Family Reunions

O'Connor Family Reunions

The family of John Joseph and Mary O'Connor have been getting together annually for a Family Picnic, in and around the London, Ontario, CANADA area since 1958. At times the picnic included many cousins and second cousins.

The Year 2000 O'Connor Family Picnic will be held at the Dorchester Community Park, Dorchester on Sunday August 13th. The Park Pavilion has been reserved for us!

O'Connor 2000

In 1986, a weekend Family Reunion began. This was to continue every three years. This now allows members of the O'Connor family from all over North America the opportunity to spend more time getting reaquainted with each other.

In the past, events have included Pancake Breakfasts, Children's games, sporting activities, BBQ Lunch, Wine & Cheese party, Family Portraits, followed by a Semi-formal banquet or a catered BBQ.

On the final day, Sunday, we have a family Mass, said by Fr. Pat O'Connor followed by brunch and a final farewell.

This event has been well attended in the past and we hope it will continue well in to the future.

Latest News on O'Connor 2001

The sixth O'Connor Family Reunion Weekend is in the planning stages right now. The location will likely be moved to a spot on Lake Huron near Port Elgin, Ontario.

For more information, contact Chairman Kevin O'Connor, at:

***NOTE: The 1998 O'Connor Family Weekend was a huge success attended by approx. 150 "O'Connor" relations. A big "thank-you" to all those involved, especially, Gary O'Connor and Cathy Bristow, Jim O'Connor, Pat O'Connor, Bob and Heather O'Connor and Theresa and Kevin O'Connor and Father Pat O'Connor, from P.A. USA, who helped us to celebrate a family mass.


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