Sunday, July 13, 2008

2:00 PM

Pickett's Mill Battlefield
State Historic Site

RSVP by signing the Guest Book
We will be cooking out!  There is a good barbecue pit are - the pictures looks like it is screened in.  Keith has volunteered to be the chief cook - but I am sure her will have lots of help, right Jody?  Tommy?  Benny?  Greg?  Randy?  Michael?  Mark?  Daniel? Tony?  Jeff?  And the list goes on...  Melanie and Johnnie have volunteered to help Keith do the shopping and get the stuff for burgers and hot dogs, buns, all the trimmings and all the paper goods.  Then everyone can chip in on the total cost.  We will also need volunteers to bring chips, baked beans, ice cream freezers and fixins, beverages and any other desserts or snacks.  Email Melanie or Johnnie if you are able to bring anything.

Also, we want to put together a directory of everybody's address, email, phone numbers, birthdays and anniversaries.  Please
email Melanie with your information.  She need this as soon as possible – so please respond right away!  THANKS!

Pickett's Mill is located in Dallas.  The admission price you see on the website is only for the visitor's center.  You do not have to pay if you don't go to the visitor’s center.  But there is a $3 parking fee for the group shelter.

I believe the group shelter is located off of Acworth-Dallas Road (Highway 92).  Johnnie and Melanie will be going out there soon to check it out.  We hope every family will make a big effort to be there!  Wouldn’t it be great to make one big family picture?