This gedcom, WDNL0796.GED (Ward Descendants Not Living - July 1996), is to be considered "work copy". This on-going effort is a compilation of:

1. _The William WARD Genealogy_, by Charles MARTYN, published by Artemus WARD of the seventh generation in 1925;

2. the life long research efforts of the late Clarence H. ("Hap") WARD;

3. the individual research efforts of a host of other WARD family descendants who have contributed in varying degrees to the present status of this effort.

This gedcom has been compiled primarily by Robert N. WARD and Craig BEEMAN. It contains to date, all "known descendants" of: William WARD of Sudbury, MA, born abt 1603, including spouses and their parents if known, excluding those individuals born after 1940, except for families of those of us actively involved in the continuing research of and/or contribution to the long range goal we have set of identifying as many descendants of this family as we can in our lifetimes, for the genealogical and historical benefit of future generations of WARD family researchers.

This effort contains just under 23,000 names to date. Approximately 10,000 are from _The William WARD Genealogy_, by Charles MARTYN, 1925. Robert N. WARD, input all of MARTYN and all of the data that his late father, "Hap" WARD, had compiled, as well as his own research efforts into Brother's Keeper format. Craig BEEMAN merged this data, and that of his own efforts, along with that contributed by other WARD family descendants we have made contact with, into the PAF GEDCOM this effort now represents.

A copy of MARTYN was handed down through the family of Robert KLINE, whose mother's name, (Grace CLARK) was included in MARTYN. They have always been aware of the WARD family ancestry. Their family's first ancestor bearing the WARD surname was Robert KLINE's great grandmother, Carrie Janette WARD.

Robert N. WARD, who is descended from Nehemiah WARD who emigrated to Canada before the Revolutionary War, added the many thousands of William WARD's descendants from MARYTN, and the many other lines of his family. He has continued the research efforts of his father, Clarence "Hap" WARD, who passed away in 1993. "Hap", along with Harold Fanjoy, published "The Seelys of New Brunswick" in 1992. The SEELYs were also in New England in the 1600's. "Hap" researched many sources in both North America and the United Kingdom.

Craig BEEMAN's wife, Jan, is a Great Great Great Granddaughter of Moses WARD, b abt 1774, who left MA, going to (W.) VA, during the 1820's. Craig had researched the family back to William WARD of Sudbury, several years ago, thanks in part to having come across an original copy of Andrew Henshaw WARD's, _WARD Family, Descendants of William WARD who settled in Sudbury, Mass., in 1639, with an appendix_, 1851, in a local library, and other corroborating Massachusetts records.

Additionally, there have been several valuable contributions made through Fidonet and Internet e-mail contacts. Those that have been included, have other reasonably reliable sources. The records of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, while having been a valuable starting point in some cases for some researchers, HAVE NOT knowingly been used in this effort except when separate independent verification has been made.

In 1994 Robert KLINE posted a message on the FidoNet National Genealogical Echo, asking if anyone was updating MARTYN, or considering doing so. Of those responding, Craig BEEMAN, volunteered to undertake the task, and began the task of inputting MARTYN into a PAF database. In the summer of 1995, when Craig had input a little over half of MARTYN's work, Robert N. WARD and Robert KLINE made contact. Robert Ward was working on a database and subsequently finished inputting all of MARTYN and continues inputting his late father's work. It was decided to try to merge all our efforts into one. GEDCOMS were exchanged between the three of us, with Robert N. WARD maintaining his BK database, and converting Craig BEEMAN's data to the BK format data. Craig has taken all additional BK format data and converted it to conform to PAF specification. Both have input, or are in process of inputting all pertinent genealogical data, adding edited notes, or in some instances the complete notes, and identifiable sources, including their own. Craig has merged and edited the data of the several gedcoms contributed by other WARD family descendants to conform to PAF specification in order to add that data to this effort.

Please notify of any errors or any noted discrepancies you might be in a position to apprise us of. Additions are most welcome!

Robert KLINE:

Robert N. WARD: