In light of recent events, I figured this is the best thing to put up on my website (Sorry my love, I'll put you back on soon! The guy in this picture is my cousin Rob, he went out and bought a rebel flag and ol glory, I had to take a picture of this one and post it up here!!! E-mail @ and give me you feedback!!! God Bless Our United States of America and God Bless our troops and bring them all home safe and sound!!!
A little about myself...
I am a 23 year old male who has no job (fuckers shut us down.. they will regret that one)and I live in Michigan, USA (GO BLUE!!), I also used to enjoy chat (yeah.. used to...). Normally I could be found in Yahoo Chat under either snowfox19 or shadow8479, but due to me finding a wondering, sexy redhead.. it wont happen for a while. I currently have a wonderful girlfriend (Angela, I love you!!! *Hugs and Loads of Kissez*), she is my world and anyone who decides to step in between me and her, will get knocked the hell out!. I am NOT open to making webpages, but you must understand, I am no Longer a webmaster. Any questions should be referred to me, e-mail : Unless it is a complaint, then you can kiss my white hairy ass!
This is to all those sorry ass punks who dont beleive in America, yeah, we lets you bitches in here, but that doesnt mean you can take our money and then try to make this like your own home. I am a firm beleiver in pride, and anyone who doesnt take pride in AMERICA needs to get back on that plane, or boat and get the hell out of here and quit wasting our landspace!!!!
And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I'll gladly stand up.... next to you and defend her still today.. Cuz there aint no doubt I love this land.... GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!!
Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA"
© 2003 ShadowRealm Scriptures (all rights reserved... well... whatever...)