"Hear O' Israel, HaShem is our G-d, HaShem alone"
Shomrai HaBrit-Keepers of the Covenant
Table of Contents
These brochures, in Adobe Acrobat format, are for the use of Jewish (non-messianic) organizations to print out
and use. In the blank area under "Area learning opportunities:" please list a couple
opportunities for Jews in the age range you are trying to reach (young adult or adult).
Feel free to make as many copies of these as you like for handing out to your fellow
Jews. Let me know if you find these helpful. (- G. Shapiro)
Let your Heritage Spark your Spirit - version 1
Let your Heritage Spark your Spirit - version 2
What Really Happens After I Die? A Jewish look at the afterlife
Countering Deceptive Missionaries An introductory guide.
Background Materials
The Thirteen
Principles of the Jewish Faith
Order of events in the Messianic era
A Jewish view
of "satan"
to deal with quotes from missionaries
G-d require us to be perfect?
Signs, Wonders, and Prophets
Original sin? No way
A Summary of why Jews Should not be Christians
On the Oral
What's the Harm in it?
The Eternality of the Covenant
A History of Jews for Jesus
The Pharisees
and their Wisdom
Septuagent, DSS,
and Torah
In Search of the Historical Jesus
Jesus, Sukkot, and Zechariah
The Saducees and Jesus' Trial
Who were the
Nazarenes (Jewish-'Christians') and when did they become Heretics
Prophecies Used by Missionaries and the Jewish Interpretation based on the original Hebrew texts:
For further information, read one of the recommended
books or visit our links page
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"In the way of righteousness is life;
and in its path there is no death." (Proverb 12:28)
All posts here © copyright 1997-2002 by Shomrai HaBrit-Keepers
of the Covenant and G. Shapiro unless otherwise specifically stated.
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