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For information on Upcomming pups on any females please and pedigree research please contact me ..

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Here are my Kanno Beautys not only are they part of a great breeding program to improve and create the "type" I am striving for but all have top show lines and have excellent temperments that are passed on to their pups.CLICK on thier named for thier own pages..

Above GR.CH.Gaff Kanno New Addition (Zeena) Owned by Kanno Kennels Zeena is TOP WINNING BITCH IN THE TOP 10 UKC THIS YEAR!

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mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)UKC PR DNA KANNOS ONCE IN A BLUE MOONmauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)CLICK FOR HER PAGE

Moonie has produced 2 grand champions one champion and 2 others major pointed and to be finished soon,Moonie would be a champion herself she had 2 majors and lost one due to my input of a wrong number I am trying to inquire to get
those points back so my girl can championed as she should have at 10 months of age as she has one best female and one BOW.
She produces great dogs with wonderful temperments
with tremendous bone and movement they really have it all!Moonie was bred by Kanno Kennels .BLue and White female 68 pounds 18 1/2 inches and all muscle!

mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)UKC PR DNA KANNOS ONCE IN A BLUE MOONmauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)CLICK FOR HER PAGE

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AKC/UKC Kannos Sweet s A Peach Peachy is a VERY VERY thick muscular bully bitch with a outstanding headpiece short mussle a strong rear, short back and a high prey drive she is out of some of the greatest winning champion am staff lines, she has a grat pedigree and has a very sweet temperment. Peaches will be bred to Blade and I excpect short thick am staffs with very blocky headpeices.

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GR.CH.Kanno's B'Aires Truth To Be Told AKA"Celestial" DNA-P-TT*CGC- is 72 pounds and growing, bred by Kanno Kennels owned by Buenos Aires Kannos Co-owned by Kanno Kennel she will be bred to a a blue Gr Champion male if interested in pups email: for more info on these pups.!

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AKC /UKC Kannos Chata < blue and white female 75 pounds, linbreed Woods EZ all champions pups dueSOON!.

mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)GR CH Gaff Kannos New Addition

mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)(photo on right at 11 months after I showed her with a broken hand and she won BOW to complete her championship!)ZEENA IS #1 ON TOP TEN 2002 ,I AM SO PROUD OF MY GIRL!!!I have had Zeena since only a few weeks old she is VERY loving and has a wonderful temperment.Keep an eye out for my girl give her a kiss from me when you see her!She will always be #l to me even when she doesn't win !!Zeena is co-owned with Showstar Kennels and was bred by the great Pam Carter.

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mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)CH PR DNAP Kannos Sorci of Moreno

mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)Sterling has won very quickly in only 2 shows she is very correct and is a full little mater sister to Gr Ch Kannos Skyes The Limit STERLING is co-owned with Kaos Kennels

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mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)AKC / UKC KANNO'S TATTOED IN mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)

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mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)AKC KANNOS IMA BULLY DAISY MAE ( BULLDOG)mauvrosesmbt.jpg (1185 bytes)


Daisy Mae is an AKC registered Bulldog her pedigree contains some of the top
bulldogs of our time, she is tightly breed JAYLOU.
                                She is a very stocky bitch with a great attitude, wide chest, great head and substance.She will be breed soon to a champion male of the same lines pulling in the best this breed hasto offer.Kannos Daisy mae is line bred with Bulldogs descending from"CH. Lord Timothy Scott".In his show career he had 190 BB at all breed show, 8 BB at specialty shows, and 29 BIS all breed, he also ended up with 162 group placings.

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