brother of Morgan William, James and John Bryan and an uncle of Susannah Bryan Boren, was a Tory Colonel, in command of the North Car­olina Tory Regiment, which fought against Samuel’s own brothers at King’s Mountain. John Bryan was killed by Col. Edward Fan­ning upon information provided by his brother, Samuel Bryan, and a desperate feud persisted between the brothers.


Space does not permit a full recounting of the battle which has been covered in many other accounts, but suffice it to say that Bazel Boren so displaced his courage in this combat with Fergus­on’s British troops that “Boren’s River” near the battleground was named for him (now called Broad River).


Following the Battle of King’s Mountain, Morgan and James Bryan returned to their families at Bryan’s Station, Kentucky, while Bazel Boren apparently returned to the Clinch River where file appears upon many records between 1780 ‑ 1782.


Sometime during this period, as we have noted, Bazel Boren was joined in Washington County, Virginia by his father, Charles Bor­en, and brothers William and John Boren and probably others. The following records of Washington County are of particular interest:


“6 May 1782 ‑ William Boren enters 100 acres on Grassy Creek, waters of Copper Creek, being the place where said Boren lives.” 33


“29 May 1782 ‑ James Dysart enters 100 acres on waters of Copper Creek taking in a large spring on the road going from Charles Boren’s to the Clinch.” 34


“18 June 1782 ‑ Alexander Ritchie 300 acres on north side of Copper Creek including the Big Spring and on both sides of the road leading from (Patrick) Porter’s Mill to Boren’s Fort to include Kilgore’s Camp.” 35


“30 August 1782 – Thomas Alley, assignee of Peter Alley, 150 acres of land on waters of Copper Creek, joining the lines of Basil Boren’s lines to include the mouth of Big Branch, the mouth of Grassy Creek and up the creek for improvement.” 36


On November 20, 1782, Thomas Faires and Bazel Boren were again recommended for lieutenants of militia. 37 Tax lists and other records show John and William Boren who apparently arrived from Caswell County, North Carolina, between 1780-1782.” 38 Space does not permit a recounting of the court and other records concerning these persons in Washington County, Virginia.


In 1782, Thomas Kilgore organized a company of men to accompany him back to Tennessee for settlement in the Red River country where they had explored some years before on several occasions. We know the names of some of these persons, most of whom were from the Clinch River: Bazel Boren, William Boren, John Boren, Charles Boren (others of the family). Martin Duncan, Morgan Bryan III, Charles Kilgore, Moses Maulden, Ambrose Maulson, Samuel Mason, Josiah Hankins, William Crabtree, “and sever other families”. They arrived in the latter part of the year 1783 and erected a fort called “Kilgore’s Station” near Sulphur Fork of the Red River. Thomas Kilgore remained ever afterward and died on his farm where he had first lived in a cave. He is buried in Villines Cemetery, Robertson County, Tennessee and his tombstone reads: “Thomas Kilgore – Major N.C. Mil. Rev. War 1715-1823, having died at the age of 108 years.”


In 1784 Col. John Montgomery and Col. Martin Armstrong founded the town of Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee, and shortly afterward the town of Palmyra was founded. Bazel and Stephen Boren becoming among the first lot purchasers.


In nearby Sumner County, Gasper Mansker founded Mansker’s Station and Morgan Bryan III (brother of Susannah Bryan Boren) took up land adjoining Bazel Boren and soon after there was Renfro’s Station and Prince’s Station and several other settlements. The new settlers formed a militia and government and called it Mero District, the first justices of which were Col. John Montgomery, Bazel Boren, Andrew Jackson (later president of the United States). Archibald Roane, Samuel Donelson (a brother of Rachel Donelson, wife of Andrew Jackson) and others. The first cases brought before this court concerned Andrew Jackson and a horse and the widow Stewart in which William Boren was a witness. 39


In the spring of 1787, Bazel Boren is enumerated with his brothers John and William in the Davidson County, Tennessee, tax list, but shortly thereafter, removed with his family to Bryan’s Station, Kentucky where he resided until 1789, near his father‑in-­law, Morgan Bryan II. Little is known of his activities hero except for the following:


“Petition No. 54…Your petitioners are induced again from the hardships and disadvantages they labor under; by being con­nected with the county of Bourbon. Your petitioners live in the Limestone settlements near the Ohio River and are detached from every other inhabitant of said county ‑ at least thirty miles, ex­cept a small settlement at the Blue Licks, etc…We your peti­tioners therefore do pray that a division of said county be made...from Blue Russell County Boon’s Creek…to Stoner’s Fork…to the Kentucky River…etc.” 40


The above petition was dated August 25, l 787 and signed by, among others, “Bazal Borns”.


The following letter was written while Bazel Boren yet resided in Fayette County near Bryan’s Station, and is self‑explanatory:


“Five pound reward. Edward M. Dole left Cumberland on the 10th inst. (February) with a horse which he stole (description of horse and man follows)…whoever apprehends is the said thief and horse, and secures them so that the owner may, get his horse again, shall receive the above reward; or if the thief he committed to jail, and the horse delivered to the care of Mr. Morgan Bryan of Fayette County, or Sir. Andrew Laver of Linn County shall rec­eive the reward (signed) John Boren.” 41


The year 1790 saw Bazel Boren back in Tennessee, active in civil and military affairs too numerous to recount in this limited space. In 1791, following the organization of Tennessee as a territory with William Blount as governed the following record is noted:


“Gen. Daniel Smith, 1791, Mar. 7 ‑ June 14 at the treaty ground (King’s Mountain). List of persons appointed by Governer Blount and changes in military and civil officers in Tennessee:

Bennett Searcy, Thomas Johnson 42...Samuel Donelson, Henry Johnson (father of Thomas), John Montgomery, Basil Boran...”43


In ???? Tennessee was formed into a state and a constitutional convention was held at Knoxville, and the delegates to the conven­tion from Robertson Country newly formed, were: Thomas John­son, James Ford, William Fort, William Prince and Robert Prince.


No mention is made of Bazel Boren, but a notation in the Robert­son County, Tennessee court record states: “and that Bazil Boren be appointed a delegate to the Constitutional Convention at Knoxville…” with no further mention of whether or not he at­tended.


What is known is that Bazel Boren was appointed at this conven­tion as the first justice and register of the newly formed Robert­son County, Tennessee, together with his brothers William, John, Stephen and Moses who all held some office, as did his brother Francis Boren. Stephen and Moses Boren were the first con­stables. 44


The following letter (paraphrased) was written to Morgan Bryan II by Mary Bryan McMahan, sister of Susannah Bryan Boren:


“To Mr. Morgan Bryan living in Virginia (Kentucky) Fayette County near Lexonton These North Carolina Roan County September the 16th 1793


Honoured Father and Mother I gladly embrace this opportunity of letting you know that we are all in good health at present. We received your letter by the hand of Mr. Enoch Bryan hearing of your health gave us much Satisfaction also hearing of piece and plenty in your parts of the Country…Weather very bad the wet not permitting us to work our crops…vet we are blest with plenty…I received a letter from Bazel Boren with much satisfaction dated June the 29 which says they are all well…your affectionate children till death


Samuel McMahan and

Mary McMahan


Please to let brother Morgin know that I have sent to him by Enoch Bryan three dollars and a half…rental monies, etc.”45


In 1800, Morgan Bryan, Susannah’s brother, sold the last of his land in Tennessee to Bazel Boren.46 Bazel continued to be the dominant figure in county records of Robertson County, Tennes­see, until the clear 1809 at which time he resigned his commission as register and removed faith his family to Johnson County, Illinois.


The children born to Bazel and Susannah Boren were as follows:

1) Mary born Sept. 1778, md. 10 Jacob Young 2) Willis Boren (son of John Boren and Sarah Alley; Willis died in Utah).

2) Sarah (Sally) born 1785, md. William Dorris

3) John md. Lydia Chapman

4) Nancy md. James W. Hogan

5)Susannah md. William Spears

6) Martha

7) Morgan Bryan Boren born 1795, md. Anne Lathum, died 1851.

8) Bazel Jr. md. Cassandra Boren, sister of Willis.

9) Tinney

10) Rebecca born 15 May 1807 Robertson County, Tennessee died 9 June, 1868 in Texas; md 1) Lewis Lathum 2) James Kolb

11) Coleman Bryan born 14 Oct. 1808 Robertson County, Tennessee, died 13 May 1858, Provo Utah: md. 1) Malinda Keller, 2) Flora Maria Kingsley.

12) Mourning md. Matthew Waters, Jr. in McCracken County, Kentucky.


There may have been other children. Some sources list Israel Boren as one who accompanied his sister Rebecca (names for Daniel Boone’s wife) to Texas and there married a Commanche Indian woman. He was supposedly hanged for having murdered a man with an axe during a feud.


Bazel Boren resided in Johnson County, Illinois, until his death, which occurred in 1812. His wife, Susannah, petitioned for the care of the “two infant children, Mourning and Coleman”.


The climax to Bazel Boren’s career as a Long Hunter and explorer came about when Daniel Boone, on a return visit to Kentucky in 1810, set out to locate all of his old friends and companions, such as Michael Stoner in Wayne County, Kentucky, and Simon Kenton in Indiana. On this visit, Boone stopped at the home of Bazel Boren in Illinois and before leaving, left Bazel his trusty old dog “Neddy”, named no doubt for Boone’s brother, Edward “Neddy” Boone who was killed by Indians in 1780. The old dog gained fame when he “saved the early settlers from marauding panthers.” 47


The author of this account is the grandson of William Coleman Boren, son of Coleman Bryan Boren, who in turn was the youngest son of Bazel and Susannah Boren. Bazel Boren’s grave has never been located, and while his widow was residing in Union County, Illinois in 1818, she was absent from the 1820 census.


Coleman Boren married as his first wife, Malinda Keller, born in Rowan County, North Carolina. These had met at a dance in Un­ion County, Illinois and were married there in 1830. Shortly thereafter, Coleman Boren joined the Mormons and suffered the persecutions endured by them in Missouri. He was appointed by Brigham Young as President of the Pisgah (Iowa) Branch of the Church and came to Utah in 1851 settling in Provo, Utah Valley. Here he died in 1858 after serving in the Indian wars. His second (polygamous) wife was Flora Maria Kingsley, who was the great grandmother of this writer.


The Boren family is steeped in the traditions of pioneering and exploring. Coleman Boren named one of his sons Albert Boone Boren, in honor of Daniel Boone, and this family pioneered Utah, Arizona and points west.


Francis Boren, brother of Bazel Boren, was the grandfather of Carson Dobbins Boren, founder of Seattle, Washington. Other Boren’s were pioneers of Texas, California, Oregon; and numerous descendants live in these regions today.


The Boren families, whose traditions originate in Southwest Virginia, have not been well known, but will, because of their accom­plishments, not soon be forgotten.




1) Cavaliers & Pioneer of Virginia; wills of Currituck Co.. N. C.

2) Maryland State Archives, Annapolis, Maryland: Liber 12, Eolio 589.

3) John Boreing, Maryland Planter, Edwin G. Boring, typescript, copies in Virginia State Library and Maryland Archives.

4) Reubin Boren of Baltimore County, Maryland, son of Thomas Boren and Elizabeth Welsh, and a great‑grandson of John Boreing; married Miss Vaughn, daughter of Abraham Vaughn and Edith Gist, she being a granddaughter of Christopher Gist, Sr. and a niece of Nathaniel Gist companion of Daniel Boone.

5) History of North Carolina. Ashe, Vol. 1, p. 282.

6) ibid. p. 277

7) Report of Bureau Ethnology, 1898, Mooney & Payne mss. p. 108‑109.

8) American Heritage Service, Vol. 1, (1967). 1755 tax list.

9) Abstracts Minutes Court Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Orange Co., N. C.

10) ibid.

11) Colonial Record of North Carolina, Saunders, Vol. VIII. Prefatory notes.

12) ibid.

13) Wells and Allied Families, Guy H. Wells, Milledgeville, GA. p. 73.

14) Orange County, N. C. Will Book A., p. 188.

15) ibid. p. 93

16) Charles Kilgore of King’s Mountain, Hugh M. Addington, 1935.

17) Orange County, N. C. tax list 1755, op cit.

18) Reminiscences of Peter M. Wentz, Provo, Utah, who married a granddaughter of Bazel Boren: “Bazel Boren was a short, heavy set, dark-complected man”

19) Further information on these men can be obtained in Historical Sketches of South­west Virginia. Southwest Virginia Historical Society Publication No. 5, March 1970, “The Long Hunters” by Emory L Hamilton.

20) George Bryan of Paris, Kentucky, Draper Manuscript Collection, Wisconsin Histor­ical Society (George Bryan was the brother‑in‑law of Bazel Boren).

21) Washington County, Virginia, deeds.

22) “Daniel Boone. An Account of His Adventures,” published in Early Indiana Trails by Hon. O. H. Smith, 1858; originally presented in Family Magazine, 1836.

23) ibid.

24) William English’s Tax List of New River Tithables, Virginia State Library.

25) Land grant and deed records, Washington County, Virginia; surveyors records, l 782. It is also interesting to note that “Huston’s Fort” was erected by Wm. Huston (1757 ‑ ?), great‑great uncle of Gen. Sam Houston of Texas. Mary Houston, sister of James Houston, married Joshua Boren of Watauga, Tenn.

26) J. & D. Bradford vs. Abraham McClelland, Hughes, Ky. Reports, p. 195; “And the deposition of Daniel Boone was read, in which he states that he located a preemp­tion of 1,000 acres…to include a camp made by himself and William Bryant (sic) on the north side of the Elkhorn…”etc. The deposition further states that said camp was made prior to 1775, and perhaps as early as 1773 the site had been visited by them.

27) Tennessee Cousins. Worth S. Ray, p. 393.

28) Draper Manuscript, 22C ‑ 22.

29) Bazel and Stephen Boren were among the first lot holders here. The county was named for Col. John Montgomery who visited the site with Boren and Mansker in 1775.

30) Picturesque Clarksville. Past & Present, p. 11.

31) Washington County. Virginia court minutes, 1777.

32) Draper Mss., op cit., William Bryan was married to Mary Boone, sister of Daniel Boone, while William Grant married Elizabeth, another sister. Edward “Neddy” Boone, brother of Daniel Boone, married Martha Bryan, sister of the Bryan brothers. Edward Boone was killed by Indians in the fall of 1780.

33) Surveyor’s Entry Book from 1780, Washington Co., Virginia, p.33.

34) ibid. p. 36

35) ibid. p. 40. This is where Thomas Kilgore and Bazel Boren first camped in 1769.

36) ibid. p. 46. Y Thomas Alley was a brother and Peter Alley the father of Sarah Alley, wife of John Boren.

37) Washington County, Virginia court minutes, 1782.

38) Caswell County, N. C. tax list 1777, Gloucester District: Susannah Boran, widow of Joseph Boran; James and William Boran (sons of Joseph); and William Boran, “son of Charles Boran.”

39) Court Records, Mero District, North Carolina.

40)  Filson Club Publication No. 27 (KY).

41) The Kentucky Gazette. Lexington, KY, March 7, 1789.

42) Bartlett Searcy was one of those who was captured with Daniel Boone in 1778 and carried to Detroit but was later released. Thomas Johnson was the father of Cave Johnson, postmaster general in President Polk’s cabinet.

43) Draper’s Tennessee Papers, Wisconsin Historical Society, 4 XX 22.

44) Robertson County, Tennessee court minutes, 1796.

45) The John D. Shane Papers, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, PA, Mss. Sh 18 B 8455.

46) Henry County, KY deed books, 1800.

47) Letter of Judge Alley D. Boren of San Bernardino, CA, a grandson of John Boren and Sarah Alley.