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Welcome to my Treehouse!

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Featured Page
5 November 1997
Thanks Geocities!!

Hi, my name is Penny. I live with my children, Christian and Caitlin, and my husband, Woody, in the Missouri Ozarks. We recently moved here from an Army post in Kansas. I have been off-line for a few months, since we moved and am in the process of getting my pages updated once again-----so please bear with me and if you find a broken link----please let me know!!

Woody has decided to build a homepage and slowly but surely it is taking shape----if you would like to visit him and give him a few words of encouragement he would really appreciate it! Click here to visit him!

I enjoy crafts, especially cross stich and ceramics, genealogy, and reading almost anything I can get my hands on! I was born in Missouri but since that time (with a little help from the Army, of course!) have traveled in many states and Canada.

Are you interested in making some friends and having a lot of fun? Then be sure and check out THE SITE FIGHTS! I had a great time while I was competing there, you will find a lot of wonderful sites and people!

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Index of all Pages on this Site


The toughest job in the Army

Native American Page

My Genealogy

The Library

Christian Links

Country Cookin'

Angel Pages

Memberships and Webrings

My Pro-Life Page

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Adopted MIA

Click Here If You Love Jesus

Christian Ladies

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Hart Award

I am proud and honored to accept this award! Thank you Bruce!! If you would like to read about the history of this award, just click on it!

If you would like to see my other awards go to
My Awards Page

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Thanks for stopping by and come again soon!!


Credit for backgrounds and graphics go to
Vikimouse logo and to Touch of Country

You are listening to The Dance from Jack's Shack
If you aren't hearing music you need Crescendo!

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© 1997, 1998, 1999
These pages last updated on 13 Jan 1999

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