District 11-A2, Region IV - Zone I, Established 1940
VFW Hall, 34339 Division (32 Mile Road), Richmond, Michigan 48062
Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 PM
Posted 23 March 2000
Richmond Lions Club Photos!
Our 1940 Charter! (signed by then Secretary, Melvin Jones!)
* Current Events
* Other Information
Who are the Lions?
Lions International was founded in 1919. The Lions were just a social club until 1925, when Hellen Keller (the famous blind and deaf spokesperson), appeared at one of their meetings. She laid down a challenge for the Lions to become the "Knights of the Blind in the crusade against darkness." From this challenge, the Lions established the White Cane as a symbol of independence for blind people; founded some of the first Leader Dog Schools in the world; and established the majority of the world's eye banks.
From this humble start, the Lions have grown to over 1,400,000 members, the largest service organization in the world!
Officers, 1999 - 2000
President: Jim Townsend
Vice President: Paul Ostby
Immediate Past President: Leonard Konwinski
Secretary: Don Girodat, Ph. (810) 727-3843
Corresponding Secretary: Bob Rapley
Treasurer: Dan Schubert
- Jim Engels
- James Capozzo
- William Roberts (exp. 00)
- Calvin Oke (exp. 00)
Tail Twister: Dan Wung
Asst. Tail Twister: Tom Hebel
Lion Tamer: Larry Hazelhuhn
Membership: Wayne Seifert
Webmaster: Dan Wung, Ph. (810) 727-9524, wungd@gdls.com
1998 Richmond Lions Club Membership Roster
1999 Richmond Lions Club Committees
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Current Events
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Other Information
* Back to the Top
- Budget and Financial Information
- Planned Programs
- Membership Notes
- Our Charter
© 1997. Email me at wungd@gdls.com
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